

Good morning, you are listening to ZS6SRL, the official radio station

of the South African Radio League, the national body for amateur radio

in South Africa. The SARL broadcasts a news bulletin every Sunday at

08:15 CAT in Afrikaans and at 08:30 CAT in English. To listen to a web

stream, visit www.sarl.org.za, click on 'Amateur Radio Today' and

follow the links for details. For audio via Echolink, connect to


You can download this bulletin and previous ones from www.sarl.org.za

and also subscribe there to receive future bulletins by e-mail.

Your newsreader this morning is (name and call sign), on 145,725 MHz

from Pretoria, with a relay on 7,066 MHz SSB. (Other news readers

change to suit).


It is with regret that it has to be announced that the key of Lourens

van Niekerk, ZS6AKB, a member of the East Rand Club, became silent on

the 22nd of January after a heart attack.

Our sincere condolences to his relatives and friends.


In today's SARL News:




You are listening to ZS6SRL. Stay tuned for more details on these and

other important and interesting items.


The next INTECNET will be held on Tuesday 11 February at 19:30 as part

of the SARL Youth week. Radio amateurs are invited to join a debate

what they think should be done to attract more young people into the

hobby. We were hoping to have featured a number of young radio amateurs

to join the net but to date non have come forward. This is perhaps even

more reason to debate the issue how to attract more young people in

into Amateur Radio and how to keep them involved.

Intecnet will be carried on repeaters in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and

Pretoria, as well as on echolink. If you are a young radio amateur put

your name forward to be selected to be part of the panel. To have your

repeater linked to the network, please send an email to
by today 18:00 (Sunday 9 February).


This is a fun activity to celebrate the Youth and to promote contacts

between young radio amateurs in Southern African countries. Call "CQ

Youth Day" on Saturday 15 February 2014 from 10:00 to 12:00 local time.

The exchange is a RS report and the operator's age. It is a phone

sprint on the 40-metre band (7 063 to 7 100 and 7 130 to 7 200 kHz).

Log sheets and summaries shall be submitted within 7 days after the

contest and must be sent to . The closing date

for log submissions is 22 February 2014. The age of the operator must

be shown on the summary sheet. All the logs received will be entered

into a draw for a Student Membership of the SARL and many other prizes.

Listen to SARL News next week for more details. Visit
www.hamradio.org.za for more details.

Are you and your club facilitating young people?


Three United Kingdom amateurs will be taking to Internet television

later this month with a new amateur radio based video podcast program

of their own.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, says that the new show is

called The TX Factor. Its hosts are Bob McCreadie, G0FGX, Mike Marsh,

G1IAR and Nick Bennett, 2E0FGQ. All are broadcast professionals who

plan to explore all aspects of amateur radio's fascinating hobby as the

show progresses month to month.

For example, episode one later this month will visit the United

Kingdom's Marconi Centre. It will also spend time with the Norman

Lockyer Observatory Group learning about how repeaters function and

also visit a mountaintop location to discuss the Summits on the Air

project. Episode 2 in March will include a visit to the world famous

Bath Buildathon and a close up look at the FUNcube Dongle.

Down the road look for shows dealing with such topics as the history of

amateur radio, the gear available to amateurs, antennas, operating

modes, propagation, radio sports, current news and just about anything

related to the magical world of amateur radio.

The downloadable video podcast stream should be compatible with most

smart phones, tablets and smart TV's as well as traditional laptops and

desktop PC's. The TX Factor is sponsored by Yaesu Musen Company of

Japan and United Kingdom ham radio supplier Martin Lynch & Sons Ltd. It

will be available free of charge to download beginning on February 21st

at www.txfactor.co.uk.


All affiliated clubs wishing to administer a RAE examination centre

must re-register for 2014, before 21 February 2014, even if you are not

sure if there will be any candidates for this coming examinations.

The SARL is currently changing to an online registration system.

Therefore we need all the most recent information of the examination

centres. The planned date for roll out is March 2014. This new online

registration will be an improvement on the current manual system.

