
Weekly news from the WIA:

MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2014-08-31.mp3 Text edition:




Oh... and to contact us with your news because

If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!


http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news

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Take your tablet with Qantas and Virgin Australia.

Foundation Course and Assessments in Sydney

Li-FI - the future of digital communications is Bright at EMDRC



Take your tablet with Qantas and Virgin Australia.

Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority this week declared that both

airlines can allow passengers to use tablets, e-book readers, MP3 players

and smartphones (set to 'flight mode') during a flight's taxi, take-off and

landing stages.

However, of all these devices, it's the use of tablets that is the most

significant win for business travellers, enabling you to get on with real

work from the moment you sit down - except paying attention to the safety

briefing - whereas laptop computers still need to be securely stashed in the

overhead lockers during take-off and landing.

It's what's called 'gate-to-gate' usage of 'personal electronic devices',

and Qantas and Virgin Australia were quick off the mark to declare that the

days of the great switch-off for inflight gadgets are over.

Travellers can now use their personal tech for the entire duration of the


Telstra has expanded its commercial trial of next generation 4G services on

the 700MHz spectrum to selected areas of Sydney and Adelaide.

Once switched on, customers using compatible devices in these trial locations

will experience the fastest mobile data speeds in Australia, according to a

company statement.

The commercial trials will start in mid-September

Services on 700MHz spectrum will also be rolled out in more cities and

regional centres as spectrum becomes available in January 2015.

This extends the number of commercial trial cities to eight, with commercial

services already being tested in Perth, Fremantle, Esperance, Mildura,

Mt Isa and Griffith.

In addition to faster download speeds, the use of low band spectrum like

700 MHz allows for the signal to travel further and reach deeper into

buildings, improving the depth of coverage for customers.

Optus, the second-biggest Telco in Australia, will launch its Optus 10

satellite on Sept 12.

It is being transported to the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana.

Once launched, it will operate in the Ku-band FSS and BSS bands across

Australia, New Zealand and Antarctic regions. Its lifespan is estimated to

last for over 15 years.

Electro-Optic Systems and aerospace firm Lockheed Martin are developing

a new network to track space junk.

With a global system of sensors, initially at Mount Stromlo, Canberra,

and a new facility in Western Australia, operators can be informed of the

risk of damage from space debris so they can move satellites.

After half a century of space travel, there are some 300,000 bits of space

junk one-centimetre or larger, regarded as big enough to destroy the function

of a satellite.

Over the next five to six years, the idea is to track the debris with

EOS technology in combination with other systems such as the US Air Force

Space Fence Radar.

Step two will be an orbital clean-up, involving space missions to remove dead


New technology likely in five to seven years would use ground-based lasers

to nudge smaller objects into lower orbits so they burn up in the atmosphere.


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP

Secretary David Williams VK3RU

Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Next week hopefully we will be joined by WIA Secretary David Williams who

will have the latest news in regards to progress of the Dstar Repeaters and

the WIA's arrangements with the Clubs looking after the repeaters going




The local VK1/VK2 SOTA participants are meeting at the Ainslie Football Club

Tuesday, 2 September, for dinner, 6:30 for 7pm.

If you are interested in SOTA or QRP field operations please join them at

the AFC.

Oh and you are welcome to bring your latest piece of QRP kit for a "show and


(Andrew, VK1NAM )


web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm

Foundation Course and Assessments

The next ARNSW Foundation course weekend in the greater Sydney area will

be next month, September on Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st.

Licence upgrade assessments are also held on the Sunday.

Bookings are essential and can be made for either the Foundation course or

the assessments by sending off an email addressed to

Westlake's field day is scheduled for Sunday the 14th of September, in the

club grounds at Teralba.

There is no cost to set up a stall, but take your own table.

Ring and leave a message on 02 49581 588, to book a spot.

The next gathering of The St George Amateur Radio Society will be held on

Wednesday, the 3rd of September.

Every amateurs wants to know how well their radios are working. Are they on

frequency? Are they putting out the correct power? How well are they


These and many other tests can be performed with the aid of a

communications test set.

