
Weekly news from the WIA:

MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2014-04-20.mp3 Text edition:




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WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH re AGM

WIA PR4AmateurRadio EXPO

AX Special prefix for ANZAC Day

AM and CW on ANZAC Day Event





#WIA PR4AmateurRadio

Breaker breaker, can I get a call back?

The language of amateur radio is almost an art-form, opening lines of

communication across the world said a pair of ABC presenters in Bundaberg,

where, as they said, a dedicated group of enthusiasts are keeping these

unique skills alive.

Some of the aims of last weekend's PR4Amateur Radio Expo were community

interaction and media coverage for Amateur Radio, with many successful

examples occurring. ABC Regional Radio Bundaberg got into the spirit of

things for the WIA's PR4AmateurRadio EXPO when Ross Kay and Wayne Shearman

interviewed VK4HAX Dave Nebe.

"There are 2 million amateurs worldwide, we've got 20,000 amateurs in

Australia, and people still keep the tradition alive, like Morse code and

that sort of thing."

In Bundaberg there are about 40 members in the club, with over 100 people

regularly on amateur radio bands."

David says the availability of modern electronics means that whatever your

interest, you can usually build it yourself.

He told the ABC that Amateur Radio is different things to different people.

Some like working on antennas, so they like to put an antenna to communicate

with someone far afield. Dave VK4HAX enjoys building things, trying out a

project, and sharing it with others.


PR4Amateur Radio Expo reports are still coming in, but initially include

indications of some potential recruitment, and that a greater understanding

now existed among the public who visited.

Ipswich and District Radio Club President, Glen Woodrow VK4FARR, in the

Ipswich Advertiser, reports social media has not damped the enthusiasm of

those engaged in Amateur Radio.

The club marked World Amateur Radio Day with an Expo, calling on residents

to get involved in the fun.

Glenn VK4FARR said, "It has never been easier to enter the hobby through

the basic Foundation Licence, and the club can show you how to join in the


He was speaking as modern Amateur Radio was showcased across the nation to

the public at demonstration stations.

A few visitors to the Expo had seen an antenna in their neighbourhood and

wondered what it meant. Some thought we'd gone out of existence, had a

former relative involved, or held an old fashioned view of it. Others have

not even heard of us.

The WIA CQ Expo stations have generated interest and stimulated much

discussion on public relations among existing radio amateurs.

PR4Amateur Radio Expo reports are still coming in, but initially include

indications of some potential recruitment, and that a greater understanding

now existed among the public who visited.

Talking of recruitment,

All in The Family

Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club recently conducted exams for some

prospective amateurs, including a mum and her three sons. Sunnycoast are

happy say they were all successful and very soon dad will sit the exam!

Super Tropical Cyclone

It has been a week since Tropical Cyclone Ita with winds of 230km/h came

ashore near Cooktown in Far North Queensland, and then swept south before

heading out to sea.

Initially rated Category 5 when making landfall late on Friday April the

11th to damage buildings, down trees and cut infrastructure.

Dale McCarty VK4DMC reports that no Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network

(WICEN) activation occurred to his knowledge, although 7.088 MHz and 3.588

MHz were monitored, with hams checking in to support the welfare of others.

Tropical Cyclone Ita was downgraded to a Category 1, but on its southward

track continued with strong winds and heavy rain, isolating many areas, and

leaving some without electricity.

Sugar cane and banana crops were flattened. The tourism industry faces cancellations

despite pleas that Queensland was still open for business. The population was

prepared, but with Ita rated at Category 5 many took refuge in community


Communication losses:-

loss of landline and mobile services at Hope Vale.

loss of some ADSL services at Cooktown

loss of 2G mobile base stations at Mt Piebald and Cape Flattery.

Mid-week 2G and ADSL was still out in Cooktown. However on the whole, mobile

phones remained mostly intact and fibre optic cables provided communication

with some areas.

ABC Radio in Queensland and RadioTAB (where we prepare the WIA news) had

in place a community service whereby if in any cyclone area where only the

TAB radio service was the one 'on air', ABC had the codes to enable their

cyclone information program to take over the RadioTAB transmitters.

