

is in the middle of one of the most audacious and ambitious experiments a major

industrial economy has ever attempted: To swear off nuclear power and run

Europe’s largest economy essentially on wind and solar power.

There’s just one problem — it’s not really


The energy transformation, known as

“Energiewende,” was meant to give Germany an energy sector that would

be cleaner and more competitive, fueling an export-driven economy and helping

to slash greenhouse-gas emissions. On that count, the policy has floundered:

German emissions are rising, not falling, because

the country is burning increasing amounts of dirty coal. And electricity costs,

already high, have kept rising, making life difficult

for small and medium-sized businesses that compete against rivals with cheaper


Less than three years after Berlin embraced

its new energy policy, a shifting global energy landscape is causing a rethink of the Energiewende

inside and outside Germany. Business groups representing small and medium firms wring their hands over Germany’s high energy costs while

Brussels frets that Berlin is subsidizing big German industry with rebates on

inflated energy bills. Foreign leaders, and plenty of pundits, blame the Energiewende

for Europe’s inability to answer Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Utilities, meanwhile, are

bleeding money, slashing investments, and shutting down power plants.

German politicians, meanwhile, can only

look across the Atlantic and shake their heads. Washington has no formal or

comprehensive energy or climate policy, but the United States’ natural gas

bonanza has led to cheaper power prices and falling greenhouse-gas emissions

in recent years. Berlin has reams of pro-renewable energy policies, but prices

and emissions are climbing. Germany’s energy dilemma is particularly important

now, because the European Union is trying to sort out its own climate and

energy policies through 2030. The choice, essentially, is whether the Europe

wants to be more like Germany, or less.

Dieter Helm, an energy economist at Oxford

University who has advised the European Commission, said German leaders assumed

that oil and gas prices were going to continue to increase, which meant that

developing cheap supplies of renewable energy would give their companies a

competitive advantage over the United States. That assumption has turned out to

be almost entirely wrong. Flat oil prices, America’s shale gas revolution, and

the stubbornly high cost of renewable energy have instead left German firms

reliant on more expensive forms of energy than their U.S.-based competitors.

“Now it’s Europe who has expensive energy

and America which has cheaper energy,” Helm said.

Germany launched the Energiewende project

in earnest in the summer of 2011, a few months after the disaster at Japan’s

Fukushima nuclear power station sealed the fate of Germany’s fleet of nuclear

reactors, which were providing about one-quarter of the country’s total

electricity. The German government decided to close down all the nuclear power

plants by 2022 and replace them with renewable energy facilities. The official

goal is the most ambitious among big countries: to have renewables provide 80 percent

of the country’s energy by 2050. Germany’s green push has been building for

decades, fueled by the continued electoral strength of its environmentalist

political parties. Even today, Energiewende enjoys broad popular support in

Germany: Over the weekend, tens of thousands of people took to the streets

across the country to demonstrate in favor of renewable


“I think it is going to continue somehow,

because it has a long-standing tradition,” said Kirsten Westphal, an

energy expert at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs.

She said that Russia’s energy bullying of Europe could even provide more

support for Germany’s embrace of renewable energy, which would give Berlin a

way of reducing the country’s dependence on imported Russian natural gas.

By some measures, Germany’s green energy

push has actually been quite successful. It has more solar power capacity

installed than any other country, and the third-most wind power capacity in the

world, even though it’s not a particularly sunny or windy country. Renewable

energy so far this year has provided more than one-quarter

of Germany’s electricity, compared with about 13 percent for the United States,

and is the only source of power with year-on-year growth. Champions of

Energiewende also point to the hundreds of

thousands of jobs they say that the renewable-energy push has created,

contrasting Germany’s healthy growth and employment record since the financial

crisis with blighted neighbors.

