
If you wonder why America’s

utilities are rattled by the explosive growth in rooftop solar -

- and are pushing back — William Walker has a story for you.

A flip-flop wearing Walker stands in his driveway pointing

to a ubiquitous neighborhood feature – solar panels on the roofs

of five of six houses nearby. He lives in Ewa Beach, a

development on the sultry leeward coast of the Hawaiian island

of Oahu built on land cleared of sugar cane fields.

Shade is scarce and residents here call their homes “hot

boxes,” requiring almost round-the-clock air conditioning.

Hawaii, which imports pricey oil to power its electricity grid,

has the highest utility rates in the nation — at 37 cents a

kilowatt-hour, they’re more than double California and triple

the national average.

With bills for 1,600 square foot houses like these running

as high as $400 a month, solar is seen as less a green statement

than an economic no-brainer given state and federal tax credits

for as much as 65 percent of installation costs. Almost every

day since Walker and his wife Mi Chong moved in last April,

solar installers came rapping on the door, hawking a rooftop


They finally bought one: an 18-panel, $35,000 installation

producing 5.9 kilowatts of power financed for $305 a month. It

would be connected to the grid under a system known as net

metering that essentially lets residents deduct the value of

their solar-produced electricity from their power bill and even

be paid for electricity in excess of that.

Paying for Itself

Walker estimates his bill would have dropped most months to

an $18 service charge — offsetting that $305 loan payment.

Anticipating his power bills would continue to rise, he figured

the system could pay for itself in as little as five years; his

electricity after that would be free.

That is until his utility, a subsidiary of Honolulu-based
Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc. (HE:US), told the Walkers they

couldn’t connect their system to the grid. They aren’t alone.

Solar installers here estimate that hundreds if not thousands of

the state’s residents are being put in solar limbo by a virtual

moratorium on new connections in many parts of the company’s

service area.

The reason, according to the Hawaiian Electric Co.: so many

Hawaiians are stampeding to solar that circuits may become

oversaturated, causing voltage spikes, damaging appliances,

electronics and even the utility’s equipment. The company needs

more time to study the matter.

The Walkers, who say they got no advance notice of the

shutdown, are now paying both their power bill and their monthly

rooftop loan. HECO, as the utility is known, recently told them

they will eventually be allowed to join the grid without having

to pay for expensive equipment upgrades. It still can’t say


‘Profit Motivation’

“Everyone is on board with getting solar and HECO has now

put up a wall,” Walker said. “The only thing we can see is

profit motivation.”

Spurred by a drop in panel prices, robust government

subsidies and a technology that no longer appears experimental

to mainstream America, rooftop photovoltaic solar is bursting

out everywhere. About 200,000 U.S. homes and businesses added

rooftop solar in the past two years alone – about 3 gigawatts of

power and enough to replace four or five conventionally-sized

coal plants.

The U.S. set a single-quarter record with 31,000

residential rooftop installations in the three months through

Sept. 30. Solar represented 72 percent of all power added in the

U.S. in October.

Connection Slowdown

Utilities, seeing a threat to about $360 billion a year in

power sales and a challenge to the hegemony of the conventional

grid, are feeling the heat and fighting back. HECO, despite

criticism from Hawaii’s solar industry, denies the moratorium is

anything more than an honest effort to address the technical

challenges of integrating the solar flooding onto its grid.

The slowdown comes in a state where 9 percent of the

utility’s residential customers on Oahu are already generating

most of their power from the sun and where connections have

doubled yearly since 2008.

In California, where solar already powers the equivalent

of 626,000 homes, utilities continue to aggressively push for

grid fees that would add about $120 a year to rooftop users’

bills and, solar advocates say, slow down solar adoptions.

Similar skirmishes have broken out in as many as a dozen of

the 43 states that have adopted net-metering policies as part of

their push to promote renewable energy. In Colorado, Xcel Energy

Inc. (XEL:US) has proposed cutting the payments it makes for excess power

generated by customers by about half, because it says higher

payouts result in an unfair subsidy to solar users.

Arizona Protesters

It faces a fight from solar advocates who are circulating a

petition that has attracted 30,000 signers.

In Arizona, 1,000 protesters last month swarmed the state

capital while local and national solar advocates lobbied against

an effort by utility Arizona Public Service to impose a $50

monthly fee on new solar adopters. Solar advocates said the

charge would have crippled the state’s 10,000-worker solar

industry and thwarted the desire of residents to have a choice

in the power consumption.

