
Weekly news from the WIA:

MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2014-12-21.mp3 Text edition:




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WIA Presidents Christmas Broadcast

WIA Exam Service "fully accessible"

WIA Repeater and Beacon Licence Recommendation Policy



WIA Presidents Christmas Broadcast

This is Phil Wait, President of the WIA.

2014 was an important year. Firstly, we managed to repair the WIA's finances,

and I'm happy to tell you that the WIA is on track to show a small surplus

this year, with the full benefit not becoming apparent until the end of 2015 -

quite a turn-around.

I'm also happy to tell you that the total WIA membership is about the same as

it was last year prior to the membership fee increase, and it was very pleasing

to see such a strong number of new WIA members, and many previous members

re-joining throughout 2014.

The Department of Communications Spectrum Review and the remake of the Amateur

Licence Conditions Determination were both initiated in 2014. These are two

areas where we can see substantial opportunities to improve the licence

conditions and increase the public benefit of amateur radio.

The WIA made a series of major submissions to the Department of Communications

and to the ACMA on these issues, and it will continue to take a very pro-active

stance as they play-out over the next couple of years.

The Department of Communications recently released the "Spectrum Review -

Potential Reform Directions" paper for public comment. Many of the proposals

contained in the Directions Paper are consistent with the WIA's submission.

We have also made submissions to the 2.3GHz and 3.4GHz spectrum reviews.

The 3.5GHz review is now on-hold, at least in the short term, until the future

use for that spectrum becomes clear.

More recently, we embarked on a full review of the WIA's Repeater and Beacon

Recommendation service. The new policy has now been placed on the WIA website

together with some background information and a summary of the responses

received to a draft for comment.

Finally, we are reviewing some of the amateur bandplans, and we propose to

place a draft of the new plans on the WIA website for public comment in the

new year.

Once again, I would like to sincerely thank our staff and our many volunteers,

and our affiliated clubs, who have achieved so much in 2014. It's always a

problem signalling anybody out for special mention, as there are so many people

who have helped the WIA over the past year. For instance, Dale Hughes, VK1DSH,

continues to put in a huge amount of work and his own time chairing the ITU

group which is investigating the possibility of a new Amateur allocation at

5.3MHz, and preparing for WARC 2015, a huge amount of work taking place largely

in the background.

Volunteers working directly with the WIA, and through the affiliated club

network, are the backbone of the organisation, and their efforts are all

greatly appreciated. All Australian radio amateurs benefit, one way or another

from the time and effort put-in by WIA volunteers.

The New Year will continue to be a busy one, as the various reviews continue,

but for now, from myself and the WIA board, I would like to wish you all a

very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Hopefully I'll find some

time to rebuild the antenna that came down in the last Sydney storm, and see

some of you on air. You might find me on 40mx AM.

This is Phil Wait, VK2ASD for the WIA


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP

Secretary David Williams VK3RU

Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

The WIA Exam Service is fully accessible

The Wireless Institute of Australia through its WIA Exam Service and network

of Nominated Assessors has long made available Amateur Radio licence

assessments to people who have a disability.

In all cases proof of a disability that affects an assessment comes in the

form of a medical certificate. This certificate, provided to the WIA Office,

does not have to specify the exact nature of the problem, but must come for

a qualified medical practitioner.

While the same level of knowledge is needed to be demonstrated and is assessed

identically under the relevant syllabus, the way in which this occurs may

be modified to suit the candidate.

For the visually impaired this can include the use of Braille text and talking

or audio measurement devices to supplement the assessment.

For others, the assessment is made to reflect the nature of the disability,

including provision for it to be held in a candidate's home.

An oral examination held under special conditions may be provided for a person

who has a learning difficulty.

The WIA Exam Service also provides assessments in remote locations to ensure

that anyone who wants to access Amateur Radio has the opportunity to do so.

As with all assessments, safe practices are part of the knowledge of all

prospective radio amateurs.

Any inquiry about these special or remote assessments can be made to the

WIA Exam Service or a WIA Nominated Assessor.

New WIA Repeater and Beacon Licence Recommendation Policy

As our President mentioned at the 'top' of this newscast, after lengthy

consultation the WIA has released a new Repeater and Beacon Licence

Recommendation policy. The policy aims to clarify the WIA's role in the

licensing of amateur radio repeaters and beacons, where the WIA may make

recommendations to the ACMA, and the ACMA has a long standing practice of

having regard to the WIA's recommendations and recognises the WIA's expertise

in regard to the use of Amateur spectrum.

