



Oh... and to contact us with your news because

If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!


http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news

TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA

Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as

you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &

url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.




With the government shutdown that came into affect on October 1st, one of the

many agencies affected is the FCC.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, speaking on his weekly news

service says

"Until the government shutdown actually occurred on October 1st, no one

was quite sure which FCC services required by Amateur Radio would be affected.

The landing page at FCC.gov said in part: "We regret the

disruption, but during the Federal Government-wide shutdown,

the FCC is limited to performing duties that are immediately

necessary for the safety of life or the protection of

property. FCC online systems will not be available until further notice."

There is no way to access the U-L-S pages; no way to file

license applications, updates or changes or report rules

violations. Simply put, the physical and electronic doors to

the FCC are closed -- and won't re-open until Congress endsthe budget impasse.

Commission employees who remain on call are ready to act

should there be an actual crisis. As many as 16 have been

retained to handle emergencies, including staffing the FCC

Operations Center and 8 others to conduct emergency level

interference detection, mitigation and disaster responseoperations.

So if you are waiting for a license or other paperwork from

the FCC to show up in your mailbox, you will simply have tokeep on waiting.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,in Los Angeles.

As this newscast goes to air its unknown how long it will take both ides of

the political aisle to come to terms on this latest government funding crisis.

Hear Bills weekly news on http://www.arnewsline.org


radiotoday.com have reported on Brisbane radio station Nova 106.9, apparently

launching their breakfast team "into space."

Their Program Director said:-

"The station are sending Ash, Kip & Luttsy bobbleheads into space Wednesday

morning, October 9. (Later you will hear this date conflicts with a follow up


Not only will listeners be able to follow the event on the Nova breakfast

show but can get involved in a comp to win $5,000.

They just have to guess where the bobbleheads will land.

Hereâ€(tm)s some stats about the event :-

The bobbleheads should reach an altitude of around 100,000 feet (3 times as

high as a jet)

They are using the same method as the red bull dude, a helium balloon

A 17 year old and 16 year old student from a Brisbane school who have done

something similar before are helping them with the launch.

Nova will launch in the middle of nowhere (VK2) to ensure they don't fall on

anyoneâ€(tm)s head

Ash, Kip & Luttsy will broadcast from there for three days."

Now the 'back story' from John Press VK2YGV

The Tamworth Radio Club Inc. is helping launch another balloon to the edge of space.

After a huge amount of planning, design and changing of launch site and

launch times Tamworth Radio Club member Liam McBride-Kelly along with a

bunch of other students from Brisbane is at it again!

Balloon Name: Helios N

Scheduled launch is for the early morning of 10th October (this Thursday).

(This conflicts with date given by NOVA..Ed.) BUT A pre launch test will be

happening on Wednesday.

Launch Site: Coonabarrabran (VK2).

Predicted and hopeful landing site: Around the Tamworth area.

Payload weight: Approximately 2Kg.

Payload: 3 Camera's to take an all round view of mother earth, APRS

transmitter, computer to control the gear, record some science

experiments and of course some power supplies.

APRS Call sign: VK2BTW-14.

Now before leaving this subject a few notes.

a) Liam is a high school student in Brisbane.

b) Liam's involvement with balloon trips to the edge of space has bought

science, maths, navigation, business practices, electronics and ham

radio to his school and many of his friends.

c) Liam gained his foundation license, has passed his standard license

exams and is now waiting for his standard license call to be issued to

keep up and complement his interest with science, electronics and radio's.

d) A selection of collected video from the last Balloon ride to the edge

of space is on Youtube â€" just google “operation

helios balloon� and

follow the links.

e) At maximum height of the last balloon ride of 108,503 feet you can

see north of Brisbane to south of Sydney.

f) To help fund raise, two 10 kilogram blocks of chocolate were raffled.

