Hare Krishna PAMHO AGTSP
Sharing some of memories of my mother HG Nandrani Priya Mataji
She had deep love and affection for Radha Gopinath ji, she always dressed our home deities(SS Radha Murlimanohar ji) in the similar way as Radha Gopinath ji. She often asked me regularly during her final days to show her daily Darshan, and she had deep desire to go to Mumbai with me.
She was a teacher in Hindu sabha school and she shared teachings of Srila Prabhupad and glories of chanting mahamantra with the students and kids.
She used to sent along with me lots of prasad(laddus) for temple BCs and Bace devotees.
She worshipped her dieties SS RadhaMurlimanohar ji with throughout last 3-4 years, and she always wanted to make newer and newer bhogha offerings throughout the week. While she was completely bedridden , her inability to serve the deities troubled her more than bodily discomforts. Even in her painful state, she sometimes would get up and cook whatever little she can do for offering. She was waiting for Radha Gopinath ji to mercifully reciprocate and make her able to cook and worship them as she could do earlier. She used to asked me why their Lordships are not willing to accept her pleas, then she would correct herself by saying due to her past life sinful reactions, my lord has decreased the suffering to a little.
She had deep desire to get initiation from Radhanath maharaj, and maharaj showered his causeless mercy on her during her final days, she was grateful to all the devotees who prayed for her and made it possible for her to get initiation from maharaj.
The day when maharaj gave her initiation on Wednesday March 9, on its previous night she was on her final few breaths in the hospital at Amritsar.
Doctor declared at 10 pm on March 8th that she can leave the body any time and can sustain for few more hours.
Devotees here at Amritsar and at Ahobilam in IYS yatra also prayed for her, by the prayers of all the devotees and blessings of maharaj she was able to receive initiation.
Raghunath prabhu ji and many more devotees personally came to the hospital to bless her and did kirtan.
She was grateful to Dr Rohit pr for giving her attention and medical care in his hospital.
She was suffering from breast cancer final stage
It has been widely spread over her body, bones,liver,lungs and skull. From the past two years her disease progression increased irrespective of treatments given to her. She was unconscious in her last few days, left body on 12th March afternoon, hearing the holy name of the lord.
Krishna's protection is not limited to only on bodily platform but Krishna protected her consciousness during her final time.
On march 8th night mataji was on her final breaths and was grasping one breath in 30 secs. Doctors told us to take her home but we insisted to stay in hospital.
It continued like same till next early morning, I requested HG Vrajchandra pr and Avatar lila pr to ask maharaj if he can chant in her ears oner the phone. Maharaj was in Rishikesh at that time.
At around 11am , her breaths were normal and I again called Avatar Lila pr. He said don't worry, maharaj is praying for her.
She became conscious and around 2 pm we got a call from maharaj. Maharaj chanted in her ears and asked if she would like to get initiation in this state, she said Yes Maharaj, in painful voice. And maharaj gave her name HG Nandrani Priya Devi dasi.
She was most happy during that day and was telling her initiated name to everyone who came to meet her.
Maharaj told me to be with her and make her explain everything very nicely, that there is nothing to fear,Krishna is always there waiting for her.
She was initiated on Wednesday March 9 and she left body on March 12
We were thinking it became possible only by prayers of all the devotees and by guru maharaj's causeless mercy, even though we are unworthy and unqualified.
Your Servant,
mukul sharma