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The ARRL Letter, December 19, 2013

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 12:23 PM PST

The ARRL Letter

December 19, 2013

Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, Editor

[Clicking on the links in the story list below will take you to the article

that appears in this edition of The ARRL Letter, as posted on the ARRL


Regulatory: ARRL's "Symbol Rate" Petition Nears Top of FCC's "Most Active

Proceedings" ListScience: Solar Scientists Say Cycle 24 is the Weakest in

More than a CenturyEvents: Ham Radio Santa is On the Air at OF9XOn the Air:

Get Ready -- The ARRL Centennial QSO Party Kicks Off January 1!On the Air:

Kids Day is January 5!Radiosport: CW Rookie Roundup is Sunday, December

22!Radiosport: WRTC-2014 Announces On-Site RefereesHam Radio in Space: Two

Ham-Astronauts to Repair Faulty Pump During Multiple SpacewalksDX: K9W Wake

Atoll Commemorative DXpedition Tops 100,000 ContactsLicensing: New

Technician Class Question Pool ReleasedPublic Service: Nevada Amateur Radio

Club Pitches in to Help Neighbors in NeedPublic Service: New York District

ARES Members Give Back for SantaDX: T6TM Operation Approved for DXCC

CreditEvents: Experimenter to Honor Early Wireless Pioneers with Longwave

TransmissionsMilestones: Voice of Russia -- Former "Radio Moscow" -- to End

Shortwave BroadcastsGetting It Right!The K7RA Solar UpdateJust Ahead in

RadiosportUpcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events

Note: This will be the final edition of The ARRL Letter for 2013. ARRL

Headquarters will be closed Christmas Day, December 25, and New Year's Day,

January 1, 2014, and there will be no W1AW bulletins or code practice on

those days. The ARRL Letter will return January 9, 2014, and ARRL Audio

News will return January 10, 2014. We wish everyone a happy holiday season

and all the best for the new year 2014!

Regulatory: ARRL's "Symbol Rate" Petition Nears Top of FCC's "Most Active

Proceedings" List

As the Monday, December 23, deadline nears to comment on the ARRL's "Symbol

Rate" Petition for Rule Making (PRM), the petition has moved into second

place on the FCC's "Most Active Proceedings" page (it was in first place

briefly). Since the FCC put the ARRL Petition on public notice for comment

as RM-11708, it has attracted 685 comments (as of December 19) and

counting. The petition asks the FCC to delete the symbol rate limit in

§97.307(f) of its Amateur Service rules and to replace it with a maximum

data emission bandwidth of 2.8 kHz on frequencies below 29.7 MHz. In a

briefing memorandum released this week, the League took steps to clarify

just what it is -- and is not -- asking the FCC to do. ARRL General Counsel

Chris Imlay, W3KD, said that while a significant majority of commenters

support the petition, some appear not to understand the petition's intent.

The League reiterated that its filing would not "initiate any large scale

plan to convert to regulation of emissions by bandwidth," and would not

affect any emissions other than data.

"The Petition proposes no changes that would affect in any way the existing

rules governing Morse telegraphy, phone, and image emissions," the ARRL

stressed in its talking points. "The state of the art in digital

communications now allows transmission protocols in which the symbol rate

exceeds the present limitations of §97.307(f) of the FCC rules, but the

necessary bandwidth of the protocol is within the bandwidth of a typical HF

single sideband channel (3 kHz)." The League contends that eliminating

symbol rate limitations for data emissions and substituting a maximum

authorized bandwidth "would permit the utilization of all HF data

transmission protocols presently legal in the Amateur Radio Service, as

well as state-of-the-art protocols that fall within the authorized


The briefing memo stresses that the petition would not

affect HF subbands where phone and image emissions are now permitted nor

affect HF CW operation.permit digital voice transmissions in data and RTTY

subbands nor add rules affecting digital voice.change restrictions on

automatically controlled digital stations.permit data emissions to use

occupied bandwidths in excess of what is now allowed.