Many of these items are coming on the amateur market and can be of great

benefit to a ham but only if you know how to use them.

Robyne VK2CAB will be demonstrating what can be done on with a Motorola

R-2001 test set. As well as demonstrating the various tests that can be

carried out, there will also be the opportunity for members and visitors to

put their radios on the bench to see how good they are.

Again the next gathering will be held at the club's meeting rooms, Donnelly

Park, Kyle Parade, Connells Point, on Wednesday the 3rd of September,

commencing at 7.30 PM.


web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/

Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club's Hamfest takes place 14 Sept.

Just 2 1/2 hours it kicks off at 10am and wraps at 12:30pm

Great bargains to be had, commercial dealers in attendance as well as lots of

pre loved goodies. Door prize, raffle prizes and more.

Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group Hamfest 2014 Sunday 9th November 10AM.

Doors open to buyers at 10am in the Gary Cooper Pavilion, Anzac Ave,

Yarra Glen with ample parking, free tea & coffee and still only $5 entry.

Portable in Victorian National Parks

The 4th annual weekend of activity under the Keith Roget National Parks Award

takes place in November and already 13 individual registrations have been


VK5 operators will again be active in VK3 in the western national parks on

the weekend of November the 14th to the 17th.

We hear that a few from last month's Master Class - Portable held by Amateur

Radio Victoria, may be getting their transceivers, batteries and antennas

ready. Don't be shy, give it a go and bite the bullet.

Anyone is able to join the portable operations in the field either by activating

their own VK3 national park, or make arrangements to join someone else. Perhaps

you might like to work the national parks from home?

The November dates again are from Friday the 14th through to Monday the 17th.

(Jim Linton VVK3PC)

Li-FI - the future of digital communications is Bright.

The Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club Main monthly meeting this coming

Friday night September 5th will see a talk from Professor Jean Armstrong from

Monash university.

Professor Armstrong is an expert in OFDM transmission methods and Li-fi

Technology to transmit high speed data using light, a rapidly developing and

cutting edge technology!

More information can be found at the EMDRC club website www.emdrc.com.au,

everyone welcome. It should be (dare I say it) an "enlightening evening!

Oh and Sunday November 9th will be the 3rd Annual VK3 VHF / UHF and Microwave

experimenters Test and Tune day at EMDRC Clubrooms Burwood.

(Andrew Scott VK3BQ)


Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to

send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/

get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3

get local news emailed

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club are holding the "Cardwell Gathering" October

the third over 4 days.

This RadioAmateur Gathering in Paradise will be based at the Cardwell

Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park, with lots of things happening during

the event for the whole family.

Check out more information at the Cardwell Gathering website

(Gavin Reibelt : via the WIA Calendar)


What use is an F-call? (Episode 20130929)

When I started this caper over two years ago, my very first edition of

"What use is an F-call?" discussed the idea that it's not power that

determines your ability to make a contact, it's your antenna - that and


Of course there are situations where having a high power station will get you

places that a low power station won't.

I've often made the observation that

having a Foundation License is like being a QRP operator, a station that runs

on low power. If you have an Advanced license and decide to operate with

5 Watts and you make contacts, you get accolades from the community, where as

a Foundation Licensee, you're doing that by law.

It's quite amazing to hear new operators continue to have the perception that

they need more power and that's why they should upgrade their license. This

view is perpetuated by many amateurs in our community and I don't think it's

helpful, nor is it accurate.

I'm not adverse to upgrading a license at all, but power should not be your

first reason. You should think of a higher license as more bands, more modes,

more skill and more knowledge. You will have the ability to build equipment

that you can't as a Foundation Class License holder and you'll have choice of

a wider selection of callsigns.

If you are a Foundation Class amateur, and you want to talk to people who

use low power as a matter of pride, get in touch with the QRP community,

there's clubs and websites galore, newsletters, social outings, activities

and more.

You'll fit right in!

