
NZART NZART Headquarters Infoline Issue 299

4 July 2014

Editor: - Mike Bull ZL2VM

Distribution: - Alan Wallace ZL1AMW

NZART Website: www.nzart.org.nz

In this Issue

1. From NZART HQ

2. FMTAG Notes

3. Auckland Unitary Plan Submission

4. Wanted - Copy for Break-In.5. IARU Region 3 Newsletter6.

IARU HF World Championship 2014

7. Hamilton Amateur Radio Club – Market Day

8. Official Broadcast

Off Shore News Links

NZART Housekeeping

1. Debby says . . .

An urgent reminder to all branches who are wishing to take advantage of

the public liability insurance cover advised by the President ZL1VH.I

need to know your branch name and physical address of your meetings.

This does not cover plant and equipment and cannot be considered at this

time, due to the varying covers required as each branch has different

levels necessary to do so. Your branch should have contents insurance to

cover the eventuality of loss or damage.

As I have been away there may be a few e-mails that I haven’t

responded to that require urgent attention. My apologies for the delay,

I can assure you that these will be responded to on my return.

Talk soon…Debby ZL2DL

2. FMTAG Notes


CALL BOOK 2014-2015

All Branches owning beacons, links and/or repeaters should have received

an email requesting that they check their proposed Call Book listing,

and add the call signs of two Trustees for each station in the list.

As at 3rd July, 32 out of 54 Branches had not responded.

Members are asked to provide feedback on the format of the tables, for

example: sorted by geographic location order, or frequency order, or

some other order.

Please email:


Branch 74 Wellington VHF has applied for a 70-centimetre digital

repeater at Colonial Knob, located at TOPO50 BP31 516426. The repeater

will transmit on 439.750 MHz and receive on 434.750 MHz. The modulation

modes will be: ETSI ETS 102 361 DMR and EIA P25 Phase 1. An engineering

evaluation, in accordance with RSM document PIB38, confirms that there

will be no interference to other stations.


Please send your comments and suggestions on the above, and on any other

FMTAG matters, by e-mail to:

Applications for repeaters, beacons, digipeaters, point-to-point links,

and so on, should be made on the latest version of FMTAG Form 10. The

latest versions of FMTAG Form 10, and the explanatory Form 10A, are

available on the NZART website:


Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to

3. Auckland Unitary Plan Submission

Auckland Unitary Plan Submission 20 June 2014

The Background

Auckland Council’s notified Unitary Plan basically stipulated

that all radio amateur configurations (i.e. aerials) would be subjected

to a Restricted Discretionary resource consent. This is not only

frightfully expensive (upwards of $5000 every time an antenna change is

contemplated) but it is also blatantly discriminatory. For instance, if

I am a yachtie and want to mount a VHF marine whip on the barge board of

my house, I can do it as of right, but if as a radio amateur I want to

put an almost identical 2m whip on my bargeboard, I have to get a

resource consent.

NZART has consequently put in a rather comprehensive submission to try

to achieve “Permitted Status� for a range of

“amateur configurations�. We have to win this one

because if Auckland Council, with nearly a third of all amateurs in NZ,

wins this case, it is probable that it will become the template for most

other districts as they review their district plans in the future.

The Submission Status

On schedule on 11 June 2014, Auckland Council announced it had prepared

a Summary of the “Decisions Requested Report� on the

proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, and said “All submissions and

the report are available on the council website
www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/unitaryplan “

The submission which NZART submitted can be seen on the VHF Group

website (www.qsl.net/zl1bq) and is a narrative of 26 pages, followed by

several technical attachments running to two hundred pages. We were

assigned the submission number 4498. Council officers have distilled

this down to a summary as required by section 149F(2) of the Resource

Management Act 1991 (RMA). It can be described as 20 cryptic

“amendments� to the Notified Unitary Plan that are

generated by our requests. These are numbered 4498-1 through to 4498-20

on pages 385/386 of the council report. At this stage, the council

report does not contain any explanations of why we require these

amendments. The planners’ recommendations either for or against

the changes we require will not appear until prior to the Hearings

scheduled for the end of 2014 in the s42A Report required by the RMA.

Council goes on to say:

As provided by clause 8(1) of Schedule 1 of the RMA, the following

persons may make a further submission:

(a) any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;


(b) any person that has an interest in the proposed Auckland Unitary

Plan greater than the interest that the general public has; and

(c) Auckland Council.

Further submissions are limited to matters in support of or in

opposition to the relevant original submission and must be made by 5pm

on 22 July 2014. They must be in the prescribed form – Form 3 in

the Schedule of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure for

Auckland Combined Plan) Regulations 2013.