But it hasn’t come cheaply. Renewable

energy has been pushed so relentlessly, in a country not blessed with renewable

resources, that the bill is getting enormous. This year, German consumers will

spend about 23 billion euros propping up solar and wind power, up from 13

billion euros just two years ago. That comes through a government-mandated

surcharge on electricity bills for residential consumers and small and

medium-sized businesses. While the government once said the surcharge would

never exceed 35 euros per megawatt hour, this year it will top 60 euros per

megawatt hour. Big, energy-intensive firms are exempt from the renewables

surcharge, which is the reason that European Union competition officials are

looking into the question of unfair state aid for those firms. Meanwhile,

regular households and small and medium sized businesses have little choice but

to pay the higher bills.

That, in turn, appears to have taken its toll on

an economy that lives and dies by exports. IHS, the energy consultancy, said in

a recent report that German energy

policies have cost the German economy 52 billion euros since 2008 because of

the impact higher electricity prices have had on smaller firms. Sigmar Gabriel,

Germany’s energy minister, and the man in charge of making the Energiewende

happen, raised eyebrows earlier this year when he warned of the risk of

“de-industrialization” if Germany continues on its current path.

So what can Germany do? In the near term, the

country is trying to rein in the runaway cost of renewable energy by scaling back subsidies and focusing

on the most cost-effective forms of renewable energy. That means forgetting

grandiose dreams of offshore wind farms in the Baltic powering industry in the


“It’s not a make or break moment, but it’s

certainly an issue of slowing things down,” said Westphal.

Germany is expected to present the detailed

proposals for the new renewable-support scheme in April. At the same time,

Berlin is trying to figure out how to spread the cost of the Energiewende more

fairly among consumers and businesses, without kneecapping the industries that

drive the economy.

“Policymakers are trying to find a balance:

They don’t want to make industry uncompetitive, but on the other hand, the cost

and the speed of the renewable-energy deployment exceeded everybody’s

expectations,” said Anna Czajkowska, a European policy specialist at

Bloomberg New Energy Finance, an energy consultancy.

But more broadly, calls to jettison or

fundamentally change the German energy transformation are falling on deaf ears.

Some, such as energy guru Daniel Yergin and IHS, call for Germany to embrace

domestic natural gas, as in the United States, as a way to curb emissions,

shave energy costs, and bolster economic growth and employment. But Germany,

unlike some Eastern European countries such as Romania, Poland, and Ukraine,

has been loath to seriously consider hydraulic fracturing as part of its energy

policy. Indeed, for more than a decade, natural gas has been an afterthought in German energy

policy, despite evidence that coal is becoming the biggest beneficiary of the

current German energy mix. Even the prospect of U.S. natural gas exports to

Europe only summoned a lukewarm response this month from German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Others, including Dieter Helm, wonder if nuclear power will

regain favor, given both the cost of the current energy transition and

Germany’s dependence on imported Russian gas (and coal). But unlike Japan,

which is on course to restart some of its nuclear reactors just three years

after Fukushima, there appears to be little political appetite in Germany for


“Most of German society supports the

phase-out of nuclear power, and deciding to change course would really be

against the will of the majority of the population,” said Czajkowska.

Instead, there are other options on the table.

They run the gamut from reforming the electricity market to make it worthwhile

for Germany’s big power companies such as RWE and EON to keep running the power

plants that provide base load power, to improving energy connections between

European countries.

One of the biggest props to German hopes,

though, is the one least likely to materialize: wholesale reform of the

European emissions-trading scheme, which slaps a price tag on emissions of

carbon dioxide, and which is meant to make dirty energy (like coal) less

attractive than cleaner energy (like gas and wind). Since its inception, the

European carbon market has been plagued by over supply: simply put, polluting

pays. And that means that, for now, dirty coal is becoming

more important in Germany, and makes more economic sense than natural gas.

“From a climate change

point of view, Germany is perceived as the ‘green man’ of Europe, but it’s actually

the ‘dirty man’ of Europe,” Helm said.

Carsten Koall – Getty

Article source: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/03/25/germanys_green_elephant

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