Radio Australia activated its purpose built shortwave outlet in Shepparton

Victoria to beam the latest cyclone information into Queensland thousands

of kilometres to its north.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)

Heads in the Cloud.

The Queensland (VK4) state government is rolling out Microsoft's cloud-based

Office 365 service across its 149,000 person workforce.

The partnership was made in pursuit of Queensland's Renewal Agenda and

"ICT Strategy 2013-2017" blueprint and Renewal Agenda, which seeks to

streamline and standardise ICT across the organisation.

The government will use Office 365 for messaging and email, as well as

utilising the enterprise social network Yammer.

Queensland's IT and Innovation Minister Ian Walker said the partnership

would benefit Queenslanders and was a significant step towards modernising

the government's ICT infrastructure as it moved "toward the vision of ICT

as a service".

(The Australian)

Special prefix for ANZAC Day

All Australian radio amateurs may substitute their VK prefix with AX on ANZAC

Day, April the 25th.

The WIA recommends that those who choose the alternative also confirm QSOs

using a QSL card with the AX callsign. This also satisfies both prefix and

card hunters.

For example, the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia will have

a special event station AX2CL at Bare Island in New South Wales.

Bare Island is in Sydney's south, near La Perouse, and accessible by a

footbridge. An historic military fort and tunnels there can be visited only

by a guided tour.

Under a permanent agreement the Australian Communications and Media Authority

allows the alternative AX callsign prefix to be available on ANZAC Day,

Australia Day January 26, and ITU International Telecommunications Day, May 17.

(Jim VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP

Secretary David Williams VK3RU

Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

I'm looking forward to attending the 2014 WIA Annual Conference on the

Queensland Sunshine Coast over 16 - 17 and 18 May.

My top four interests in life are - art, science, technology and tomfoolery !

So - amateur radio has all four covered !

I did some homework on the attractions of the Sunshine Coast, and I'm really

looking forward to the sun, surf, sand and shenanigans to go along with the

weekend's activities organised by the Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club.

I'll be looking to top it all off by throwing a bream on the barbie on Sunday

night at the Club's headquarters.

See you there !

This has been a shameless plug for the 2014 WIA Annual Conference

by Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.



web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm

Meccano Exhibition.

The annual exhibition by the Meccano Modellers Association will be held on

Saturday the 26th of April. If you have fond memories of making Meccano

models in your youth, then pop along and see over 100 models of all sorts

of prototypes, made using Meccano parts from the earliest sets to the latest


It is hoped this year to have a large working model of the Hammerhead Crane

at Garden Island.

The date is Saturday the 26th of April.

The location is Frenchs Forest Baptist Church in Sydney.

Opening hours are 10 to 4.


Sydney P25

P25 in Sydney is growing, with 10 repeaters now on-air, and plans well

underway by Matt VK2LK, to link in other P25 repeaters from around the


A group of active P25 users have recently started a Facebook group, and

invite other P25 users to join their group, just search for

"Sydney P25 HAM Radio User" and also join them on their weekly

net, held at 8:00pm each Tuesday evening for half an hour on the Horsley

Park P25 repeater 438.1375MHz with a NAC of 293.



web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/

VK3 Home brewers to meet

The next meeting of the Homebrew Constructors Group will be at the Amateur

Radio Victoria rooms, 40g Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, on Saturday May the


The day will be devoted to "tuning and testing" so bring along a project

that needs a tweak or some serious analysis. A range of test equipment will

be available on the day to meet most needs.

All are welcome to attend the meeting on Saturday May the 3rd at 2pm. The

group may be contacted by email at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to

send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/

get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3

get local news emailed

This week WIA National News was told of a good news story by Rod, VK4FLYT.

Rod lives in the east coast city of Maryborough in Queensland. On the other

side of the continent lives a family friend, Kim, in Albany, WA.

Whilst Tropical Cyclone Ita was tracking towards the north of Queensland, Kim

had a problem. Her father had just moved into an aged care facility and some

of his larger possessions needed moving from the family home to his new

residence. No-one in the immediate family locally had suitable transport and

at this point Rod spoke to Kim and learned of the situation. In true Amateur

spirit he rallied to the cause with a casual "let's see what we can do."

