
Are LEGOs big at your house?

They are a blessing and an obsession at our house.  It is a rare day that I don’t find at least one minifigure and collection of bricks in someone’s pocket.

Here are 70 Genius Hacks, Ideas, Products and Inspiration…

All. About. Legos.

P.S.  Post contains affiliate links


Things to Make

A Lego Belt Buckle is super easy to make.  This tutorial created the whole belt, but I bet you can repurpose an old belt with a similar look.

What a fun gift idea – a baggie with build-your-own-ring parts.  Great party favor idea.

A Snow Globe!  With a Lego Character.  What a fun way to create a new world!  You’ll need a baby food jar, super glue, legos and glitter.

Lego Key Holder – there are SO many ways you could customize this to fit your personality!!

You can also make a minifigure into a necklace using some superglue and a tiny screw.

Create a bracelet from your favorite minifigure characters.

You can also create a friendship bracelet using a flat brick as the “charm” and adding threads on each side.

Jewelry – made from Bricks

Create hearts – a fun twist to the BFF charms – for necklaces your kids will love.

Have a Necklace with all your friends, or if your a mom, with your kids favorite characters, laced around your neck.  Cute.

A Tie Clip - made out of a lego block.  I bet, I might, just might get my son to wear a tie if he could literally play with it!

So stinking Cool!  You can create a clock with interchangeable “number” LEGO people.

Transform a simple lamp into a bedroom statement.  Build legos around the base… and your kids can rebuild portions of it when they get bored with it’s look.

What a fun twist to a classic craft – salt dough ornaments – made from the minifigure ice cube silicone mold.

Traveling – and Building.

Take your legos with you when you travel with this nifty hack.  Glue a base plate into a wipes container.

Another version of a travel lego box is made from a wood shoe box.  This version is more roomy and less likely to break open.

Fun Travel Game Idea - play Tic-Tac-Toe with a brick game board.

Transform a lunch box into an on-the-go LEGO land.  Love how the bricks stay in the box when you are building!

Cool things to build:

Create a lego light using a pattern of dark and transparent bricks – it looks super cool when lit!   Link does not go to a tutorial.  Will try and replicate it later.  If you have made one, tell us about it!

Create some build-able bling, make rings of lego pieces and your kids can use the small pieces and embellish them!

A home fit for kings, or at least finches.  Create a bird house from bricks in your backyard.

Tropical birds.  Some of these even have movable wings so the birds can take flight – at least in imaginary play.  Wish it had a tutorial or instruction book.

Build a chess board.   Perfect.  Now the pieces won’t fall off whenever the board is jostled.

Rubber band powered car.  Build it.  Wind it up.  Watch it fly!

If I were a teacher I would have a pencil container, made of tiny bricks!

Create a race track for your lego cars to speed down!  This is brilliantly simple.

Race marbles in a maze labyrinth that you can make out of lego bricks.

Dress up your minifigures with capes made from duct tape.  Cool!

If you like maps, graphs and statistics, you might *love* this 3D graphed map made from legos.


Legos for the adults.

Lego Mug - Now you can build with blocks, drink your coffee, and make the kids jealous!

This planner rocks.  You can plan your week on the inside and on the outside, fight brain freeze by building.

The USB drive that is sure to make your boys giggle when you remove his pants.

Build on your phone - this phone cover doubles as a brick pase plate.

Brick i-pad case.  I am pretty sure my hubby would think this is awesome!

Who needs sets.

All you need are these Brick Packs – no instruction books to lose.

Wheels.  You can never have enough!  It seems like those are the bricks we loose the fastest.   Sidenote:  Did you know LEGO makes more tires than any other company globally?

For the kids who love to build houses, and more houses, and MORE houses.  This is the construction set for you!

Minifigures are great to mix-and-match and create all-new characters to live in the pretend worlds your kids have created.

Building Plates.  These are fought over more than any other toy in our house.  Get twice as many as you think your child will need.

Bucket-of-Bricks.  No set.  No instruction manual, just hundreds of bricks!  Creativity in a bucket.

There is a giant jar lego head that is perfect for storing not only legos but any toy collections.  They come in girl or boy faces.

Learning with LEGOs

Create a rainbow as you learn the colors with your preschooler and match the legos to the stripes of color to create a 3D toy rainbow.

Make your own Lego Instruction book to help your kids learn to follow directions and copy patterns.

Teach your kids to predict patterns.  It is great to predict what color comes next if you are creating a checkerboard wall, or even in figuring out what piece you need next.

Use the blocks to help your kids learn to spell.  Write one letter of the word onto each block.  Your kids get to “build” the word.

Science experiments to do with legos:  Explore surface tension.  See if you can float bricks.

Practice filling a space with lego blocks.  With preschoolers this can be a great lesson in symmetry, like the butterfly activity.

Recreate Great artists.  This Mondrain project is fun for even preschoolers to try.

Your kids can create stop animation using legos and a nifty software that LEGO has created.  What a great way to encourage kids to tell stories.

Legos for multiplication – make math come alive by creating a 3D graph of the times tables.

Lego Party Ideas.

Almost all of the tips and ideas in this post could be adapted to a party, but here are our favorite party hacks.

Have a minifigure cake topper – holding the candle.  This is great for cupcakes or times when you don’t want 11 candles on the cake but want something special.

So Easy!  It looks like all you need are milk bottle caps, a tissue box and something to wrap it up – and you have a brick themed pinata!

I am not a baker, but if I were, or had a pal who was, what a great way to 1) stay in the theme of legos with your “cake” and 2) portion control the sweets!  Make edible cake heads.

Have a contest seeing who can build the biggest catapult from a set of bricks… and who can launch a marshmallow the farthest after it is completed!

Dress up as your favorite mini-figure.  You can be complicated and make costumes, or just print out the head and make giant masks.

For a fun party game, play a game of memory using LEGO cards, or hide them around the room and see who can find the most figures.

For a fun twist to the lego man party favors – have the kids make a bed for their lego mini-figures from a matchbox.


Organize the Bricks

Make an under the bed play area and storage with a rolling “drawer”.  This even has sections to hold the various creations.

Organize the Legos with an over the door shoe hanger.

Keep the small pieces out of reach for young tots with a bunk bed – top bunk is the lego zone!

Do your kids like to have their own space to work?  Try making lego trays to help quarantine their legos into “their” area.

Totally impractical for the average family, but if you have access to one of those plastic printers, here are free instructions to make modular containers for your bricks.  P.S.  Send me a set and make my day!


Don’t let the instruction books take over your home like they have ours!  Use a binder store the booklets inside with plastic page protectors.  Brilliant.

Clean up is a breeze with a drawstring play mat.

Go vertical and color coordinate with this organization system.  You can put the different sets in different cases and build on the top plate.

For your lego fanatic, get a pencil case for their backpack.  Getting pencils will be more fun!

Best Small Lego Table - I love how it has storage in buckets on the side and a magnet strip for the small parts.

Best Big Lego Table – We started small with our stash of legos… I think we will graduate to a table like this one soon!  Massive, and perfect for big kids.


Legos for lunch!

There are a ton of things that will make lunch fun.

Lunchbox shaped like a giant lego brick.  You can get smaller snack sized boxes to fit inside.

A minifig-inspired thermos – perfect for a veggy smoothie or soup.

Buildable silverware!   Just add a baggie of blocks and your kids will have fun being creative until their lunch is over.

Lego back pack - bring your stuff to and from school.


What have your kids made with LEGOs (or you) – stop by our Facebook Page and share a photo – we would love to be inspired by YOU!

The post LEGOS: 75+ Ideas, Tips and Hacks appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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