State regulators, after two days of often contentious

debate, voted to allow the state’s largest utility to charge

customers about $4.90 a month for solar connections after Dec.

31 — less than 10 percent of what it was asking for.

Falling Short

Don Brandt, chief executive officer of APS and its parent

company Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (PNW:US), panned the deal, saying

that while it nods to the impact that net metering is having on

utility operations and revenues, it “falls well short of

protecting the interests of the 1 million residential customers

who do not have solar panels.”

Lyndon Rive, CEO of SolarCity Corp., said it was “crazy

for a utility to charge for services they didn’t deliver.

‘‘Why not tax energy efficient homes, or small homes that

consume less than average?’’ said Rive, whose company is the

nation’s second-largest rooftop solar installer. ‘‘APS just

doesn’t want to lose control.”

The battle is far from over.

On the island of Oahu, HECO is “working really hard” to

find a solution to oversaturated circuits caused by the rapid

solar rollout, CEO Richard Rosenblum said. The utility’s

engineering studies on solar are expected to be done by March,

he said.

“We see ourselves as a trailblazer,” said Rosenblum. And

one of the problems of being a trailblazer is sometimes the

trail is not clear.’’

Republican Representative

Rosenblum pointed to planned HECO grid investments in smart

meters and other communications devices he said that will help

it speed up and smooth out the embrace of solar going forward.

Representative Cynthia Thielen, a Republican state

legislator who has publicly pushed for the utility to liberalize

its solar policies, is more than skeptical.

“This is a company with a drenched-in-oil mentality,”

said Thielen, who has served in the legislature since 1990.

“They’ve fought from day one on renewables. I look at the

company as ultimately becoming obsolete unless it changes its


What’s mind-boggling to many of the stewards of America’s

3,200 utilities is how fast solar has mutated from a fringe

power source to a technology being peddled today at outlets like

IKEA Group and Home Depot Inc.

Sure, environmental groups like the Sierra Club are aboard.

But solar is also being embraced by middle-class home owners

like the Walkers, Republican legislators like Thielen and

corporations like Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT:US), which expects 1,000 of

its approximately 4,500 stores to be solar powered by 2020.

Green Tea

A pro-solar group in Georgia consisting of Sierra Club

members and Tea Party founders calls itself the Green Tea


The fuss might seem overheated based on current numbers –

solar power provides less than 1 percent of the nation’s energy

needs. Yet it’s the rapid escalation of solar and the

exponential long-term projections for its rollout that caused

Fitch Ratings Ltd. in July of this year to warn that the solar

juggernaut is “casting a shadow on U.S. utility rate design.”

Moreover, solar’s potential is coming as escalating fossil

fuel prices make it competitive — even without subsidies –

with conventional electricity.

That’s already occurred “at a domestic level in many

countries” with some U.S. states like Hawaii and California

already at or near parity and others to follow soon, according

to an Aug. 8 research report by Citigroup Inc. Parity will only

escalate as fossil fuels get more expensive and solar gets


‘Steals Demand’

“This dynamic is not being fully appreciated in the power

sector,” according to the report, written by a group of

analysts including Shahriar Pourreza and Ryan Levine. “Not only

does solar steal share of new electricity demand, it

parasitically steals demand from previously installed

generation, and does at the most valuable ‘peak’ part of the

demand curve.”

As for solar’s ultimate potential, California alone could

produce 76,000 megawatts of solar power — more than the state’s

total installed capacity in 2012 — if it deployed all the

rooftop solar it has room for, according to data from the Solar

Energy Industries Association, a trade group.

All of which makes the fights being played out in Hawaii

and Arizona pivotal — they are certain to set the stage and

tone for future battles in other states. And given what’s

happened, those future fights may be messy.

Arizona Money

Money poured in to Arizona in the weeks leading up to the

November vote by state regulators on the proposed monthly solar

charge. APS and its backers spent $3.7 million on an ad campaign

while solar advocates mustered $350,000. Lobbyists, hired-gun

activists and pollsters all waded into the fray, with ads that

took on the appearance of a negative electoral campaign.

A utility-supporting group ran a 30-second television ad

comparing California solar companies helping to fund the pro-solar campaign to Solyndra LLC, the Obama-backed solar-panel

maker that went bust after defaulting on a $535 million federal

stimulus loan guarantee.