Further, the petition does not call on the FCC to expand the frequencies on

which "unspecified digital codes" may be used. The original petition, as

filed, included an error that the ARRL corrected in an Erratum deleting the

erroneous reference to unspecified digital codes at HF. "It was never our

intention to permit unspecified digital codes at HF," the League said.

All told, the ARRL talking points state, the proposal represents a balanced

approach. "ARRL attempted, in adopting the 2.8 kHz maximum bandwidth

proposal for data emissions at HF, to balance the two objectives of

facilitating use of new and future data emissions and protecting against

usurpation of the band by a few data stations," the briefing memorandum

said. "Some bandwidth limit is necessary if the outdated symbol rate limit

is eliminated, as it should be."

Reply comments -- ie, comments on filed comments -- on the ARRL's petition

are due by January 7, 2014.

Science: Solar Scientists Say Cycle 24 is the Weakest in More than a Century

Four leading solar scientists on December 11 told journalists attending the

American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall conference in San Francisco that

current solar Cycle 24 has demonstrated extremely low sunspot activity and

appears to be the weakest cycle of the past 10 cycles -- more than 100

years. This already has resulted in milder "space weather" and less-intense

geomagnetic storms and "energetic particle events," such as coronal mass

ejections (CMEs), NASA scientist Nat Gopalswamy said.

"The weak activity of Cycle 24 is thought to be due to the weak polar

magnetic field in Cycle 23," an AGU news release explained. "If this trend

continues for the next couple of cycles, the Sun may be heading for a

global minimum."

The scientists drew no specific conclusions regarding the impact of the

extremely weak Cycle 24 on radio propagation. Stanford University's Leif

Svalgaard said this weak cycle had been predicted based on the behavior of

the Sun's polar magnetic fields, which translate into fewer sunspots.

Svalgaard believes that in a few years it will be possible to use polar

field data to determine the robustness of Cycle 25. The Sun's weak polar

magnetic field could lead to an increase in cosmic ray activity, which

could affect manned spaceflight.

In addition to Svalgaard and Gopalswamy, the other scientists were Martin

Mlynczak of NASA-Langley, and Joe Giacolone of the University of Arizona.

According to Spaceweather.com, since 2004 there have been 821 days without

sunspots, compared to 486 days for the "typical" solar minimum, but none of

these days fell within 2012 or 2013.

Events: Ham Radio Santa is On the Air at OF9X

Operating as OF9X ("Old Father 9 Xmas") from the Finnish Lapland, Santa

Claus is proving to be a popular on-the-air attraction again this year. One

of Santa's elves, Martti Laine, OH2BH, reported a first-night count of some

1000 contacts on December 18.

"The US Santa Path opening from 2000 UTC to 0300 UTC was covering the

entire USA," Laine said from the "Offices of Santa Claus" in Lapland.

Last year Santa established himself as an Amateur Radio figure with

thousands of followers, and more than 800 "Santa Awards" were issued around

the world. There's a new twist this year, though. Santa has become a Morse

code pro and is now active on CW as well as SSB.

The primary ham radio activity will take place this weekend before

Christmas, and, as Santa is busy, his elves will helm Santa Radio, OF9X,

most of the time. Santa should be on CW around 25 kHz up the lower band

edge and on SSB at approximately 14.225 kHz.

Making two contacts with Santa -- at least one from 2013 -- qualifies

stations for the 2013 Santa Cold Winter Award (contacts from 2012 may be

applied). Operators can track their two QSOs and send requests by e-mail.

If you make just one contact this season, operators may compensate by

solving the Christmas Puzzle by N0AX. Send details of your 2013 QSO along

with the two "mystery words" from the puzzle, and you will qualify.

If you need help with the puzzle, you may ask Santa for help. Contact OF9X

and mention the question line number (two lines maximum), and Santa will

whisper the needed word to you. On CW send "QSC NR" (Q-Santa-Claus). Santa

Cold Winter Awards are sent free of charge by e-mail.