Only one submission by a WIA Affiliated club or group was received

along with comments from some six (6) individuals.

WIA President Phil Wait - VK2ASD advises all are on our wia.org.au site


(wia front page news)


EMERGENCY services will receive automatic information on the whereabouts of

people who call triple-zero from mobile phones.

THE calls will be pinpointed via their proximity to nearby phone towers

following the introduction of new technology by telcos.

At present, police, firefighters and paramedics cannot access such information


The technology should reduce emergency response times, John Stanton, chief of

telco body the Communications Alliance, said. BUT he still cautioned that the

information was approximate and would vary depending on the number of near by

towers and the nature of the surrounding terrain.

Communications Alliance is the primary telecommunications industry body in

Australia. Its membership is drawn from a wide cross-section of the

communications industry, including carriers, carriage and internet service

providers, content providers, search engines, equipment vendors, IT companies,

consultants and business groups.

The capability will be introduced to emergency services over nine months.



In a media release this week the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) said

holiday makers often forget simple safety measures when caught up in the

excitement of arriving at their destinations.

"Take time to familiarise yourself with your location, particularly if you're

staying in holiday accommodation."

"In the event of any emergency, you'll need to relay important information

such as the phone number you're calling from, your exact address, and nearby

cross-roads or landmarks."

"Knowing these details will result in the fastest possible response."

QAS also said it was also important to take note of beach access numbers or

specific track names to make finding you that much easier.

A Perth physicist and Mars One astronaut candidate hopes to generate the first

breathable air on the Red Planet with a project that has made the finals of an

international competition.

Josh Richards, along with a team of students, hopes to send a system, which

will convert water into breathable oxygen, to Mars as part of their

Helena Payload project.

The HELENA team plans to demonstrate oxygen production from water in the

Martian soil through electrolysis. HELENA's primary science payload is an

electrolysis module housed in a custom made chassis unit designed to

demonstrate key life-support technology; producing oxygen from water extracted

out of the Martian soil


Theirs is the only southern hemisphere entry to reach the finals of the

Mars One university competition to land experiments on Mars.

The ongoing Mars experiment, "Nasa's Curiosity rover" has detected methane

a gas that could hint at past or present life on the planet.

The robot sees very low-level amounts constantly in the background, but it

also has monitored a number of short-lived spikes that are 10 times higher.

The question is of course, how the methane (CH4) exists in the first place.

It could have come from Martian bugs; it could also have come from a natural

process, such as serpentinisation, which sees methane produced when water

interacts with certain rock types.

At the moment, it is all speculation.

But at least Curiosity has now made the detection.

Cybercriminals behind the TorrenLocker malware may have earned as much as

half a million dollars over several months from 39,000 PC infections worldwide

of which over 9,000 were from Australia.

If you're a PC user in Australia who's had their files encrypted after visiting

a bogus Australia Post website, chances are you were infected by TorrentLocker

and may have contributed to the tens of thousands of dollars likely to have

come from Australia due to this digital shakedown racket.

The good news is that it appears few victims actually paid.

It has been estimated only 1.44 percent or 577 of the infections translated

in to payment for the hackers. Still, based on the Bitcoin exchange rate of

US$384.94 on November 29, TorrentLocker's operators may have earned between

anywhere between US$292,700 and US$585,401.


Dimitris VK1SV has proposed that a 160m AM net (1843kHZ) be activated Sunday

mornings following this WIA broadcast (around 1000 Hrs local Canberra time).

At this time of the day only ground wave propagation could be expected, so

depending on the efficiency of your antenna, stations on the North and South

of Canberra may be able to make contact.

You don't have a 160M antenna??

Using an 80m antenna with an ATU is possible, although you may have to limit

your power to 20-30 watts, or less. It won't be very efficient but it will

work to some degree. Don't be surprised if you cannot get the VSWR much below

3:1, it will still sort of work.

Using an ATU with a 20-30m length of wire run along a wooden fence has also

been known to work.


(Season's Greetings everyone, Amanda VK1WX)

Julie VK3FOWL and Joe VK3YSP set off on Friday the 26th of December for their

final road trip for the year and plan to leisurely activate heaps of National

Parks in Victoria's east - others have also indicated they too will be portable

during early summer.

The duo tops off a busy year indeed. It has included visiting parks, and

display stations at events like the International Museum Weekend and the

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.

Their 4th road trip will activate 17 Eastern Victoria National Parks in seven

days, for the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award. Some 14 also qualify

for the World Wide Flora and Fauna Award.