Meanwhile, solar supporters used Barry Goldwater Jr., son

of deceased Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, in a radio spot

that featured the sound of a trumpeting elephant, the symbol of

the Republican party, and called on listeners to prevent APS

from “trying to kill energy choice.”

When you speak with Jeff Guldner, APS’s senior vice

president of customers and regulation, he echoes a familiar and

reasonable argument as to why solar users connected to the grid

should help pay to maintain it.

Maintenance Bill

A system of generous net metering rules may have made sense

at the outset of the solar revolution to get the party started.

Now, however, it’s clear that it will have enormous disruptive

impacts on APS and other utilities that bear the burden of

keeping the grid operating.

“Somebody has to pay for maintenance and upkeep,” Guldner

said, and solar users in the current rate structure aren’t doing


One problem with those economic arguments is that the

politics aren’t yet lining up to support that. People may be

fond of Apple Inc., Google Inc. or Walt Disney Inc. but the

public doesn’t often love its power supplier — no power or gas

utility appeared on Fortune magazine’s list of the 50 most

admired companies in 2013.

Republican and libertarian support for solar is informed by

a “don’t tread on me” response to the utility monopoly system,

making foes of those that might have been friends. It’s a wing

of the pro-solar coalition that no one — and certainly not the

anti-solar crowd — anticipated.

Unexpected Crowd

Bill Hansen is part of that unexpected pro-solar crowd.

On the warm, blue-sky day when Arizona began two days of

hearing on APS’s $50 monthly solar charge, Hansen, a retired

83-year-old former Iowa lawmaker and lifelong Republican, rose

at 6 a.m. and made the 35-mile drive from his Sun City home to

Phoenix to give the utility and the Arizona Corporation

Commission hell.

Hansen, president of the Sun City West Property Owners

Residents Association, represents the retirement community’s

24,000-plus residents, 10 percent of whom have investments in

solar-energy companies.


He had plenty of company. On the day of the vote, the pro-solar demonstrators vastly outnumbered those who had come to

plead the utility’s cause. They were also in a far better mood -

- outside, a brass band tooted out standards, a DJ played loud

rock music and organizers doled out t-shirts, water bottles and

pizza to people holding signs that said “People Power Over

Monopoly Power: No to Solar Tax!” and “Solar Works For


Inside, it was clear that APS and its supporters were out

of luck. The idea for the $4.90 fee came from the solar side –

and very likely swung the vote.

The charge won’t be enough to cover the utility’s grid

costs until their next rate case in 2015, APS’s Guldner said,

and will probably require the company to ask for much bigger

fees down the road.

“In 2016, that rate increase could be a big one” and the

utility will probably win the argument, Guldner said.

Bob Stump, chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission,

said he voted in favor the $4.90 charge because he feared the

higher fee sought by APS would have slowed solar development in

the state, jeopardizing the ability to produce 15 percent of its

power from renewables as required by law.

‘Fair Outcome’

“It’s a fair outcome,” said Stump.

Utilities may be missing out on some big solar positives,

said Jigar Shah, head of a consulting company and author of

“Creating Climate Wealth.” Solar generation peaks at the

hottest time of the day, the time most people switch on their

air conditioners, thus taking the strain off conventional power

plants when they most need the relief.

Aggregated solar power will also let utilities put off

building costly plants and transmission lines, saving investors

and ratepayers money, said Shah, the former CEO of SunEdison


Shah’s advice: get with the program, otherwise utilities

are simply inviting people to leave the grid.

“The utilities are playing this wrong, saying you’re with

us or against us,” he said. “It’s not the solar industry

that’s the problem — it’s their refusal to recognize the

benefits of new technologies.”

Policy decisions are already affecting solar installations.

HECO’s moratorium in Hawaii is putting a damper on what had been

a booming home-grown solar industry there.

Slowing Down

The fourth quarter is typically the busiest time of the

year for solar installers as homeowners rush to take advantage

of federal and state tax incentives. Installers can rack up as

much as two thirds of their annual sales in the last three

months of the year. Instead, solar companies in Hawaii say their

revenue has been reduced by half or more compared with the same

time last year. Inventory is piling up.

