Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2014-11-02.mp3 Text edition:
Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
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Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.
WIA's 2015 commemoration of ANZAC Day.
A gentle nudge that NOBODY "owns" frequencies.
Just because we transmit on a particular channel this news service does not
mean we are only ones able to use it.
So no matter WHAT you are going to transmit, listen, if in use ask those
operators if it would be OK to take over the frequency and if the others
are unable to move , then you should say thanks and move to a close spare
Speaking of frequencies and news, would all rebroadcasters make sure that
details of your transmissions are correct as shown on BOTH
and on the tally sheet we send you when you return your weekly callback
advice. The tally sheet is where we pick up the stations operating and
checking in for publication "on the web."
Any queries contact
Ham radio CubeSats lost
Two amateur radio CubeSats RACE and GOMX-2 were destroyed when an
Antares launcher exploded
The CubeSats were being launched to the ISS from the Wallops Flight Facility
in Virginia.
Read the ARRL story at
Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/
get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3
get local news emailed
TARC does the TCC International Men's Day Employee Expo
Members from The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc. will be putting on
a portable display of Amateur Radio by invitation of the Townsville City
Council for the TCC International Men's Day Employee Expo being held in
conjunction Crocs Basketball training at the RSL Stadium, Murray Sporting
Complex Wednesday 12th November.
Display Co-ordinator, Richard VK4FRJG says the battery powered display
will be exhibiting from 7am to 2pm.
A club shack contents is stolen
A burglary has occurred at the club rooms of the Hills Amateur Radio Group
VK6AHR on the corner of Brady and Sanderson Roads in Lesmurdie, a suburb
of Perth.
Past President Martin Stretton VK6ZMS reports that the theft has resulted
in the loss of transceivers, a linear, tuner and interface.
These are a Yaesu FT1000MP, ICOM IC7400, a Motorola GM338, an AMERITRON AL811
amplifier, a Palstar Tuner and a DIGIMASTER interface.
The serial numbers for each are in the text edition of this broadcast.
Yaesu FT1000MP MKV FIELD serial 2C010066
ICOM IC7400 serial 0303142
MOTOROLA GM338 serial103TJEE489
AMERITRON AL811 Amp serial 18452
Palstar AT500 Tuner serial 12592
DIGIMASTER PRO 3 PC interface serial 39574480
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
This is a reminder that the "Welcome to amateur radio" symposium, sponsored
by the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society is to be held on Sunday
23rd November, 2014, at the Blackwood Community Centre, Young Street,
The purpose of the day is to discuss a number of aspects of the hobby of
amateur radio.
Doors to the venue will open at 8.30 a.m. The day's proceedings will
commence at 8.45 a.m. with a welcome by Tony VK5KAT, the President of the
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society. After a brief introduction, there will
be 16 x 20 minute presentations on a variety of topics including ham jargon,
the DX cluster, APRS, antenna basics, electronic logging programs,
operating QRP, demystifying the learning of Morse code, and many others.
This will be followed by a general question session. The day will conclude
at about 4.00 p.m.
The cost is just $5.00 which will include morning tea, lunch consisting of
sandwich platters and pizza, and afternoon tea.
The day is designed for new and old alike. At this stage, attendees range
from very new Foundation members to some very senior hams.
Please RSVP to Paul VK5PAS by no later than Monday 17th November, 2014, so
that suitable catering can be arranged. RSVP either via email to
or by text message to mobile 0410 687 998.
ANZAC 100 / 1
To commemorate ANZAC 100 a series of articles is appearing in Amateur Radio
magazine. Here is a summary of one of them, 'YL's at War' by Jennifer Wardrop
VK5ANW VK3WQ the ALARA Historian.
Perhaps the earliest suggestion that women should be encouraged to be involved
in defence related war-time communication activities, comes from a Wireless
World article on August 1915, entitled, Wireless Telegraphy and the Fair Sex.
That was the first report of the English experience, that progressively saw
women have a greater involvement.