Rod set about gaining some knowledge of the Albany area and the internet

soon led him to learning about the Southern Electronics Group. From here it

was a quick journey to speaking with OT, Tom Reid, VK6TR. After introductions,

over the phone the problem was explained to Tom who promptly volunteered

to use his car and trailer for the move. By co-incidence, Tom's granddaughter

works in the very wing of the residence that Kim's father has moved to.

Now I would mention that Tom is an octogenarian and his generosity is to be

much applauded. Rod is pleased that the amateur spirit has worked in such a

positive way across the continent.

Thanks to Tom for his help and thanks to Rod for helping out.

For WIA National News, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP.


NOTICE: Experimental 25 MHz WWV Broadcast

WWV has resumed broadcasting on 25 MHz on a limited, experimental basis.

The broadcast consists of the normal WWV signal heard on all other WWV

frequencies, at the same level of accuracy.

Current 25 MHz Broadcast Specifications (subject to change):

Schedule: variable; as an experimental broadcast, the 25 MHz signal is not

continuous. It will typically be on the air from approximately 1500-2100 UTC

Mondays through Fridays, but may operate outside these hours as well.

The broadcast may be interrupted or suspended without notice.

Radiated Power: varies; no more than 2500 W

Antenna: broadband monopole

Listener comments and reception reports may be emailed to:

>From the Delta to the DMZ (and beyond) Extended 40m band for Vietnamese hams.

Radio Hams in Vietnam can now enjoy the extended 40m band up to 7200 kHz,

the 30m band and new frequencies on 80m up to 3900 kHz, as well as the new

600m band (472 kHz - 479 kHz) and 160m (1800 kHz to 2000 kHz


ARRL report the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

facility in Alaska, could be decommissioned and dismantled altogether

unless the US Air Force can find a new prime contractor to take over

the 35-acre facility.

They cite a story in the Alaska Despatch which says the Geophysical Institute

at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks is hoping to pull together a plan

to run the facility, which long has been a subject of fascination for hams

and the target of conspiracy theorists.

The facility shut down last year and, with the exception of some

contract-funded research, it has essentially remained in standby.

Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL Awards Branch Manager, reports on the Crimea and

DXCC situation:

Upon request of the CEO, the ARRL Awards committee evaluated the situation

at present in Crimea against the DXCC rules.

As the interpreter of the rules, the following is the Awards Committee's

decision on how to "count" QSOs with stations operating from Crimea.

Crimea is not a DXCC entity. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a rare entity

and the vast majority of confirmations used for DXCC credit for either entity

do not involve Crimea.

DXCC Rule 4 reads:

Confirmation data for two-way communications must include the call signs

of both stations, the entity name as shown in the DXCC List, mode, date,

time and band. Except as permitted in Rule 1, cross-mode contacts are not

permitted for DXCC credits. Confirmations not containing all required

information may be rejected.

A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Ukraine and showing

the entity name as Ukraine counts as Ukraine.

A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Russia and showing

the entity name as Russia counts as Russia.

A QSL that satisfies neither condition does not count for either entity.

================================================== ===========================


Reductions to 13cm and 9cm bands

Following a consultation last year, Ofcom has decided it

will remove from the Amateur Radio Licence all frequencies

in the 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands that overlap with those planned

for award for new civil uses.

Specifically, this means 2,350 to 2,390 and 3,410 to

3,475MHz. Ofcom will give amateurs at least twelve months'

notice of this intention, but will also put in place a

procedure to remove amateur access to adjacent frequencies

if necessary in future.

Amateur users of the 2,310 to 2,350MHz band are requested

to register their use with Ofcom and provide contact

details. Ofcom has been required by the MoD to ensure their

systems are adequately protected from interference from

amateur uses in both the release and adjacent bands and the

statement contains guidance from Ofcom with which amateur

users must comply, with immediate effect.

Full details can be found on the Ofcom website at


FUNcube transponder to be activated at weekends

Following a 48 hour test last weekend, the FUNcube-CubeSat

team have concluded that although the battery temperature

does reduce slightly during full time transponder

operation, it remains within specification.

