
A large compilation of Angelina Jolie Quotes at quoteschart. To learn a lot of things read these Angelina Jolie Quotes. Also feel free to share with others.

“When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I kind of wanted to be a vampire.”
-Angelina Jolie

“We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our life and whether or not we allow it to turn us. We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves.”
-Angelina Jolie

“If being sane is thinking there’s something wrong with being different….I’d rather be completely fucking mental.”
-Angelina Jolie

“People say that you’re going the wrong way when it’s simply a way of your own”

–Angelina Jolie

“Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.”
-Angelina Jolie

“If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I’m happy being myself, which I’ve never been before. I always hid in other people, or tried to find myself through the characters, or live out their lives, but I didn’t have those things in mine.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I don’t believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don’t judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free”
-Angelina Jolie

“Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.”
-Angelina Jolie

“To be in any way a positive contribution, that’s all anybody wants to be. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. I wanted to be an artist, be a mother. You want to feel that in your life you’ve been of use, in whatever way that comes out.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Without pain, there would be no suffering. Without suffering, we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Sometimes I think my husband is so amazing that I don’t know why he’s with me. I don’t know whether I’m good enough. But if I make him happy, then I’m everything I want to be.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Anything that feels good couldn’t possibly be bad.”
– Angelina Jolie

“Breast cancer alone kills some 458,000 people each year, according to the World Health Organization, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. It has got to be a priority to ensure that more women can access gene testing and lifesaving preventive treatment, whatever their means and background, wherever they live.”
-Angelina Jolie

“If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it. That breaks my heart.”
– Angelina Jolie

“I was of the generation where most of the Disney princesses and female characters were not girls that I admired. They just weren’t characters I looked up to and identified with.”
-Angelina Jolie

“We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
-Angelina Jolie

“People wonder aloud about whether I am an okay mother. That is obviously painful because it’s so important to me. It’s hard to hear that people think I’m not a capable mother and a good person, that they just think I’m nuts.”
-Angelina Jolie

“You’d think, ‘What if I make a mistake today, I’ll regret it’. I don’t believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I want to work; then, as my kids get older, I want to have adventures. I want to visit all their countries: learn and live inside all their cultures.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Barefoot or first thing in the morning, I feel beautiful. I didn’t always feel that way, but I feel that way now. When somebody loves you, and when you make somebody else happy, when your presence seems to make them happy, you suddenly feel like the most beautiful person in the world.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I am deeply grateful to the citizens of Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Canton assembly for bestowing upon me this incredible honor of citizenship. I am so proud to now be a part of such an extraordinary part of the world and fellow citizen to the people I deeply love and admire.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else. ”
-Angelina Jolie

“Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.”
-Angelina Jolie

“If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do.”
– Angelina Jolie

“The side of fairytales I don’t like is that they always have happy endings, that there’s just good and evil, and things are perfect. But life is a little more complicated, and that’s what I try to teach my kids.”

–Angelina Jolie

“Love one person, take care of them until you die. You know, raise kids. Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like go after it with everything you’ve got no matter how much it takes.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I don’t see the point of doing an interview unless you’re going to share the things you learn in life and the mistakes you make. So to admit that I’m extremely human and have done some dark things I don’t think makes me unusual or unusually dark. I think it actually is the right thing to do, and I’d like to think it’s the nice thing to do.”
-Angelina Jolie

“The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can’t have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I’d rather not be in a cage. I’d rather be dead. And it’s real simple. And I think it’s not that uncommon.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I’m not somebody that thinks about destiny and fate, but I don’t walk away from it when something unfolds.”
-Angelina Jolie

“People say that you’re going the wrong way when it’s simply a way of your own.”
– Angelina Jolie

“I’ve learned that we all change constantly. It’s rare to find that person who is growing with you in the same way at the same time, who encourages you to grow.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I’m with a man who’s evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful because of the journey it has taken. ”
-Angelina Jolie

“I don’t think the money people in Hollywood have ever thought I was normal, but I am dedicated to my work and that’s what counts.”
-Angelina Jolie

“I never felt settled or calm. You can’t really commit to life when you feel that.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Like every parent, when you start your family, your life completely changes. And you completely live for someone else. I find that the most extraordinary thing. Your life is handed over to someone else. From that moment on, they come first in every choice you make. It’s the most wonderful thing.”
–Angelina Jolie

“I need someone physically stronger than me…. I am always on top. It’s really unfortunate. I am begging for the man that can put me on the bottom. Or the woman. Anybody that can take me down.”
-Angelina Jolie

“Women have a certain sexuality, and I think their bodies are beautiful, and I’m not embarrassed to explore that in a film. But there are things you get offered that are vulgar and violent – just like there’s a side of me that’s vulgar and violent.”
–Angelina Jolie

“Just start off with the same goals in mind. If you have the same values, same goals then you’ll be on track for the same future.”
-Angelina Jolie

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