It began with voluntary aid, the replacement of men in industry. By early
1917 cooks and a waitress from England crossed the Channel to France to help
the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, and by 1918 some 57,000 women had
joined that corps.
Information about this was sent to Australia, and although many women wanted
to go and help in whatever capacity, they were denied passports.
Their frustration resulted in the formation of the Australian Women's Service
Corps. Even with their ?strength in numbers? they could not change the Governments
mind and the only careers available in the Australian Imperial Force were
experienced Army Nursing or Wards maids.
At the start of the Second World War things were not much better here. A
public meeting for a proposed Women's Australian National Service (WANS),
in the Sydney Town Hall on June 25th 1940, attracted 10,000 women on a cold
and wet night.
When the centre for the WANS was opened in July 1940 by Lady Wakehurst, 4,431
members joined immediately. The question of admitting women to the Services
was still being ignored in October 1941.
Research has not found any Australian lady amateur operators involved in
the First World War, but there were certainly some in the Second World War.
The article by the ALARA Historian has details many of those involved. Jennifer
Wardrop VK5ANW VK3WQ wants to hear of any other YL's in war-time activities.
She wants to know if any were involved in code-breaking in Australia?
The first intake of the Australian Women's Army Service personnel into the
Australian Special Wireless Group is told in the book "No Medals in This
Unit' by Jean Hillier.
They trained at the Signals training camp at Bonegilla in Victoria, near
the border with New South Wales.
Apart from the normal telegraphist training, they had to learn the 70 characters
of the Japanese Morse code, known as Kana, and their activities remained
top secret for many, many years.
YL's at War is well worth a read in Amateur Radio magazine.
ANZAC 100 / 2
The WIA via Fred Swainston VK3DAC, has released the first draft of plans
for 2015 commemoration of ANZAC Day.
The plan is quite extensive and is in a nine page document which can be
found at:
What use is an F-call?
For most of us Amateur Radio is a hobby. It might not be your only one, but
if your time allocation is anything like mine, this one seems to grow in its
scope and reach every day.
During the week I was talking to a friend who had no idea about Amateur Radio,
no notion, other than: "Isn't that the Ham Radio thing that did Morse and has
been superseded by the Internet?" she asked.
That was a pretty loaded question, but I pointed at recent natural disasters
where radio amateurs acted as the local back-bone, the glue that makes it
possible for information to travel great distance when all other services
are gone, no roads, no phones, no nothing.
Of course as an Amateur you already know this, but it seems that the general
public has no idea what so ever.
I pointed out that even the most basic license helped me understand antennas,
know when a TV antenna is pointing in the wrong direction and why, know how
to make an indoor Wi-Fi connection work better, and best of all, it keeps
challenging me into learning new things.
I mentioned that for a radio connection to work, two devices are required,
my radio and their radio. Compare and contrast this with an Internet
connection, or a mobile phone connection which requires many different
devices, all of which must work.
I'm sure I've talked about this phenomenon before, but somehow every time I
bump into someone who doesn't know about Amateur Radio, I get surprised all
over again.
What kind of things take you by surprise?
I'm Onno VK6FLAB
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
Ham Radio in West Bengal
ZeeNews reports that members of the West Bengal Amateur Radio Club recently
met Bengal Governor K.N. Tripathi to make headway into the process of
popularising the concept among the youth
Amabarish Nag Biswas VU2MQT is interviewed "The basic equipment is very
simple, inexpensive and user-friendly. The process is easy to understand for
children too," he said, adding the focus is to introduce it in the school
curriculum in West Bengal.
Read the story at
Dave EI3IO, representing IARU Region 1, presented a 70 MHz proposal at the
recent meeting in France of CEPT's European Communications Committee
Frequency Management Working Group.
The proposal received the support of more than ten CEPT administrations and
was adopted.