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,

Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Set to celebrate its silver anniversary next year, LUSAT-1 -- which

is also known as OSCAR 19 or LO-19 -- appears once again to be

functioning, sort of, when not in sunlight. At this point, OSCAR 19

is only transmitting telemetry; its digital transponder has not been

reported to be operational.

"We knew that our LUSAT started transmitting again a couple of years

ago, but only when illuminated by sunlight and was not heard during

the night," Pedro Converso, LU7ABF, reported to the AMSAT-BB. During

a recent night-time pass, though, he was surprised to hear "the usual

strong 900 mW continuous carrier on 437.125 MHz," 22 minutes after LO-

19 had emerged from Earth's shadow.

"It's almost a miracle that after almost 25 years, LUSAT's vintage

Ni-Cd batteries can receive and hold [a] charge," he said.

Launched in 1990 from Kourou, French Guyana, on an Ariane 4 vehicle,

the satellite -- Argentina's first -- has completed more than 128,000

orbits, and is one of the oldest active Amateur Radio satellites.

10 GHz under threat from broadband links

The OK 2 KKW contest club report on interference to the amateur radio

10 GHz band from commercial internet links in Prague, Czech Republic

On YouTube you can hear an example of strong noise and interference from

commercial point to point internet links on 10GHz in Prague. As you can see,

any weaker amateur radio sigs are almost not receivable now.

Czech republic Radiocommunication authority CTU allocated significant part of

10 GHz band (across our 10368MHz DX band) for free use of Wi-Fi internet

providers. However it breaches CEPT recommendations.


It was ham radio to the rescue on when an important message

from remote Gough Island to the South Africa's Department of

Environmental Affairs could not be sent as the normal lines

of communications were down.

The story really began this past February when Pierre

Tromp, ZS1HF, volunteered to go to Gough Island after a

member of the Gough Team had passed away on the island.

Tromp was then transported to Gough Island where he was

assigned the call sign ZD9M.

Over the weekend of August 9th, a serious incident occurred

on the island. As the Satellite Phone connection to the

African continent had been poor since the first week of

August, ZD9M decided to use ham radio to contact Trevor

Brinch, ZS1TR for relay of the information back to Cape Town.

While the text was not made public, the message contained

836 words and was sent a few at a time and repeated back for

confirmation. The entire process took about 1 hour 45

minutes to transfer via High Frequency radio. During this

time the two stations were forced to alternate between 20

and 30 meters as conditions were fading in and out on both

bands. After confirmation of the content of the message it

was retyped into e-mail format and successfully sent to the

listed recipients.

Another example of amateur radio being able to get the

message delivered when all others methods fail.

FCC says "open the door.'

The US communications regulator, the FCC, continued this month to demonstrate

that it's serious about enforcing its rules and regulations

The ARRL report the FCC is proposing to fine a Florida Citizens Band operator

$14,000 for failing to allow FCC agents to inspect his station. The

Commission issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to

Tommie Salter of Jacksonville August 22.

Pirate Radio in China

The South China Morning Post reports on the growing number of pirate radio

stations in the country

The Hong Kong newspaper quoted the authorities as saying they had found

high-powered radio transmitters in private hands, among them was a 2,000-watt

transmitter which provided coverage of most of the capital.

Pirate radio equipment can apparently be bought easily on online shopping



================================================== ===========================



More than a dozen residents of a Redlands, California, retirement community

have become amateur radio operators and are working to familiarize themselves

with a local disaster relief plan. This in the event that emergency personnel

were unable to reach their Plymouth Valley retirement community should a

disaster situation arise.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, has more:

According to the Redlands Daily Facts on-line newspaper,

Keith Kasin, AI6BX, is the Plymouth Village executive

director who is leading the group. In the article Kasin

explained Plymouth Village is required to have an emergency

response plan as part of its day-to-day operations. Also that

the program provides those involved with a chance to be pro-active.

