OFFPLANET RADIO—Chemtrails and Biological Weapons Redux | OffPlanet Radio-PDF
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Sourced from Various Websites and Distribution Lists Archive Freely For Dissemination, Last updated 26/03/2006. This is an archived compendium of information on chemtrails, biological warfare projects, “solar dimming”, genetically engineered viruses, bio-phosphorous filaments, crystalline pathogens, mycoplasmas, and the strange cases of dead microbiologists over a four year period (2001-2004)—circumstances: Suspicious.
William Thomas is an investigative journalist who comes to us from the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. He has won numerous awards for his feature films and articles. His 30-minute Gulf War documentary “Ecowar” was the U.S. Environmental film festival award for “best documentary short” in 1991. William Thomas is the author of Scorched Earth: The Military’s War Against the Environment and Bringing the War Home: The True Story Behind the Gulf War Illness and Biological Warfare in the Gulf. William has lectured extensively on the Gulf War and biological warfare in the ’90’s, and is a frequent guest on the “Art Bell Radio Show”. His latest book is Probing the Chemtrails Conundrum.
I have been an investigative journalist for the past 30 years and as a journalist I base my reports on documented information. During the Gulf War, I served as a member of a three-man volunteer environmental emergency response team in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait, and returned from that experience emotionally scarred, and with my immune system ravaged. After recovering through a program of supplementation, I became very disturbed to find hundreds and hundreds of emails from U.S. and Canadian veterans complaining of something they called Gulf War Syndrome. My investigation into biological weapons has been ongoing since I returned from the Gulf War, and I uncovered the untold story of the biological war in the Gulf in my book Bringing the War Home. In a previous book, Scorched Earth, I examined biological warfare experimentation, particularly in the United States.
In January, 1999, I was contacted by the managing editor of the Environment News Service, an international wire service which I had worked for in the Gulf. I was asked to check out a story by William Wallace about very unusual aerial activity over the state of Washington that was apparently changing the skies overhead. Wallace and his wife lived in a remote mountainous area, and he claimed that large unmarked jet aircraft were flying back and forth over his property, spraying something in the air.
Unlike normal contrails behind commercial jets which dissipate quickly, these lingered for hours, came together and obscured the sky. Mr. Wallace said that he and his wife were very ill, their dogs were dying, and their plants were dying. I began to investigate this story and after looking at a videotape made by Mr. Wallace, realized as a former pilot and former member of the military myself, that this was very unusual aerial activity. He gave me some of his contacts across the United States, and as I followed up on those contacts, I developed a huge story. As of today we have over 1,000 eyewitness reports on the so-called chemtrail phenomena.
We have documented evidence that chemtrail spraying is taking place over cities throughout Canada, the United States, England, Australia, Holland, Italy, Germany, and New Zealand. And I have uncovered direct ties between biological warfare experimentation and the spraying of pathogenic material and chemicals over our cities.
I have found in my research over the past 15 months that in every instance of heavy spraying over cities across Canada and the United States, there has been an epidemic of acute upper respiratory ailments and gastrointestinal ailments that have overfilled hospital emergency rooms across North America. After researching biological warfare, I found two U.S. Congressional investigations documenting decades of biological warfare experimentation carried out over hundreds of cities in the United States and Canada, including Winnipeg. While these biowarfare simulants were said to be “harmless”, some of the new genetically-engineered pathogens – particularly mycoplasma and other fungi – are now loose among the general population. This has occurred through vaccinations of Texas prisoners, and inoculations of Gulf War soldiers – many of whom never left the United States.
Many autoimmune diseases have been seen in the wake of the chemtrail spraying – such as chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, lupus, once very rare transverse myelitis and meningitis. My researchers and I are also finding that there appears to be a mental-emotional component to this spray that is a disorienting factor. It is a factor that makes people lethargic and mentally confused, with an inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss.
(a) THE HIGH-FLYING SPRAY PROGRAM Chemtrails are not contrails from commercial airplane traffic. Contrails are condensation trails formed when moisture from hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses into ice crystals, usually above 35,000 feet. Chemtrails occur around 22,000 feet, and they do not dissipate within 45 seconds as contrails usually do, according to Air Transport authorities. (However, genuine contrails over heavily trafficked areas do sometimes linger and nitrogen oxide and other jet engine pollutants can form extensive cloud cover over time.) Unlike normal contrails, chemtrail plumes are laid in parallel lines in grid patterns and telltale X’s over towns, cities and remote rural areas. They spread out, and over hours coagulate into a dense droopy overcast. This is not a normal overcast. Often you will even see this being woven between regular cumulus clouds, and it drips and it weeps. Within 24 to 48 hours, people on the ground often flood emergency rooms with acute upper respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal problems, gushing nose bleeds, joint pain, and a dry, hacking cough that unlike flu, lasts for four or five weeks, and then often returns. These symptoms are characteristic of the mycoplasma infections found in some blood-tested chemtrail observers. We have positively identified many of these aircraft as unmarked KC-135 and KC-10 Airforce tankers. In early March, hundreds of KC-135 aircraft were grounded for a part to be replaced in the tail-section of the airplane, and spray activity decreased from 24, to just two locations across the United States. Spray activity climbed right back to previous levels as the planes returned to service the following week.