"Merry Christmas to all Amateur Radio operators and their children and

grandchildren the world over," greeted Santa Claus, OF9X. "Enjoy your

Christmas and share the joy of being together. Always!" -- Thanks to Martti

Laine, OH2BH

On the Air: Get Ready -- The ARRL Centennial QSO Party Kicks Off January 1!

As part of the mix of events marking the League's 100th anniversary, the

ARRL Centennial QSO Party gets underway at 0001 UTC on January 1. This is a

year-long operating event, in which participants can accumulate points and

win awards, as well as work new stations and make new friends. During 2014

W1AW will be on the air at least twice from every US state and from most US

territories, and it will be easy to work all states solely by contacting

W1AW portable operations. This will be the first ARRL-sponsored operating

event for which every member is worth at least one point. The event is open

to all, although only ARRL members and appointees, elected officials, HQ

staff, and W1AW are worth points. Working the ARRL's president, for

example, earns 300 points!

To qualify for points, all contacts must be two-way (no cross-band or

cross-mode contacts), using CW, phone (FM, SSB, AM, digital voice), digital

(any digital mode, such as PSK31, RTTY) on 160, 80, 40, 30, 17, 15, 12, 10,

6, 2 and 1.25 meters, plus 70 centimeters and satellite. Stations exchange

signal report and ARRL abbreviation. Contacts do not have to be

contest-style, and providing ARRL organizational information is not

required. A centennial database will assign point values to all logs

submitted electronically. Those not submitting electronically, however,

will need to obtain the QSO information during the contact. Since this is

not a contest, participants may make contacts in any fashion they prefer.

The Centennial QSO Party is scored by totaling the values of all eligible

contacts. There are no multipliers or bonus points. Logs submitted via

Logbook of the World (LoTW) will be scored automatically.

For full information, visit the ARRL Centennial QSO Party webpage. Contact

us if you have questions. Read more.

On the Air: Kids Day is January 5!

The next Kids Day, sponsored by the ARRL and The Boring (Oregon) Amateur

Radio Club, will be Sunday, January 5, from 1800 to 2400 UTC. This is an

excellent opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio

satellites to youngsters and let them get some firsthand experience.

Share the excitement with your own children or grandkids or youngsters in

the neighborhood! For the youngsters, their positive ham radio experience

may foster an interest in getting licensed one day. For veteran radio

amateurs, it's a chance to share their love of Amateur Radio and their

stations with the next generation.

To attract attention call "CQ Kids Day." The suggested exchange is name,

age, location, and favorite color. There is no limit on operating time, and

stations may work each other more than once, if the operator has changed.

The suggested HF frequencies are 28.350 to 28.400 MHz, 24.960 to 24.980

MHz, 21.360 to 21.400 MHz, 18.140 to 18.145 MHz, 14.270 to 14.300 MHz,

7.270 to 7.290 MHz, and 3.740 to 3.940 MHz. Repeater contacts (with

permission of the repeater's sponsor) are okay too, and satellite contacts

may provide a real thrill. Be sure to observe third-party traffic

restrictions when making DX contacts.

All participants are encouraged to post stories and photos to the Kids Day

Soapbox page and are eligible to receive a colorful certificate. You can

download the free certificate, customized with the youngsters' names, after

filling out the Kids Day Survey found on the same page as the certificate

generator. Alternatively, you can send a 9 × 12 SASE to Kids Day

Certificate Request, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. ARRL Kids Day

is always the first Sunday of January and the third Saturday of June.

Radiosport: CW Rookie Roundup is Sunday, December 22!

Dust off those keys and paddles! The CW Rookie Roundup -- the last Rookie

Roundup event for 2013 -- takes place Sunday, December 22, 1800 through

2359 UTC. This is an excellent opportunity for new operators -- for this

event defined has having been first licensed no longer than 3 years,

regardless of license class -- to get on the air and learn new skills.