The pair will also activate some mountain peaks for the Summits On the Air


Julie and Joe will tour over 2,400 kms in 7 days, visiting some of the nicest

places in Victoria.

Each day they will be on air between 7am and 9pm Australian Eastern Daylight

Time, listening on 7090 while mobile and activating on 7100 and 14244kHz.

Alerts for them will be on the ParksNPeaks website and to track their progress

visit the Automatic Packet Reporting System site.

The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award is proving to be well sought

after with three new Merit Awards for 45 contacts being sent out in the last


For information of all activations plus website addresses, please see the

text edition of this broadcast.


Depending on National Park availability due to fire weather, Sunday

December 21 in the morning VK5BJE on 7.095 SSB in the Greater Bendigo National

Park, Saturday December 27 afternoon VK3VTH at Organ Pipes and Sunday December

28 at Heathcote-Graytown, Tuesday December 30, VK5BJE the Brisbane Ranges,

and also during the holiday break VK3FMPB in East Gippsland Parks.

ParksNPeaks website:

APRS website: www.aprs.fi/VK3YSP-10

VK3FOWL VK3YSP trip details: www.informationtechnologies.com.au/parks


What use is an F-call?

There are many different ways that you can make contacts using HF.

Over the past weeks I've talked about picking your band and frequency,

about matching the rhythm of the other station, about setting up next

to a big station, about picking and choosing, rather than sitting on

one frequency calling CQ.

Another technique you can use to make contacts is to listen for local stations,

to hear whom they're talking to and at the end of their QSO with a distant

station, which you must also be able to hear, otherwise it just defeats the

purpose, asking for a QSO with the same remote station.

It's likely that the local station will hear you much louder than the remote

station and many locals will help you out with the contact. Don't expect them

to help, they're having fun, just like you, but be gracious when they do help.

In this Internet connected world of impersonal email, it's easy to slip into

the same mindset, anonymous communication, but the Amateur Radio community is

small. You're likely to meet the Amateur you thanked last week face to face at

the local Hamfest, so be mindful of that.

Of course there are going to be people on air who don't float your boat. Don't

antagonise them, there is no point. I know it's hard when another station,

sometimes deliberately, interferes with you, but it's more sporting to move on,

rather than get involved in a tit-for-tat exchange.

Keep in mind that this is a hobby, a fun pursuit, not a live or die

competition, so act accordingly.

In all I've found the Amateur community to be extremely welcoming and friendly,

so don't let a few bad experiences colour your hobby.

HF can be hard work, but I have to tell you, I've found myself jumping around

the room when I made a difficult contact. I've looked at my radio in disbelief

when an elusive station stops their pile-up, just to talk to you. What a thrill

So, get on air, do it today.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB


Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news

rather than this WIA National News Service.


G'day, It is my very sad duty to inform you

that Bob Brennan-Frost VK2KLO from Dee Why in Sydney has lost his battle

with ill health and past away. Bob has been and always will be my best

mate, a friendship spanning just under four decades. Bob is survived by

his wonderful wife and sole mate Margaret and their two sons Robert and

Bradley and a growing brood of grand kids. It was Bob that got me

involved in Amateur Radio way back when, following a humble and

illustrious career on CB during the early seventies. Bob would take me

into his shack and pass on his immense knowledge, we made antennae and

repaired radios and home brewed all sorts of gear, we had a ball. Bob

will be sadly missed by all his mates far and wide.

I don't think Bob was a member of the WIA , however it

would be a fitting tribute to my mate and a bloke who help so many over

the years if this could be read out on the News. Bob past away on

thursday the 18th of Dec' in Manly Hospital, he was 72 years young.

Thank you for your time, best regards.... de

Peter VK6DC

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,

Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.









Bob Heil, K9EID (of Heil microphone fame) will be awarded an honorary doctorate

from the University of Missouri, the doctorate, an honorary Doctor of Music

and Technology for his contributions to the world of broadcast, live and studio

sound, and innovations to the Amateur Radio industry.

Read the full story at


IARU on emergency communications

The benefits of better communications during disasters has been highlighted

at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom World '14 held

in Doha, Qatar.

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) President Timothy Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA,

told those attending of the vital role of radio amateurs during disasters.

At the 4-day international gathering that attracted some 3500 participants,

he told how Amateur Radio does not rely on commercial networks, and that

hams have the technical know-how to send information during disasters.