(b) THE LOW FLYING SPRAY PROGRAM These contrails are sprayed by low flying C-130 Turboprop aircraft. I witnessed this myself in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, last summer. I was stunned to see a C-130 gliding low over this little resort town in the mountains, engines throttled back, dead quiet, spray coming out of the wings of the aircraft as it pulled away. I was standing in the middle of the intersection with my mouth hanging open! I went into the stores in that town, and everybody was coughing like crazy. We also took samples from aluminum-sided buildings in Michigan and Pennsylvania that were not contaminated by background bacteria. We found Pseudomonas fluorescens, streptomyces and a bacillus. In a similar sample taken a year previously on the other side of the United States, we found the same things, as well as other very pathogenic moulds. Rainwater samples taken after heavy spraying over Espanola, Ontario, were found to contain aluminum seven times higher than permissible safe levels. Chemtrail fallout also included carbon black – this is used by the United States Air Force for weather modification. It absorbs sunlight and heats the atmosphere. Carbon black can be hit with HAARP or similar ionispheric heaters and artificially heated to change the weather. They also found chaff (a fine cobwebby filament used to jam radars) in the fallout, and this very fine filament stays aloft for up to a day. So if you put it in your spray mix, you can track the distribution of your spray on radar for a full day. We have very clean lab samples of the material being sprayed and it all contains very pathogenic moulds and fungi. I discovered an article in the Portland Free Press, written by John Titus, in March 1997, describing how dozens of these spray-equipped aircraft, C-130s, were taken away from the U.S. Forest Service, from forest fire-fighting duties, and taken over by the CIA for “missions undisclosed.”
In March 1999, people in Espanola, Ontario began to see large unmarked multi-engine aircraft, white in colour, laying X’s in the sky over Espanola. When they called friends in Sudbury about 50 miles away, those same X’s were being laid at the very same time. These were grid patterns like tic-tac-toe laid in the skies overhead, parallel patterns like jets furrowing a farm field with plumes that at first-sight looked like condensation trails. But instead of evaporating and dissipating quickly, they lingered, spread out and dripped a kind of a mist onto the good residents of Espanola. A reddish powder was also dropped on patios and a nearby lake from AC-130s flying at rooftop level. Everyone, and I mean everyone, became very ill with severe muscle and joint pain, headaches, upper respiratory ailments and more recently, gastrointestinal ailments. One of my researchers, Erminia Cassani came up from the States, and went to Espanola to see what was going on. She saw a C-130 Turboprop spray that community at very low level, rooftop level, with a red powder. She collected the sample, and took it to the same government lab that had been doing sample tests for us earlier in the year. They found a cocktail of pathogenic moulds and fungi. The Ontario Ministry of Environment became involved and tested the rainwater in Espanola, and they found carbon black and chaff in this fallout. Near North labs found aluminum in the rainwater at .53 ppm (parts per million), seven times the safe threshold in Canada, enough they said, to kill fish. The U.S. Airforce claimed that it wasn’t their planes. The Canadian Air Force said, “We do not know what is going on in our own skies.” Finally, last summer, the residents of Espanola signed a petition and took it to Parliament in Ottawa and demanded an investigation. They said, “We want some answers and we want this stopped.” The Ministry of Defense promised to get back to them. They haven’t heard yet.
In Kitchener, Ontario, recently, there was a sudden outbreak of people complaining of earaches, blocked sinuses, sore throats and acute attacks of asthma. Everyone was sick at the same time. This is not how flu operates. There has been heavy spraying over Kitchener. In the wake of the spraying, we have seen 1-800 numbers posted which ask you to call in to become part of medical studies, and the qualification is that you have contracting specific symptoms within a certain area within a specific time frame. That sounds like biological warfare tracking to me.
Erminia Cassani also found some samples of this gel-like material that had splattered a house in the central United States. According to neighbours who witnessed it, it had been dropped from an airplane. We have photographs of the substance. She interviewed the owner, but the owner had been stricken by endocarditis within a month, had a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. We took this to a government-licensed lab. Many samples from this fallout have landed on the ground, or porches, and could have been contaminated by bacteria and the surrounding environment. These samples came from aluminum-sided buildings, taken immediately; they were clean, good samples. Erminia Cassani is a health researcher and knows how to collect samples. The lab said, “Where did you get this biohazard material? We have never seen anything grow out so quickly and overflow our culture dishes within 48 hours.” They found three things: Pseudomonas fluorescens, streptomyces, and a very toxic bacillus, as well as a chemical dye marker taken from a coral reef and a restrictor enzyme used to restrict or cut DNA used in research laboratories. Why is this substance being dropped from an airplane! Then we became aware of a similar incident in Pennsylvania last year. Neighbours had witnessed the X-patterns, the weird sky designs as they called it, and an airplane overflying the house so low they thought it would hit the roof. The sample was sent to Erminia, and she took it to the same lab. We did not expect much in terms of this sample because it was a year old and dried out. However the same thing happened. It overgrew the dish; it amazed the head lab technician. They found streptomyces, the same bacillus, and a cocktail of other toxic moulds. Within a few months, Erminia was admitted to hospital with a black yeast mould found in that sample on her left lung, and she became one of the first documented human links between the aerial spray and human illness.
In addition to military aircraft, some insiders allege that commercial airlines are being equipped to release “special undisclosed chemicals” under the government’s “Project Cloverleaf” (begun around 1998). Using airliners to spray aluminum powder in an effort to supposedly avert global warming is also called for in the Welsbach patent. This information has not been released to the public.
Just this year my original story for the Environment News Service was chosen by Project Censored as one of the censored stories of 1999, by a panel of peer-reviewed highly professional journalists who looked at this story and concluded that it is real. So the chemtrails story has real journalistic credibility.
