
Irish Radio Transmitters Society

Radio News Bulletin

Sunday 19th April 2015


Silent Key - Frank EI2GS

The death has occurred of Frank O'Brien EI2GS, Elmwood, Ballybeg

formerely Enniskerry County Wicklow, on Saturday 4th April 2015.

Funeral took place on Wednesday 8th April to Mount Jerome Cematorium. A

more complete obituary will appear in the next edition of ECHO Ireland.

May he rest in peace.


Silent Key - Sean (John) EI5FJ

The death has occurred of Sean (John) Hallissy EI5FJ on Tuesday 7th

April 2015. Sean was from Carhan Road, Caherciveen, County Kerry.

Funeral took place on Friday 10th April to Aghadoe Cemetary Killarney.

May he rest in peace


83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally - 25th/26thApril-Kilkenny 2015

IRTS AGM dinner and rally takes place next weekend. There is still some

dinner tickets available and can be obtained by contacting the

organising committee members now via email at irtsagm /at/ searg.com

Admission to the dinner is strictly by ticket only.


Two Metres Contest

The contest manager has asked everyone who participated to submit their

log - even if it's only for a few QSOs. Logs can be emailed to

contestmanager /at/ irts.ie or sent by post to Joe EI7GY at his home

address (see the call book). The deadline for logs is tomorrow Monday

20th April.


Amateur Station Licence Examination

The next Amateur Station Licence Examination will be held on Thursday,

4th June in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. Full details, including entry

procedure, examination fee and how to pay the fee on line are available

at www.irts.ie/exam . Please note that it is necessary to download the

application form from the web page and forward the completed form and

the appropriate fee so as to secure a place for the examination. If you

pay the fee on line you must still complete and forward the application

form. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is

Wednesday 20th May. Three Exam Reports which were previously published

in Echo Ireland are now available on the Downloads section of the

website at www.irts.ie/downloads under Studying for the Harmonised

Amateur Radio Examination Certificate. These reports contain very

useful information for anyone studying for the Licence Examination.


Lough Erne Radio Rally

The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club 34th Annual Rally will be held on

Sunday 10th May at the Share Centre, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh. Doors

open at 11.30am

It is easy to travel by express bus from Dublin to the Lough Erne Rally

in The SHARE centre on Sunday 10th May. A service at 7.30am from the

Busaras stops in Derrylin at 10am (on the way on to Enniskillen and

Donegal) The SHARE Centre minibus will meet and take rally goers the

final five miles from Derrylin to SHARE. A bacon butty and coffee

breakfast will be available at 10.30. Doors open at 11.30. Return

services from Derrylin depart at 2.45pm or at 4.45pm More on website -


Cork Radio Club Annual General Meeting

Cork Radio Club held their resumed Annual General Meeting on Wednesday

last April 15th with a good attendance at Carrigtwohill Community


In the election of officers, Jack O'Connell EI7HO was elected chairman,

Don Kelly EI8DJ is vice-chairman, Dave EI4BZ is Secretary, Jim Barry

EI8GS is treasurer, Tim McKnight EI2KA is QSL and Awards Manager and

Dave Deane EI9FBB and Jerry Cahill EI6BT make up the committee. The

club will now hold meetings twice monthly, on the first and third

Wednesdays each month at Carrigtwohill Community Centre with a starting

time of 8.30pm.

Their next meeting will be on May 6th when Dave Deane EI9FBB will give

a talk on "DXpedition Difficulties" following on from his very well

received talk at the GM DX Convention last weekend. He will also be

giving a talk at next weekend's IRTS AGM in Kilkenny.

The next confirmed outdoor event for the club will be a Summer Barbeque

to be held in conjunction with CW Field on the 6th and 7th of June.

Several other events are in the planning stages and will be confirmed

in due course.

Tributes were paid to Vincent EI7HN for his commitment to broadcasting

the weekly IRTS Radio News bulletin at 8pm every Monday night on the

Cork Repeater. Listeners are encouraged to stay on frequency after the

bulletin and also to support the Cork Repeater Activity night at 9pm

every Thursday.

Members are asked to pay their annual membership fee of -20.00 to

Treasurer Jim EI8GS as soon as possible.

New members are very welcome, especially anyone who intends to study

for the licence examination.

Anyone interested is invited to call to Carrigtwohill Community Centre

on the first or third Wednesday of any month and further information is

available from Dave EI4BZ on 087-6290574 or by emailing



2m Nets

SEARG will continue their 2m net on Tuesday nights after the IRTS

weekly news. This is to promote the use of the band, which has seen a

decline in use. The intended frequency used is 145.400MHz and net has

had many stations calling in since its introduction. Everyone welcome

to join in.

Fingal Radio Club and Dermot EI2HD continue their 2m call-in on

Wednesday and every Wednesday at 7p.m. Please try and give your support

by getting on the air. Keep 2metres alive. The frequency is

145.7625MHz, CTCSS 88.5KHz on the Dublin repeater


Martello Tower

The Howth Martello Radio Group EI0MAR will be participating as an Award

Station in the annual International Marconi Day event next Saturday

25th of April. The station is located in Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of

Vintage Radio in the Martello Tower in Howth. Access is off Abbey

Street up a steep path opposite the Abbey Tavern. You can actually

drive up the to tower itself and park. Visitors will be most welcome.

The annual Prawn Festival is also taking place on the same day so a

good day can be had by all next Saturday in Howth.

The Group has also recently been operating EI90IARU from the Martello

tower mainly on CW with lots of pile-ups. It hopes to repeat this

throughout the year, subject to availability and permission, on various

Thursdays throughout the year. Watch this space for further updates.


DX News

Dave WJ2O will be in Nicaragua from 22nd to 30th April. He will operate

as YN/WJ2O from the station of YN2N. Dave has travelled widely and has

been QRV from many countries including EI and GI in 2012.

A group of 4 Australian operators will be active from Norfolk Island as

VK9NT from 24th April to 4th May. They plan to be QRV on all bands 160

- 10m SSB and CW. QSLs can be requested by using the Club Log OQRS


Gordon G3USR will be operating holiday style from Freeport on Grand

Bahama Island from 22nd to 27th April. His callsign will be C6AGM. He

requests that QSLs are sent directly to his home call.

Two German amateurs will be active from Armenia from 23rd April to 5th

May. Look for EK/DL7UCX and EK/DK7AO on 160 - 10m on CW, SSB and RTTY.

Denis, VP8DOZ, who has been active from South Georgia Islands mostly on

17 metres SSB, has now uploaded his log to ARRL's Logbook of the World.

If you are lucky to have been among his 419 QSOs made over the past two

months, well done. He is now QRT.


EuCW QRS Activity Week

The EuCW cordially invites all radio amateurs and SWLs to take part in

the annual EuCW QRS Activity Week. This is not a contest, on the

contrary, it is an invitation to slow down CW speeds and to enjoy

plenty of slow Morse activity for a period of five days. The dates

selected are intended to avoid weekend contest activity. The goal is

not self-exposure and competitiveness but to lower the threshold for

newcomers to give CW a try.

Amateur Radio operators are asked to call 'CQ QRS between 26th April

and 1st May 2015. Take a look at eucw.org.


Items for inclusion in next week's Radio News can be submitted via

e-mail to "newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie" for automatic forwarding to

both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the

radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on

085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no

later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in

the following Sunday's bulletin.

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