
Welcome to our current PVMirror Blog published by Harvest Estudio.  Please remember that our April Articles are indexed below. If you are interested in advertising with us in our Blog, please click here. If you want to read about Puerto Vallata Local News this Week (Saturday 26 to Friday May 02)  please visit our Printed Version City Paper Website.

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: publisher@pvmirror.com

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: publisher@pvmirror.com Many thanks and God bless you.

Iguanas, Come On Down - I was motivated to write this follow-up article after reading “The Almost Invisible Iguana” by Conrad Stenton from Midland Ontario in last week’s Jaltemba Bay Life newsletter. Having observed the iguanas close up for a few years, we have learned a few interesting facts about them. Yes, they are almost invisible to the untrained eye, but knowing their morning routine high in the canopy and aided with a pair of binoculars you can get a good view. Read More by Ken & Bea Rauch

El Molote Hot Spring - As our Mexican holiday season slowly draws to a close, the desire to be on the road again beckons. Our destination was to visit the source of El Molote hot springs, a rustic spot to enjoy an amazing soak in a natural setting without the hustle and bustle of commercial enterprises. The hot springs are located in a picturesque fertile valley where huge cabbages and other garden crops flourish. On this day, contrasting cultivation methods were at work with a team of horses pulling a cultivator and a motorized rototiller breaking sod, in the same field! Read More by John and Doreen Berg

Run-up to Semana Santa - As of 8:30am Tuesday morning, April 15, the crowds were already arriving in mass and many people were up early to stake out beach space, reserving their spot in paradise for Semana Santa. Footnote for those setting their canopies at water’s edge: later this week, the tide will rise until mid-afternoon, so it might be hard to keep your towel or cooler dry all day. Read More by Rob Erickson

Day Trip to El Cora Cascades - When first arriving in the Riviera Nayarit, contentment is achieved by enjoying the sun’s warm rays and splashing in the sparkling Jaltemba Bay waters… while listening to the Zac Brown Band sing “I got my toes in the water, a_ _ in the sand. Not a worry… life is good.” After two or three months of sun and surf, it’s time to venture further afield to investigate the many nearby beautiful vistas and remarkable sites. Read More by John & Doreen Berg

In Season: Guamúchil - The warmer spring weather brings unique and exciting new produce to our local Mexican markets. If you’ve walked through La Peñita lately, you may have noticed vendors with pickup trucks or wheelbarrows filled to the brim with Guamúchil (gwa-MU-cheel). These green and pink twisted-looking pods contain a pulpy white fruit and grow on trees with the same name. Read More by Allyson Williams


* Exploring The South Column ©:

The undiscovered Costalegre of Jalisco Mexico – The Costalegre of Jalisco is an area worth discovering, if you like pristine virgin beaches, hidden coves, azure waters, and fishing villages without the usual tourist trappings, this could be for you. The Costalegre, also known as the happy coast, runs along most of the state of Jalisco. Read more

* The PVMirror City Paper Weekly Edition: 
For Local News, please visit: http://www.pvmcitypaper.com/ our Weekly PVMirror City Paper Printed Version. Or if you prefer, please click here to visit This Week (Saturday 26 to Friday May 02) edition. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta!

Intercam New Bank Branch – Intercam inaugurated a new bank branch to provide a better care and service to its customers. Introducing a new image, the Financial Group offers the following services: Bank, Currency, Brokerage House, Insurance, Finance and Fiduciary. Read more by Intercam

Why Travel Insurance? - Did you know that according to recent studies one out of two people that travel encounters a health problem during their trip? They are most often stricken with either a cardiovascular incident or an accident. Cardiovascular incidents affect mainly people between the age of 50 to 69, and accidents occur more often in people between 20 to 29 years old. Read more by Intercam

* Gardening in Paradise ©:
Mexican Milkweed - Also known as Blood-flower, Butterfly Weed, Scarlet Milkweed, Tropical Milkweed, Swallow-Wort, Red Cottonweed, Indian Root or Silkweed. If you have a Mexican Milkweed growing around your home and somewhat fluently understand butterfly (and what self-respecting gardener doesn’t?) you have probably heard visiting Monarchs enthusiastically exclaim, “Yum! This baby has it all!”. Read More by Tomy Clarkrson

* Viewpoint Column ©:
Some Thoughts on the Future of the US Dollar and Pricing of Mexican Properties Throughout in Mexican Pesos – Most of the time, foreign sellers of Mexican real estate do not realize that for purposes of a sale and establishment of capital gains tax, the property will be evaluated totally in Mexican national currency. Why wouldn’t this be the case? Buying in US dollars has been for the benefit of the buyer and seller. The property is Mexican and the government and all national entities will record the transaction in the peso’s value of the exchange with US Dollars on the date of the sales transaction. Read more

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: publisher@pvmirror.com


Publisher: Harvest Estudio Content Authors and Providers

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vlalarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: publisher@pvmirror.com Many thanks and God bless you.

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