
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1885 - September 27 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1885 with a release date of

September 27 2013 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QS-T. Hams in Australia may keep access to part of

the 2300 MHz band; amateur radio operators in Portugal get new spectrum

and some rules changes; Congress asks why first responder radios failed

during Washington Navy Yard shooting; the FCC says no to encrypted ham

radio communications and researchers admit that Solar Cycle 24 is quite

puzzling. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report

number 1885 coming your way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



Some good news for hams down-under in V-K land. This with word that

the Australian amateur radio community could win a partial reprieve on

the expected loss of 2300 to 2302 MHz. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim

Meachen, ZL2BHF, has the details:


The Wireless Institute of Australia reports that VK amateurs may win a

partial reprieve for access to the 2300 to 2302 MHz amateur band. This

is spectrum that is currently under threat of reallocation and


This past February the Australian Communications and Media Authority or

ACMA released a discussion paper proposing to withdraw the 2300 to

2302 MHz amateur allocation so that the band from 2300 to 2400 MHz

could be re-allocated for other spectrum licensing.

The Wireless Institute of Australia filed a response to the discussion

paper, seeking to have a 150 kHz segment, from 2300 to 2300.15 MHz,

retained for the amateur service on at least a co-primary basis.

The ACMA has posted a report on its website on September 17th saying

that it had received 124 submissions in response to the discussion

paper, from which an overwhelming number objected to the ACMA's

proposal. Specifically, a staggering 93% of submissions disagreed with

the ACMA's suggestion, and of those, 30% indicated support for the

position advocated by the Wireless Institute of Australia.

Even so, the ACMA has advised that, after considering the information

provided in the submissions, its view is that the amateur service would

not be able to retain co-primary status if 2300 to 2400 MHz was

relicensed. However, the ACMA goes on to say that it will work closely

with the Wireless Institute of Australia to test whether a coexistence

licensing arrangement might be developed under section 138 of that

nations Radiocommunications Act. Section 138 provides for a license to

be issued within spectrum where it would not result in unacceptable

levels of interference to equipment operated under the primary users

spectrum license.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, across the

Tasman Sea in Nelson, New Zealand.


In its own statement, the Wireless Institute of Australia says that it

looks forward to working with the regulatory authority to achieve a

positive outcome for the 2300 to 2302 MHz band in that nation. More is

on-line at tinyurl.com/good-news-down-under. (VK2ZRH)



CT1JHQ reports that hams in Portugal have some new operating spectrum

as well as a few rules changes. He says that on September 6th the

nation's telecommunications regulator issued an addendum to Portugal's

National Table of Frequency Allocations. In summary, the changes

include the allocation of the new 472 to 479 kHz band to the Amateur

Service with secondary status, and changes to conditions for access to

the 50 to 52 MHz and 1270 to 1300 MHz bands. The latter affects only

some license classes. More about this restructuring is on the web as a

PDF file in the Portuguese language at tinyurl.com/new-Portugal-bands.

(CT1JHQ, South



A follow up to last weeks report on ham radios response to the massive

flooding that hit the state of Colorado. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in

the newsroom with the latest:


Ham radio volunteers assisting in damage assessment following the

recent flooding to hit parts of Colorado have a new piece of equipment

to work with. These are remote control drone aircraft equipped with

fast scan amateur television cameras that permit ARES volunteers the

ability to provide actual real time pictures to served agencies from

the air. Amanda Alden, K1DDN, lives in Canyon City, Colorado and is

part of the Ham Nation reporting team:


K1DDN: "... They've done some awesome things with amateur TV and using

drones at the same time. Its... Allen Bishop who controls this and he

is one of those up there in Boulder ARES. It has been a pretty neat

introduction to helping them see where damage has been in remote

locations and things like that."


The Allen Bishop that Amanda refers to is Boulder County ARES Emergency

Coordinator K0ARK. According to ARRL Colorado Section Manager Jack

Ciaccia, WM0G, Bishop is one of the key people involved in rescue radio

operations and kind of the father of the Mountain Emergency Radio

Network or MERN as described in last weeks newscast. Meantime Ciaccia

says that amateur television played another role early on in this



WM0G: "We have been broadcasting live ATV pictures of the evacuation

choppers from the National Guard back to the EOC's and we have been

linking that through the Internet all across the country back to FEMA

headquarters in D.C.."


