
Weekly news from the WIA:

MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2013-07-28.mp3 Text edition:




Oh... and to contact us with your news because

If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!


http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news

TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA

Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as

you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &

url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.



WIA President Phil Waite VK2ASD on the High Power Trial.

WIA RD CONTEST competes with ILLW August 17-18



As many VK2 listeners would be aware there has been an ongoing and prolonged

search in the Blue Mountains West of Sydney for a missing person from the

Fairmont resort near Leura.

The search has been reported as one of the largest searches undertaken by

NSW Police rescue.

WICEN has been providing communications support for the BWRS

( http://www.bwrs.org.au/ ) who are being tasked into the difficult to access

areas within the search area. These include canyons and cliffs which are

being searched by repetitive abseiling.

WICEN has contributed well over 250 hours so far of operational time.

Steven Heimann, VK2BOS is the WICEN commander.

5-6 WICEN operators are involved each day and set up radio points that can

look into the areas the BWRS are operating in so that comms with BWRS and the

command post at the Fairmont resort are maintained. WICEN has a radio point

at Sublime Point which is logging the radio traffic between the search teams

and the command post utilising relays as needed from the 3-4 WICEN radio

points in use.

There are many news items on this search in the media.

The following is a typical one.


(forwarded by WIA's Mal Brooks)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP

Secretary David Williams VK3RU

Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Hello, this is Phil Wait VK2ASD from the WIA. I have an important message for

all Australian Radio Amateurs, and particularly for those amateurs taking

part in the current High Power Trial.

The ACMA has been auditing the applications of amateur licensees taking part

in the High power trial, and checking their stations compliance with the

ACMA's Electromagnetic Exposure Regulations.

The ACMA's intention from the audit is to gauge Radio Amateurs' level of

understanding of, and compliance with, the EMR exposure requirements. The

results of this Audit will influence the ACMA's decision about adopting a

permanent 1kW PEP limit on the HF bands. The requirements of EMR compliance

are complex, and the audit found that a number of stations that believed they

were operating under a Level 1 (low risk) Compliance should have, in fact,

been classed as Level 2 (medium risk).

Many of these licensees used the EMR Calculator on the WIA website, and upon

investigation, it was found there was a discrepancy between the requirements

of the Amateur Licence Conditions Determination (the LCD) and the output of

the EMR Calculator with respect to antenna accessibility.

This discrepancy appears to have arisen from differences in the exposure

levels specified in the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety

Agency (ARPANSA) Standard, on which the EMR Calculator's results are based,

and the exposure compliance requirements in the Amateur LCD which are

determined by a set of simplified station conditions, rather than actual

exposure levels.

Doug VK3UM has now updated the calculator and amateurs who hold a current

High power Licence variation should now re-determine their station compliance.

However, there is a larger issue here.

Since 2003, the ACMA has required all transmitting stations to assess the

status of their station in relation to human exposure to radiofrequency

electromagnetic fields. All Amateur licensees, no matter what power they are

running, are required to determine the EMR compliance level of their station

and keep supporting information in their station file for inspection by an

ACMA representative.

Checking the compliance level of your station is very important but is quite

easy to do. Information on how to perform the EMR compliance check, along

with the EMR calculator, is in the "Technical Reference" section of the

WIA Website accessible under the "For Members" drop down menu *.

So, please check your EMR compliance, it's easy and most stations should find

that they comply with the regulations without having to make any station


This is Phil Wait VK2ASD, for the WIA.

*A link to the High Power Compliance Re-assessment and EMR information has

now been placed on wia.org.au

Remembrance Day Contest

Also writing on WIA Front Page News (wia.org.au) Alan Shannon VK4SN pens an

item on the August 17 18 RD contest.

He asks we remember that the new start and finish times are 0300z or 1PM

eastern states time also about nominating a team to participate as last year

teams were very successful.

He also says "The new times will

give you 2 half days of contesting and

2 half days doing your own thing.

Remember to team up with your mates and

email me your team

name and members prior to the start of the contest.

Receiving your log is most important and it adds points to your

state total.

If you have problems sending your log, please don't

hesitate to call or email

me so I can help you with it.

