
My kids love their piggy banks. Filling them up with spare change they find is so exciting for them. Once they are all filled up we head to the bank to add the money to their savings account, and they think that is so cool!

Here are a bunch of super cool ways to make a piggy bank all by yourself. These are so much fun.

DIY Piggy Banks

1. Mason Jar Superhero Banks – This is so fun for superhero fans! via Fireflies and Mud Pies

2. Formula Can Piggy Bank – If you have an empty formula can you can make this really simply. via It Happens in a Blink

3. Ice Cream Fund Mason Jar – This is my kind of piggy bank. via Yesterday on Tuesday

4. Giant Mail Tube Piggy Bank – This huge bank looks like a pencil and can hold a ton of change! via Damask Love

5. Totem Pole Banks from Cans and Duct Tape – I love that this has three sections: to spend, to save and to give. via Mer Mag

6. DIY Shadow Box Bank – Add a photo of what you are saving for in this shadow box. Perfect if you are saving for something in particular. via A Mom’s Take

7. Piggy Bank from a Wipes Container – One of the easiest ways to make a bank. via Sunny Day Family

8. Glittered Dollar Store Piggy Bank – Spice up a boring piggy bank easily. via Greta’s Day

9. Paper Mache Piggy Bank Dinos – Use paper mache to make a pink pig bank. via Red Ted Art

10. Cha-Ching Mason Jar Piggy Bank – This bright and fun jar turned piggy bank is so cute. via Dukes and Duchesses

11. DIY Cereal Box Piggy Banks – Three fun ways to recycle a cereal box into a piggy bank. via Kix Cereal

12. Mayo Jar Hamm Piggy Bank – Another great recycle project! via Disney Family

13. Soda Bottle Piggy Bank – This adorable piggy bank is fun to make and looks so cute. via Trusper

14. Turtle Piggy Bank – These tiny banks that look like turtles and actually float! via Krokotak

15. Mason Jar Piggy Bank – Even more banks made from mason jars! via Your Crafty Family

16. Minion Piggy Bank from Water Cooler Bottle – Everyone loves Minions! Here’s a fun way to make your own piggy bank. via Pinterest

17. Pringles Can Piggy Bank – Use a Pringles can to make a personalized piggy bank. via Jennifer P. Williams

18. Minnie and Mickey Disney Vacation Saving Jars – If you are saving for a Disney trip, these are perfect! via Poofy Cheeks

19. DIY Airplane Piggy Bank – This is so cool, you would never know it was made from a plastic bottle. via BrightNest

20. Spend Share Save Piggy Banks – Here is another really great bank that reminds kids to spend some, save a little, and give. eHow

The post 20 Fun DIY Piggy Banks appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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