While the rains are gone there's still a lot of damage assessment to be

done. And as Jack Ciaccia, WM0G, told us last week, ham radio

volunteers will be there for as long as they are needed.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in the

newsroom in Los Angeles.


More on this story as developments warrant. (ARNewsline(tm), Ham




Predictions that 2013 would see an upsurge in solar activity and

geomagnetic storms have proved to be a false alarm. Instead, the

current peak in solar cycle 24 is among the weakest for a century.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephan Kinford, N8WB, takes a look at what

scientists are saying:


Subdued solar activity has prompted controversial comparisons with the

Maunder Minimum. The Maunder Minimum, also known as the prolonged

sunspot minimum, is the name used for the period starting in about 1645

and continuing to about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as

noted by solar observers of the time. These minimums supposedly

coincided with the coldest period in the last millennium.

But Giuliana DeToma, a solar scientist at the High Altitude Observatory

in Colorado says that the unusually low number of sunspots in recent

years is not an indication that we are going into a Maunder Minimum,

but added that researchers do not know how or why the Maunder Minimum

started. As such, they really cannot predict the next one.

Other solar experts think the downturn is linked a different phenomenon

called the Gleissberg cycle. The Gleissberg cycle, named after

Wolfgang Gleissberg, is thought to be an amplitude modulation of the

11-year Schwabe Cycle which predicts a period of weaker solar activity

every century or so. If that turns out to be true, the sun could remain

unusually quiet through the middle of the 2020s. However, as

scientists still do not fully understand why the Gleissberg cycle takes

place, the evidence is, at best, inconclusive.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephan Kinford, N8WB, in

Wadsworth, Ohio.


The bottom line appears to be that the sun has gone unusually quiet and

no one really knows why or how long this lull in activity will last.




Vietnam will be on the air in a few weeks. This with word that N0ODK

will be operational from Ho Chi Minh City as 3W2DK between October

17th and the 24th. He will then travel to Phu Quoc Island and be

operational from there using the call XV4MN between October 24th

through the 29th. His operations will be on 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters

from both locations. After his Phu Quoc Island operation, he will

return to Ho Chi Minh City and will again be on the air from there

until November 2nd. If you work this rare one, QSL via N0ODK, direct,

by the Bureau or Logbook of the World. And we will have more DX related

news for you later on in this weeks newscast. (OPDX)



Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio

Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the

Twin City Amateur Radio Club Net serving Champaign Urbana Illinois.

(5 sec pause here)




Two California lawmakers are calling on federal regulators to

investigate reports that first responder radios failed during the

recent shooting at Washington's Navy Yard. The newspaper The Hill

reports that Representatives Henry Waxman and Anna Eshoo sent a letter

on Monday, September 23rd to the heads of the Federal Communications

Commission and the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications

and Information Administration, urging them to work with other federal

and local officials to investigate the problems.

In their letter of inquiry, the two lawmakers reportedly stated that it

is imperative that lawmakers understand what happened to these

communications systems and why. They also urged the officials to

ensure that FirstNet, which is a planned nationwide wireless network

for first responders, avoids similar communications breakdowns.

The newspaper had previously reported that some federal firefighters

and police officers were unable to communicate using their radios

during the Navy Yard attack. According to union officials for first

responders some equipment stopped working as officers entered buildings

and at least one officer was forced to rely on his cellphone. There

were also widespread reports of battery problems that prevented the

some of the radios from working. More on this story is on the web at

tinyurl.com/Washington-shooting-radio-fail. (The Hill)



Encrypted communications won't be coming to ham radio anytime soon.