Several sponsors have kicked the bucket as well.

g) The Tamworth Radio Club has been very active presenting radio

technology and science to many school kids and adults, some going the

extra step and getting their ham radio tickets.

h) The Tamworth Radio Club has a large number of ground based digital

repeaters installed in the North West of NSW along with 2 internet

gateways to help keep track of the balloon.

i) Aircraft are on standby to help locate the balloon payload should it

land somewhere in an area that is difficult to access by ground.

j) Nova 106.9, has taken an interest in this project and are doing live

coverage when able. This is one heck of a great opportunity to present to

the public what does, and can happen within the ham radio world. They are

running a competition on who can guess were it will land!

k) Most importantly CASA and ICAO regulations have been complied with

and a Notice To Airmen or NOTAM has been issued for this project. Anyone

contemplating a similar project are reminded that they must, by law,

comply with all relevant rules and regulations.

Submitted by:John Press VK2YGV

(above stories in wia text editions only)



WIA 2014 CALLBOOK - Peter Hartfield VK3PH from the publications committee.

WIA urges its affiliated clubs to be involved in PR4AmateurRadio Expo.

WIA John Moyle Field Day date announced it is weekend of March 15-16



Australian lighthouse saved in fire

A bushfire on the Australian coast last week threatened the historic listed

Barrenjoey Lighthouse at Palm Beach, on the northern most point of Sydney

and features on the TV drama Home and Away.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service reports the building sustained some

roof damage but is mostly fine.

This is good news, particularly to the Manly Warringah Radio Society VK2MB

which has activated Barrenjoey in the International Lighthouse and Lightship


Already 18 countries have registered. Australia and Germany have about 25

each. The others having substantial numbers are from Argentina, England,

Finland, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Sweden and

the USA.

While Canada, Chile, Japan, Poland, Romania, Scotland, South Africa and Wales

are with one each, but among nearly 90 registered lighthouses, lightship

or marine beacons so far. Who will be the prestigious 100th registration?

To register in the 48 hour fun-event on August the 16 and 17th 2014 please

check the website www.illw.net

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Melbourne student wins Marconi award

The 2013 Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholars Award has been

awarded to Desmond (Ke) Wang, an electrical and electronic

engineering PhD student at the University of Melbourne. This is

the first time an Australian has received this prestigious award.

Wang is a specialist in optical-wireless technology and is

involved in research at NICTA, Australiaâ€(tm)s Research Centre

of Excellence in information and communications technology.

Desmond receive the award at the Marconi Societyâ€(tm)s annual celebration in

Bologna, Italy, Tuesday 1st October.



Barrett supplies HF to East African police

Barrett Communications has been awarded a three-year contract to

provide up to 750 HF transceivers to one of East Africaâ€(tm)s

largest police forces.

The company, which has a distribution and support network in more

than 65 countries, has provided HF solutions for governments,

armed forces and NGOs since 1976.




With two ham astronauts departing NASA, Gregory E. Chamitoff, KD5PKZ and

Ronald J. Garan KF5GPO. KD5PKZ will be joining the faculty of Texas A&M

University, and the University of Sydney in Australia.

Greg, KD5PKZ began his 18-year NASA career in 1995 as a space shuttle guidance

and control officer in mission control at the agency's Johnson Space Centre

and was selected as an astronaut in 1998.

He flew in space twice, in 2008 as a flight engineer and science officer for

Expeditions 17 and 18 aboard the International Space Station, and as a mission

specialist during STS-134 in 2011, the penultimate shuttle mission.


Space Daily dot com say "Magnetic field may shape 'blooming' star."

The finding, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal

Astronomical Society reports the star, lies 23,000 light-years away in the

Southern Triangle.

The radio waves from the star's "jets" were detected with CSIRO's Australia

Telescope Compact Array, an array of six 22-m diameter radio dishes near

Narrabri in New South Wales.

The flowering star is turning into one of the most beautiful objects in space

a "planetary nebula", these are large glowing objects that early astronomers

thought looked like planets. In fact they are stars late in their lives that

have shed much of their gas into space. The shed gas glows, powered by energy

from the old star's tiny core.