The idea behind the Rookie Roundup events is to encourage newly-licensed

operators ("Rookies") in North America (including those living in

territories and possessions) to experience competitive Amateur Radio

operating on HF. Experienced operators are encouraged to participate and

help the newcomers on the air or in person.

Old Timers, look for newer ops and inspire and instill your love for

the "original digital mode" and consider hosting a ham radio newcomer or

two at your station. The more operators on the air, the more fun.

Review the rules before the event, and get familiar with logging and log

submission. We hope to hear you on the air!

The Rookie Roundup returns to SSB on April 20 and to RTTY next August 17.

-- Mike DeChristopher, N1TA, ARRL Contest Branch Manager

Radiosport: WRTC-2014 Announces On-Site Referees

The organizers of World Radiosport Team Championship 2014 (WRTC-2014) have

announced the names of on-site referees for the July 12-13, 2014,

international Amateur Radio competition in New England. Referees will be

deployed to each of the 59 stations to monitor and verify compliance with

the WRTC rules and to make decisions regarding any rules questions the

teams may have. All top-level contesters in their own right, referees will

listen to the audio from both operators for the entire 24 hours of

WRTC-2014. Dan Street, K1TO, managed the referee application and

verification process. Selecting from among the 143 applications received

involved several factors, including geographical area, language skills, and

single-operator, two-radio (SO2R) ability.

"With so many well-qualified volunteers willing to serve as referees, it

was simply impossible to choose everyone we would have liked," said

WRTC-2014 Chief Referee David Sumner, K1ZZ. "It is a great tribute to the

past and present WRTC organizers that the event is so strongly supported by

active contesters from around the globe. We know that everyone who

volunteered will help in any way they can to make WRTC-2014 another


World Radiosport Team Championship events are held every four years. The

competition consists of approximately 50 two-person teams of Amateur Radio

operators from around the world, going head to head in a test of operating

skill. Read more.

Ham Radio in Space: Two Ham-Astronauts to Repair Faulty Pump During

Multiple Spacewalks

Expedition 38 Astronauts Mike Hopkins, KF5LJG, and Rick Mastracchio,

KC5ZTE, will leave the confines of the International Space Station (ISS)

December 21, 23, and 25 to repair a faulty cooling system pump. The

malfunction has already caused the postponement of one Amateur Radio on the

International Space Station (ARISS) school contact. NASA managers also are

postponing until January an upcoming cargo resupply mission to the ISS.

NASA said that during the multiple spacewalks -- or extra-vehicular

activities (EVAs) as NASA calls them -- Hopkins and Mastracchio will remove

a pump module that has a failed valve and replace it with a spare that's

stowed on an external platform.

Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, who is involved with scheduling ARISS school

contacts, said ARISS postponed one contact with a school in Italy that had

been scheduled for December 16. It's being rescheduled for January. It's

unclear if the ISS problem will affect additional ARISS school

contacts. "We are working towards getting everyone scheduled, but it is

pretty crazy," Sufana told ARRL. "The two contacts for next week have not

been scheduled yet, and it will probably be a near last-minute decision. We

may just luck out and get something between EVA days."

DX: K9W Wake Atoll Commemorative DXpedition Tops 100,000 Contacts

The K9W Wake Atoll DXpedition team reports that it logged slightly more

than 100,000 contacts during its November DXpedition in the South Pacific.

"The Wake Atoll DXpedition team wants to thank the DX community for the

outstanding response to 'The Forgotten 98' Commemorative DXpedition," Team

Leader Lou Dietrich, N2TU, said on the DXpedition's behalf. "Also, we need

to express our gratitude to our hosts on Wake, the United States Air

Force." Because of issues stemming from the partial federal government

shutdown the DXpedition had to postpone its startup from October until


North American hams worked the lion's share of the contacts -- just over 35

percent, with Asia and Europe not far behind at 32 percent and 27 percent,

respectively. The rest of the world had a more difficult time putting K9W

into the log. Contacts with Oceania accounted for slightly more than 3

percent of the total, with South America contacts comprising slightly less

than 2 percent, and with Africa less than 1 percent. K9W logged 53,765 CW,

38,700 SSB, and 7,562 digital contacts. The K9W DXpedition was the

recipient of a Colvin Award grant. Contacts will be uploaded to Logbook of

The World (LoTW). Read more.