Forms are available on the council website mentioned above and at

Auckland Council libraries, service centers and local board offices.

All Radio Amateurs, no matter where you are in New Zealand, are

encouraged to send in further Submissions.

By Monday 23rd June 2014, the NZART Steering Committee intends to place

some sample “Further Submission� templates on the VHF

Group website (www.qsl.net/zl1bq). These forms, together with the

explanatory narrative, can be down-loaded and filled in, then either

posted, or emailed, to reach Auckland Council on or before 5:00pm on 22

July 2014.

Please take action now – we must not lose this case.

Douglas Birt ZL1BFS

NZART Local Government Liaison Officer

Mobile 027 492 5189

4. Wanted - Copy for Break-In.

My stock of articles etc for future issues is running low so I appeal to

members to assist with material for publication.

This could be short or long articles on any topic related to amateur

radio and electronics, constructional articles, workshop practice,

booÂ*k reviews, equipment reviews, software reviews and branch

activity reports.

Do you have an idea for an article for Break-In but not sure where to

start? Your Editor can put you in touch with someone to help you get


We have a column in Break-In titled “Around the

Branches�. Asked for is more input from the branches with their

activities, training new members to amateur radio, science and education

to name a few. Newly licensed amateurs are also welcome to introduce

themselves in this column.

Contact the Editor at


Stephen Hayman ZL1TPH

5. IARU Region 3 News

The latest Newsletter is available at


6. IARU HF World Championship 2014 and Michael J. Owen VK3KI


The 2014 IARU HF World Championship Contest takes place annually on the

second full weekend of July, beginning at 1200 UTC on Saturday and

ending at 1200 UTC Sunday (12-13 July 2014).

Both single and multi operator stations may operate for the entire 24

hour period.

All licensed amateurs worldwide are eligible to participate in this

contest. The objective is to contact as many other amateurs, and

especially IARU member society HQ stations, around the world.

The 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands may be used.

Multipliers are the total number of ITU Zones plus IARU member society

HQ stations worked on each band (not mode).

Region 3 has 29 potential society stations. Last year 10 societies

participated in the contest from Region 3.

IARU officials represent a maximum of four multipliers per band (AC, R1,

R2 and R3) Regional EC members who are not AC members must use the

designator “R3�. Look out for Region 3 Councilors and

society stations.

The complete rules of the championship can be found at

This year there is an added incentive for an amateur from Region 3 as it

will be the second time the Michael Owen VK3KI award is issued for the

Region 3 amateur who receives the highest number of points during the


The inaugural (2013) winner of the Michael Owen VK3KI award, sponsored

by the Wireless Institute of Australia, was JH5GHM, Mr. Katsuhiro (Don)

Kondou as sole operator of station JH1GBZ.

Congratulations on a fine effort.

7. Hamilton Amateur Radio Club –Market Day

Hamilton Amateur Radio Club


Saturday August 9th, 2014

Waikato Table Tennis Stadium

Edgecumbe Street, Hamilton

Vendors from 8.00 am

Buyers from 10.00 am

Table space at $20 per metre pre-paid, $25 per metre on the day

All enquiries to:

Market Day,

Hamilton Amateur Radio Club,

PO Box 606, Hamilton



Web: http://zl1ux.org.nz/market_day.html

8. Official Broadcast

June NZART Official Broadcast Sunday 27th July at 8:00pm & 9:00pm on

3900 LSB and the National System.



Off Shore News Links

· WIA News

· ARRL News & Features

· RSGB News

· IARU Region 3

NZART Housekeeping

· Break-In-Closing Date Reminder:

Copy for the July/August issue of Break-In closes on 10 July 2014.

· Copy for Break-In:

Copy in word.doc or word.docx files is preferred. Photos and other

graphics should be send as separate discrete files (*.jpg preferred);

not as embedded pictures in the body of the text. Please ensure that

suitable descriptive captions/legends are included with your copy. All

received copy will be acknowledged to confirm receipt. Early receipt of

copy is much appreciated with thanks.

Stephen Hayman ZL1TPH Interim Editor: Email >

· Break-In: AREC Column:

The close-of-copy date is Thursday 3 July 2014 for articles for

publication in the AREC COLUMN OF BREAK-IN. Photos, if available, to be

on a separate floppy or CD (with captions), posted DIRECTLY TO US. Use

the Call Book address. All other material can go to e-mail:

· Next HQ-Infoline: - Friday 18 July 2014. Closing date for

this post is Thursday 17 July 2014.

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