This excellent outcome does not necessarily mean that frequencies between
69.9 and 70.5 MHz will be immediately available in all CEPT countries but it
does, however, provide a clear basis for IARU member societies to seek a
4 metre allocation from their national licensing authority.
This is another excellent example of what can be achieved by amateurs working
together within the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
UK Students CubeSat Project
The Coventry Telegraph newspaper reports on students at Warwick
University who are building their own satellite WUSAT-2.
Lucy Lynch writes that eight engineering students are designing
their own satellite which will be sent into space. In February or
March 2015 they and the project director Dr Bill Crofts will don
winter woollies and take their creation to a launch site in northern
Sweden, near the town of Kiruna.
It is the second student satellite designed at the university. The
first one, last year, was sent up from mid Wales in a high altitude
weather balloon.
Shortwave's Newest Broadcaster: Global 24 Radio
There is a new shortwave radio broadcaster on the block - Global 24 Radio
- an around-the-clock, fixed-frequency, commercial shortwave radio
broadcaster, transmitting via WRMI.
The new Global24 began broadcasting on Friday, October 31, 2014 at
19:00 EDT (0000 UTC November 1st) on 9395 kHz.
Details and updates here: http://wp.me/pn3uc-2TN
================================================== ===========================
Ham radio operators will soon be among several groups of
volunteer radio operators on the lookout for criminal
activities in the city of Manila in the Philippines.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF has details:
The Department of the Interior and Local Government has
requested that volunteers from a number of communication
groups use their radios to report from areas subject to a
high incidence of theft and robberies.
Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II and the National Capital
Region Police chief recently met with various
communications groups as part of an anti-criminal activity
campaign. This included representatives from the Philippine
Amateur Radio Association, React Philippines and several
other volunteer radio communication organizations.
Discussions centred on areas where the radio equipped
volunteer observers would be deployed as well as their
For them to be easily recognized by those in need of
assistance the radio equipped volunteers will wear red
berets and red vests. On observing criminal activities or
receiving a complaint the radio operators would notify one
of a number of command centres. The command centres will in
turn relay the complaints to the police stations for
officers to be dispatched.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government and the
radio communication groups will sign the Memorandum of
Agreement in November. Roxas acknowledged that the
collaboration was prompted by the lack of police deployed to
patrol in high crime areas. He added that if this pilot
project is successful in the metro Manila area it would also
be expanded to other geographic regions.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, in
Nelson, New Zealand.
The complete story of this crime fighting initiative in
Manila is on the web at tinyurl.com/anti-crime-drive
A new pact will permit cross border hand-held radio
communications between the United States and Canada between
those involved in public safety issues in both nations.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Industry Canada Senior
Assistant Deputy Minister Kelly Gillis have signed an
agreement allowing public safety officials who cross the
U.S.-Canada border to use their hand-held radios in either
country. The agreement called a Statement of Intent between
the FCC and Industry Canada expands roaming privileges
originally granted to public safety officials in a 1952
The big difference is that the new Statement of Intent
allows public safety officials to operate hand-held radios
in the other country whereas the 1952 agreement only
contemplated the cross-border operation of radios installed
in public safety vehicles. The Statement of Intent also
eliminates the need for the host country to issue permits to
public safety officials crossing the border provided the
radios used by such officials are licensed in their country
of origin.
================================================== ==========================
Falkland Islands WWI commemoration
The RAF Amateur Radio Society, G8FC, is sending an Expedition to the
Falkland Islands and will be operating from the Joint Services Welfare
Facility Amateur Radio Station using the SES callsigns VP8RAF/100 and
This is to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the WW1 'Battle of
Falklands' on 8th December. The station should be active from 5th to 9th
December and other VP8 stations should also be active during this period
including VP8LP/100. All VP8 stations will be able to use the suffix
/100 between 1st November and 15th December 2014.
Eritrea trip gains DXCC approval
The ARRL has announced that the operation of E30FB from Eritrea
sponsored by the Foundation for Global Children that took place from
17th to 22bd September has been approved for DXCC credit.