For the past two winters over towns and cities throughout England and North American, strange X’s were appearing in the skies. In these same cities, there have been outbreaks of “flu” epidemics that have filled hospital emergency rooms across the country. We have also had a dramatic onslaught of degenerative autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, all apparently originating from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. During this time most of us have been ill with something that doesn’t quite act like the flu because it holds on for weeks and months at a time, seems to get better, and then returns. It is very hard to shake. In fact, during the height of this year’s 33-week epidemic of fatalities from pneumonia and “flu-like” illness, the Centers for Disease Control blood-tested acutely ill patients – and found that between 67% and 85% did not have the flu. The CDC now says, “An unknown pathogen” may be responsible for these illnesses and deaths. This epidemic is particularly hard on children and the elderly.
We have found Streptococcus in our samples of low-level air-dropped material. Streptococcus A and fatalities were up about 200 to 300% across North America. Meningitis, another rare inflammation of the brain and spinal cord has occurred in epidemic proportions in certain areas across North America. In certain areas of the country, there are epidemic levels of multiple sclerosis, which used to be a fairly rare ailment. Transverse myelitis, perhaps the rarest of all, used to be almost unheard of, but we are getting increased reports of this disease across North America this year.
Prof. Colman Salloway, an epidemiologist at the University of New Hampshire, was investigating the Sydney A variant of influenza that was shutting down universities across the United States, but he found out that no cultures were being taken, and in fact, this is usually the case with flu. Doctors prescribe on symptomology, and rarely do blood work. Whereas flu usually gives you a bad cough and other symptoms for five to seven days, this ailment gives people a very dry hacking cough for four to five weeks and often returns. Prof. Salloway concluded that the only thing that does that is mycoplasma.
Another disturbing thing is that these illnesses are driving people toward experimental vaccination programs. There is a push for vaccines for flu, pneumonia and migraines, and migraines are also a common symptom of spraying. We know that vaccines are loaded with mercury, formaldehyde, formalin, little parts of recombinant genes, cancer causing material and monkey viruses. There is not only a campaign to push us toward vaccines, but to vaccinate infants soon after birth.
Subject: 3.7 Watts/sq.yrd. loss due to Global Dimming & Chemtrails Global Geo-engineering; and over 80 dead microbiologists since 911
Global Dimming – Hidden
Chemtrail Connection?
By Ted Twietmeyer|
2-14-6For many years scientists have noticed that the intensity of sunlight around the globe has been decreasing. Studies have quietly proved this is happening to our beautiful blue marble. To date, not one study has been publicized which connects the dimming problem with high altitude chemtrail spraying. Such a study is not likely, since no researcher will bite the hand that feeds them. Yet, many researchers must already be aware of the connection if they performed good science, and looked at causes for the problem. But we’ll take another look at this issue and include other factors.
Scientists wanted a stationary satellite to monitor the dimming problem in order to obtain accurate data. Collected data from space will be free from numerous errors and problems inherent in ground-based observations. Such a satellite was planned for launch in 2001, but along came that terrible day in September which caused a postponement. The new bird would be called the Deep Space Climate Observatory, and it was first proposed back in the 1990s by Al Gore. It was planned to be a geostationary satellite which would monitor the entire side of the earth illuminated by the sun. [1]
When Columbia was destroyed, it further delayed the program.
The observatory project was finally finished off with a stroke of a pen when NASA cancelled the satellite project in early 2006 “for priorities and budget reasons”. The pen is mightier than the sword, and it apparently carries more power than common sense.
The dimming of sunlight will create food chain problems, crop failures and water supply and weather problems as less water is evaporated from the oceans. But apparently to NASA this issue isn’t important.
One would also think that NOAA would sit up and take notice. NOAA stands for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. If any branch of the government should be speaking out, it should be them. Yet all we hear from them is silence.
As of this writing, on we see “NOAA REPORTS RECORD WARM JANUARY ACROSS THE U.S. WARMER TEMPERATURES RESULT IN LOWER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY DEMAND” as their big headline. One doesn’t need to be a scientist to make that discovery. In the north-central and north-east United States, people are now burdened by whopping utility bills that have increased their price per cubic ft. of natural gas about 40% – even though many of these utilities take gas straight out of the ground and were never affected by Katrina.
Someone must ask the question – “How do utilities get away with this?” What are the complex implications of global dimming?
According to one Chinese study, 3.7 watts of energy were lost per square yard in China in the past 50 years. Five hundred ground based instruments across that country were used to collect data for the long term study. This is probably happening globally as well.
The infamous Teller paper in 1997 titled “Global Warming and the Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change” was also published in the Wall Street Journal as the article “The Planet Needs a Sunscreen.” [2] It theorized that scattering high altitude metallic particles such as aluminum oxide or barium oxide would help reflect sunlight back into space to slow global warming. (More details about heavy metals can be found at [3].)
Is it merely a coincidence that heavy metals are found in chemtrails today? Internet photos and data about chemtrails date back more than 10 years. Clifford Carnicom has gathered more data on this subject, than perhaps any other researcher.
Would the Chinese be thrilled to find out that American-made chemtrails are accelerating their dimming problem? And if the Chinese are having this problem, it follows that the remainder of the world to a greater or lesser degree. Could it be possible that the satellite program was cancelled because it would expose the impact of chemtrail spraying on the entire planet?
Can it all just be a coincidence – or are there forces at work to keep a lid on chemtrail creation for weather control purposes? If military-owned weather control technology is supposedly for the global good – then why are government agencies so tight-lipped about this illegitimate program?
A frequent contributor, Ted Twietmeyer is an inventor, patent holder and engineer who has worked in defense and NASA projects for more than 20 years. He also has written a startling new book about Mars which can be found at
Subject: RE: Chemtrails Global Geo-engineering and over 80 dead microbiologists since 911
More on Chemtrails.
From :
Sent :
Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:51 PM
To :
Subject :
CHEMTRAILS – further evidence and reasoning
“After chemtrails have lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses have increased substantially, such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food.”
