
As SEGASonic:Radio slowly reopens its network with the site still undergoing refurbishment, we will nonetheless premiere our latest edition of Sound Test Saturday on the radio’s webpage!

Welcome, one and all, to the Sound Check!

This is when our Sound Test Saturdays will concentrate on one specific artist by not only featuring a great amount of their work, but by interviewing them as well!

And now, for our special guests… You’ve seen them time and time and time again on our weekly columns. You’ve heard their sounds on The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011. You played through their songs on Rock Band. If you’re from TSSZ, you likely just read about them on Fan Friday. Hell, you might’ve read about them two years ago on Rock Band Aide! For these reasons and many, many more, it’s only appropriate that we have our first Sound Check with these guys! Hailing from the Great White North, beginning our first of many interviews here on Sound Test Saturday…

I present to you all: Freen in Green!

From left to right: Sparky, Zoot-9000, Mint (below), Aptiva, Mysteri, and Marcus (Absent)

Act 1: Introduction

VizardJeffhog: So, what is Freen in Green? Tell us a little about yourselves!

Marcus: Alright, I’ll take this one! Freen in Green is a progressive band from Riverside City, Saskatchewan. We’re still starting out, but we’ve got two main albums under our belts, as well as several spinoff ones. As you might be able to tell, we’re pretty uh, ‘animated’ as well! On top of that, we’ve been doing remixes of Sonic music lately just for fun.

VizardJeffhog: Coolio! What is your role in the group then?

Marcus: I’m the band’s manager and stand-in drummer, as well as mixer. I also do a bunch of various other jobs that require a bit more of a serious touch to do; the band itself is rather… uh, eccentric …so it’s best left to someone with a level head like myself.

Sparky: Hey, don’t flatter yourself over there, Marcus. You don’t do EVERYTHING: Mint helps you out sometimes!

Marcus: Er, right, and I have an assistant, Mint, whom used to be the band’s drummer before he just up and quit. Something about his drum-kit threatening him or something…?

Mint: It was scary!

VizardJeffhog: Yow, no kidding? I hope other instruments won’t pick up on that nasty habit… Anyway! What of the rest of the band? Come and introduce yourselves!

Sparky: Aw sweet, it’s my turn! Hello ladies, I’m Sparky, the bassist for the band. I’m also a genie from another world, AND the saviour of this band! They were in a bind after they lost their old singer and bassist, but then I was like “’SUP BROS, a band? Heck yeah, count me in on that sweet deal!” Well, it wasn’t really like that, but close enough. Either way, I’m just awesome.

Marcus: Uh, right…

Aptiva: I’M APTIVA! I’m the guitarist! Smoker–

Marcus: –our ex-singer, whom was also a genie.

Aptiva: C’mon, they already know that! Anyways, Smoker poof’d me to life out of supplies from a drama club’s costume-storage room since, in the beginning, it was just her and our old bassist Adam, and they needed to fill out the sound a lot more for our first live gig as a band! Man that was fun…

Zoot: [I guess it's not everyday you see a computer-cat huh? I'm the keyboardist in the band. Mint and Aptiva were the two hip-joes that built this here robosapien you're talkin' too, as well as a touch o' spicey magic from Smoker.]

Mysteri: …h-hello.

Marcus: Oh, she doesn’t talk too much… We’re working on her shyness. That’s Mysteri, she’s a synth player in the band, as well as the ex-keyboardist before Zoot was built. We barely know anything about her, but we do know that the sound she contributes to the songs is fantastic! If you ever hear an ambient synth in the background of one of our tracks, chances are it’s from Mysteri!

Mint: OH OH OH! I’m Mint! I used to be the drummer before my drumkit started to threaten me unless I gave back its toaster… Now I help Marcus out doing all of his mixer-guy stuff! It’s FUN! I also got to play these really awesome horns in this one song, Halftime, but no one seemed to like them… What’s their problem, anyway?!

VizardJeffhog: How did Freen in Green come into existence? You guys mentioned genies, so I’m sure the backstory is gonna be interesting!

Marcus: It started when our ex-bassist Adam found a marble in an alleyway. He figured with the way it was shining, that it might actually be valuable, so he took it back to his apartment and attempted to wipe off the excess dirt that was stuck to it. When he did, a huge green colourful explosion happened and Smoker was released! She tricked Adam into wishing he was in a band with her, to satisfy her lust for attention, and promptly signed them up for a local battle of the bands.