The "jet" phase seems to show the first stages of the star becoming aplanetary nebula.



web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/

Yarra Valley ARG, annual Hamfest / White Elephant Sale, Sunday 10th November

2013, Garry Cooper Pavilion, 16 Anzac Ave. Yarra Glen, $5 entry tables, $15

each, open to traders at 8.30am. Call in on VK3RYV 146.725MHz. For bookings

and further details phone Steve 0418 103 487


Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to

send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/

get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3

get local news emailed

TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp happens from Friday

afternoon 24th to Monday afternoon 27th January 2014 at Girl Guides

Association of Queensland Campsite and Training Centre, Toolakea Beach Road,


AX4WIT will be on-air from the camp to provide directions and contact.

Assessors on site for exams and tutoring.

Foundation Manuals and 2014 Call books available for sale onsite.

Activities will include cooking of dampers and other bush recipes,

raising of the Flag and heaps of 'wireless fun.'

Donâ€(tm)t get the wrong idea though, this long weekend will be a VERY relaxing

one â€" and itâ€(tm)s an all-weather event !

Need more info Then call Og VK4ZZ or email


WICEN SA Field Day gathering happens October 13

Display your field radio setup, get together over a BBQ lunch, test equipment

available via Nic McLean PLUS Radio exercises & training.

The WICEN SA Field Day is to be held at Enfield State Emergency Service HQ,

Hoods Road, Northfield Sunday 13th October from 1000 to late afternoon

( Andrew Macmichael VK5FMAC )


vk7 local news, email

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania's October Presentation

will be a tour of the Novaris High Voltage Test Lab and tour guide non other

than the owner, Phil Tompson VK7SS. Please note the tour is on the second

Wednesday night of October, that's the ninth from 7:30pm.

http://www.novaris.com.au/ <http://www.novaris.com.au/>

(Justin, VK7TW)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP

Secretary David Williams VK3RU

Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Hello, this is Peter Hartfield, VK3PH, from the WIA publications committee.

I would like take this opportunity to thank everyone that sent through updates for the

2014 Callbook. This year has seen a number of changes.

The Callsign, beacon, repeater, and band plan data as well as all club information are

up to date as possible at the end of September.

Additional information is provided on digital modes, SOTA and EMR compliance.

WIA functional committees are explained along with a complete list of committee members.

Improvements have also been made to the accompanying CD.

A PDF version is provided along with a formatted text version for the vision impaired.

The CD is indexed by an improved HTML infrastructure for easy navigation.

The NZART 2014 Callbook is included as well as PDF versions of AR magazine for 2012.

The Callbook is currently with the printers and will be available for purchase in

October. A special deal is available for clubs purchasing quantities on behalf of

members. Please support the WIA and purchase a copy from mid-October. Go to the online

book shop and look under WIA publications. The 2014 Callbook is the one with

Charlie VK3VZZ on the cover.

This is Peter, VK3PH

Learning is the key to everything

There can be no exception to the rule that learning is an essential process.

We start out life with a basic foundation which can be built up as we grow

into adults.

Our age, gender and background are among the things considered by those teaching

amateur radio subjects. WIA assessors know that people learn differently.

This is why the approach to publicity is very important.

The WIA urges all its affiliated clubs, groups and members to be involved

in the PR4AmateurRadio Expo to be held in April 2014.

The basis can be a display in a public place, showcasing what we are on about,

getting the audience to think, and hopefully go away with some knowledge.

Donâ€(tm)t use jargon and make it strange or quaint, but something that they can

picture themselves involved in.

A few will stop and visit, show curiosity and ask questions. Try and get

them involved in the next Foundation Licence class.

Be a true salesperson by not letting them leave without a brochure, and if

possible get their name and contact details for a follow up.

Visit the WIA website 'For Members' section under 'Promoting Our Hobby? to

get further information.'



What use is an F-call?