Are Toxic MILITARY Substances Deliberately Sprayed on US Citizens Daily?
Investigating Chemtrails by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D.
( yielded nothing on Vonderplanitz; google provided his website:
and this from [containing a series of photos of 7 minutes of chemtrails spreading] — “When someone wants to argue with you that chemtrails are mere condensation trails, ask them ‘Where does all that MASS come from then?’ That’s the key point in dismissing the contrail/ice crystal argument: MASS. Imagine an old car that is burning oil due to bad piston rings. The blue cloud belching from its tailpipe IS nasty but there isn’t that much of it; the cloud dissipates rapidly. Can this car driving through a small town create a heavy blanket of smoke over the ENTIRE town? Of course not; there isn’t enough MASS in that old car’s exhaust. The same principle applies to chemtrails. Jet exhaust, known as a contrail, doesn’t contain enough MASS to account for the phenomenon we call chemtrails.)
I have seen them and been aware of them since 1997. From the mountains of Malibu, California, at 8:00 am on Friday, November 18, 2005, I watched jets in the skies over Ventura and Los Angles Counties streaking the skies with chemtrails. They have occurred almost everyday since. Some days as many as 80 patterns existed, going from the ocean to 40 miles inland. The chemtrails drifted from as far as Oxnard and fall on all Los Angeles County inhabitants. Chemtrails are frequently sprayed directly over all areas of Los Angeles County. They are being reported in most areas of the USA. Nearly daily since Friday, November 18, 2005, chemtrails streaked the skies at Venice Beach , drifting inland over Los
Angeles residents.
When we see a cloudy tail following a jet streaking the sky and that tail dissolves within minutes, that is a normal condensation “contrail”. Contrails form above 33,000 feet when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish behind a jet. However, chemtrails, looking initially look like contrails, are thicker, remain extended across the sky. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand. Usually within thirty minutes, they open into wispy formations, looking like cirrus-type clouds (thin veil clouds) that persist for hours but slowly waft from the skies onto us humans below. They are sprayed in varying patterns: Xs, tic-tack-toe grids, cross-hatch and parallel lines.
Laboratory examination of these chemicals have revealed that they are manufacturing wastes from military industry and biowarfare substances. In several laboratory analyses, the composition of chemtrails was found to be a variety of:
1. Aluminum Oxide
2. Barium Oxide
3. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide
Bacilli and toxic molds (capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress):
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
Other substances:
10. Human white blood cells (lymphocytes)
11. A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
12. Cloacal enterobacteria
After chemtrails have lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses have increased substantially, such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food.
Using both electrostatic precipitation devices and hepa air filters to collect outdoor atmosphere samples, chemtrail researcher Cliff Carnicom and his associates have documented desiccated blood cells floating in the atmosphere in populated areas of both New Mexico and Colorado. With so many atmospheric samples containing biological components, Carnicom concludes that crimes of the highest order are being perpetrated against citizens without their knowledge or consent.
Witnesses have documented and photographed military KC-135’s, KC-105 and white unmarked jets spray chemtrails. Airport personnel and pilots confirmed specific commercial airliners leaving the long-lasting chemtrails. Although chemtrails are frequently reported, the US Government continues to deny the existence of chemtrails.
In 1994, it was established in a senate committee that the military was developing genetically engineered pathogens since the 1960’s when the military initiated a special viral cancer program with the intent to create contagious cancers for biowarfare. There is much laboratory evidence that gels, webs, powders and blood cells have been used to harbor viruses, mycoplasma and/or other bio-engineered toxins until they reach their host. Who besides the department of defense would have the money, power and inclination to besmirch our atmosphere with biological materials and have legal and media immunity?
In August 2000, observers began to report jets deploying chemtrails that looked like normal cloud formations. Citizen-based investigators believe that, since the military and government have received complaints about the chemtrails, they adjusted the chemtrail mix to be more clandestine. Chemtrail observers, including I, continue to see fake cirrus-type clouds on top of and surrounding real cumulus clouds.
Generally, chemtrails spraying increases as clouds build. They have been spraying most areas intensely in the USA, Canada, Europe and England since 1998, including areas with no commercial paths overhead. Even if you do not see chemtrails in your area, our food supply is being sprayed in farmlands across the USA. Frequently, I travel throughout the USA. I
have observed chemtrails in at least 60 cities and farm towns that I visited since 1997.
[richie’s note: i learned of chemtrails in ’99; since then, i’ve seen them on all of my 6 car-trips across country, in every state i passed through]
The media fails to cover the issue even though the health consequences are enormous. Environmentally conscious groups have had no luck pressing the media for coverage. Why is the media refuses to investigate and cover the story? Could it be pretense of “national security”?
Chemical weapons encapsulated in protective coatings like synthetic webbing would explain why many people who saw web-like filaments drifting down from the skies reported illness after contacting the webs. When webs were closely examined, they proved to be a man-made filaments of the type developed by both industrial and military entities.
South Africans reported web-like filaments falling from an aircraft, forming a blanket like appearance across vegetation, telephone poles and fences, and E-boli soon followed. When cattle ate it, some developed large lumps on their hides, became listless and/or went blind. Examining collected material from the spray, a University of Michigan lab found pseudomonas fluorescens. That is the bug tested on Oakville residents. It can cause human infections capable of causing fatal toxic shock.
The military likes it because it glows and allows them to track its path. Pathogens, including staph and several fungi that can cause lung disease were found in the chemical mix. In what must have been in bolder military arrogant fashion, during numerous chemtrail sprays, the small town Sallisaw in Oklahoma was saturated when a web like material covered the town. Lab technicians discovered large enterobacteria. The critter was a man-developed combination of E-Coli, salmonella and anthrax that could
only be a U.S. military designer bug for biowarfare.
