
The Marvel Studios and Sony are collaborating on launching a new Spiderman franchise after Andrew Garfield starrer Amazing Spiderman series couldn’t yield rich dividends to the studio. In the new franchise, the popular actor Tom Holland has been cast as Peter Parker/Spiderman, the audience is very excited about him now as he totally nailed it in Captain America Civil War and pulled off a surprisingly good performance. The studio has finalized on making first Spiderman movie based on “Spider-Man Homecoming” storyline with Vulture as the big villain.

A few months back, Heroic’s Hollywood’s Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez reported that Miles Morales will feature in the upcoming animated film that is set to hit theaters in 2018. Moreover, a quote from Sony Pictures chairman Tom Rothman from last year’s CinemaCon seems to substantiate claims that the animated movie might introduce Miles Morales version of a web-slinger instead of Peter Parker.But it’s entirely possible that Rothman’s quote doesn’t in any way suggesting Miles Morales (who exist in Spiderman cartoons), so take everything with a grain of salt.

He said, “The film will exist independently of the projects in the live-action Spider-Man universe, all of which are continuing.”

The animation movie is written and produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller (LEGO movie). It makes great sense for Sony to differentiate its animated version of Spiderman from Marvel’s portrayal of the character, Miles Morales perfectly fits the bill. He donned the mantle in Marvel comics after Peter Parker died in 2011. But now there is more to the story as the famous actor Donald Glover (who himself wanted to be Spiderman) may be playing the Uncle of Miles Morales (Aaron Davis) in the upcoming Homecoming movie. It’s possible that Marvel-Sony is setting the stage for the standalone Miles Morales movie in the future. CHEERS!

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Will There Be Miles Morales Spiderman Movie In The Future? was first posted on December 18, 2016 at 2:13 pm.
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