Licensing: New Technician Class Question Pool Released

The NCVEC Question Pool Committee has released the new 2014-2018 Technician

Class, Element 2, question pool to the public. This pool will take effect

on July 1, 2014, and will remain valid until June 30, 2018. The current

Technician question pool, released in 2010, is valid until June 30, 2014.

-- Maria Somma, AB1FM, ARRL/VEC Manager

Public Service: Nevada Amateur Radio Club Pitches in to Help Neighbors in


Members of the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society (SNARS) -- an ARRL

Special Service Club -- recently teamed up with a Reno TV station to help

raise some $240,000 in donations and 180,000 pound of food items and toys

to aid Nevada families hard hit by the economic downturn. Reno not only

suffered a recent cold snap, but Nevada has seen the most home loan

foreclosures and the nation's highest unemployment rate over most of the

past decade.

On December 13, with most of Washoe County hunkered down from the cold,

SNARS members, organized and led by Jim Rosima, KD7DPW, took part in the

21st annual "Share Your Christmas Drive-By Food Drive," sponsored by local

CBS affiliate KTNV. The event took place in three locations -- the

Governor's Mansion in Carson City, the Carson Valley Inn in Minden, and the

Grand Sierra Resort in Reno. KTNV broadcast live throughout the day.

The event is set up to let people remain in their cars and simply drive

through designated lanes to make their donations. SNARS members accepted

contributions, sorted and boxed food and toys, and provided traffic control.

Founded in 1968, SNARS serves the Amateur Radio communities of Northern

Nevada and Eastern California. Its members are active in public service,

and the club maintains an extensive network of voice and digital repeaters.

-- Thanks to the Nevada Amateur Radio Newswire

Public Service: New York District ARES Members Give Back for Santa

Seventeen members of the New York District Amateur Radio Emergency Service®

(ARES) provided communication support for Operation Santa Claus, sponsored

by Community Mayors Inc. The event takes place each holiday season at JFK

Airport, Port Authority Hanger #19, which is transformed into an improvised

North Pole. During the invitation-only event, more than 5000 special

youngsters and caregivers from the Greater New York City area enjoy snacks

and receive toys. Then, pandemonium ensues as Santa Claus and Mrs Claus

finally arrive on a 727 towed into the hangar. Community Mayors, a

501(C)(3) nonprofit, delivers "recreational therapy" for more than 50,000

children with disabilities in the New York City area through the

sponsorship of events and activities.

"Op Santa" attracts one of the largest turnouts of Amateur Radio operators

at a public service event. For ARES members, the annual celebration is a

true test of operator skill. Many volunteers at Operation Santa Claus are

from uniformed services, such as the New York City Fire Department, the

Port Authority Police of New York and New Jersey, the NYPD, the Secret

Service, FBI, TSA, and branches of Homeland Security. Each service has its

own radio frequencies and modes, so ARES acts as the communication glue

between volunteers and the Mayors. Before guests arrive, ARES operators are

assigned to shadow someone throughout the event as they go about their

duties. Net control operators coordinate ARES members' locations and

traffic. Transmissions must be crisp and seamless. Tactical call signs are

employed. OpSanta requires operators to think fast and on their feet, and

the action is relentless.

"In the midst of live stage presentations, marching bands, and excited

children calling out for Santa, radio headsets are essential," said ARES

volunteer David Korchin, KC2WNW. And occasionally, the unexpected arises.

