
- Q4’s popular ’3 Screens’ mobile investor relations solution now available to run on top of any existing IR website vendor -

We are very excited to announce a new mobile product for non-Q4 hosted IR websites. The product is based on our popular 3 Screens™ solution that automatically detects the type of device accessing a Q4 hosted website and delivers either the desktop website or a tablet/phone mobile app in real-time directly through the browser. This product eliminates the need for the investor to download anything from the app store, they just use the website like they always have. This approach eliminates the primary block to the adoption of native mobile IR apps – as Investors don’t want to download apps from the app store.

Q4’s CEO, Darrell Heaps had this to say:

Since the launch of 3 Screens in June of last year we have seen hundreds of public companies adopt 3 Screens for their IR website and integrated mobile solution. Now today, we’re happy to announce our latest edition of 3 Screens for non-Q4 clients, making this market leading solution available to any company, running any type of IR website. No matter who the website vendor is.

3 Screens now available for Non-Q4 IR Websites!

To be clear, this means that no matter who is hosting your IR website, 3 Screens is available to provide your investors with a leading edge mobile experience. When an investor arrives at your site using a tablet or smartphone, we detect their device and deliver the best mobile experience available.

A few of the key benefits:

Runs on top of any existing IR website (no matter who is hosting the IR site)

Monthly product updates all included as part of subscription

No content maintenance required (our technology and team handle everything)

Easily upgradable to native app (apple and/or android) and full IR website

Subscription pricing at affordable level for all companies

Delivered in 5 business days

Contact sales@q4websystems.com to learn more and schedule a demo of this exciting new product.

Frequently Asked Questions:


1. How are you able to auto-detect users on my site and direct them to the app?

By embedding a small snippet of code into the company’s existing IR website, we are able to automatically detect the device being used to access it and deliver a leading edge mobile experience to their investors.

2. Will your competitors allow this code to run on their platforms?

The code required is very similar to tracking codes used for web analytics. All IR website vendors already include third party scripts on their pages. This code is no different. So there is no technical reason to not install this code. We believe that all IR website vendors want to keep their clients happy and will therefore support this product to enable their clients to offer a great mobile experience to their investors.

3. Why wouldn’t I just have a responsive website to address my mobile requirements? Why do I need this solution?

Q4 is a big supporter of responsive websites and we have a popular responsive product. Having said that, responsive sites are more expensive to build and maintain and do not provide the same level of mobile experience that our apps do. If you’re company is going to redesign their website, it’s likely going to be responsive. In that case, you’re IR website should also be responsive. However, if you are not going to redesign in the short term, then providing a mobile version, like 3 Screens for your existing site is a fast, easy and inexpensive way for you to provide a great mobile experience. On that note, we have a number of clients who have responsive sites and still want to offer their investors the choice of being able to view the website or the mobile app. This product enables that.

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