The group is made up of Plymouth Village volunteers that

meet regularly and also hold practice drills using amateur

radio. Each volunteer is responsible for a portion of the

retirement community. Kasin says that once training and

exams are complete, Plymouth Village will see around 30

certified operators working to keep residents safe.

According to Kasen, Plymouth Village is a 37-acre campus

with a population of 300.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK,


The complete story about this unique community self help

disaster planning is on the web at tinyurl.com/plymouth-village-ready


Some names in the news. First up is Shaikh Sadaqathullah,

VU2SDU, who was recently featured in the August 11th edition

of India's Trinity Mirror Evening English language

newspaper. According to the article, VU2SDU, who has a rare

blood group, started donating blood in 1993 at the

suggestion of VU2HMN. She told him one of her relatives

with the same rare blood group was to undergo heart surgery.

You can read the entire story at trinitymirror.net/news by

using the search argument VU2SDU.


Back in the United States, Dave Anthony, AC2CM, a member of

the Oswego County New York Emergency Communicators and Radio

Amateur Civil Emergency Service has been honoured with the

2014 Service Award. This, for his dedication to the amateur

radio group that helps government agencies with emergency

communications needs.

More about Dave Anthony, AC2CM, and his volunteer efforts is on the web




Manly-Warringah Radio Society's Flagpole contest September 20.

Amateur Radios International Air-ambulance Week, 9 days from Sep 28.


Tablelands Radio Group will again hold AM and CW on ANZA Day 25 April




On the air, keep an ear open for special event station

PA70OMG, to be operational from the Netherlands from

September 12th to the 21st. This to commemorate the 70th

anniversary of the World War 2 Operation Market Garden by

paratroopers and allied forces which began on September 17th

1944 to help liberate the region after four years of German

occupation. If you make contact QSLs go direct or via the

bureau to PB0AEZ.

More information on Operation Market

Basket and this ham radio special event operation can be

found on-line at pa2p.nl/pa70omg


Members of the Romanian Radio Club Association is activating

Fericirii Island for the first time until September 30th.

Operations will be on the High Frequency bands only.


EA7FTR will be active between September 5th and October 10th

as D44KS from Boa Vista which is the Eastern most island of

Cape Verde. Due to work commitments his hours of operation

will be limited to his spare time. Listen for him on 40

through 6 meters using SSB and RTTY and QSL via EB7DX.

Rolls-Royce Special Event

On the 11th and 12th of October for forty eight hours, the Hucknall

Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club are running a special event station GB 1 RR,

celebrating the centenary of the Eagle aero engine.

Rolls-Royce was asked by the UK Government to develop an aero engine of which

entered service in the Great War 1914-1918.

HRRARC will put on up to four stations simultaneously, these will comprise

two HF stations, one HF data station and a VHF station.

SSB/PSK31 on HF from 160 metres to 10 metres


(Neil M0NJJ via SouthGate)

No matter WHAT you have heard the address remains the same.

In operation for over 30 years the address for the QSL Bureau

Luxembourg (LX) remains the same.

The President and Secretary ask that you TOTALLY ignore and requests to

use a different address.

(sourced to Mich Friederich LX1KQ President & Dan Jungels LX1JU Secretary)

Radioamateurs du Luxembourg (RL)

P.O. Box 1352

L-1013 Luxembourg

Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg / Europe


Paul Stoetzer N8HM has announced a new award for contacts made via

the AO-73 (FUNcube-1) amateur radio satellite

"I am pleased to announce that I will be sponsoring a new award to

promote activity on AO-73 (FUNcube-1). The requirements for this

award are simple:

Work 73 unique stations on AO-73.

Contacts must be made on or after September 1, 2014.

There are no geographic restrictions on your operating location.

There will be no cost for this award (donations to AMSAT-UK and

AMSAT-NA's Fox program are encouraged though). No QSLs are required.

When you complete the requirements, email your log extract including

the callsign of each station worked, time GMT, and date to
as well as the address where you'd like the award

certificate sent.




Net is held each Mondays on 3.570± MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.

(1000utc during daylight saving)

YL Activity Week

As this was such a great success last year the gals in ZL land have decided

to do it again this year.