Exactly how the system will work will be communicated to all clubs and

chief invigilators of the exam centres to help the candidates register.

We thank everyone for their support.

To register your Exam Centre, on the SARL website go to Licencing /

Radio Amateur's Examination and follow the link to "Exam Centre

Registration" on the left-hand side.


Our modern amateurs have a lot to be grateful for to our early radio

amateur pioneers, who experimented, persevered and laid the foundation

of amateur radio in this country against all the odds.

One notable name in the history of radio in South Africa is John Samuel

Streeter who became interested in radio in 1909 but owing to an

unfavourable letter from the then postmaster-general it was considered

best to lie low, and it was not until after World War 1 in 1919, that a

fresh start was made with crystal sets and spark transmitters.

The first valves were used in South Africa in the early 1920s such as

the type M-OR that heralded experiments with AM telephony on long and

medium waves. John Streeter used the call sign A4Z and was the first

amateur on phone, and made the first music broadcasts in South Africa

to the public in Cape Town who listened in on their crystal sets. John

Streeter became Mr. Radio of the time with regular headlines in the

local newspapers. He also made the international news headlines when he

established the first "wireless" contact on 20 metres between South

Africa and the USA. The Radio Informer, a Canadian publication wrote in

its December 1925 edition: "South African radio amateur talks with the

US for the first time".

By the way our first radio amateur and pioneer was W. E. Dixon Bennett

FO-A3V (ZS4F, ZS4W, ZS5EG) who completed his coherer receiver and spark

transmitter in 1903 and became the first licensed radio amateur in 1904

while resident in Pretoria, i.e. 110 years ago. Dixon Bennett had to

wait another year before he made his first spark contact with a new

amateur, named Ensor, in Pretoria. All the above events occurred long

before the discovery of propagation modes on VHF. You can read more in

"The Dawn of Amateur Radio in South Africa" in the "Radio Amateurs and

Events of bygone days forum" as posted on the SARL General Forums.


Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the expected solar activity will

be at active levels. Sunspot AR1968 has a "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic

field that harbours enough energy for X-class solar flares.

If you want to do your own frequency predictions, the expected

effective sunspot number for the week will be around 120.

All the bands from 20 to 10 m will provide lots of DX fun with 15 m

providing the best openings with 20 m not far behind. With the higher

solar activity there may be some good 6 m openings in the early

evenings as well.

Please visit the website spaceweather.sansa.org.za for further



11 February - Intechnet on Youth in Amateur Radio at 19:30 CAT. 15

February - Youth Sprint on the air, 10:00-12:00 CAT. 21 February - Last

day to register radio amateur examination centres. 22 February - Logs

for Youth Sprint to be in to . 28 February -

Closing date for Youth Essay Competition 15 March - Last day to submit

proposals for papers for the 2014 SA AMSAT space symposium to

The 2014 SARL Diary of Events will be available for download in the

coming week from www.sarl.org.za. Get a copy and keep it handy in your

radio shack.

SARL News invites clubs and individuals to submit news items of

interest to radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. Submit news items

- if possible in both English and Afrikaans to
www.sarl.org.za/newsinbox.asp, not later than the Thursday preceding

the bulletin date.

The SARL invites you to listen to Amateur Radio Today every Sunday

morning at 10:00 CAT on 145,750 MHz in the Pretoria area, with relays

on 7 082, 7 205, and 17 760 kHz. There is also a podcast by ZS6RO. For

a web-stream and Echolink by ZS6FCS, visit www.sarl.org.za, click on

'Amateur Radio Today', go down the green column and click on 'LISTEN ON

THE WEB'. A repeat transmission can be heard on Mondays at 16:30 UTC on

4 895 kHz. The website also lists various other retransmissions.

Reception reports, comments and suggestions are invited. Send an email

to . Sentech sponsors the transmissions on the

non-amateur frequencies.

You have listened to a bulletin of the South African Radio League

compiled and edited by George Honiball, ZS6NE.

Thank you for listening, 73.


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