
Can someone please explain to me why it took me over 9 months after starting my job to take a holiday? After a couple of days at home in Kent and in London, I headed off to my parents stone barn in rural Brittany for a few days relaxation, trips into the local town for galettes, to the harbour for the freshest French seafood, and to mix cement for the patio we've lain around the side of the house to drink our aperitifs on (as you do!) I had no idea how much I needed the break until I was actually there. Note to self: if you're going to pretty much always be pulling 7 day weeks, take some time to unwind every few weeks or so!

1. Kicking off my 10 days holiday Daddy Daughter lunching at Hutong on the 32nd floor of The Shard. | 2. Strolling along the harbour looking out at the oyster beds in Cancale, Brittany after demolishing an absolutely epic Fruits de Mer platter - full blog post to follow, I promise! | 3. Greeting the local sheep on our way out for a long Sunday morning walk through the Kentish countryside. | 4. Monday night, after work essentials. | 5. Beautiful blooms outside Canterbury West railway station. | 6. Some Friday night steak action for the first barbecue of the season.

Here are 15 killer destinations to visit on the West Coast. And I totally endorse the Farmers Daughter Hotel in Los Angeles - you can read my post from when I stayed there here.

I want to try Bunzilla, Byron's new burger special.

Lucy spend a bloody delicious looking weekend in Manchester.

If you're still baking with measuring cups, here is yet another reason why you should use scales instead. Visual proof that they are very, very inaccurate.

Here are 15 different mimosa recipes. Brunch essentials, and all that.

This is why you should never skip a step and always pre-heat your oven.

Blair Waldorf's 18 best moments on Gossip Girl (otherwise known as one of the reasons I started blogging, and the reason I wore headbands throughout my late teens).

Okay, I now really need to go for lunch at Kurobuta.

Harriet talks about cutting down on processed foods. I eat this way pretty much all of the time and I always have, so it is great to read other peoples perspectives.

Important lesson to learn: the difference between champagne, prosecco and cava.

Rose's photos have reminded me I need to visit Broadway Market at some stage.

Pasta, illustrated, and the sauces to go with it.

This is how you infuse your own olive oil at home.

I need to become the type of person who preps smoothie packs ahead for the freezer.

Every blogger who has ever been emailed for collaboration by a cheap, Chinese clothing company (and has perhaps collaborated) needs to read this Buzzfeed investigation.

Kate and I both seem to be loving the same things about the start of Spring.

Here are some great tips for making your fresh cut flowers last as long as possible.

Jane takes us on a tour of the beautiful architecture of Barcelona.

Now Lush have discontinued their plain sugar lip scrub, I want to try this DIY lemon one.

Kristabel has put together a mouthwatering guide to eating your way around Singapore.

What have you been enjoying this week, and what do you have planned for the weekend? I arrived home from France yesterday so my weekend is going to be all about catching up on emails and setting down with a nice cup of tea to work through all the unreads that have cumulated in my Bloglovin' while I've been away.  

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