This as the FCC dismisses a rule making request from a Massachusetts

ham who had asked the regulatory agency to amend the Part 97 Amateur

Service rules to permit the encryption of certain amateur

communications during emergency operations or related training


RM-11699 was filed earlier this year by Don Rolph, AB1PH. In it, he had

asked the regulatory body to add an exception to section 97.113 so as

to permit limited encryption during crisis communications or training

exercises related to readiness for such events. He argued that

communications when participating in emergency services operations or

related training exercises which may involve information covered by

medical privacy requirements or other sensitive data required such


However in denying Rolph's rule change request the FCC concluded that

while the proposal could advance one purpose of the Amateur Radio in

its value to the public that it would at the same time undermine other

characteristics and purposes of the service. Therefore the FCC says

that it agrees with those who filed comments opposed the concept of

encryption and turned away the request.

Among those who filed in opposition to RM-11699 was the American Radio

Relay League. As we go to air we have not heard if AB1PH will appeal

the Commissions decision in this matter. (FCC)



The FCC has issued a $4000 Notice of Apparent Liability to Atlanticare

Medical Center E-M-S of Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. This for

operating radio transmitting equipment on 154.4825 MHz from an

unauthorized location in Hammonton, New Jersey.

In its September 23rd release, the FCC said that on October 17, 2012,

the Enforcement Bureau's Philadelphia Office received a complaint of

interference from Sunshine Communications in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, alleging that an unidentified digital transmitter was

causing harmful co-channel interference on 154.4825 MHz. Agents from

the Philadelphia Office monitored radio transmissions immediately after

receiving the complaint. They then T-Hunted it to a mobile relay

station operating from a water tower in Hammonton, New Jersey. The

agents conducted an inspection of the radio transmitting equipment,

which was located inside the Water Tower. With the assistance of a

Town of Hammonton employee, the agents soon confirmed that Atlanticare

was operating a mobile relay station on the frequency 154.4825 MHz from

that location.

After the inspection, the agents searched the Commission's records and

found that Atlanticare holds a license for Private Land Mobile Radio

Station WQME366, but that it did not authorize operation of a mobile

relay station from the water tower.

Now, in issuing its decision, the FCC says that pursuant to the

Commission's Forfeiture Policy Statement and Section 1.80 of the Rules,

the base forfeiture amount for operating on an unauthorized frequency

is $4,000. As such, Atlanticare was given the customary 30 days to pay

the proposed fine or to file an appeal. (FCC)



The Federal Communications Commission has announced that it will hold

its second webinar to answer questions about low power FM or LPFM radio

stations and the process for applying for a new license during the

upcoming October 15th to the October 29th open filing window. The

webinar will be held Thursday, October 3rd, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Eastern Time and will be broadcast live over the Internet at

The session primarily will be a question and answer period where

potential applicants can ask Media Bureau staff their specific

questions on areas such as using the LPFM Channel Finder, filling out

the application and any other issues related to the LPFM filing window.

Participants will be able to submit questions by e-mail during the

webinar to or by Twitter using the hashtag,

#LPFMquestions. The Bureau says that it will respond to as many

questions as possible during the session. Open captioning will be


The FCC says that it created the Low Power FM broadcast service in 2000

to create opportunities for new voices to be heard on the radio

airwaves. (FCC)



Yaesu used the occasion of the recent ARRL and TAPR Digital

Communications Conference held in Seattle, Washington to introduce the

latest links in its chain of new products aimed at the VHF and UHF

digital voice market. Called System Fusion, the new product line uses

the previously introduced C4FM / FDMA mode introduced in the company's

FT 1DR Handheld and FTM 400DR mobile digital and analog dual band

transceivers coupled with its soon to be released DR-1 dual mode

repeater. It will also have an optional interconnect to the Internet

using a stand alone HRI-200 Wires X interface unit.

Yaesu's System Fusion repeater differs in one important way from most

previous entries into the ham radio digital marketplace as it retains

traditional FM interoperability along with C4FM / FDMA digital voice

operation. This according to Yaesu means that both analog and digital

users can share one repeater and communicate with each other.

The presentation of the new System Fusion was made by Dennis

Motschenbacher, K7BV, who is Yaesu's Executive Vice President Amateur

Radio Sales. It was video recorded by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, of Ham Radio

Now dot TV. You can see it on line at

tinyurl.com/yaesu-digital-audio-dcc. Theres also a new remailer set up

to comment on this new digital voice system. Its at

groups.yahoo.com/group/YaesuSystemFusion and YaesuSystemFusion is

spelled as one word. (Yaesu, HamRadioNow, ARNewsline)



Some names in the news. First up is radio talk show host Art Bell,

W6OBB, who appears in a recently posted video where he discusses his

new Sirius XM show Dark Matter with Las Vegas journalist George Knapp.