Adam then mentioned that there was no way that any of them could play any songs, and that they didn’t even have a full band anyway. Smoker used her magic powers to conjure up Aptiva and Mint, as well as instruments for all of them. They actually lost the battle of the bands to a band called “Ego-Revision”, and then went to go bunk out with Adam for a while. After he got fed up of living with everyone, he wished the band had a studio someplace to live in. Being a pretty selfish genie, Smoker granted the wish since it benefitted her, and they’ve been living there ever since.

They couldn’t figure out all of the equipment and didn’t have very good management skills, so that’s when I was called in! Mysteri came in shortly after, though we don’t really recall how she ‘joined’… I guess she never technically did! Huh! Oh well, she’s here now, and that’s all that matters.

Mysteri: … *chuckle*

Marcus: Since then, Smoker bailed after a talent agency offered her a job somewhere a province over in Edmonton, and some time after that, Adam realized that Smoker wasn’t blackmailing him into staying in the band anymore, and decided to move away with his girlfriend somewhere too. He left a package behind containing the marble that Smoker was originally released from, with specific instructions to “NOT rub the marble no matter what!”. Almost as if it was destiny, Aptiva had already started polishing it as I was reading the note out loud to everyone, and BAM! There appeared Sparky in a similar explosion of colour.

Sparky: Haha, best entrance EVER, amirite?! The band was COMPLETE after that!

Marcus: Uh, sure thing.

VizardJeffhog: Okay, let’s get on to the meat of the interview: the music! How would you describe your sound to those who haven’t heard your sound before?

Sparky: Our sound is like nose candy to the ears… Actually, I did a bit of internets-ninjaing myself, and found out that you guys didn’t really like our sound two years ago… What’s the matter with ‘ya!?


Mint: MINTY. FRESH. Woo!!

Zoot: [Swingalicious, dawg. ;D]

Marcus: I know we introduced ourselves as a progressive band, but I didn’t necessarily mean the genre; we’re hardly what you’d expect of a progressive rock band, actually. We just keep changing up genres and styles enough that we have no idea what else ‘fits’!

VizardJeffhog: It’s good to experiment with multiple genres though. On that note, who are each of your musical idols?

Aptiva: That’s EASY! Bumblefoot or Buckethead! They’re so awesome and shredtacular, but tasteful and cool too!

Mysteri: … Stuart Pot, Alex Makhlouf…

Mint: The Quaker Oatmeal guy and Cool Spot from the 7-Up bottles!

Zoot: [My processors fizzle to the sounds of Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Streetlight Manifesto, and The Brian Setzer Orchestra... in a good way. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, hands down is my favorite, though!]

Sparky: I gotta say, that Jack Black guy is pretty sweet. Also a pretty big fan of Abba, actually.

Marcus: I like too many to list! I actually collect band t-shirts too! Gotta represent!

VizardJeffhog: How have your idols influenced your music?

Mint: How DON’T they influence the songs I was on?! It should be obvious, I think!

Sparky: Jack Black’s music is so unorthodox and ROCKIN’. It’s all up in your face! My bass parts are a lot like that. Just BAM, in your face! Hahahaha!

Aptiva: I love how WHOOSH and WHOA and YEAHHH the guitar parts in Buckethead and Bumblefoot’s songs are! One second it’s this totally chill riff and then the next it’s like you’re sticking your head in a bee’s nest and the bees are buzzing all over in your ears… then it goes back to normal!

Zoot: [It's all about the style, bayb. >B] Keep it real, keep it classy, keep it cool as ice~]

Act 2: Playlists and Pixelation

VizardJeffhog: When it comes to composition, how does the process usually go?

Aptiva: Usually I come up with a guitar riff or somethin’ first, then I bring it to the others and we just build off of it from there! Usually we have whole songs done in one day because we work together so well!!

VizardJeffhog: Now, how many albums do you have in your repertoire? Can you tell us a little about a few of them?

Marcus: Right now, there are two main ones, and we’re working on the third. The first one is “This Album is Green“.

It was this band’s first steps into the musical world, and I think it’s pretty obvious that it is, too. It kind of lacked focus throughout the second half, but, overall, I’d still call it a success.

[Vizard's note: A very special guest star joins in on the album's Neighbours Ate my Zombies! Read on!]