Look at the logging examples for portable and interstate operators, as shown

on the WIA RD website. Correct logging will

make it easier for the Cabrillo

checker and won't score zero points

when logged incorrectly. For example, one

may log VK4XX/M1 for mobile

in vk1, but really it's vk4xx portable in England.

England scores zero points.

The International Light house weekend will be sharing the bandswith us and in

the true spirit of Amateur Radio, it is great to see that some of these

stations are participating in the RD as well as

the Lighthouse weekend.

I have also been informed that some ILLW stations will not be giving out

numbers for the RD as they wish to remain 100% ILLW.

So remember your

etiquette and have a great time in the RD."



web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/

Change of name for Midland Amateur Radio Club Inc.

The Midland Amateur Radio Club in Bendigo Victoria, is excited to announce a

name change! The club will now be known as Bendigo Amateur Radio &

Electronics Club Inc.

Members felt that the new name would better reflect the location of the club,

and in the ever changing landscape of technologies, keep electronics relevant

to Amateur Radio.

Meetings are held on the third Friday of each month, at the 1st Bendigo Scout

Hall, Vine St, Bendigo, at 7.30 pm. Visitors are most welcome.

For more information about the Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics Club,

contact the secretary, Ray Tampion, VK3YAR, on 03 5439 3506.

Bogong High Plains Adventure

This year's Bogong High Plains Winter Trip will run NEXT weekend, the

5th to 9th of August.

After worryingly warm weather in VK3, a strong cold front has come through

with decent snow falls across the Alpine region. This is great news for the

team gearing up for their annual back country ski trip to the Bogong High


Heading out across the snowy wilderness, a team of amateurs and friends

will ski through some of Australia's most stunning alpine landscapes. The

group will be led by VK3GT, VK3FMAW and VK3SN up onto mountain plateaus which

sit well over 1800m ASL.


Location - Bogong High Plains, Victorian Alps

Activity - Back country skiing and snow camping.

Skiing each day and settle into tent/hut/igloo each night

When - August 5-9th 2013

Gear - Solar powered with Lithium batteries running a Elecraft KX3

into a dipole. Handhelds on 146.525 Simplex as well as local

repeaters including Hotham, Wodonga, Bright, etc.,

APRS - Google map APRS for live location tracking at http://aprs.fi

Band - 7.1 MHz. afternoons working on the hour

3.6 MHz. evenings working on the hour.

Other HF bands are sometimes activated depending on activity

and conditions.

Share in the adventure by listening out for the group as they operate QRP

from huts, tents and igloos on the roof of Victoria.


(Stephen VK3SN)

VK3 ANR 50 for club anniversary

The Geelong Radio and Electronics Society celebrates its 50-years with a

special callsign VK3 ANR 50 and QSL card between August 25 to 31.

Founded in 1963, its celebration will be at the well-equipped club rooms

237a High Street Belmont.

The group of enthusiasts is active in amateur radio, computers and electronics.

VK3ANR50 will on air 7-days using HF, VHF, UHF as well as IRLP nodes around

the world.

(Text edition - Jim Linton VK3PC)


Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to

send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/

get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3

get local news emailed

Radios to the sound of Migaloo this weekend

As the WIA news goes to air some radio amateurs in the Townsville region

have donned radio backpacks and put to sea to provide communications support

for the 59th Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim.

They attended yesterday's Main Swim Briefing at the Castle Hill PCYC and met

with some of the swimmers and skippers that they would be helping out.

They faced a brisk and early start getting to their observation points

and to their mighty vessels to be in position in time for the start of

the swim from picturesque Picnic Bay at 9-15am.

Competitors will then thrash their way 8 kilometres across Cleveland Bay

back to the mainland under the watchful eye of the radio amateurs, a fleet of

surf skis and safety boats plus the Townsville Coast Guard flotilla.


Felix a little latter in the bulletin will have news of an event in SEQ

today that is quite "MAD".. one we found on Facebook and also from facebook

a shout going out to a listener in Carindale, David VK4BGB


Sunday the 11th of August is going to be a great day in the northern rivers of

VK2 with the annual Summerland amateur radio clubs SARCFEST starting at 9am.

All the regular items will be there for sale along with educational and

historic communciation displays from our members.