The new restrictions “are slowing things down with no easy

solution,” said Leslie Cole-Brooks, executive director of the

Hawaii Solar Energy Association. “It’s not good news for the

solar industry or for customers who want to invest in solar.”

Order Drop

One of the island’s biggest solar wholesale businesses is

run out of a group of drab cinder-block warehouses at the

terminus of a narrow, dead end-road near the edge of downtown

Honolulu’s Chinatown. Rolf Christ, a German native and the

company’s owner and president, has been working in the Hawaii

solar industry since 1980.

The past three and a half years have been crazy, he said.

Solar sales on Oahu were so robust that Christ has more than

quadrupled his warehouse space for RR Solar Supply to 25,000

square feet from 6,000 square feet. Now, a lot of that space is

stuffed with solar modules stacked two-stories high on shipping


Christ typically orders modules before the fourth quarter.

HECO’s moratorium has “pretty much brought the whole industry

to a screeching halt,” he said.

“It was the worst time of year to do it,” he said of the

policy change. “It was the worst way to do it.”

King Kalakaua

HECO has been around a long time and some, like Thielen,

think that may be its problem. It traces its roots to 1881 when

Hawaii’s King Kalakaua met Thomas Edison and five years later

decided to light his palace with electricity. Its subsidiaries

serve 95 percent of the state’s residents, bringing power to

Oahu, the Big Island, Maui, Molokai and Lanai.

The issue, according to HECO, is that for about 20 percent

of Oahu’s grid there is so much solar connected you can’t add

more without further study because of the potential for

reliability and safety issues. Solar advocates have said the

figure is arbitrary.

Arbitrary or not, it means new solar customers must await

engineering studies to determine if they can connect without

causing surges that may damage appliances, electronics or

utility equipment. Some might have to pay for utility equipment

upgrades that could cost thousands of dollars before getting

approval to connect.

“This is about safety,” said Scott Seu, HECO vice

president for energy resources and operations. “We are so far

ahead of the rest of the nation as far as the amount of

distributed rooftop solar in our neighborhoods that we are now

at points where there are potential safety and operating

liability issues.”

‘Fast Track’

The issue of solar saturation is complicated and

controversial and both sides in Hawaii have their points, said

Michael Coddington, a senior engineer at the National Renewable

Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. HECO’s policies on solar

connections are “similar to many other states” and could be

considered “progressive” relative to the policies of many

utilities, he said.

“The utility is following the rules per se,” said

Coddington, who co-wrote an NREL study on the matter. On the

other hand, if you are a solar photovoltaic developer or

customer, “you want the ’fast track’ approach, as detailed

impact studies are often costly and time-consuming and could

require costly mitigation strategies. I understand the


Customers like the Walkers are more than a little

frustrated. They see the company as dragging its feet in an

effort to stave off a threat to its very business model. And

even when they finally get to connect, they wonder if the hassle

has been worth it.

‘Driving Us Off’

“I feel like they are driving us off the grid,” Mi Chong


Phil Undercuffler hopes HECO will drive lots of people off

the grid. Then he will sell them batteries.

Battery storage is the holy grail of the off-the-grid

crowd. They let users store up excess energy for rainy or cloudy

days when solar isn’t working. In theory, you don’t need a power

company if you have solar tied to battery storage, especially

here. Oahu gets an average of 271 sunny or partly sunny days a


Last month, Undercuffler spoke to a standing-room-only

audience of more than 100 solar installers in a Honolulu

Marriott who came to hear his pitch for battery storage units

sold by Outback Power Inc.

The vast majority of HECO solar customers don’t have

battery storage; it’s considered too expensive. With the

possibility that the moratorium in some sections of Hawaii could

go on for two more years, homeowners could make batteries work

financially and cut the cord from the utility altogether, said

Undercuffler, Outback’s director of product management and


“You watch, all these installers are going to go to

batteries,” said Jeff Davis, a partner in an Oahu company

called Kamiyama Solar Electric who is known as the Solar Guy on

a local talk radio program. “The utility has opened up the

genie bottle.”

To contact the reporters on this story:

Mark Chediak in San Francisco at

Christopher Martin in New York at

Ken Wells in New York at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:

Timothy Coulter at

Susan Warren at

Article source: http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-12-25/utilities-feeling-rooftop-solar-heat-start-fighting-back-energy

Technorati Tags: power, solar, solar energy, solar power

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