The second one, “Pixelated Planet“, is a very focused video-game soundtrack, with most of the songs representing levels or boss fights.

On the side we have “Misc. Songs“, “Misc. Songs II” and “Misc. Songs III“, as well as Mysteri’s two EPs that she does all by herself most of the time: “Forever a Mysteri” and “Still a Mysteri“. That leaves “Backing Track Collection“, which was a live show’s backing tracks, and “Doodles“, which are early recordings of songs, or completely unreleased ones. We’re still adding to that one, haha!

VizardJeffhog: Now, amongst your songs, which ones are your favourites?

Zoot: Hard to pin down. Probably gonna say Ramp Truck, the one with my piano on it! It’s just the grooviest one we’ve got!

Aptiva: I really really like Rebel Railway! It’s just so fun to play! But I also really like most of our songs… Maybe Waterfall Valley!


Sparky: I’ll go with one of the new songs that you guys haven’t heard yet, haha!

Marcus: I really love Frontier Factory. I don’t know why, but it’s just stuck with me this whole time, even if it was our/their very first song.

Mysteri: … … Neighbors Ate My Zombies!…

Marcus: — Oh hey! That’s right! Neighbors Ate My Zombies! has Mike Pollock on it too!

[Vizard's note: Mentioning what hasn't been mentioned... oh my god, Riptide Resort~!]

VizardJeffhog: The Mike Pollock? That’s really something! Now, when you spoke of “Pixelated Planet”… that’s a game you’re all working on as well, isn’t it? Marcus, would you mind giving us a few details?

Marcus: It’s a sidescroller platformer inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros., with a pinch of classic Megaman in there. There’s going to be tons of collectibles and secret references all over the place. Our developer is going through tough times at the moment though, and it’s still a work in progress, so it’ll be finished… when it’s finished! ™!

Act 3: The Hedgehog Zone

VizardJeffhog: Okay! Now that we’re on-topic, let’s get right to it: Freen in Green and Sonic the Hedgehog. You’re currently working on an album dedicated entirely to the Blue Blur. What led you all to this decision?

Marcus: Two albums! “Sonic Remixes” AND a Sonic Adventure 2 Remix Album. Aptiva was bored one day and sort of wandered off. He came back later saying that he and his new friend Tony Caline had created a Chemical Plant/Speed Highway/Crisis City mash-up song together.

Then we all got involved after that and it just became a really fun side project to do. We really do love Sonic, and the series’ music has always stood out as awesome, so it was just natural. It just took longer than it should’ve… According to Aptiva and Mint, their very first Sonic song they did was So Much More… for a contest two years back, and it was featured on The Sonic Stadium, but there were many, many rude comments left behind, and it really drove them away from doing something like this until much later.

Aptiva: Yeah but some of those people apologised later, so it’s alright! Woo!

VizardJeffhog: Right, Sparky mentioned that earlier. I wasn’t around at the time, but I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been through that! So what exactly brought you guys back to the Sonic music scene?

Aptiva: He just said! It was that awesome remix with Tony that I did~ He was just starting out on music, and I wanted to help him! So because it’s easier to work with something that’s already started, we wanted to do a Chemical Plant Zone cover/remix, just to get him started, you know? And then YEAH. It just kinda mutated and became a bunch o’ different things! Then I showed the rest of the guize in the band and they wanted to get in on it…and that’s how “Sonic Remixes” happened!

Marcus: As I recall, It was through the random Tinychat streams and that Stardust Speedway remix that we met, correct Mr. Jeffhog?

VizardJeffhog: Right, that kickass Bad Future mix of yours! It’s been quite a bit of time since then!

Sparky: That was before I even showed up! That’s pretty far back, mang.

Aptiva: Woot!

VizardJeffhog: So, let’s talk about your “Sonic Remixes” album. How do you guys pick which song to remix over others?

Aptiva: Most of them are levels that we like from Sonic games, other ones are fan favorite songs, or songs people have requested. We only wanted to do one song per-game, though! Otherwise there’d be too many songs to remix!!

VizardJeffhog: In that case, how many songs do you have planned for the final album?

Aptiva: 25!  5 Classic, 5 Transitional/Dreamcast, 5 Handheld, 5 Modern, and 5 Bonus/Extras!