Recently the volunteer radio amateur response to Typhoon Hagupit was through

the HERO (Ham Radio Emergency Operation) network of the IARU member society,

Philippines Amateur Radio Association.

Those attending Telecom World '14 are involved in information and communications


In opening, the Director of ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau, Brahima

Sanou, included statistics of 2010-2012 where natural disasters, took than

1.2 million lives and 40 per cent of the world's population was affected.

Other speakers showed how their technology is helping to mitigate the effects

of natural disasters and climate change.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)


NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says that a British

astronaut could walk on Mars as part of a joint United

States and United Kingdom expedition to the red planet.

In an interview with Great Britain's I-T-V news, Charles

noted that much of the earlier work in aeronautics

was done in the United Kingdom. As such, it has always been

among the leaders when it came to taking things from the

unknown and making them known. He thinks the UK is a

perfect partner to try to venture off into the far reaches

of the solar system with.

Asked if he saw British astronauts being part of a mission

he has said he hoped to launch, he said: "I do. I expect

that you will see representatives from many nations,

particularly the partner nations that we currently have."

The complete article is on the web at tinyurl.com/US-UK-Mars

Much has been spoken for and against, about Aero Wi-Fi of late.

Now listen to this clip:-


That's an aeronautical mobile QSO, M 0 WTX Live on UK HUB from 40,000Ft ASL

on a Emirates Airbus about 300 nm from Dubai! Stuart M0WTX checking into the

uk hub on EchoLink whilst in the air!!

Anyone can now operate air mobile using EchoLink and a smart phone or netbook

laptop as it's free to blog, post or tweet from your seat on most A380 aircraft


Israel National Parks Award

Members of the Holyland DX Group will activate Mam**** for the Israel

National Parks Award - 4 XFF-026 (Holyland Square H 26 BS).

This will be the first time ever activation.

Look for the group to sign 4 X 0 WFF between December 26-27th.

They plan to have two stations operating CW and SSB.

QSL cards will handled by Ros, 4 Z 5 LA.


Jason VK2LAW in the international news segment last weekend told of how the

West Bengal Amateur Radio Club had involved the government in a scheme to

introduce Ham Radio to fishermen.

Now comes news that the members of the West Bengal Radio Club will be active

as 8 T 5 MQT from Sagar Island between January 9th to the 16th on 14.260 MHz.

QSL via VU 2 NRO.

(For more details and updates, visit wbradioclub.in)

WW 1 USA will be on the air on 27th and 28th December to commemorate

the Christmas Truce of 1914.

Details are on QRZ.com.

Members of the GTM Radio Club in Belgium will be on the air using

ON 70 BUTS until 14th January to commemorate the Battle of the Bulge.

QSL via ON 4 CFB.

Special event station R 100 DA is on the air until the end of December to

commemorate long-distance flights by the Russian Air force that began

100 years ago.

Russian stations QSL via RV 3 YR

and the rest of the world via GM 0 WRR

PU 2 KKE, will be active with the special callsign ZV 5 WSC from

Santa Catarina Island, between December 27-31st.

Santa Catarina is the largest and most populated island in Brazil.

The purpose of this DXpedition is to spend most of his time on the

isolated and deserted beaches, combining hiking, camping and ham radio.

ZV5WSC will be hiking approximately 70 km.

QSL via the address on QRZ.com

Following DX News text only from the IRTS

Several stations will be on the air from Ogasawara during the coming weeks.

JG7PSJ will be signing JD1BMH until 10 January.

He will be QRV on 40 - 10m CW, SSB and RTTY.

Then from 22 December - 2 January JI1LET and JA1UII will operate as

JD1BOI and JD1BON respectively on 80 - 6m CW, SSB and RTTY.

Clemens DL2GAN hopes to reactivate his 9N7CB callsign from Nepal Christmas Eve

between 08 - 14z on 20m and 15m. He will be operating from the station of

9N1AA. QSL to his home call.

Stephen VE3OC will be QRV from the Turks and Caicos Islands as VP5/VE3OC

until 26 December.

Kei KG2A will activate V25A from Antigua from 25 - 30 December.

QSL via the home call.

Michael G7VJR, well-known as the creator of ClubLog, will be on Norfolk Island

from 26 December - 1 January. While there he will sign VK9N/G7VJR.

AS usual his QSLs will be looked after by M0OXO.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video






The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station or

ARISS group is continuing to explore the possibility of

establishing a network of ground stations. This, in the hope

of enabling the use of the recently activated Ham TV video

system during such activities as ARISS school contacts.