Standing before government officials in Louisiana where the military had determined to conduct open-air germ tests, Captain Joyce Riley boldly told officials that the only acts of terrorism ever conducted on American soil were perpetrated by our own government. Is the US Government warning about terrorism yet committing acts of terrorism against its own citizens? During tests to perfect the technology, reports that aerosol barium titanate salt mixture was released from military aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere across America.
Barium salts – radioactive material – were used in Libya, Panama and Desert Storm where they were sprayed and exploded over head to make people extremely sick and weak. Barium effects were accelerated and magnified by mixing and altering with other chemicals. Spectrum analysis revealed barium compounds but the other compounds were initially hidden by a shell around them. The shell, however, eventually released the other chemicals, like time-released disease-pills.
Is the military continuing open-air-testing in populated areas across the USA with dangerous chemical biowarfare, or arrogantly dumping military chemical waste on us? Whatever it is, we must stop this mass poisoning of us and our children now!
Please call and fax them once a week! We must be insistent: Contact your local and U.S. Senators and demand that they introduce and pass legislation to stop the chemtrails-poisoning of U.S. inhabitants.
To find your U.S. Senators call (202) 224-3121, or log on the net at
To find your U.S. House Representative, call (202) 225-7000, or log on the net at
Contact your State government to find your State Senators and Representatives.
For California:
1. Barbara Boxer, 312 N. Spring St. Suite 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 894-5000 Fax: (213) 899-5042; Washington, D.C. (202) 224-3553
2. Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. #915 Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 914-7300 Washington, D.C. (202) 224-3841
Find your California State district Senate and House representatives by calling (916) 653-6774.
To help us spread the word, please donate to Right To Breathe Healthy Air, c/o Kathy Ornstein, 1016 S. Holt Av #3, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Subject: Chemtrails Global Geo-engineering and over 80 dead microbiologists since 911
The Chemtrail Smoking Gun – Proof of Global Geoengineering Projects
For the past few years investigators and researchers have been searching for hard evidence on the elusive phenomena of chemtrail spraying. If one searches GoogleNews for articles on chemtrails in (with 4500 mainstream periodicals represented) not one article will be found, however, if one searches plain Google, thousands of articles from alternative news sources are found. There is simply no coverage on this topic in the mainstream media.
Imagine our surprise when we discovered extensive proof of government involvement, funding, sponsorship, multidisciplinary research, policy making and implementation of global atmospheric modification under the classification of ‘Geoengineering.’ This is the chemtrail smoking gun we have been looking for.
Authorized by Congress and sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, a monumental and in-depth study on global warming and possible corrective measures (mitigations) was undertaken in the early 1990s. Represented were senior researchers, faculty, theoreticians, atmospheric scientists, department heads and CEO’s from a multitude of prestigious institutions. The Smithsonian, Harvard, General Motors, Cambridge, MIT, Yale, World Resources Institute, National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Oxford, Brookings Institution, Columbia University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carnegie-Mellon University, Princeton University, Brown University, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and many more. This colossal study recalls the scope, expense and secrecy of the Manhattan Project, yet the goals and eventual impacts of it are far greater.
The Chemtrail Smoking Gun
Proof of global atmospheric geoengineering
by: Bruce Conway
“There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt in your philosophy.” – Shakespeare
Five years ago I founded the Chemtrails Hall of Shame web site to document and investigate the elusive Chemtrail spraying operations in the skies above my home in the Pacific NW. The site can be found at:
During this time I have had the opportunity to work with and befriend several of the luminaries within this field of investigation: Diane Harvey, Brian Holmes and a very special investigator who chooses to remain anonymous in this article. Each of these individuals has contributed greatly to the subject, keeping this topic alive within the alternative media . These chemtrail spraying programs, which are apparently being conducted on a worldwide basis, are evident to anyone who has the desire to look up and perceive the evidence. Yet, definitive proof has remained elusive.
Total denial by governmental authorities, the shunning of this topic by mainstream media, the systematic discreditation of researchers, ongoing cover-ups by the scientific establishment, and a coordinated systematic policy of disinformation has relegated this topic to the realm of fantasy and paranoid delusion. Regardless, it continues to go on above our heads, and has now grown to become the largest coordinated global engineering project in the history of our species. How can I make such a preposterous claim?
Brian Holmes of has investigated these eco-crimes for the past several years. Because of his efforts, many within Canada and on the net have become aware of the ongoing spraying operations. Like other serious investigators who have studied this phenomena, Brian’s work has been maligned, and there are ongoing attempts to discredit him and his sources.
Some months ago, a Chemtrail insider that Brian nicknamed ‘Deep Shield’ came forward with specific and detailed information about this mysterious program, corresponding with him via e-mail. A transcript of the communications with Deep Shield and the Shield Project can be read online at: . For those of us who have studied chemtrails carefully, the revealing dialog rang of the truth.
Since then we have been able to study, and verify a number of Deep Shield’s primary claims. The anonymous insider gave Brian’s readers some valuable clues to follow if they wished to investigate deeper into the history and hard science of chemtrails. A primary clue was to investigate the term ‘geoengineering.’
One investigator took the clues provided by ‘Deep Shield’ and dug in. She eventually found an N.A.S. study on Geoengineering and the Mitigation of Global Warming. This study is still available online and is also available in hardcover. This massive document validates the insider information provided by Deep Shield, and has lead to an additional gold mine of evidence.