Our local federal member of parliament Janelle Saffin will be opening the

festival between 1 and 2pm so come along for a great day at SARCFEST 2013

August the 11th at the SARC Clubrooms 414 richmond hill road Richmond Hill.

this is frank VK2FRNK


The annual amateur radio get together in VK6 is weeks away.

Phil VK6IP sends in this report:

On the 4th of August the NCRG will present the annual Hamfest. This year the

NCRG will showcase what's new in Icom's lineup. Be prepared to discuss your

requirements in that new rig.

Digital radio is now starting to appear. You may be unsure of what's on

offer, you'll be able to discuss the exciting spread of opportunities being

rolled out to the ham fraternity.

Digital radio is definitely the next progression for crystal clear reception

on the HF bands. See our demonstration of Software Defined Radio. SDR will

enable most amateurs to economically experience a totally new form of HF


The NCRG will gauge your reaction to Mini technical presentations so please

be sure to have your say. These demonstrations were successfully utilised at

the WIA conference this year. They seem to have been enthusiastically

acclaimed by attendees and the NCRG may present them to interested hams at

the next Hamfest.

Do you know how the weekly news broadcast is assembled? The VK6WIA news team

will be on hand to demonstrate their expertise this year at Hamfest. Now is

your chance to meet the guys and discuss how you can contribute. What better

way to ensure that your viewpoint or idea is presented.

We all know that amateurs are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Here is your opportunity to make your mark.

Do you have an idea for Hamfest? The NCRG welcomes your input. Is there

something or somebody that you would like us to include? Please see the

President or Secretary near the raffle stall at this years Hamfest.

The Cyril Jackson Community Centre in Bassendean is the place to be, August 4.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,

Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.


The South African Radio League will exhibit at the ESKOM Expo for Young

Scientists to be held in Boksburg from 25 to 28 September 2013. The exhibit

will include a HF and VHF station.

The SARL is calling on young radio amateurs to man the exhibit and operate

the radio station sharing with their peers the exciting world of amateur


The Eskom Expo for Young Scientists has been running for over 30 years and

has established itself as the premier exposition for South African youth

to demonstrate their innovation in the fields of science and technology.


An unconfirmed posting from Palm Beach in the USA say's that City's analogue

police radio system is in such a state of dis-repair that technicians have

resorted to seeking replacement parts on eBay.

Ed VK2JI / G8GLM has provided a number of Interviews that he did for

ICQPODCAST - a fortnightly UK based Internet radio "show" that covers all

things Amateur Radio.

To hear all the interviews Ed did just Google for ICQPODCAST

However right NOW on wia national news Ed is with Tim Ellam, VE6SH, President

of the IARU about what the IARU is currently doing and how we as Radio

Amateurs can support their work.


Later in this News Cast Ed will return with interviews with Bill Main,

VK4ZD International President of Rotarians of Amateur Radio and his wife

Diane VK4KYL also an interview with Andy MM0FMF about Summits on the Air.

SGARN HF Multicast Network

SGARN, the Second Generation Amateur Radio Network, is looking for amateurs

who would like to participate in a global HF Multicast bulletin network.

At this time, activity is on 30 meters but other bands will see SGARN activity

as the system grows.

For more information contact Charles, N5PVL on:

Radio isn't dead

Radio is here to stay and the proof is here in the form of Instaradio.

It's a new app that allows users to create, distribute, and share audio with

people around the world.

Kevin Kilman, CEO and co-founder of the online application, is hoping

Instaradio will eventually become what video is to YouTube. In other words,

it'll become the premier way to share audio online.

Streaming music playlists, broadcasts and events can all be done with the

push of a button. "It's a PA system, not just a radio, with one button that

streams live radio and other stuff that can be heard on any tablet, computer

or phone, says Instaradio."

Since the company's preliminary launch last month, the free (yep, you heard

right, free) app has been downloaded more than 13,000 times.

================================================== ===========================



While the sun is currently at the projected peak

of its 11 year solar cycle, our home star has

been relatively quiet in the area of sunspots and

their effect on radio propagation here on planet

Earth. Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley,

KI7UP, takes a look at what scientists believe is happening:


Researchers say that this year's solar maximum is

shaping up to be the weakest in some 100 years

and the next one could be even quieter. This

according to scientists who study the solar cycle

as it affects our home planet.

