

Banner by @queerhawkeye

Or: deal with awkward family dinners and awful champagne hangovers by reading Ravenbell porn.

A fic exchange is a challenge in which you list prompts you’d like written for you in exchange for writing prompts someone else has requested. The mods will decide whom you’re writing for based on prompts and the additional information you provide in the sign up sheet.
For this particular challenge, we require a minimum of  1000 words. You will have three weeks to do it. For organization purposes, please tag everything with #rbficexchange.

1. Schedule

Sign-ups Start: NOW
Sign-ups End: December 4th
Assignments Sent: December 6th
Check-in: December 27th
Posting: January 1st

2. Sign-ups

In order to sign up, you have to complete this form. In the form you have to give us: your email address, 3-5 prompts you’d like filled for you, a list of things you really don’t want to find in the fic you receive, and a list of things you’re not willing to do in the fic you write. (Your email address will not be published; we just want to have a way to contact everyone in case someone inevitably changes their url in the middle of the challenge.) Your prompts can be holiday-themed, but it’s definitely not a requirement.

3. Assignments

On December 6th, you’ll receive an email with the details of a fic you’ll be writing. In the email, you’ll find the name of your prompter, a list of 3-5 promtps (choose at least one!), and a list of things your prompted doesn’t want you to include in the fic (please respect them all). We’ll ask you to confirm that you’ve received the email. From that moment, you’ll have three weeks to write your story. THIS IS A SECRET EXCHANGE, SO WE ASK YOU NOT TO TELL ANYONE FOR WHOM YOU’RE WRITING. We want everyone to have a surprise. Well, apart from beta reader. You can tell your beta reader. Which brings us to:

4. Beta readers

You can have a beta reader to help you work on your fic. In fact, we encourage you to find one!! It can be anyone you want. If you have trouble finding a beta reader, please feel free to advertise by making a text post titled “Beta Reader Wanted” and tagging it #rbficexchange. If this doesn’t work, please send us a message. We’ll help.

5. Check-in

We’re including a check-in this time, because last time there was an exchange, a few people failed to write their stories. So we’ll as you to email us your stories by December 27th (the same email address you get your prompts from). It can be unbeta-ed, you can still edit it afterwards, but we need to know no one will be left without a gift

6. Posting

Since all stories have to be at least 1k words long, we’ll ask you to post your fic on AO3, then link to it on Tumblr. All tumblr posts must include the url of the person you are gifting, a rating, and if applicable, content warnings. They must also be tagged with #rbficexchange, as well as the url of the person you’re gifting.
All stories have to be posted on January 1st – not a day sooner or later. To make everyone’s life easier, follow this simple rule: if it’s January 1st anywhere in the world, you are free to post. All the fics will be reblogged to the ravenbell-exchange​ blog. If you know you won’t have internet access on January 1st, let us know, we’ll figure something out.
Remember to tag all your works with #rbficexchange!! If you don’t have an AO3 account, don’t worry – we have invitations to give!

7. Treats

Treats are additional stories you can write once you’re done with filling the prompts you received. You can post them starting from January 2nd — be sure to follow all the posting rules from point 6.
As soon as sign-ups end, we’ll post a list of all submitted prompts on the ravenbell-exchange​ blog. There you can grab and fulfill as many prompts as you like. The post will remain linked on the blog long after this fic exchange is over, so feel free to fulfill any prompts months from now.
Yes, you can write a fic for a person who isn’t your assigned prompter — as long as you’ve finished your assigned story first!

8. Dear Santa letter

You don’t have to write a “Dear Santa” letter, but it’s fun and you totally should!. This is a Tumblr Text Post in which you can say whatever it is you want to your assigned writer. You can add information about the prompts such as general likes and dislikes, favorite things in fics, a few sentences about each prompt, etc. This can also include thoughts on crossovers (more details see point 9). This is just additional information to add that you think will help your assigned writer. You can title this “Dear Ravenbell Secret Santa,” and be sure to tag it with #rbficexchange! Be sure to post it before December 6th!

9. Crossovers

As a rule, we don’t allow crossovers, because matching crossover prompts for an exchange is hell on wheels. However, there is a way to request one!! In your “Dear Santa” letter (see: 8), you can include a section titled “Crossover Options”, and make a list of as many crossover prompts as you please. If your assigned writers decides that they like your crossover prompts, they can opt to write you a crossover. However, that depends on them and if they’re familiar and open to the crossover.

10. Questions

If you have any questions, please message us! She’ll answer them all. Yes, even if you think your question is stupid. Yes, even if it feels like you’re asking about something you should know. We are inhumanely patient, and also ridiculously excited about this exchange. Try wearing us down, we dare you. If you want to see how our previous exchange went, you can look here.

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