LI for LA and LJ for LB
Celebrates 200 years of the Norwegian Constitution during 2014.
In addition, special event station LM1814 will be active as part of the
celebration until December 31..
7 P 8 NH
G 3 RWF is heading back to Southern Africa for a 5 week holiday. He will
begin operation in Lesotho as 7 P 8 NH between December 11th through the 14th.
Listen for him on the higher bands on CW only. QSL via G 3 RWF.
EI 1100 WD
Ireland's oldest city, Waterford is this year celebrating its 1100th birthday.
In line with the many festivities and events to celebrate the anniversary,
The South Eastern Amateur Group are currently activating the special event
call-sign EI 1100 WD until the end of the year from various locations.
Activity has been on various bands and modes (mainly HF) Many pile up's have
been worked by members using the special call. If you wish to get EI 1100 WD
in the log activation details will be posted on www.searg.com
E 6 XG
JA 1 XGI has announced his next operation will be from Niue between
December 1st and the 6th and is expected to be issued the callsign
E 6 XG.
Activity will be on 160 through 10 meters, CW, SSB and some digital.
QSL via his home callsign JA 1 XGI either direct or by the bureau.
Special event station E 72 NATO is active until the end of NEXT MONTH
and commemorates the cooperation of NATO and Bosnia-Herzegovina that was
established in 2006.
QSL via E 73 Y.
HS 50 RAST Special Event Callsign
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) have been issued with the special
callsign HS 50 RAST which celebrates the 50th anniversary of RAST and can
be used until the end of next month, December 2014.
VE 7 BV will once again be active stroke TG 9 from Guatemala between
January 22nd and February 17th of 2015 on 20, 17 and 15 meters CW and SSB.
QSL via his home callsign which again is VE7BV, direct, by the bureau or
electronically using Logbook of the World.
FISTS Club - East Asia www.feacw.net
FISTS Club - Australasia www.fistsdownunder.org
FISTS Club - UK & Europe www.fists.co.uk
FISTS Club - Americas www.fists.org
CW operating
The South African Radio League say a detailed report-back document from the
IARU Region 1 conference is in the final stages of preparation and will soon
be available for download from a link on the SARL web.
During the conference many aspects of day to day amateur radio operations
were discussed and decisions agreed on.
One of the discussions concerned CW operating.
An established CW operation practice is included in the publication
"Ethics and Procedure for Radio Amateurs" written by ON4UN and ON4WW.
The use of K, and AR at the end of a transmission is often used incorrectly.
The correct procedure is as follows:
"K" is an invitation to transmit at the end of transmission
A station ending a transmission with "AR" is not inviting callers.
It signifies the end of a transmission.
"K" is also the most common used ending of a general CQ call.
"KN" is used when sending it over to the station you are in QSO with and you
do not want another station to join the QSO
"SK" is used to end a contact or QSO, when one or both stations will remain
on the frequency for any other calls.
LituanicaSAT-2 Announced
The LituanicaSAT team has announced on Facebook that the LituanicaSAT-2
CubeSat will be coming in 2016.
It is hoped the CubeSat will be among 50 satellites launched in the
1st quarter of 2016 on the Ukrainian Cyclone 4 launcher from the
Alcantara launch site built by Ukraine and Brazil. The new launch
site is located near the Atlantic coast of Brazil just 2.3 degrees
south of the equator.
LituanicaSAT-2 will be more complex than the first and will test a
new propulsion system which will enable it to change orbit.
Currently CubeSats deployed in very low Earth orbit may only last 3
months before burning up in the Earth's atmosphere, the propulsion
system could extend that up to 18 months.
Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
15 year-old radio ham helps save the day
The Hindu Times is reporting on how 15 year old VU3TMO, Tom Jose travelled to
a cyclone-hit city and used his amateur radio skills to contribute to
disaster management
This 15-year-old student of Little Flower Junior College, Uppal, volunteered
for the task.