"This year two children became separated from their classes -- not fun in a

room with 4000 people. It was brought to the attention of the event

organizers via our net," Korchin said, adding that one or two youngster get

separated from their groups every year.

For the ARES members it's an exciting operational challenge, and the

gratification of volunteer work is immediate. "When you see the wondrous

looks on the faces of children as Santa Claus arrives and takes a few turns

around the hangar in his special toy train, all the hard work and

preparation becomes worthwhile," Korchin said. "Operation Santa Claus is

one of the many ways Amateur Radio really gets to give back for the

privilege of our licenses and access to frequencies -- and it's a great way

to meet Santa." -- Thanks to David Korchin, KC2WNW

DX: T6TM Operation Approved for DXCC Credit

The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved the current operation of T6TM --

Afghanistan for DX Century Club credit. If a request for DXCC credit for

this operation has been rejected in a prior application, contact ARRL

Awards Branch Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, to be placed on the list for an

update to your record. Please note the submission date and/or reference

number of your application in order to expedite the search for any rejected


DXCC is Amateur Radio's premier award that hams can earn by confirming

on-the-air contacts with 100 DXCC "entities," most of which are countries

in the traditional sense. You can begin with the basic DXCC award and work

your way up to the DXCC Honor Roll. Learn more. -- ARRL Awards Branch

Manager Bill Moore, NC1L

Events: Experimenter to Honor Early Wireless Pioneers with Longwave


As he has over the past several years, Brian Justin, WA1ZMS/4 -- as

experimental station WG2XFQ -- will transmit voice and music on 486 kHz on

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and again on New Year's Eve and New Year's

Day. Transmissions will begin at 0001 UTC and end at 2359 UTC. Justin, who

may be better known for his microwave exploits on ham radio, will use an AM

audio loop modulating his vintage-style, homebrew transmitter to honor

Reginald Fessenden's Christmas Eve 1906 AM voice transmission.

"While his original transmissions used a set of carbon microphones in the

antenna lead to modulate the signal," Justin explained, "WG2XFQ will be

utilizing true Heising modulation in honor of Raymond Heising, who

developed this early form of amplitude modulation during World War I.

Justin constructed his 5 W master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA)

transmitter using 1920s-vintage components. He said a modern 500 W FET

linear amplifier allows him to meet his WG2XFQ ERP limit of 20 W. An RF

engineer, Justin collects pre-1920 wireless gear and has a World War I

Heising-modulated aircraft transmitter he's planning to restore. Justin was

an active participant in the ARRL's WD2XSH 600 meter experimental project.

Milestones: Voice of Russia -- Former "Radio Moscow" -- to End Shortwave


Voice of Russia (VOR), the former Radio Moscow during the USSR era, will

cease shortwave broadcasts as of January 1, 2014. From the 1950s through

the 1980s, the station, as Radio Moscow, was a virtual beacon for

short-wave listeners (SWLs), many of whom gravitated into Amateur Radio.

Voice of Russia currently broadcasts to 160 countries in 38 languages for

an aggregate 151 hours per day on short and medium waves, on FM, via

satellite, and via the Internet. Earlier this year shortwave transmissions

were cut to 26 hours a day in all languages, down from more than 50 hours a

day in 2012.

VOR, which claims to be the first radio station to broadcast

internationally, will continue to broadcast online and via three

medium-wave transmitters. In 2003 VOR was among the first major

international radio broadcasters to launch daily broadcasts to Europe in

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM).

As a result of a decree signed earlier this month by Russian President

Vladimir Putin, the Voice of Russia radio company officially ceased to

exist on December 9 and merged with several other state-run news agencies

as part of Rossia Segodnya, a Russia-based international news service.

Putin's decree also abolished the State Fund of Television and Radio

Programs, placing it under control of All-Russia State Television and Radio

Broadcasting Company.

Getting It Right!