Dates will be September 21st to the 27th inclusive running from 8pm to 9pm

each night.

Frequencies 80m 3695, 20m , New Zealand's National system, 2m repeaters.

All WARO members are invited to participate and they would like all other

YL's to come up on air and chat with other ladies. So why not come and join

them and have a contact and conversation with some amazing women in and

around New Zealand.

(sourced to zl info line)


Amateur Satellites- become involved

Amateur Satellite operating is one of the most interesting and rewarding

modes in our hobby.

The satellites are relatively easy to access and require very little hardware

investment to get started.

You can gain access to the FM 'repeaters in the sky' with just a dual band

hand held operating on 2M. and 70cm.

These easy-to-use and popular FM satellites will give amateurs national

communications and handheld access into New Zealand at various times through

the day and night.

Should you wish to join AMSAT-VK, sign-up at the group site.


(Tony VK7AX via vk7wi news)



Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


Hams in Hawaii were once again ready as Tropical Storm

Iselle made landfall on the Big Island.

As soon as hams on Hawaii were informed that Hurricane

Iselle was headed toward them, preparations for its arrival began:

As the storm approached the Big Island it approached as a category 1

Hurricane and then just off-shore it fizzled out a little bit to a

very, very high end tropical storm. It hung off shore for 5 hours

and in the process the brutal winds and the punishing rains ground down

on the South-East coast of the Big Island and they took

quite a beating.

As a result of the storm, some 21,900 residents were without

electric power. And landline and cellular service was down

in some area. But ham radio kept the emergency responders

in communications with one another:

It took about 10 days for things to settle back to normal

with all power and telephone service only now restored.



Do you know the connection between 17th Century Holland and the Yaesu Radio


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW.

You can find the answer to that question by listening to the Radio Amateurs

Old Timers Club of Australia's September bulletin due to go to air tomorrow.

Throughout the day there are a number of local broadcasts on HF, VHF and UHF

but the primary HF transmissions are on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz USB. AT

0100 UTC the signal is beamed north from Melbourne for Eastern states

listeners. An hour later, at 0200 UTC, the programme is beamed westward for

WA listeners.

Also at 0200 UTC, Barry VK6WF will be transmitting on 40 metres on 7060 kHz

mainly for WA country listeners, while also at 0200 UTC the bulletin goes out

on all linked NewsWest repeaters.

To find a frequency and time for your particular area, or to download the

bulletin audio file at any time after next Tuesday, please visit the RAOTC

website at www.raotc.org.au

Everyone, RAOTC Members and non-members alike, is most welcome to listen to

the bulletin and to join in the call-backs afterwards.

Once again, the September RAOTC bulletin goes to air tomorrow, Monday

September 1st, and we look forward to hearing from you afterwards.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.


Sep 13 VK4 Sunshine Coast AR Club's SUNFest, Woombye School of Arts

Sept 14 VK2 Westlake's field day, club grounds at Teralba.

Sept 14 VK3 Shepparton and District AR Club Hamfest kicks off at 10am.

Sep 28 VK3 Melbourne Amateur Radio Technology Group Hamfest Keilor East.

Sep 28 VK4 Central Highlands ARC Weekend at Camp Fairbairn.

Oct 3 VK4 Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 day event.

Oct 25 VK4 HAMFEST on the Gold Coast. ( )

Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society

Nov 9 VK3 Yarra Valley AR Group Hamfest 10am Gary Cooper Pavilion.

Nov 9 vk3 VHF / UHF and Microwave experimenters

Nov 15 VK7 Miena Hamfest (My-enah)

Nov 30 VK3 SPARC HamFest at Rosebud ( )


June, Queens Birthday weekend 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day

Tacking Point Surf Life Saving Hall.

July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the

VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on


Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being

broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only

be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different

slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your

item write in the 3rd person.


================================================== ===========================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may

lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might

even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize

their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to

active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia

and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in

"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily

reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast

in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to

WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.




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