If you've just passed your Amateur Radio exams and you're waiting for your

license to arrive, you're where I was two years ago. Surrounded by people who

have had their license longer than I've been on the planet, with so many

options and not a single idea where to start.

Let me start with saying, Welcome to Amateur Radio.

There are many of us here and I'm confident that you'll find people around you

in the community that share your interests and pursuits.

Just like in any other community, you need to find the town square so to speak

that you're listening to this is an indication that you've found at least one

part of the Amateur Community. This little corner, a segment about having and

using a Foundation Call is part of a weekly news system, in Western Australia,

where this originates it forms part of the weekly News West news, nationally

it's part of the VK1WIA news. Perhaps you've downloaded this, or you're

listening to a local repeater, or any number of other ways that this

particular segment can make its way to you.

As I said, Welcome.

Now you should go and explore and find other parts of the community. You'll

find them on-air, on the local repeater, on the Internet, via EchoLink, IRLP,

via clubs, community events, during car rallies, or times of emergency.

Amateurs are everywhere.

Look into your local clubs, a Google Search for Amateur Radio will give you

much to start finding things. You can look into the Wireless Institute of

Australia, the world's oldest Amateur Radio club, the RSGB in the UK, the ARRL

in the US, or hundreds of country based clubs and associations around the


I'm Onno, VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,

Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.


Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) recently executed three search warrants on

three different premises. The warrants specifically targeted the use, supply,

distribution and importation of prohibited dog tracking devices. More than

40 prohibited dog tracking devices were found.

The file relating to this case has now been referred to the Crown Solicitors

with a view to possible prosecution. Penalties of up to $30,000 per offence

would be applicable.

View the Radiocommunications Regulations

(Prohibited Equipment â€" Dog Tracking Devices) Notice 2013.


After 157 years Sri Lanka closes its telegram service on October the 31st.

As reported earlier this year on WIA National News, nearby India sent its

last commercial telegram in July.

Morse code telegraph wires once criss-crossed the world augmented by shortwave

beam wireless.

It lost out to improved telephones, fax, email and the mobile phone short

message service.

Australia's public telegram service closed in 1993 after the quick spread

of information within reach of everyone.


As part of Youth in Amateur Radio Week to be held from 10 - 15 February 2014

the SARL is holding an essay competition with the title "Amateur Radio your

gateway to a career in engineering and science."

Young people under the age of 20 have been invited to explore how amateur

radio has shaped the development of radio science and how today amateur radio

can be a gateway into an engineering, electronic and science career.

The winning entry in each category will be presented with his/her award at

the annual SARL Convention to be held in Pretoria on 12 April 2014.

Can the SARL communicate with you?

Sending paper documents through the mail is becoming increasingly expensive.

In many cases it is unavoidable, but whenever possible the South African Radio

League (SARL) prefers sending BY email or SMS.

The SARL will, at some unspecified time in the future, stop making provision

for amateurs with no email addresses. To be ready for that event, they are

asking their members to start preparing now with an email address, even if it

is at an Internet café or on the computer of a friend or family member.


Amateur Radio Newsline


HySky Technologies Inc. is using High Frequency

communications for an innovative asset tracking

and reporting network. Amateur Radio Newslineâ€(tm)s

Skeeter Nash, N5ASH, has the details:


The company whose the Chief Executive Officer is

Charles Maynard, KJ4PPE, recently gained an FCC

license to use 954 H-F channels each 3 kHz

wide. The mobile tracking units using this

spectrum will transmit a maximum of 1 watt

Effective Radiated Power using a small

low-efficiency broadband antenna. The data will

be received by nine stations located at low-noise

sites across the USA which will then be forward the data to customers.

The signal being transmitted will have a

bandwidth of 2800 Hz and an emission designator

of 2K80G1D. The company says that a military

High Frequency waveform will be used and claims

the system will overcome coverage and other

problems associated with traditional tracking

devices using cell-phone or satellite transmission interfaces.

The license issued to HySky reportedly covers up

to 10,000 devices operating in the United States,

including Hawaii, Alaska and US territories but

word is that this service could expand worldwide.

