
“The Escort Max is the best radar detector that I have ever laid my hands on”: Radar Roy – June 2013

What is your #1 complaint about the radar detector you own?

Chances are it’s one of these 3 things:

Lot’s of False Alerts

Low Range

Slow Response to Real Threats

I know this because I’ve been involved in the speed counter measurement community since 1996 and receive 1000’s of emails each month.

False Alerts – The #1 complaint I hear from Cobra and Valentine 1 users deals with false alerts. Now Escort and Beltronics worked around this issue by integrating GPS filtering into their 9500ix and Pro 500 series however what they ended up sacrificing was the long-range performance.

Long Range Performance – Now on the flip side of the coin we have the Escort Redline, Beltronics STi and the Valentine 1 each sharing the long-range title. However to achieve this coveted ranking they had to sacrifice you guessed it, the filtering.

Response Rate – Then as a way to compensate for the false alerts and the long-range performance radar detector manufactures began integrating algorithms into their firmware to achieve balance but during the process the response rate was sacrificed and this is why your detector takes bit longer to alert you to those real threats!

Escort Max – Erases These 3 Complaints

A few week’s ago I obtained one of the first Escort Passport Max radar detectors to test and review and after driving over 3500 miles with the unit, I can assure you that Escort came up with a way to erase your complaints.

Escort Max Review Video: 3:57 (If you enjoy this video and/or review please do me a favor and put your mouse over the video as it is playing and press the thumbs up button, thanks)

Radar Detection Faster Then a Blink of an Eye

The Escort Max is built on an entirely new Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology, which no other radar detector on the market uses, which is based upon the technology, developed by NASA and the US Military.

Through this space age technology your Escort Max is able to receive weak microwave transmissions, which other detectors will miss and then segment, amplify and decoded the signal in only 100 milliseconds.

The result is that your Escort Max radar detector will filter out all those annoying false alerts that are so common with even those other high priced detectors and alert you to real threats farther away then ever possible and faster then the blink of an eye!

Escort Max HD Display

The OLED display of your Escort Max is user customizable which allows you to see and identify the type of threat ahead in bright or low level lighting. You can even switch through various different color schemes allowing you to match the interior lighting of your car.

Photo Radar and Red Light Camera Protection

Photo radar and red-light cameras are popping up all over these days and because your Escort Max comes pre-loaded with all their locations you will be alerted well in advance.

You can even add your own speed trap locations on the fly using the Max’s mark location feature.

Internet Ready

Updating your Escort Max is super easy.

Just download their Detector Tools Program onto your PC or Mac, plug in your Max using a USB cable, and download the newest firmware, photo radar and red light camera database and in seconds your Max is updated.

High Performance Laser Alerts

Did you know that your own insurance company is out to get you too?

Because it is much more difficult to avoid a ticket from laser then a radar gun there has been a big push by auto insurance companies to fund police departments in purchasing new police lidar guns.


Because if you get a ticket, they get to jack up your insurance premiums for the next 5 years!

So as an example the states of Colorado and Hawaii are almost exclusively using the more expensive police laser guns.

Now I can honestly say that this Escort Max has the best laser detection of any radar detector that I have ever tested.

However because the beam of laser is so narrow when your Max alerts you to laser trap chances are that you’ve already been nailed.

Therefore I would also recommend including either a passive or active laser defense system along with your Escort Max purchase.

Escort Live Ready

Another unique feature available with your Escort Max is its ability to connect you to the Escort Live Community.

Though the Live community you will share real time alerts in the area you’re driving with other Escort members.

New StickyCup Windshield Mount

Your new Escort Max also comes equipped with their new StickyCup Windshield Mount that in effect welds your Max to your windshield and to remove it just flip a lever and it’s off!

Frequently Ask Questions about the Escort Max Radar Detector

Is the Escort Max stealth against the Spectre RDD? – No, the Escort Max is not stealth against the Spectre RDD. Therefore if you drive areas where radar detectors are illegal such as Virginia and Washington DC I would recommend either the Escort Redline or the Beltronics STi.

How is the Ramp-Up of the Escort Max? – Excellent – I have several videos on our Facebook Radar Detector Review page that shows examples of the ramp-up of the Escort Max. The best example is titled Escort Max – Example of Ka Alert Az DPS dated June 2013. (Please excuse the chatting of my wife during this video)

How Would You Compare the Range of the Escort Max? – The Escort Max has the longest range of any radar detector that I have ever tested. This includes the Escort Redline, the Beltronics STi, and yes even the Valentine 1.

Potential Issues with the Escort Max

As the Escort Max is a corded radar detector therefore it requires a 12-volt power source and it does come with a cigarette lighter power cord, however I do not feel that this is the best option. To address this issue consider purchasing either the Direct Wire cord or the Direct Wire Live SmartCord and watch my YouTube video here on how to direct wire your radar detector.

As the Escort Max is a dash mounted radar detector I recommend that you remove it from your windshield if you park for extended periods as it is a welcome invitation for some crack head to break into your car and steal it. Each week I am contacted by one of my followers telling me that they wish they would have headed my advice as now they are in the market for a replacement. Another issue with leaving your detector on the windshield emerges during the hot summer months. When parked your car becomes a green house and temperatures inside your car can easily exceed 150 degrees as the sun bakes the sensitive electronic components inside your radar detector (or GPS).  Take your radar detector or any other electronic device off your dash and store them in your glove box or under the seat.

The Escort Max is NOT STEALTH against the Spectre RDD therefore if you drive in areas where radar detectors are illegal consider instead the Escort Redline, Beltronics STi, Escort 9500ci or the Beltronics STi Plus.

My Bottom Line Recommendation for the Escort Max Radar Detector

Based upon 20-year career in law enforcement and 18 years in the speed counter measurement industry I would rank the Escort Max the BEST dash mounted radar detector ever made!

If you have any further comments or suggestions please contact me or use the comment box at the bottom of this article.

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Drive Safe and Drive Smart!

And please remember drive safe and drive smart…

Radar Roy -  June, 2013

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