
Yesterday, I gave you a little sneak peek at my Harvey's seatbelt bag knock off.

I am so giddy with excitement at how this project turned out and can't wait to share with you how you can easily make your own too!

I started with supplies from Country Brook Design.

You can get seatbelt webbing here.

I used two rolls of 2" black and silver.

You can also get the hardware for the O rings too.

I made a lining for the inside of the purse using fabric I had on hand.

You will need about half a yard.

I must confess that I attempted to make this purse several different ways, but ultimately,

after watching this video, I made it most similar to the way that a la mode makes their seatbelt bags.

Take a second to watch the video

{it has catchy music}

and the rest of the tutorial will make more sense.

If you are using two different colors of seatbelt,

start by taking one color and cutting 5 strips 29" long

Pin the ends together.

You will sew the ends of the seatbelts together making a loop.

These loops that are sewn will be your skeleton.

I attempted about five different ways to make this bag and in the end,

I'm sharing with you the method that worked.

I spent about five hours taking apart the bag and putting it back together,

so I must apologize for not taking a picture of the start of this process.

The video above has a good picture to get you going.

If you notice in the following tutorial, I have handles in place.

These are two 30" long pieces that I folded in half at the middle and sewed leaving the ends unsewn.

I started by attempting to use a pre-made bag that I got at the Dollar Store and weave the seatbelt around it.

That didn't work, but what remains of this protype is the handles that I created.

Scrap the idea that you see above, and subtract the handles, and we can get started!

Essentially, you begin by laying out your five loops and weaving 30" long strips through them,

alternating colors of seatbelt webbing if you are using two colors.

Pin the tops in place.

This is a picture of the bag with the front woven and the back ready for the long strips.

Below is a picture of the front of the bag as I started the weaving process.

Make sure that you hide the seams of your loops under your woven strips.

The strips on the front side are hanging down and are not folded over to the back yet.

Continue to weave the long strips and pin them in place at the top.

To make the side of the bag use the roll of seatbelt that you have and pull out a long strip.

My bottom strip is 40" long, though I would suggest just keeping your strip attached to your seatbelt roll and working from that.

Start by taking the end of your webbing and thread it through the side loops

weaving in and out as you go.

Once you get to the bottom,

turn 90 degrees and continue weaving with your webbing.

Make sure that your webbing is not getting twisted.

Below you will see the webbing for the bottom of the bag going over and under the strips,

just below the final loop that you have in place.

Thread the piece up through the other side and cut it off at the top.

Pin it in place.

Now you are ready to turn the bag over and repeat this process on the backside of your bag.

After you are finished with weaving,

you can start thinking about your long purse strap.

You can order O rings from Country Brook Design,

but I requested the wrong size and was scrambling to find something larger.

My solution was to hit the thrift store.

I picked up this purse for $1 with the intention of cutting it apart for it's hardware.

I used two of the O rings from the thrift store purse and attached it to a long piece of webbing that I would use as my strap.

This size will be a personal measurement depending on how long you want your strap.

I pinned the ends in place over the O rings.

Stitch, back stitch and stitch again your O rings in place.

It's starting to look like a bag now isn't it?!

Trim down the tops of your seatbelt webbing so they are all even with the top.

I also took this time to weave in my handles, though you can wait until after since I realized they just got in the way.

I set the bag aside and made the lining.

I don't have measurements to share, I just sewed two pieces of fabric together that fit inside my purse and added a pocket.

You then will turn your lining inside out

and drop it inside your purse.

Pin the lining in place.

This is where you really need a workhorse of a sewing machine.

You are going to take one long strip of webbing and start by lining it up on the side of your bag.

As you sew, you will fold the webbing down so that the top of your bag is encased in your seatbelt webbing.

This means that your machine will be sewing through your lining, and three layers of seatbelt webbing.

I'm not going to lie, I broke three sewing machine needles doing this.

I learned that if you go super slow and remove your pins before you get to them,

you will have better luck.

I looked every where for rivets to attach my handles, but wasn't able to find any that were thick enough to go through three layers, so I hand sewed on the handles

{after they were woven through the front and back webbing}

and I attached the strap through the O rings to the sides, again, by hand sewing them in place.

I actually love the way it turned out and think that this knock off Harvey bag could fool anyone.

A few tips that I learned,

don't try to get around sewing your own lining.

It's not worth the time that it takes, just make your own.

Be patient and don't be afraid to take your bag apart a few times to get the hang of the process.

I know if I were to make another bag,

this process would be so much faster the second time around.

Craft stores like Hobby Lobby sell magnetic closures for your bag.

I have one that I haven't installed yet.

I also made a zipper closure using one 29" loop like your skeleton base,

but decided that I wanted to have my bag be open.

I'm thinking the one thing this purse needs is a matching wallet.

What do you think?

I want to thank Country Brook Design for supplying me with the seatbelt webbing and giving me the motivation to try making this bag that I've been saying I should make every time I see one in the store!

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