Kerry Banke, N6IZW, works on ARISS hardware. He reports

that a document under is under development that will

describe what is required to build a ground station. He

also notes that both he and ARISS International

representative Lou McFadin, W5DID, have successfully

received Ham TV transmissions from the ISS.

You know the building of this International Space Station took over

40 missions between 1998 and 2011, with one more piece planned for

delivery in 2015 and you can watch the whole thing come together in

just a few minutes thanks to a newly released time lapse video.

Those who have only seen photos of the massive structure

circling our planet may be surprised to learn that the ISS

in Earth terms is a massive structure weighing over 400 tons

spread out over the size of a football field. No booster

rocket could carry it into orbit as a completely assembled

unit, so it was assembled piece by piece in Earth orbit with

components contributed by space agencies. These included the

United States, Canada, Europe, Russia and Japan.


(ESA, spaceion.com via arnewsline.org)



Net is held each Mondays on 3.570± MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.

(1000utc during daylight saving)

The first female Ham Radio operators, and their awesome legacy

Ashley Hennefer writes about some of the early female radio amateurs

Many hams consider amateur radio to be the original maker skill, requiring

knowledge of electricity, geography and communication. And it's one of many

mediums that gave women the chance to have a global voice — and they took it.

Read the article at themarysue.com web site.


Carol McGee of Reno, Nevada has been named the recipient of the

2014 Legacy Award, presented by the Sisterhood Of Amateur Radio (SOAR),

a worldwide organization dedicated to the advancement of amateur radio

among women.

The annual award honours a woman who through her actions has helped to ensure

that Amateur Radio continues into prosperity. Mrs. McGee, who will turn 95 in

a few weeks, was first licensed in the 1930's as W8UCY.

Seven decades would pass before a recent, chance conversation between

Mrs. McGee and Nancy Holder KF7YFT landed on the topic of ham radio.

Since that time Carol McGee has had a renewed interest in amateur radio

and hopes to be relicensed.

Interestingly enough, Carol McGee, a CW operator, has never spoken a single

word over amateur radio and only recently held a portable radio for the first





After nine years and a journey of three billion miles,

NASA's New Horizons robotic probe awoke from hibernation on

Saturday, December 5th. This to begin an mission to study

the icy Pluto and other dwarf worlds in its Kuiper Belt home.

A pre-set timing system awoke New Horizons from its

electronic slumber at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time but

ground control teams didn't receive its confirmation until

just after 9:30 p.m. The probe is so far away that radio

signals which travel at the speed of light take four hours

and 25 minutes to reach Earth.

Pluto lies in the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy mini-planets

orbiting the sun beyond Neptune. These are believed to be

the remains from the formation of the solar system some 4.6

billion years ago. It is also the last unexplored region of

the solar system.

The scientific observation in that part of the solar system

will begin January 15th with the space crafts closest

approach is expected on July 14th.

(NASA, other news reports via arnewsline.org)


Last week in this WIA Newscast I (or if Bryan reads it say Robert brought you news)

brought you news of an Indian Company part founded by VU3ISS who were set

to build HAMSAT 2

Now this week more from Chris, vk6fcbg.

"Dhruva Space, a start-up co-founded by a fellow amateur VU3ISS has confirmed

a deal negotiated with AMSAT India, to develop HAMSAT 2, as a successor to

VO-52 who went silent in July 2014 due to on board battery failure.

HAMSAT 2 is expected to be carried aboard the workhorse, Polar Space Launch

Vehicle, and is expected to carry the following on-board equipment for

amateur use

U/V Analogue FM Transponder

U/V Linear Transponder 50 kHz

APRS Digipeater


Dhruva Space is developing the complete satellite bus, including electrical

power system, attitude control, on board computer and comms system.

HAMSAT 2 is expected to be flown in a polar, sun synchronous low earth orbit,

weigh somewhere in the range of 30kg, and the launch is expected to occur

mid 2016.

Projects like this cannot occur without amateur support, and if you have an

interest why not get involved. Find out more online at amsat.org "

(Chris, vk6fcbg)


IOTA Management has received a number of complaints that QSL card requests

sent to Kadek, YB 9 BU, in accordance with his QSLing instructions on QRZ.com

have not received a reply and similarly that email inquiries are not being


Emails from the IOTA Manager and mutual friends have also gone unanswered.

In the circumstances it can only be assumed that there is an interruption in

the QSL manager service for all the many operations for which YB9BU acts as

QSL manager and people would be well advised not to send further cards.