Iâ€(tm)m Skeeter Nash, N5ASH.


More about the company and its rather interesting work is on the web atwww.hysky.com


Vietnam will be on the air in a few weeks. This with word that N0ODK

will be operational from Ho Chi Minh City as 3W2DK between October 17thand the 24th.

He will then travel to Phu Quoc Island and be operational from there using

the call XV4MN between October 24th through the 29th. His operations will

be on 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters from both locations.

After his Phu Quoc Island operation, he will return to Ho Chi Minh City

and will again be on the air from there until November 2nd.

If you work this rare one, QSL via N0ODK, direct, by the Bureau or Logbook

of the World. And we will have more DX related news for you later on in this

weekâ€(tm)s newscast.



WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day weekend of November 23/24.


WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day 11/12 January (to be confirmed)

WIA John Moyle Field Day weekend March 15-16

theTARCinc will be participating in the John Moyle Field Day weekend at the

Girl Guides Association of Queensland Baden Powell Campsite and Training

Centre Toolakea (Too-la-key-a) Beach Road, Bluewater.

Portable operation is the go so make sure you bring plenty of batteries

and whisper quiet generators if you can.

Logging for the event will be done by a dude that can type using a

12V powered netbook running the latest version of VKCL,

there will be lots of antennae lofting and tweaking, operating in a

location that can be used whatever weather is happening plus plenty

of chances to kick back and socialise.

There will also be available on site training and assessment services should

you feel like getting or upgrading your licence.

Townsville Club Members hope to see you there - come rain or shine !

JMFD Rules and information available on the WIA National Website -

WIA VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3




DJ 7 RJ is active stroke FR from Reunion Island until November 2nd.

His operation is 160 through 10 meters using CW and SSB.

QSL via DJ 7 RJ, direct or by the bureau.

C 82 DX Mozambique between October 15 - 22.

160 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSL and other information is on the web at c82dx.com

A52 YY Kingdom of Bhutan October 6-10th,

Active on 40-10 meters using SSB.

QSL via OH 2YY, by the Bureau also LoTW.

5 P 14 EHC

Danish Special Event callsign 5P14EHC between January 1-31st, 2014.

This activity is to celebrate Denmark hosting the

"European Handball Championship for Men" event in January.

EA 4 GBA, is operational as C 91 GBA from Mozambique until December 15th.

Activity will be on all H F bands using SSB with 100 watts into a dipole.

QSL direct via EA 4 GBA.


Victorian National Parks activation next month

The 3rd Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award Activation Weekend will

be across Victoria on November the 15th to the 17th.

It will be a 'fun' event for Chasers and Activators get contacts to gain

valuable award points. Listener applications are most welcome.

The following National Parks activations planned:

Chiltern-Mt Pilot on Friday then Alpine on Saturday by Peter VK3ZPF, on both

Friday and Saturday Burrowa-Pine Mountain by Tony Hambling VK3VTH, on Saturday

Paul VK5PAS at Murray Sunset and Sunday at Wyperfeld.

Early interest has been shown in at least four other National Parks. Thereâ€(tm)s

no limit on the number of portable amateur stations involved at a particular

spot. With 45 in Victoria there's plenty to choose.

Contact the Award Manager Tony VK3VTH so a Master List can be issued. The

suggested frequencies are 7.090, 14.195, 3.6 and 144.1 MHz.

Award rules and more information are available on the Amateur Radio Victoria


(Jim Linton VK3PC)

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video arvideonews.com



Peter Sturt VK2ZTV has been carrying out Amateur Digital Television Tests on

446.50 MHz. We believe this is the first digital Amateur Television

transmissions in Newcastle. These transmissions can be watched with a 70cm

beam pointed at Cardiff Heights or a vertical collinear antenna.

Grahame VK2FA & Charlie VK2CLH have both been watching Peter's state of the

art transmissions. Grahame has a 16 element phased array antenna and Charlie

a vertical collinear antenna in Warners Bay.