In the interview, which was recorded before the premiere of Dark

Matter, W6OBB, explains that it simply the right time to come back.

Bell notes that many questions that he first brought to radio more than

a decade ago are still out there. Also, that they more important now

to many people then when he was doing the original Coast to Coast AM

show on terrestrial radio.

Art Bell's Dark Matter premiered on Monday, September 16, on Sirius XM

channel 104. It airs live Monday through Thursday from 10:00 pm to

1:00 am Eastern Time. We are sorry we can't bring you any sound bites

from the interview as it is copyrighted material, but you can see it on

the web at tinyurl.com/art-bell-video. (Southgate, YouTube)




Space travel seems to have lost its magic for at least one person. This

after a Russian cosmonaut Colonel Yury Lonchakov, RA3DT, quit as a

commander on a future mission to become a gas industry worker.

The Mail Online newspaper reports Lonchakov opted out of the Russian

space program for a what the newspaper called a more interesting job

and forgoing his chance to lead a flight to the International Space


Why leave what's definitely one of the most interesting jobs a person

could ever get? The Mail says that as a gas company worker he is

expected to make two to three times the salary as that of a Cosmonaut.

It adds that quitting the space industry was his personal decision. He

thought he did enough for space program and got an offer he could not

turn down. (WIA News, MailOnLine)



This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. We are the Amateur

Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website

at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of

the following radio amateur:

(5 sec pause here)



NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is now officially the first man made object

to venture into interstellar space. Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather

Embee, KB3TZD, reports:


New data indicates that the Voyager 1 spacecraft has been traveling for

about one year through plasma, or ionized gas, present in the space

between stars. The 36-year-old Voyager is about 19 billion kilometers

from our sun in a transitional region immediately outside the solar

bubble, where some effects from our home star are still evident.

Voyager 1 first detected the increased pressure of interstellar space

on the heliosphere in 2004. That's bubble of charged particles

surrounding the sun that reaches far beyond the outer planets. It was

at that point in time that scientists then ramped up their search for

evidence of the spacecraft's interstellar arrival, knowing the data

analysis and interpretation could take months or years.

Voyager 1 does not have a working direct plasma sensor, but does carry

a plasma wave instrument. As luck would have it, a massive burst of

solar wind and magnetic fields that erupted from the sun in March 2012

provided scientists the data they needed. When this energy from the

sun eventually arrived at Voyager 1's location on April 9th of this

year the plasma around the spacecraft began to vibrate causing the

plasma wave instrument to detect the movement. The pitch of the

oscillations helped scientists determine the density of the plasma. The

particular type of oscillations meant the spacecraft was bathed in

plasma more than 40 times denser than what they had encountered in the

outer layer of the heliosphere. This was to be expected and was the

confirmation astronomers needed to prove that Voyager 1 had entered

into interstellar space.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Embee, KB3TZD, in Berwick,



Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977.

Mission controllers still talk to or receive transmissions from the

twin Voyager probes daily though the signals are currently very faint.

Data from Voyager's instruments is transmitted to Earth typically at

160 bits per second, and captured by NASA's Deep Space Network

receiving stations. Traveling at the speed of light, a signal from

Voyager 1 takes about 17 hours to travel to Earth. (Space and Science)



According to a note from ARISS Europe chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF,

the new Digital ATV transmitter on board the International Space

Station, will soon be installed in the Columbus module and

commissioned. This will be done in several steps, each during a full

pass of the ISS over the Matera ground station. It is not yet known if

these passes will be chosen in close succession, or if they will cover

several weeks.

ARISS has proposed to the European Space Agency to operate so called

"blank" transmissions during the commissioning period. If this is

accepted, it means that Ham Video will transmit permanently without

camera. The camera will not be used because it is fed on batteries and

servicing it would require a prohibitive amount of crew time.