One of these is David Hathaway of NASA's Marshall

Space Flight Centre in Huntsville, Alabama. In

an early July teleconference Hathaway told

reporters that we are witnessing the smallest

solar maximum we have seen in the Space

Age. Also that the next one, cycle 25 could be even quieter.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline. I'm Norm Seeley,

KI7UP, where the sun is keeping us rather warm in Scottsdale, Arizona.


You can find out more about the Solar Cycle at

tinyurl.com/weak-cycle-24 and

tinyurl.com/not-many-sunspots to mention only two.

================================================== ===========================



The New Indian Express have reported on the invention of a new pen, which

will vibrate if it senses that the writer is making a spelling mistake or

his/her handwriting is messy.

The brainchild of two German entrepreneurs, Lernstift, which means

"learning pen" in German, is a regular pen with real ink, but it has a

special motion sensor inside and a small battery-operated Linux computer

with a Wi-Fi chip, which allows the pen to recognise specific movements,

letter shapes and a wide assortment of words.

It vibrates if the user is not careful with letters or writes inelegantly.

Arguably, it will be able to correct those whose dependence on spell checks

and typing has played havoc with their spelling and handwriting.

But, it is doubtful how many of we adults use a pen these days, even a

fancy one that vibrates!



IOTA Contest on this weekend

The annual Islands on the Air contest is taking place now 27 and 28 July.

The most sought-after multipliers are those assigned to offshore islands

and a list can be found at

This year a special RSGB Centenary Commemorative Certificate is available.

Everyone who enters and submits a log of contest QSOs will be eligible. To

qualify, simply make 100 QSOs along with 20 multipliers and send your log in.

It is recommended that you make more than 100 QSOs and 20 multipliers to

allow for any errors

Details can be found at

Remembrance Day Contest August 17th and 18th

ALARA Contest August 24 and 25


VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3

ILLW registrations running hot

With just over 100 registrations to go the International Lighthouse and Lightship

Weekend held on August 17 and 18, it may very well prove to break existing

record numbers.

There are several seafaring nations in most regions yet to join the growing

list of online registrations, already close to 370 from 36 countries.

Germany remains on top followed by Australia, the USA, England, Argentina,

Netherlands, Malaysia, Sweden, Canada, Scotland, Ireland and South Africa.

Organisers expect a flood of registrations in the coming three weeks for

the annual fun event that publicises both the old sea-going navigation methods

and portable amateur radio.

Among them is an obsolete signalling device, the Time Ball at Williamstown

VK3WI, to enjoy its 10th activation this year. It challenges other time balls

throughout the world to join it.

Some locations have more than one registration, while others choose to activate

for a few hours only, both of these options are most welcome.

It's simple to register a lighthouse, lightship and maritime beacon online

by visiting the website www.illw.net

(Jim Linton)


Get MAD - VK4 Microwave Activity Day

Scott Watson - VK4CZ with a posting on his facebook page gave us the tip off

that today, Sunday July 28 is the VK4 Microwave Activity Day (MAD), with an

increasing number of stations operating portable from majestic hill tops all

over the South East corner of VK4 (and hopefully one day including stations

from further afield).

Details of the main station proposed locations and bands activated can be

found on the VKLogger Forum thread, but to read this you must have signed up

to the logger web thread.

Liaison will be on the Brisbane VHF Group 147.000Mhz repeater from

around 23:00z (09:00am) as stations make their way to the various sites,

and operations commence at 00:00z (10:00am) on 1.2GHz and then progress

through to 24GHz. Good luck to all those participating. Looking forward to

working as many as possible.


On the air PA0FA will be operating special event

station PA1813A through August 13th celebrating

the twice liberated city Arnhem, Holland. Arnhem

is a city and municipality located in the eastern

section of that nation. It is well known that

Arnhem was freed back at the end of World War 2

in 1945 but it was liberated once before in 1813

from the French. Hence the PA1813A call for this

operation which will be mostly using CW with some

SSB and digital modes. The latter two modes will

depend on the available time and other possibilities.

QSL to PA0FAW either direct, bureau or electronically using or eQSL.


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video





K7AGE posts video of WLW's 500,000 1930s transmitter

While In Dayton at Hamvention K7AGE attended a tour of the WLW AM broadcast

transmitter facility. WLW has kept a major piece of broadcasting history

alive by keeping much of the old high power transmitter intact.