This massive research study is entitled: Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base – Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The results were presented in 1992 and published in book form in 2000 by the National Academy Press. This 994 page study is the textbook on greenhouse gasses, global warming, policy decisions and mitigation’s (corrective measures). Included within is the hard science many chemtrails researchers have been searching for: the scientists, agencies, institutions and corporations involved, cost factors, chemical formula, mathematical modeling, delivery methods, policies, recruiting of foreign governments, acquisition of materials, and the manufacturing of aerosol compounds, etc.
Policy Implications of Global Warming This entire volume can presently be read online at: . Keep in mind that this study is only the tip of the iceberg. Literally hundreds of papers on related topics have been published in scientific journals. We don’t expect this featured study to remain online for long once the cat is out of the bag. So do check it out soon.
The full involvement of foremost government agencies, research firms, universities and private corporations are detailed in this global ‘geoengineering’ study. Keep in mind that this was approved by and funded by Congress. We expect that this documentation will bolster the beliefs of most hardcore chemtrail believers. It will also continue to undermining what little trust still remains in our leaders and their institutions. This documentation proves that they have lied repeatedly about their involvement and the existence of chemtrail spraying programs.
It also appears that we ‘Chemtrail’ investigators have been chasing our tails, being intentionally discredited, maligned, and fed disinformation to keep the actual truth just below the levels of media perception. The real story has been taking place in broad daylight, safely concealed under the scientific umbrella of ‘Geoengineering and intentional climate change.’
Chemtrails are just one of the ‘mitigations’ proposed to Geoengineering our planet. Once we began sifting through the numerous studies, experiments and papers written on intentional climate change, we found a wealth of supporting evidence of well funded global atmospheric modification programs. One such paper is Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project (Jay Michaelson, published in the Stanford Environmental Law Journal, January, 1998)
The author makes a very convincing case for the pressing need of undertaking geoengineering projects. He argues that regulation, environmental laws and other stumbling blocks limit our ability to directly address the dangers that threaten us directly and immediately. He writes: “The projected insufficiency of Kyoto’s emission reduction regime, and the problems of absence, cost, and incentives discussed in part II, cry out for an alternative to our present state of climate change policy myopia.”
“Geoengineering–intentional, human-directed manipulation of the Earth’s climatic systems–may be such an alternative. This part proposes that, unlike a regulatory “Marshall Plan” of costly emissions reductions, technology subsidies, and other mitigation measures, a non-regulatory “Manhattan Project” geared toward developing feasible geoengineering remedies for climate change can meaningfully close the gaps in global warming and avert many of its most dire consequences.”
“In some ways, this phase has already begun, as geoengineering has moved from the pages of science fiction to respectable scientific and policy journals. [FN127] One of the most encouraging proposals today focuses on the creation of vast carbon sinks by artificially stimulating phytoplankton growth with iron “fertilizer” in parts of the Earth’s oceans. [FN128] Another proposal suggests creating miniature, *106 artificial “Mount Pinatubos” by allowing airplanes to release dust particles into the upper atmosphere, simulating the greenhouse- arresting eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991. [FN129]” pp. 105-106, Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project.”
In Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Bases conclusion, the N.A.S. found that the most effective global warming mitigation turned out to be the spraying of reflective aerosol compounds into the atmosphere utilizing commercial, military and private aircraft. This preferred mitigation method is designed to create a global atmospheric shield which would increase the planet’s albedo (reflectivity) using aerosol compounds of aluminum and barium oxides, and to introduce ozone generating chemicals into the atmosphere.
This method was the most cost effective, and yielded the largest benefits. It could also be conducted covertly to avoid the burdens of environmental protection and regulatory entanglements.
It is evident to anyone who cares to look up, that this mitigation is now being conducted worldwide and on a daily basis. It is certain that our leaders have already embarked on an immense geoengineering project; one in which they expect millions of human fatalities, and consider these to be acceptable losses.
This landmark study; the widespread experimentation and published papers of atmospheric theorists and scientists, combined with the visual evidence that atmospheric mitigations are being conducted in our skies, clearly shows that Chemtrail spraying has became a preferred solution to global warming mitigation.
The evidence is all around us. For example; this past week Boeing Aircraft received an enormous initial order from the Pentagon for 100 Boeing 767 tanker planes, to begin replacing the Air Force’s aging fleet of KC-135s, the most commonly seen chemtrail spray plane. The final order will exceed 500 planes. There has been no mention of the usage of these aircraft.
Geoengineering is being carried on Earth on a staggering scale, without the impediment of environmental laws or regulatory constraints. This grand experiment is being conducted in full view, while being concealed in plain sight.
The following excerpts detail the preferred geoengineering Mitigations for reducing greenhouse gasses, global warming and radiation from space. Quoted from: Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base – Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming
Evaluating Geoengineering Options
“Several geoengineering options appear to have considerable potential for offsetting global warming and are much less expensive than other options being considered. Because these options have the potential to affect the radiative forcing of the planet, because some of them cause or alter a variety of chemical reactions in the atmosphere, and because the climate system is poorly understood, such options must be considered extremely carefully. These options might be needed if greenhouse warming occurs, climate sensitivity is at the high end of the range considered in this report, and other efforts to restrain greenhouse gas emissions fail.”
“The first set of geoengineering options screens incoming solar radiation with dust or soot in orbit about the earth or in the atmosphere. The second set changes cloud abundance by increasing cloud condensation nuclei through carefully controlled emissions of particulate matter.”
“The stratospheric particle options should be pursued only under extreme conditions or if additional research and development removes the concern about these problems. The cloud stimulation option should be examined further and could be pursued if concerns about acid rain could be managed through the choice of materials for cloud condensation nuclei or by careful management of the system. The third class increases ocean absorption of CO2 through stimulating growth of biological organisms.”