Transmitting recordings is part of a future project, but not available


Although ground stations will receive a black image without audio,

these so called blank transmissions will contain all information needed

for the setting up and the fine tuning of the station. Collected data

will be used for a performance study of the ARISS L/S-band antennas as

well as for an evaluation of the global system. (ARISS Europe)



NASA has invited hams around the world to say hello to its Juno

spacecraft as it passes close to Earth on October 9th. The experiment

will utilize the amateur 10 meter band using CW and you will need to

know basic Morse to send the two letters HI. More information on how

to take part is on the web at www.jpl.nasa.gov/hijuno (NASA)



The 2013 Arizona QSO Party, sponsored by the ARRL Arizona Section and

Catalina Radio Club, takes place from 1600 UTC on October 12th and runs

through 0600 UTC on October 13th. It then continues at 1400 UTC on the

13th and finally concluding at 23:59 UTC on that same date. Modes will

be phone, CW and Digital on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 10, 6 and 2 meters.

More information can be had for an e-mail sent to info (at) azqsoparty

(dot) org (AZ QSO PARTY)



The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation has announced plans to host a

webinar to review the updated rules for the CQ World Wide DX Contest.

The cyberspace event will take place at 1900 UTC on Sunday, October 6th

and will be hosted by CQ World Wide DX Contest Director Randy Thompson,

K5ZD. According to a news release, Thompson will also take questions

following the presentation.

The CQ World Wide DX Phone Contest takes place on October 26th and 27th

while its CW counterpart is slated for November 23rd and the 24th.

Pre-registration for the October 6th webinar is required and can be

done on-line at tinyurl.com/cq-ww-contest-webinar. (WWROF, DX

remailer, others)



In DX, JF2WGN will be active as AH2EA from Guam between October 17th

and the 21st. His operation will be on the HF bands. QSL via the

bureau to his home callsign only. If you want a QSL direct do not send

your card until after January 2014.

JF1CCH and JA1FUF will be on the air from West Kiribati between

November 28th and December 4th. Activity will be on the HF bands using

CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. Their callsigns and QSL info will be announced


Lastly, HL05GDB will be active from South Korea around until November

3rd. Listen out for him on 80 through 6m using all modes and QSL via


(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally, if you have been spending far to much time in front of

your computer screen, then a Pennsylvania hospital may be able to help

you. This as it becomes the first to offer an inpatient detox program

for those addicted to the internet. No we are not kidding as we hear

from Amateur Radio Newsline's Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK:


Bradford Regional Medical Center in Bradford, Pennsylvania will soon

have a program available to assist those whose lives have spiraled out

of control because of their addiction to the World Wide Web. The

program will offer a voluntary, 10-day in-patient treatment program

that was created by experts in other, more traditional addictions like

alcohol or drugs.

In the hospital wing already occupied by patients with addictions of

other sorts, groups of four internet addicts will take classes and take

part in the sort of group therapy traditionally reserved for chemical

and other dependencies. This program can also intervene with

medication, if needed, to treat withdrawal symptoms and diagnose and

treat the underlying issues that often accompany the web addiction


Only one catch. The price tag of the program could be prohibitive

enough to keep all but the most desperate of internet addicts away. A

stay for this digital detox facility will cost around $14,000 and

currently no insurance program will cover it. So if you are a ham who

may be addicted to web based contacts or just surfing the web night and

day, it may pay to simply try limiting your time on the Internet and

spending most of it using RF to make contacts on the air.

But before you do anything be sure to consult your physician for

advice. That's because none of us are doctors nor do we play one on


For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Cheryl Lasek, K9BIK, in Zion,



The United States is not the only place where digital detox will be

taking place. According to a report in The Japan Times, that nations

Education Ministry plans to set up the camps next year, offering

addicted students a chance to unplug from their computers and

smartphones, enjoy some time in the real world, and face their web

based addiction head-on with tablet-free counseling sessions and

lectures. (London Daily Mail, CTV News, other published reports.)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ

Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain,

the RSGB, the Southgate News, TWiT-TV and Australia's WIA News, that's

all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is

newsline (at) arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at

Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at
www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur

Radio Newsline(tm), 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors' desk, I'm David

Black, KB4KCH, saying 73 and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.

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