If people are interested in observing the trials and tribulations of this

experimentation, most set top boxes and TV's will tune to the 446.5 MHz

frequency if you do a manual scan by entering the frequency before you press


I am sure if anyone would like further information Peter, Grahame or

Charlie would be happy to give you any more information you might require.

Reception reports can be sent to

(Grahame O'Brien VK2FA)


Are you the proud owner of the new IC7100 or do you own an IC9100 with the

Dstar module?

Then listen up.

Brian VK2AH, in QF55kq is doing Dstar on HF test transmission starting at

2030 UTC every morning on 7.215 Digital Voice.

When time permits he will also test D V at 0430 UTC also on 7.215

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Check in usually starts on LSB then move to DV with the voice keyer going.

Liaison is usually REF003 Charlie.

There has been, regular contacts with two stations in Taralgon Victoria,

QF31gt, one station in Drouin Victoria, one station in Sydney and contact

has been made into South Australia, PF94hx, a distance of around 1128 Km.

Hopefully other frequencies will be used if and when conditions improve.

28 Megs, 14 Megs and 50 Megs?

If you have not given Dstar a go on HF, then call in and you will be surprised

how clear the signals are when conditions are just right. Just like a phone


While operating we understand he also monitors D-Star Reflector REF003 and

does put out alerts when he is looking for D-Star contacts from his QTH

Give Brian an email if you wish to set a sked or ask

(Brian VK2AH)


http:// www.iparc.de

IPA Radio Club Contest

The International Police Association Radio Club (IPARC) invites all radio

amateurs of the world to take part in the IPARC-Contest which takes place

every year on the first weekend in November.

Further details are available on www.iparc.de


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is the first

Monday of the month and that means it's time once again for the Radio Amateurs

Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly bulletin to go to air.

The two principal HF transmissions are on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz USB. The

first is at 0100 UTC beamed north from Melbourne for Eastern states listeners,

while the second, also on 14.150 MHz is an hour later at 0200 UTC beamed

westward for WA listeners.

Also at 0200 UTC Chris VK6JI will be transmitting from Perth on 40 metres on

7060 kHz LSB. Propagation permitting, this should be heard throughout most of

Western Australia and - hopefully - South Australia, too.

As well, throughout the day local RAOTC operators transmit the bulletin on a

variety of HF, VHF and UHF frequencies. To find your local time and frequency

please visit the RAOTC website at www.raotc.org.au

Tomorrow's bulletin features an item on the electrolytic capacitor from its

chance discovery in the 1880s to today's tiny tantalum and other high capacity


Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike is cordially invited to listen

to the bulletin and to participate in the call backs afterwards.

Once again, the October RAOTC News and Information bulletin is scheduled for

tomorrow Monday October 7th and you are all most welcome to join in.



Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:

3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:

3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:

3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,

24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK3114.070

Hi This is Ed VK2JI, Publicity Officer for the Central Coast Amateur Radio


One of the events that we can look to for new people to join the Amateur Radio

hobby is one that has guided people into the hobby over many years. It is the

annual Guides and Scouts "Jamboree on the Air". This event takes place over

the weekend of October 19th. and 20th. this year and gives us the opportunity

to show these young minds a technical hobby that isn't "just computers", a

communications method that isn't "Just a smart phone", "social networking"

that pre-dates Facebook by almost 100 years and a hobby where those wishing to

can build their own equipment and make it work.

Remember how you felt when you constructed your first circuit board? No matter

how simple a device might be when it's home made it becomes something very

special. That's the feeling we need to convey to these youngsters to attract

them into the hobby.

So who makes the contact to let these young minds know that the Amateur Radio

hobby has so much to offer ?

Your local radio club, that's who!

Is your local club supporting a local Guide or Scout troop in the upcoming

JOTA weekend?

My local club is.