It has been decided that in future the satellite's

transponder should be activated at weekends. The plan is to

activate the transponder between 19.30-22.30 GMT on Friday

evenings and deactivate it between 19.30-22.30 GMT on

Sundays. During the rest of the week the transponder will

only be available when the satellite is in eclipse (darkness).

This schedule is totally reliant on the availability of command stations,

who will do their very best to ensure it is maintained.

Nobel Laureate K1JT to reopen radio telescope

Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor, K1JT, was the guest of honour to reopen

the restored 25 metre Dwingeloo radio telescope in the Netherlands.

The dish will see some amateur radio use on 23cm. With the

renovation complete, the radio telescope will be used by

radio amateurs, amateur astronomers and by budding researchers.

It has been used for several years by Dutch radio amateurs for EME work,

including during the ARRL EME Contest.



A MotoTRBO digital voice repeater has taken the place of a D-STAR system that

was under-utilized in Scotland.

GB7DD the D-STAR repeater in Dundee was shut down later replaced by a

Motorola MotoTRBO DMR digital voice repeater, provided by Martin Higgens,


================================================== ===========================


WIA VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3




Manly-Warringah Radio Society's Flagpole contest September.

Amateur Radios International Air-ambulance Week, 9 days from Sep 28.


Next Saturday, 26th April the Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club

will be operating VK2IMD, the only International Marconi Day station

in Oceania. The link to Marconi is that he sent the first messages

from Britain to Australian, which were received in Wahroonga, near

Hornsby. These were sent from the Marconi station near Caernarfon in

North West Wales, on behalf of Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes

and his Minister for the Navy Sir Joseph Cook who had just visited the

troops in France.

VK2IMD will operate on various MF and HF bands from 10 AM Saturday to

10 AM Sunday, Sydney time. A special QSL Card will be available. There

are dozens of other Award Stations active, including GB2MD and GB4MD

in Waunfawr, the transmitting site and GB8MD in Tywyn, the receiving


For VK1WIA News, this is Julian VK2YJS.

IMD: http://g4usb.net/IMD/award-stations/

HADARC: http://www.hadarc.org.au/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VK2MA

AM and CW on ANZAC Day, April 25

An annual ANZAC Day event that just keeps growing is the use of AM and CW

on our bands in honour of those modes being used by service personnel in

earlier wars.

The event idea came from a telephone conversation between Mike "Banjo"

Patterson VK4MIK and World War 11 Coas****cher in Papua New Guinea,

Lionel Veale.

He set up his ATR4A HF radio and orientated the antenna from behind enemy

lines. Lionel was one of those brave Coas****chers who sent back vital


The concept developed by the Tableland Radio Group in Far North Queensland

basically asks us to consider changing modes on ANZAC Day nets, as an honour

and Amateur Radio salute to those who served or are serving.

The Tableland Radio Group VK4GHL will be operating from a WW2 military hospital

igloo at Rocky Creek Memorial Park, being restored by the Atherton Rotary


The use of a Vaughan AM transceiver plus a display of ex-military radio and

Morse code keys including an ATR4A will be on show.

In Cairns, using old AM gear, will be Nick Watling VK4YT and Barrie Smeaton

VK4ALK. Townsville Amateur Radio Club members at different sites include

Gavin Reibelt VK4ZZ and Lyndall Reibelt VK4ZM from the old Sellheim military

base as afternoon net control on 7.115 MHz.

Ray Schinkel VK4NET will be in the Townsville area. Clyde Hebbard VK4FCRH,

Jeff Harper VK4AJH and Mario Antoniutti VK4MS are at Ingham.

Col Whale VK4RAN on HMAS Diamantina, will be joined by Luke Steele VK3HJ

and Tony Hambling VK3VTH at HMAS Castlemaine as VK3RAN.

At the Ballarat Showgrounds will be Johnno VK4FMPB, Wilfred VK3DWA and others

operating portable.

At the Tumbybay RSL Hall in South Australia Spencer Gulf from 10am until

4pm will be Alan "Grumpy" Waye AX5PBZ on HF, VHF and D-STAR for voice.

Hopefully this 'old modes' event will also have operations from other museums

and sites, as we commemorate the 99th year of the ANZAC landing.

Lest we forget.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

ARRL Awards Branch Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, says the 2013 9-X-Zero-H-P

from Rwanda has been approved for DXCC credit.