Tom was stationed in the control room set up at the Police Commissionerate
and spent long hours collecting messages from other team members spread over
the cyclone affected areas and passed them on to the administration for
relief measures.
The intermediate first year student, who got his Ham licence at the age of
13, along with colleagues, operated under adverse conditions, often skipping
meals and spending long hours before the radio, waiting for it to crackle
with messages.
Read the full article at
More Indian hams activate during a disaster
The big clean-up continues in the wake of powerful Cyclone Hudhud which affected
the Bay of Bengal leaving a path of damage. Some media accounts put the toll
at 46 lives.
The area has some of the world?s strongest tropical cyclones. Locals quickly
evacuated the coast fearing a repeat of the 1999 Odisha Cyclone that claimed
10,000 people.
Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) National Coordinator for Disaster
Jayu Bhide VU2JAU says the area, particularly the town of Vishakhapattanam,
had trees uprooted, telephone lines and mobile phone towers damaged and railway
lines blocked.
The storm made landfall on October 12. Amid the disaster scene hams worked
hard to maintain the communications for the public and authorities.
In a report Jayu VU2JAUsaid there were many active on the morning net of
7.145 MHz that kept on air 24 hours a day.
These included those from the Bhuvaneshwar area ? Preeti VU3UFX, Rajesh VU3PLP,
and Samir VU2AOR.
In the Sambalpur area were Samir VU2AOR, Dilip VU2DPI, Shantanu VU2SIC and
Pawan VU2PGU.
The Andhra coastal area further emergency communications involved hams under
the control of the National Institute of Amateur Radio.
Jayu VU2JAU was in radio contact with them, including hourly bulletins as
they worked hard and were appreciated by the police and other authorities.
He said that while the worst was over this time, lessons on how to prepare
for the next big storm can be learned.
As the National Coordinator for Disaster Communication in India, Jayu VU2JAU
will visit the state of Odisha to make ham radio fail-safe during an emergency.
This includes a repeater station for VHF hand-held radio communications.
The location of an easy to use simplex repeater will be discussed with the
local Disaster Management authorities.
Jayu VU2JAU said such a repeater works well in his home town of Gwalior and
authorities there have agreed to a mock disaster drill involving the repeater.
(Jim Linton, VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
Next Sunday morning the 9th of November from 9am, VK3 microwave operators and
people interested in higher frequency operation will gather at the Eastern and
Mountain District clubrooms in Burwood to tinker, play, demonstrate, optimise
and explore the higher frequency bands, as a warm up for the upcoming
Spring VHF/UHF Field day contest.
Lots of people will be on hand with experience on microwave bands and methods
required to get onto these higher bands. we will have a test bench setup with
some gear to help troubleshoot that piece of equipment, get along and
show off some of your own microwave gear, bring along an item to test or
operate, or, just come along and have a look at an interest aspect of the
hobby, and see what's required to start out on these higher frequency bands.
They aim to have some testing and operation on the 3.4Ghz band, but any
higher frequency gear is welcome and stations will be set up and in operation
from 1.2Ghz to 47Ghz and beyond! The BBQ will be going for a sausage lunch,
the drinks fridge will be primed, and everyone is welcome.
for more information head to the EMDRC club's website
(Andrew, vk3bq for the EMDRC club)
Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is the first
Monday of the month - time for the Radio Amateurs Old Timers' Club of
Australia's November bulletin to go to air.
This month, in addition to the usual Club news, we tell the story of how a
wireless message from an Australian submarine played a vital part at
Gallipoli in the first World War.
There are many ways to hear the bulletin. The principal HF transmissions are
on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz USB. The first, at 0100 UTC, is beamed north from
Melbourne for eastern states listeners, while the second, an hour later at
0200 UTC, also on 14.150 MHz, is beamed westward for WA listeners.
Also at 0200 UTC, Barry VK6WF, will be transmitting on 40 metres on 7060 kHz
LSB from Kellerberrin east of Perth.