The ARRL Letter for December 12, 2013, reported an incorrect deadline to

file comments on the ARRL's "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Making (PRM),

put on public notice for comment as RM-11708. Comments are due by Monday,

December 23.

The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, in Seattle, Washington, reports: Geomagnetic conditions

were more stable than expected last weekend. That was good news for

participants in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. The planetary A index on Friday

through Sunday was 3, 16 and 7, respectively, and the mid-latitude A index

was just 3, 10 and 5 on those days.

For the reporting week, Thursday through Wednesday, average daily sunspot

numbers rose from 122.1 to 134.4, while average solar flux dropped slightly

-- from 162.4 to 159.7 -- compared to the previous reporting period,

December 5-11.

The latest prediction from the USAF and NOAA has solar flux at 160 on

December 19-20; 155 on December 21; 150 on December 22-23; 155, 150, and

155 on December 24-26; 160 on December 27-28; 165 on December 29-31; 170 on

January 1-2; 175 on January 3-6; 170 on January 7, and 165 on January 8-10.

Solar flux is expected to decline to a low of 135 on January 18-19, then

rise to 175 at the end of January.

Predicted planetary A index is 5 on December 19-25; 12, 10, and 8 on

December 26-28; 5 on December 29 through January 2; 10 and 20 on January

3-4; 5 on January 5-9; 15 and 7 on January 10-11, then 5 after that, until

a more active period toward the end of January.

This Friday's bulletin will have an updated forecast and reports from


Just Ahead in Radiosport

Dec 20-Jan 1 -- Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO Party

Dec 20 -- QRP Fox Hunt (80 meters)

Dec 20 -- NCCC Sprint

Dec 20 -- Russian 160 Meter Contest

Dec 21 -- Feld-Hell Rudolph Hell Sprint

Dec 21-22 -- OK DX RTTY Contest

Dec 21-22 -- Croatian CW Contest

Dec 22 -- ARRL Rookie Roundup, CW

Dec 26 -- SKCC Straight Key Sprint

Dec 26 -- DARC XMAS Contest (SSB+CW)

Dec 28 -- RAC Winter Contest (SSB+CW)

Dec 28-29 -- Iron Ham Contest (all modes)

Dec 28-29 -- Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge, CW

Dec 29 -- RAEM Contest, CW

Jan 1 -- ARRL Straight Key Night

Jan 4-5 -- ARRL RTTY Roundup

Jan 5 -- Kids Day

Jan 18-20 -- ARRL January VHF Contest

Upcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events

January 5 -- NYC/LI Section Convention, Bethpage, New York

January 17-18 -- North Texas Section Convention, Fort Worth, Texas

January 19-26 - Quartzfest Convention, Quartzsite, Arizona

January 24-25 -- Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, Mississippi

January 25 -- Georgia ARES Convention, Forsyth, Georgia

January 25-26 -- Puerto Rico State Convention, Hatillo, Puerto Rico

January 31-February 1 -- Southern Florida Section Convention, Miami, Florida

February 1 -- Virginia State Convention (Frostfest), Richmond, Virginia

February 7-9 -- Northern Florida Section Convention (Orlando HamCation® --

Regional ARRL Centennial Event), Orlando, Florida

February 14-15 -- Arizona Section Convention, Yuma, Arizona

February 22 -- Vermont State Convention, South Burlington, Vermont

March 1-2 Alabama Section Convention (BirmingHAMfest 2014), Birmingham,


March 7-8 North Carolina Section Convention (Charlotte Hamfest), Concord,

North Carolina

March 7-8 West Gulf Division Convention, Claremore, Oklahoma

March 14-15 -- Delta Division Convention, Rayne, Louisiana

March 15 -- Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, Nebraska

March 15 -- West Texas Section Convention, Midland, Texas

March 22 -- South Texas Section Convention (Greater Houston Hamfest),

Rosenberg, Texas

March 22-23 Communications Academy, Seattle, Washington

Find conventions and hamfests in your area.

The ARRL Letter appreciates the support of these advertisers:



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