If anyone had this rejected in a recent application please send a note to
for an update to your record.

Please include the date of your submission to help expedite recovery of the



EI 6 DX will be on the air stroke F O from Bora Bora in French Polynesia

between May 7 and the 18th.

EI6DX/FO activity will be holiday style on 80 through 10 meters CW and SSB.

QSL via RX 3 RC, either direct or via the bureau.

And for those unfamiliar with the term holiday style, it basically means the

operator is on holidays and will get on the air as time permits.


LI for LA and LJ for LB

Celebrates 200 years of the Norwegian Constitution during 2014.

In addition, special event station LM1814 will be active as part of the



LZ 1 GC is planning to be operational as C 21 GC from the Republic of Nauru

between September 29th and October 19th on 160 through10 meters using CW,

SSB and some RTTY.


WRTC 2014, Inc., the host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship

competition has received a significant financial contribution in the form

of a Colvin Award Grant.

The Colvin Award is managed by ARRL and funded by an endowment established

by the late Lloyd D. Colvin, W6KG.

Doug Grant, K1DG, is the Chairman of WRTC 2014. He says that the

organization is honoured to receive this prestigious award.

Fifty-nine teams of top amateur radio contest operators from more than 40

countries will travel to the New England area July to compete.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)

More reports heard the Mildura beacon

The popular VK3FI 473 kHz CW beacon at Mildura in northwest Victoria has

had nearly 80 reports, as we move closer to improved propagation during the


The report of its having been heard in New Zealand has been repeated on Monday

April the 14th by Keith Hayes ZL4MD, who is in the central part of that country

at Ripponvale Cromwell.

Noel VK3FI says he's very impressed with the number of radio amateurs who

have taken the trouble to listen for the 473 kHz beacon and then provided

reports. Several have also sent audio recordings and screen grabs.

The CW has provided so much interest on the band. The beacon will continue

with it being turned on at 0900 UTC and off at 2200 UTC.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Panama Canal Special Event

This year, Panama is celebrating its 100th anniversary of the Panama Canal.

On August 15th, the Panamanians will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the

inaugural transit through the Panama Canal. This activity is organized by

amateurs of the Republic of Panama.

A special event station is operating as HO 100 CANAL until August 15.

Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY.

QSL Manager for the operation is HP 1 AVS.



Portable action in Victorian National Parks

A number of Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award activations are planned,

with most activity happening on the 40-metre band.

For example, listen for Croajingolong on Easter Monday the 21st from 10am

to 11am local.

Then the Little Desert on Saturday April the 26th from 1pm, the Lakes on

May the 3rd at 1pm, and a bit further out, Errinundra is likely on Sunday

June the 8th during the Queen's Birthday weekend.

Portable operation is a growing interest both among those who activate the

parks and those chasing contact with them, to qualify for various awards.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

On Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th of April, 2014, a special activation

weekend was held to celebrate the one year anniversary of the VK5 National

and Conservation Parks Award. The award promotes portable activity from

South Australia's 21 National Parks and 266 Conservation Parks.

During the weekend there were a total of 98 park activations by 29 dedicated

activators. Of these 98 park activations, 84 were from different parks, all

over South Australia including the Yorke Peninsula, mid north, the south east,

the Adelaide Hills, and the Riverland.

Over 2,300 QSOs were made over the 2 days by the activators, all around

Australia and around the world. There was also a total of 794 park to park

contacts. Special Park to park certificates are issued as part of the award,

for those amateurs operating portable from a South Australian park, who make

contact with another amateur in a South Australian park.

It was extremely pleasing to see over 11 amateurs, operating portable from a

park as part of the award, for the very first time. This included

David VK5AAH, Gary VK5FGRY, John VK5FMJC, Gordon VK5GY, Andrew VK5KET,

Les VK5KLV, Peter VK5KPR, Bill VK5MBD, Peter VK5KX, Paul VK5VCO, and

Andrew VK5MR.

Special mention to Tony VK3VTH who travelled across the border and activated

three parks in the south east of South Australia. And also to Andy VK5AKH

and Mark VK5QI who operated as VK5ARG, and activated a total of 20 parks on

Sunday. Quite an effort guys.