Screening Out Some Sunlight
“Another option for mitigating a global warming would be to try to control the global radiation balance by limiting the amount of incoming radiation from the sun. This could be done by increasing the reflectivity of the earth, i.e., the albedo. Proposals for increasing the whiteness of roofs and surface features would have some effect, but only a fraction of incident solar radiation reaches the earth’s surface and a purposeful change in albedo would have more impact if done high in the atmosphere. According to Ramanathan (1988), an increase in planetary albedo of just 0.5 percent is sufficient to halve the effect of a CO2 doubling. Placing a screen in the atmosphere or low earth orbit could take several forms: it could involve changing the quantity or character of cloud cover, it could take the form of a continuous sheet, or it could be divided into many ”mirrors” or a cloud of dust. Preliminary characterizations of some of the possibilities that might be considered are provided below.”
Stratospheric Dust
“Although the space dust option does not appear to be sensible, computations of the residence times of 0.2-µm dust above 20 to 40 km are of the order of 1 to 3 years (Hunten, 1975). It seems to be generally accepted that volcanic aerosols remain in the stratosphere for several years (Kellogg and Schneider, 1974; Ramaswamy and Kiehl, 1985). A screen could be created in the stratosphere by adding more dust to the natural stratospheric dust to increase its net reflection of sunlight.”
Mass Estimates
“Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985) estimate that an aerosol dust loading of 0.2 g/m2 for dust with a radius of about 0.26 µm increases the planetary albedo by 12 percent, resulting in a 15 percent decrease of solar flux reaching the surface. Since an approximately 1 percent change in solar flux is required, and their Figures 13 and 15 suggest that, at these loadings, the dust effects may reasonably be extrapolated downward linearly, estimates will be made by using a dust loading of 0.02 g/m2 with a particle radius of 0.26 µm.”
“The dust in Ramaswamy and Kiehl’s model is distributed between 10 and 30 km in the stratosphere, uniformly over the globe. The actual effect on radiative forcing of a global distribution of additional dust would be somewhat greater at low than at high latitudes because more of the sunlight is effective there for geometric reasons. This would decrease slightly the equator-to-pole temperature gradients and might have some effect on weather intensity. Presumably, this effect can also be studied with global climate models.”
Delivery Scenarios
“Aircraft Exhaust Penner et al. (1984) suggested that emissions of 1 percent of the fuel mass of the commercial aviation fleet as particulates, between 40,000- and 100,000-foot (12- to 30-km) altitude for a 10-year period, would change the planetary albedo sufficiently to neutralize the effects of an equivalent doubling of CO2. They proposed that retuning the engine combustion systems to burn rich during the high-altitude portion of commercial flights could be done with negligible efficiency loss. Using Reck’s estimates of extinction coefficients for particulates (Reck, 1979a, 1984), they estimated a requirement of about 1.168 ´ 1010 kg of particulates, compared with the panel’s estimate of 1010 kg, based upon Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985). They then estimated that if 1 percent of the fuel of aircraft flying above 30,000 feet is emitted as soot, over a 10-year period the required mass of particulate material would be emitted.
However, current commercial aircraft fleets seldom operate above 40,000 feet (12 km), and the lifetimes of particles at the operating altitudes will be much shorter than 10 years.”
“An alternate possibility is simply to lease commercial aircraft to carry dust to their maximum flight altitude, where they would distribute it. To make a cost estimate, a simple assumption is made that the same amount of dust assumed above for the stratosphere would work for the tropopause (the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere). The results can be scaled for other amounts. The comments made above about the possible effect of dust on stratospheric ozone apply as well to ozone in the low stratosphere, but not in the troposphere. The altitude of the tropopause varies with latitude and season of the year.”
“In 1987, domestic airlines flew 4,339 million ton-miles of freight and express, for a total express and freight operating revenue of $4,904 million (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1988). This gives a cost of slightly more than $1 per ton-mile for freight. If a dust distribution mission requires the equivalent of a 500-mile flight (about 1.5 hours), the delivery cost for dust is $500/t, and ignoring the difference between English and metric tons, a cost of $0.50/kg of dust. If 1010 kg must be delivered each 83 days, (provided dust falls out at the same rate as soot), 5 times more than the 1987 total ton-miles will be required.”
“The question of whether dedicated aircraft could fly longer distances at the same effective rate should be investigated.”
Changing Cloud Abundance – The Approach
“Independent studies estimated that an approximately 4 percent increase in the coverage of marine stratocumulus clouds would be sufficient to offset CO2 doubling (Reck, 1978; Randall et al., 1984). Albrecht (1989) suggests that the average low-cloud reflectivity could be increased if the abundance of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) increased due to emissions of SO2. It is proposed that CCN emissions should be released over the oceans, that the release should produce an increase in the stratocumulus cloud albedo only, and that the clouds should remain at the same latitudes over the ocean where the surface albedo is relatively constant and small.”
“Albrecht (1989) estimates that a roughly 30 percent increase in CCN would be necessary to increase the fractional cloudiness or albedo of marine stratocumulus clouds by 4 percent. Albrecht’s idealized stratocumulus cloud, which he argues is typical, has a thickness of 375 m, a drizzle rate of 1 mm per day, and a mean droplet radius of 100 mm, and he assumes that each droplet is formed by the coalescence of 1000 smaller droplets. The rate at which the CCN are depleted by his model is 1000/cm3 per day. Consequently, about 300/cm3 per day (30 percent of 1000) of additional CCN would have to be discharged per day at the base of the cloud to maintain a 4 percent increase in cloudiness. This assumes that the perturbed atmosphere would also remain sufficiently close to saturation in the vicinity of the CCN that additional cloud cover would be formed every time the number of CCN increased.”