Back in 1932 WLW increased their power to 500,000 watts. They were the only

AM broadcasting station in America ever to operate at 500,000 watts. Much of

the old transmitter still exists.

It is really a high power amplifier with a high level modulator

(360,000 watts). The amplifier was driven from their existing 50,000 watt

Western Electric transmitter. The system used 20 100,000 watts tubes

($1,600 each in 1932) that required water cooling that used a cooling pond

located outside the station. Tons, and tons, of hardware was required to

achieve the 10 dB gain.

Enjoy the tour of the facility and the history of this high power station just

YouTube Google K7AGE WLW


UKube-1 with Amateur Radio Transponder may launch in October

BBC News is reporting that the UK Space Agency's first CubeSat UKube-1,

being built by Clyde Space in Glasgow, may launch in late October 2013.

Clyde Space Senior Systems Engineer Steve Greenland gave a

presentation on UKube-1 to the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium which

took place last weekend.

UKube-1 will carry a set of AMSAT-UK FUNcube-2 boards which will provide:

1200 bps BPSK telemetry beacon on 145.915 MHz

Linear transponder downlink 145.930 - 145.950 MHz for SSB/CW communications

Linear transponder uplink 435.080 - 435.060 MHz



website: www.ifroar.org


facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/RotariansROAR/

International President 2012 -2015: Bill Main VK4ZD

secretary: Dr Elwood Anderson, AE5EA

ANZO VP: Peter Lowe, VK3KCD

0645z - 0730z Anzo Net 7.118 (varies due to propagation)

0730z - 0830z International net 14.293 (varies due to propagation)

Ed VK2JI continues with an ICQPODCAST interview with Bill Main, VK4ZD

International President of Rotarians in Amateur Radio (ROAR) and his wife

Diane VK4KYL covering the success they had in the preceding week at the

International Rotary Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.


Guglielmo Marconi Father of wireless, was an Honorary member of the

club from 1933 to 1937 and it continues the tradition and honouring Marconi

to this very day.

Now a' days among its honorary members is Marconi's Daughter,

Princess Elettra Marconi.

4EB -- VK4EB Ted Gold the founder of the first commercial radio station in

Queensland was Vice President of Toowoomba Rotary Club.


Ed VK2JI / G8GLM continues with an interview with Andy MM0FMF about the

current status of SOTA (Summits on the Air). This is from the Interviews

that he did for ICQPODCAST


Again to hear all the interviews Ed did just Google ICQPODCAST

REWIND a look back at history

It was 30 years ago when aviator and entrepreneur Dick Smith VK2DIK made

the first solo helicopter flight around the world.

The journey which ended on July the 22nd, 1983, was the subject of an

unforgettable WIA Centenary BBQ speech given by Dick at his Bowylie Flying

Club, a privately owned aviation museum at Gundaroo, north of Canberra.

He highlighted the dangers of the Japan to Alaska leg, that included the

finding and landing on a container ship to refuel. The crew from four army

helicopters who took refuge from the inclement weather were among the

spell-bound audience.

It was amateur radio that assisted him to circumnavigate the globe and on

other aviation occasions including his famous balloon flight in February

2000, where he made contact with ground stations.

The night before, at the WIA Centenary Dinner in Canberra, he explained how

an early exposure to radio had a lasting impact, helping him achieve business

and other successes.

The life-time exploits and achievements of Dick VK2DIK are even more widely

known - thanks to him being the WIA Patron for its Centenary.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


JUL 28 VK2 Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club Hamfest 10AM

AUG 4 VK6 Northern Corridor Radio Group Hamfest Cyril Jackson Rec Centre

Fisher st Ashfield Bassendean 9am.

AUG 11 VK2 SARCFEST 414 Richmond Hill Rd near Lismore


SEP 14 VK4 Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio's SUNFEST 9am.

Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

Oct 5 vk4 REDFest by Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club St Michael's

College, Caboolture, 9am

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the

VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on


Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being

broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only

be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different

slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your

item write in the 3rd person.


================================================== ===========================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to

the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may

lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might

even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize

their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to

active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia

and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in

"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily

reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast

in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to

WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



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