Thanks to everyone that participated, both activators and park hunters.

The weekend was a real success and very enjoyable. In the past fortnight,

over 20 award certificates have been mailed out to amateurs in VK2, VK3, and


For more information on the VK5 Parks Award, please visit the website

Or the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society website

Thanks for listening. I'm Paul, VK5PAS, on behalf of the Adelaide Hills

Amateur Radio Society.


N8PK appears with students in YouTube video

Pat Kilroy, N8PK makes a brief appearance in a recently released

video on YouTube. In it, he is working with a couple of his students

working the AMSAT satellites as practice for future NASA engineers.

They get a whole minute of the seven-minute limelight starting at

about the 2:07 mark. And get a little chuckle at the tail end during

our thank you's:



ILLW reaches a milestone

The 200th registration for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend,

held on the third weekend of August, is the 152-year old Cabo Silleiro light

station in Spain.

The Spanish registration comes from Hans Muenzenhofer DK6EA and Heike

Beiderwieden DC2CT who will activate the lighthouse, for its first time in

the annual fun-event.

This is the 5th lighthouse since 2010 for the pair, who will use an ICOM

IC7000 transceiver and 10m, 20m and 40m dipoles based on a fishing rod.

On the Atlantic coast near to north-western City of Vigo in the region Galicia,

the octagonal stone tower painted with red and white horizontal bands, was

an entry point to the Ria de Vigo in the south.

The old lighthouse with a large two-story keeper's complex is on an important

headland and also once had a fog signal.

So far there are 205 registrations from 30 countries in this year's

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.

For past or current activations, the guidelines and to make an online

registration for August the 16th and 17th, visit the website www.illw.net

(Jim Linton VK3PC)



Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting for the 'Wireless

Institute Civil Emergency Network, South Australia' (WICEN SA) will

be held on Friday 9th May 2014 at 1900.

The meeting will be held in the St John Ambulance building,

7 to 9 Acorn Road, Camden Park.

A speaker from 'South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management' (SAVEM)

will present from 1930 with the meeting to be held after a light supper

is served.

All positions (including President) will be vacated and nominations are now

being called.

Any questions please contact Andrew Macmichael on 0403 791488 or



"Most Local and County Emergency Management Plans Ignore Amateur Radio" is

the title of an article in the Ground Report issued by Creative Commons.

The article by Robert Tilford seeks an answer as to why more municipalities

and other agencies are not including ham radio as a resource in planning for

events such as natural disasters and even terrorist attacks. He notes the

ability of amateur radio operators to communicate from these disasters

enabling them to serve as an extremely valuable and vital communications tool

for dissemination of critical information when other more traditional means


In all it's a very positive look at our hobby and is on the web at


(Ground Report via ARNewsLine)


Apr 19-20 VK2 Urunga Convention Easter 2014

Apr 25 vk3 ANZAC Day event Ballarat Showgrounds )

May 2- 4 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( 0429 632 815 )

May 10 VK3 Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club Hamfest 10am

May 10 VK4 BARCFEST: Salvation Army Hall Calamvale.

May 10 VK6 HARG swap meet open to sellers 1pm. 5 Sanderson rd Lesmurdie

May 16-18 VK4 WIA Conference presented by SCARC ( )

Jun 7- 9 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club field day Port Macquarie

Jun 7- 9 VK5 South East Radio Club's (SERG) 50th annual Convention and

Australian Foxhunting Championship.

Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society

Nov 15 VK7 Hamfest (Venue to be advised)

Nov 30 VK3 SPARC HamFest at Rosebud ( )





I have been a SWL since I was around ten years, I am now 70 years, and I have

always enjoyed the Sunday AM broadcasts. I generally listen to 439.975mhz.

I also participate in any buy and sells the clubs put on.

To the crew that put this broadcast on week after week, congratulations, it is

a top effort. I cannot call-back so I will let you know how much I

appreciate it and enjoy it. Once again thank you.

James Zinkler

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the

VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on


Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being

broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only

be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different

slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your

item write in the 3rd person.


================================================== ===========================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to

the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may

lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might

even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize

their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to

active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia

and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in

"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily

reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast

in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to

WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.




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