The Central Coast ARC has linked up again with the Scout troop that is has

had contact with for several years, the East Gosford Scouts. One of our club

members, Andrew VK2PAM is the JOTA coordinator for the Scout's association

across New South Wales as well as a scout master at East Gosford.

As well as the East Gosford troop several other Guide and Scout troops travel

to East Gosford as part of JOTA to use Amateur Radio to communicate with

other Scout and Guide troops from around Australia and indeed around the world

over the two days.

The CCARC has the lucky situation that two of the scout masters are

club members but this doesn't have to be the case, why not get your

local radio club to contact a local Scout or Guide troop and see what

they are doing in JOTA.

Doug VK2MDC CCARC contests manager and one of our JOTA organisers asks that

you listen out for VK2EH Portable, whether on HF SSB, VHF FM, D-STAR or

node 6060 IRLP. You'll be certain to hear some young voices trying

"this radio thing" for the first time. Who knows, you could easily be talking

to a fledgling foundation operator. If you live on, or are passing through the

Central Coast, Doug invites you to come along and take part. The address is

the East Gosford Scout hall at the end of Wattle Street, Gosford. It's right

in the park, so there's plenty of room for antennas, so we should be putting

out a big signal.

73 - VK2EH and the Gosford region Guide and Scout troops look forward to a

contact on October 19th. or 20th.


SOTA News from VK2 SOTA Association Manager Andrew Davis VK1DA/VK2UH

Summits on the Air is alive and well in VK2 and to really boost activations

we are running a SOTA QSO Party for VK2 activators on Sunday 13th October.

Do join in, either as an activator on one of the almost 1100 summits

in NSW or as a chaser making contacts with the activators.

The 40m band has been the most popular band used to date though this

band is difficult for low power stations beyond one skip distance, or

around 500 to 600 km. 30m and 20m are increasingly used and there is

a 12 metre challenge from SOTA UK to encourage more use of that

band. For contacts from summits back into local areas the standard

simplex frequencies on 2m FM and 70cm FM are also used.

Planning an activation? Please post your intentions on the

SOTA_Australia Yahoo Group in the coming week, so that others know

what you are planning. Also post an Alert on SOTAWATCH dot ORG dot UK.

Our goal is to reach at least 20 vk2 activations on that day. Can we

make 20? 30? more? with almost 1100 summits from the Qld border all

the way down to Victoria, with many very accessible summits near the

major population centres, we hope to be surprised by how many

stations go out and operate.

Remember a hat and sunscreen! Your radio, battery, antenna, maps,

food and water and a method of calling home are also recommended.

The list of registered summits is available from

SOTAWATCH.ORG.UK. Please check the rules regarding the activation

zone and the limitations on the use of motor vehicles to transport

you to the zone. More information and plenty of help and advice is

available via the Yahoo group SOTA_Australia.

See you on the air from a summit on the 13th of October.

73 from Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH in Yass


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

Oct 5 vk4 REDFest St Michael's College, Caboolture, 9am


Oct 20 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 10 VK2 ARNSW Radio Fest Dural

NOV 10 VK3 Microwave Test and Tune day (EMDRC)

NOV 10 VK3 Yarra Valley Hamfest Garry Cooper Pavilion, 16 Anzac Ave.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club Rosebud RadioFest


Jan 24-27 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp

at Girl Guides Campsite Bluewater. )

Feb 23 VK2 Wyong Field Day and it is on come rain hail or shine.

Apr 13-15 VK PR4AmateurRadio Expo.

Apr 18 WW Amateur Radio Day: Your Gateway to Wireless Communications.

Apr 25 vk3 ANZAC Day event Ballarat Showgrounds

May 2- 4 VK4 Clairview Gathering Clive VK4ACC 0429 632 815

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the

VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page onwia.org.au

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being

broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only

be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different

slants to keep your event 'fresh ‘and always if the news room is to read your

item write in the 3rd person.



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Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to

the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may

lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might

even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize

their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to

active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia

and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in

"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily

reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast

in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to

WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



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