Mass Estimates of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
“With Albrecht’s assumption in mind that cloudiness in a typical ocean region is limited by the small number of CCN, we now extrapolate to the entire globe. On the average, 31.2 percent of the globe is covered by marine stratiform clouds (Charlson et al., 1987). If no high-level clouds are present, the number n of CCN that need to be added per day is 1.8 ´ 1025 CCN/day. The mass of a CCN is equal to 4/3pr3 ´ density, and it is assumed that the mean radius r is equal to 0.07 ´ 10-4 cm (Charlson et al., 1987). Because the density of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is 1.841 g/cm3, the CCN mass is 2.7 ´ 10-15 g. The total weight of H2SO4 to be added per day is 31 ´ 103 t per day SO2 if all SO2 is converted to H2SO4 CCN.
To put this number in perspective, a medium-sized coal-fired U.S. power plant emits about this much SO2 in a year. Consequently, the equivalent emissions of 365 U.S. coal-burning power plants, distributed homogeneously, would be needed to produce sufficient CCN.”
“Cloud stimulation by provision of cloud condensation nuclei appears to be a feasible and low-cost option capable of being used to mitigate any quantity of CO2 equivalent per year. Details of the cloud physics, verification of the amount of CCN to be added for a particular degree of mitigation, and the possible acid rain or other effects of adding CCN over the oceans need to be investigated before such system is put to use. Once a decision has been made, the system could be mobilized and begin to operate in a year or so, and mitigation effects would be immediate. If the system were stopped, the mitigation effect would presumably cease very rapidly, within days or weeks, as extra CCN were removed by rain and drizzle.”
“Several schemes depend on the effect of additional dust compounds in the stratosphere or very low stratosphere screening out sunlight. Such dust might be delivered to the stratosphere by various means, including being fired with large rifles or rockets or being lifted by hydrogen or hot-air balloons. These possibilities appear feasible, economical, and capable of mitigating the effect of as much CO2 equivalent per year as we care to pay for. (Lifting dust, or soot, to the tropopause or the low stratosphere with aircraft may be limited, at low cost, to the mitigation of 8 to 80 Gt CO2 equivalent per year.) Such systems could probably be put into full effect within a year or two of a decision to do so, and mitigation effects would begin immediately. Because dust falls out naturally, if the delivery of dust were stopped, mitigation effects would cease within about 6 months for dust (or soot) delivered to the tropopause and within a couple of years for dust delivered to the midstratosphere.”
“Sunlight screening systems would not have to be put into practice until shortly before they were needed for mitigation, although research to understand their effects, as well as design and engineering work, should be done now so that it will be known whether these technologies are available if wanted.”
“Perhaps one of the surprises of this analysis is the relatively low costs at which some of the geoengineering options might be implemented.”
(end of excerpts)
Following is a partial list of those involved in this monumental study:
(former Senator) DANIEL J. EVANS
(Chairman), Chairman, Daniel J. Evans & Associates, Seattle, Washington
ROBERT McCORMICK ADAMS, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
GEORGE F. CARRIER, T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Applied Mathematics, Emeritus, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
RICHARD N. COOPER, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
ROBERT A. FROSCH, Vice President, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan
THOMAS H. LEE, Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
JESSICA TUCHMAN MATHEWS, Vice President, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
WILLIAM D. NORDHAUS, Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
GORDON H. ORIANS, Professor of Zoology and Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
STEPHEN H. SCHNEIDER, Head, Interdisciplinary Climate Systems, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
MAURICE STRONG, Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, New York (resigned from panel February 1990)
SIR CRISPIN TICKELL, Warden, Green College, Oxford, England
VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL, Senior Consultant, Landers, Parsons and Uhlfelder, Tallahassee, Florida
PAUL E. WAGGONER, Distinguished Scientist, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven
PETER BREWER, Executive Director, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Center, Pacific Grove, California
RICHARD N. COOPER, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
ROBERT CRANDALL, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
ROBERT EVENSON, Professor of Economics, Yale University, Economic Growth Center, New Haven, Connecticut
DOUGLAS FOY, Executive Director, Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts
ROBERT A. FROSCH, Vice President, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan
RICHARD GARWIN, Fellow, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, and Adjunct Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York
JOSEPH GLAS, Director, Vice President, and General Manager, Fluorochemicals Division, E.I. du Pont, Wilmington, Delaware
KAI N. LEE, Professor and Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
GREGG MARLAND, Scientist, Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
JESSICA TUCHMAN MATHEWS, Vice President, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
ARTHUR H. ROSENFELD, Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, and Director, Center for Building Science, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California
EDWARD S. RUBIN, Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Public Policy, and Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
MILTON RUSSELL, Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Collaborating Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
STEPHEN H. SCHNEIDER, Head, Interdisciplinary Climate Systems, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
EUGENE B. SKOLNIKOFF, Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
THOMAS H. STIX, Professor, Department of Astrophysics and Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
EDITH BROWN WEISS, Professor of Law, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (resigned from panel October 1990)
GEORGE F. CARRIER (Chairman), T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Applied Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
WILFRIED BRUTSAERT, Professor of Hydrology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
ROBERT D. CESS, Leading Professor, State University of New York, Stony Brook
HERMAN CHERNOFF, Professor of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
ROBERT E. DICKINSON, Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson
JOHN IMBRIE, H.L. Doherty Professor of Oceanography, Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
THOMAS B. KARL, Meteorologist, Climate Research and Applications, National Climate Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina
MICHAEL C. MacCRACKEN, Physicist and Division Leader, Atmospheric and Geophysical Sciences, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California, Livermore
BERRIEN MOORE, Professor and Director, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham
ROB COPPOCK, Staff Director<