VizardJeffhog: And you’re all covering a Sonic Adventure 2 remix album too, right? How do you guys plan on reinterpreting each track?

Marcus: We want to sort of “modernize” all of the different styles to fit the characters nowadays. For example, Sonic’s tunes would be all Generations Modern style, while Rouge’s would be more like the ambient jazzy Werehog night time level songs. Hopefully we can do all of the SA2 songs!

VizardJeffhog: Alright, good luck on that! We’ll be cheering you on.

Now… this question goes to everyone in the band: which was your first Sonic game, which one’s your current favourite and why?

Marcus: Aha, My first one was Sonic 1 back on the Genesis. Man, I had so much trouble with Spring Yard, of all Zones… My current favorite is probably Sonic CD, since it’s just so… weird! I really loved the exploration aspect of it, too!

Aptiva: OH OH OH my first one since being poof’d to life was I think Sonic Colours! I REAAAALLLY like that one a lot too, since it’s just so happy and colourful and the music is so nice~ I think Generations is still mah favorite though, since it’s like that, but BETTER!

Zoot: [Aw yeah, Sonic Unleashed is my JAM. >B] Have you heard those night stage tunes? They’re A-class, baby. It was also my first game! You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to play it mirrored on your face though.]

Sparky: Well see, I came from some other world… So I haven’t had the chance to sit down and play any of those sacred “classics” that you guys go on and on about, but I know that I played me some Sonic Rush one time, and it was pretty swanky. Kinda difficult though. Kids these days must have the best reflexes EVER.

Mysteri: … …favorite is Colours… …first was Shuffle…

Mint: I’m a sucker for Sonic Shuffle! Back in Candy Academy in the 90′s I’d often play it with my classmates. I’d ALWAYS WIN TOO! It was so great. Ahh, those were the days. Anyways, I don’t really remember which one I played first. I think the first one! But I still have a soft spot for Sonic Shuffle ’cause it was just so AWESOME.

VizardJeffhog: What are your current and future plans?

Marcus: Well–

Sparky: –we can’t just tell you, can we?! Haha! That’d ruin the surprise! Nah, just kidding kiddo, please, do continue.

Marcus: Uh… right… We’re currently working on our third album, “Chrono-Drifter“, which is a music trip down memory lane.

Aptiva: YEP. It’s a sweet time travelling adventure!

Marcus: And in the future, I think you’re gonna see us on The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012: Episode Battle* as well. That’s always really fun. Aside from that, perhaps more tunes in Rock Band. Hey, if SEGA would hire us, it’d be really fun to work with them in future, too!

*tentative title

Aptiva: There’s also my new side project with one of my friends, Tobey McTired! You should listen to that too! It’s REALLY good! Like, music for the ages!

Sparky: Pff, maybe if they were the dark ages, hahaha! Nah, just yankin’ yer chain.

VizardJeffhog: Alright! Before we go, is there anything else any of you would like to say to the folks reading this?

Aptiva: This was FUN! Being interviewed is great! Check out our songs in Rock Band as well!

Sparky: Try the tuna!

Mysteri: T-thank you…


Zoot: Stay cool, cats!

Marcus: Thanks for having us! It’s been a pleasure, and I hope you enjoy what we put out in the future! Keep rocking!

[Vizard's note: Since the time of this interview, a new drummer has joined the magically-inclined band!]

Act Clear!


There are many ways you can keep in touch with Freen in Green on the web, so if you want to drown your ears in more of FiG’s sound, whether it be Sonic or original, here are the links you will need to keep track of!

Like their Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter!

Buy/download all of their kickass music on Bandcamp for a “pay-what-you-want” price!

On that note, buy/download all of their music available on Rock Band too! Videos are also available on their Rock Band-centric YouTube channel!

Subscribe to them on YouTube! Their Sonic material is all found here!

Stalk them on their WordPress page!

Official artwork of the past has mostly been handled by Yamino, aka Smoker! Present art, as well as the Freen in Green webcomic, is drawn by Coral-Striker!

And that’s a wrap! See you all next week, and have a great Summer of Sonic 2012, everyone!

Next time on Sound Check: xTrickyWolfy, followed by Ring Energy!

Found an interesting remix, cover, or a Sonic-inspired song on the web? Do you have work that want to see featured on a future Sound Test Saturday? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then send what you’ve got over to vizardjeffhog@sonicstadium.org!

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