Additionally, numerous local HF, VHF and UHF transmissions take place during
the day. Times and frequencies for your local area can be found by visiting
the RAOTC website at www.raotc.org.au
>From Tuesday, the bulletin can be downloaded as an audio file from the
RAOTC website.
Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike, is most welcome to tune in
and we value your call backs afterwards.
Once again, the November RAOTC bulletin can be heard tomorrow, Monday
November 3rd.
73 from Clive VK6CSW.
REWIND a look back at history
It was 80 years ago that Albury and Morse code figured in the transatlantic
adventure of the aircraft Uiver that almost ended in a disaster.
On the night of October 24, 1934, a disorientated Dutch plane in the
MacRobertson International Air Race from London to Melbourne was saved
during a storm.
The town?s lighting system spelt out the word ?Albury? in Morse code. The
plane had lost communications and in the pitch-black night trying to get
its bearings, but was low on fuel.
ABC news led to 80 cars with their head-lights on, line the Albury Racecourse.
At 1.20am the Uiver began an approach to land short of the inner fence. The
crew of four and three passengers walked away unharmed.
The aircraft refuelled and as daylight broke the 8-ton Douglas DC2 was found
to be deeply bogged.
But the Mayor and 300 others dug it free. The big aircraft had to shed people,
seats, 30,000 letters and fittings to be able to a take-off from the sodden
It reached Melbourne to be placed second outright and winner of the handicap
Captain Koene Parmentier, and Navigator Johannes Moll were knighted by Queen
Albury Mayor Alf Waugh was presented with one of the Netherland?s greatest
honours, the Order of the Orange Nassau.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
This week marks a very important milestone in global communications.
No prizes for guessing that it was a major achievement of radio amateurs.
The first direct two-way radio communication from Australia to the
USA occurred 90-years ago on the third of November, 1924.
Max (Walter Francis Maxwell) Howden, A3BQ, in the callsign series before the
national VK prefix was introduced, contacted a Mr Williams U6AHP of Tecoma
in California, using Morse code wireless telegraphy.
A3BQ used a wavelength of about 83 metres running 130 watts into a single Z4
valve transmitter at his home in the eastern Melbourne, Australia suburb of
Box Hill. The antenna consisted of six wires, 65 feet long and 80 feet above
The first trans_Pacific QSO was a very significant achievement at a time when
radio amateurs were seeking to prove that long distance communication was
possible on short wavelengths that governments had considered to be useless.
Nine days later on the 12th of November 1924, Max Howden achieved the first
Australia to Great Britain two-way wireless telegraphy contact with G2OD at
Meadow Lea, Gerards Cross in Buckingham, England.
The testing continued and another breakthrough came on the 10th of February
1925 when A3BQ made the first two-way radio telephony or voice communication
with G2OD in England. Another world first.
The efforts of the late Max Howden VK3BQ and many other pioneering Radio
amateurs of that era, both the southern and northern hemispheres,
significantly added to the knowledge of communications.
It led to the rapid development of radio in terms of inter-continental and
global communications and opened up the shortwaves for broadcasting,
international wireless telegraph and many other uses over long distances.
thanks Andrew VK3BQ - the current holder of a very important callsign in
Australian ham radio history.
Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society
Nov 8 VK3 Chelsea beach, near Longbeach Lifsavers 3pm it's the
Melbourne QRP Day gathering.
Nov 9 VK3 Yarra Valley AR Group Hamfest 10am Gary Cooper Pavilion.
Nov 9 vk3 VHF / UHF and Microwave experimenters
Nov 15 VK7 Miena Hamfest
Nov 23 VK5 "Welcome to AR Day" Blackwood 8:45am ( 0410 687 998 )
Nov 30 VK3 SPARC HamFest at Rosebud ( )
June, Queens Birthday weekend 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day
July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.
================================================== ===========================
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
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the actual broadcast date, e-mail
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
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