Acceptance by IOTA Management of further IOTA operations by YB9BU must be

regarded as on hold until and unless the matter is resolved.

REWIND a look back at history

To commemorate ANZAC 100 a series of articles appears in Amateur Radio

magazine. A number of contributions have been made by Lloyd Butler VK5BR.

Here's a summary of another one of them.

Phil Williams VK5NN was interested in radio as a teenager. He took delight

in 1922 seeing the radio equipment on ships at the busy Wallaroo Port.

In 1936 he made a crystal set and listened to the 1937 British coronation.

In 1940, Phil was an Adelaide Electric Supply Company trainee and began

part-time study.

During 1941, the Royal Australian Air Force wanted people with radio

experience to be trained for radio location duties in England.

Having passed a PMG Broadcast Station Operators Certificate he began the

course in Radio Physics at Sydney in 1942, followed by training at the new

Radar School at Richmond New South Wales, where he was commissioned as a

Pilot Officer.

In December 1942, Phil was posted to a new radio location station Western

Australia. The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbour and taken Singapore, so

thoughts of England vanished.

He then enlisted in the RAAF and did a course to set up radar around Australia

and New Guinea. A transportable Light Weight Air Warning Radar was developed

for local conditions.

Nearly 200 sets were made for the RAAF, the USA in the Pacific, and the

British in Burma.

At the Pacific War's end in 1945 he went to Port Moresby as Senior Radar

Officer, was demobilised in March 1946, completed an Engineering Degree and

became a power engineer.

In the mid-1950s he began work at the Atomic Energy Authority at Harwell,

UK, and joined the South Australian Director of Mines on world tour in 1961

to investigate nuclear power.

Phil re-joined the power industry and then retired in 1982. A keen radio

amateur for 45 years included being a South Australian WIA member and

President 1963-1964.

His had regular technical articles in Amateur Radio magazine, and he wrote

its Single Sideband Notes column. He was also a member of the Adelaide Hills

Amateur Radio Society.

In the 1980s, Phil and wife Jean retired to Encounter Bay on the coast keeping

in touch with activities and regularly drove to Adelaide to attend meetings.

In 2000, as a member of the RAAF Radar Association, Phil advised the

Australian War Memorial in the restoration of the last example the

Australian Radar used during the war.

Phil Williams VK5NN later returned to Adelaide. In December 2010 at 88 years

of age, became a silent key, ending a long career in service to our country,

the public service and Amateur Radio.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Feb 22 VK2 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Wyong Field Day.

Preparations for the 2015 Wyong Field Day are going smoothly and this is

the list of attractions that will be available to you at the Wyong Field

Day once you've paid your entrance fee of $15. Persons under 17 years of

age get in for free.

TRADERS & EXHIBITORS: The Traders and Exhibitors area will open to the

public for trading from 9:00am. As usual access to this area before then

will be restricted to CCARC Field Day officials and authorised traders

so that they can set up.

FLEA MARKET: For those who wish to sell their own equipment, open boot

or tailgate sales may be conducted in the Flea market. No bookings

needed, just turn up on the day and pay at the gate ($15 per person

admission plus $25 for a spot). Setup and trading starts from 6:30am.

Please note that the Flea market is not under cover, and as such traders

in the Flea market need to provide protection for their display in the

case of adverse weather.

SHUTTLE BUS: There will be a free shuttle bus from the car park and

Wyong railway station to the main vendors area for those who have

trouble walking.

EDUCATION: As well as assesments on the day, the CCARC is running a full

day foundation licence course on Saturday the 21st of February. If you

are interested in either the course or an assessment, or both, please

contact Chris Lobb via email at for full

details and to register for the course and-or an assessment.

For full details about the field day, please go to the website at

(Dave VK2DLS, Publicity Officer of the Central Coast AR Club.)

March 21 VK3 Dstar Users Group 9am Woodend RSL Anslow St.

March 29 VK3 EMDRC Hamfest

May 9 VK4 BARCFEST Brisbane

June 6-7 VK2 Queens Birthday 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day

July 1 VK4 Caboolture Hamfest

July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015

August 9 VK2 SARC-FEST Lismore

Sept 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye

Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast Hamfest Broadbeach

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the

VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on


Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being

broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only

be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different

slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your

item write in the 3rd person.


================================================== ===========================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to

the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may

lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might

even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize

their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to

active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia

and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in

"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily

reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast

in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to

WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.




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