
In this Feature Pitch we want to show our Facebook Content Analysis possibillities. As usual, content is king, so surprise surprise this also is true on Facebook. Your Facebook content strategy is one of the main indicators for maintaining and growing your fanbase and create even more awareness to convert your followers into loyal customers. But in order to understand which type of content is best and at which time of the day and at which week day to post, you need to deeply analyze your historic data. On top of that, for further refining your Facebook content optimization, you won’t come around benchmarking your stats with your competition.

AllFacebook Stats offers a wide feature set to analyze your Facebook content and the interactions generated from your wall posts. Last week, we already started to show off our features for Facebook interaction metrics. This time we want to show our content analysis features with a practical example.

Just imagine you’re responsible for the Facebook analytics at Taco Bell as a social media manager and the social media editors would like to know, when it is the best time and day to post which type of content to the wall.

Facebook Post Type Distribution

You want to give your editors the information they need, so first, you check what kind of content in the first two quarters of 2012 was posted how often to the Taco Bell Facebook wall and to the walls of the comparison group.

You can easily see that nearly 50% of Taco Bell’s wall posts have been photos and plain status updates. The rest is divided into video, link and misc updates (Misc e.g. means Facebook questions, offers…). So overall, photos were the most popular type of content in the first two quarters of 2012.

And now the million dollar question: Which post type generates the most engagement?

Facebook Content Interaction Rate By Post Type

Facebook interaction rate by post type isn’t an easy metric, so we want to explain it first. This chart compares the interactions for specific post types such as status, link, photos, videos of a Facebook page irrespective of the amount of their fans. The result is a combinated index of likes, shares and comments per own post, standardised by the total amount of own posts of that type and fans in the chosen period. The formula looks like this: (#Comments + #Likes + #Shares / #Posts) x (100% / #Fans). This value can be interpreted as a success rate for different post types and it can be used to find an optimal posting strategy.

Obviously posts with photos have the highest engagement on the walls of the food brands. The exception to this rule is McDonald’s. You can see an extremly low interaction rate for photos but far ahead the highest rate for posts with video attachments. Taco Bell seems to generate the most interactions with photo and status updates. This is, of course, no surprise since the post type distribution analysis above shows us that both photos and plain statuses were responsible for nearly all wall posts of Taco Bell. Furthermore, like often written in all the social media blogs, Facebook fans are interested in exclusive content. Flash seems to be not that great for fans, especially when you think of the gazillion mobile users which use Facebook on their iOS devices.

Many blog posts, the buzz and hype covering Pinterest and Youtube also shows that people love images and videos and this also applies to Facebook fans.

Facebook Interaction Rate By Time Of Day

Since we know that photos are working best for Taco Bell, we want to know by what time the fans are generating the highest interaction? The chosen time zone is US / New York – UTC-5.

In this chart we can constitute an extraordinary high peak for Taco Bell at 9 p.m. (NY time, in the evening). While the other brands are distributing fan interactions almost evenly throughout the day, for Taco Bell the evening seems to be really the best time to reach their fans. This information also helps a lot to optimize the Facebook content strategy.

And, what is the best week day to reach my fans?

Facebook Interaction Rate By Weekday

Wednesday seems to be the Taco Bell day, while it is Saturday for McDonald’s. On Mondays Pizza Hut shares the top position with Taco Bell. Last but not least, on Thursday Subway generated their most interactions, but also marginally behind Taco Bell.

There are even more basic features by AllFacebook Stats to check your Facebook content strategy:

Own Posts – Chart

User Posts – Chart

Posts Total – Chart

Own Posts – Table

User Posts By Time Of Day – Chart

User Posts Per Weekday – Chart

Own Posts By Time Of Day – Chart

Own Posts Per Weekday – Chart

Now, in your position as social media manager at Taco Bell, you can answer all the questions of your social media editors. And, you can be very happy, because Taco Bell is doing a nice job as shown by our analysis.

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