
My apologies for this long message. I am using LBM. I began by creating five rows. The first row contains the header. The second row was titled "getting there"; third row "provincials", fourth row "gallery", fifth row "contact us".

If I needed to, I could modify the LBM.

When I got to the third row, MBX was inserted to create content slides. Lets call the slides A, B, C and D. In slide A, and LBM was created to establish two columns. In slide C, another MBX was inserted. All works wonderfully. I currently have no means of establishing a link for you to see.

My problem at the moment is that I now have no means of modifying any existing LBM. Every time I place the cursor within any existing LBM div, the Dreamweaver recognizes an LBM but when I attempt to modify, I am prompted to insert a new LBM (the modify existing LBM prompt does not appear). I don't know if the issue is with a missing div tag or perhaps upon inserting LBMs or MBXs something is conflicting.

Sinclair, or anyone else who may be able to spot the issue, I have pasted below the 'html' code. Hopefully you can identify what is preventing me from modifying any LBM.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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<div id="p7HLSwp_1" class="p7hls-wrapper">

<div class="p7hls-item"><STRONG>HOST SITE NEEDED (ZONES 5, 6, 7 OR 8) FOR THE 2016-17 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS</STRONG></div>

<div class="p7hls-item">POTENTIALLY GENERATE $6000 FOR YOUR CURLING CLUB </div>

<div class="p7hls-item">TEXT 'INTEREST IN HOSTING' TO 519-320-1367</div>

<div class="p7hls-item"><STRONG>HOST SITE NEEDED (ZONES 5, 6, 7 OR 8) FOR THE 2016-17 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS</STRONG></div>

<div class="p7hls-item">POTENTIALLY GENERATE $6000 FOR YOUR CURLING CLUB </div>

<div class="p7hls-item">TEXT 'INTEREST IN HOSTING' TO 519-320-1367 </div>



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<div class="lbm-column width-100 lbm-text-120 lbm-centered"> <img src="logos/GoreHeader.jpg" width="250" height="130" class="scalable" alt="" />

<h1><strong><FONT COLOR="BLACK">THE 2016-2017<BR />




<br />






<div id="GETTING THERE" class="lbm-row">

<div class="lbm-col-wrapper">

<div class="lbm-column width-100 lbm-stack-sans lbm-centered p7LBM-1-style-2">


<p>Information concerning Zone Playdown Dates & Locations may be found via the Registration link</p>

<div id="p7MBXtmb_2" class="mbx-thumbs">


<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_1" class="p7mbx-trigger" data-mbx="2" data-mbx-slide="1"><img src="logos/about-us-300x200.jpg" width="150" height="100" alt="About Us" /></a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_2" class="p7mbx-trigger" data-mbx="2" data-mbx-slide="2"><img src="logos/The Rules.png" width="150" height="100" alt="Rules" /></a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_3" class="p7mbx-trigger" data-mbx="2" data-mbx-slide="3"><img src="logos/Register.jpg" width="150" height="100" alt="Registration" /></a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_4" class="p7mbx-trigger" data-mbx="2" data-mbx-slide="4"><img src="logos/REGIONAL PLAYDOWNS.jpg" width="150" height="100" alt="Regionals" /></a></li>



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<ul id="p7MBXlist_2" class="p7mbx-list">

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_1" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">About Us</a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_2" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Rules</a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_3" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Registration</a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt2_4" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Regionals</a></li>


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<h1>ABOUT US...</h1>

<p>The Gore Mutual Insurance Company is proud to once again sponsor the Ontario School Curling Championships, the finals being held at the CLUB YET TO BE DETERMINED in ??, Ontario on February 16-18, 2017. This championship, with its inception in 1948, is the oldest competed for trophy in high school sports in Ontario and the Gore Mutual Insurance Company has been a sponsor since its inception. Eight Boys and Eight Girls high school teams from across Ontario compete at the Provincials for the coveted Gore Trophy and Gore Bowl. </p>

<p>The qualification process begins with the Zone Qualifiers (a double knock-out event) in December/January. The A-side and B-side winners in each of the Zone Qualifiers then advance to the Regional Playdowns (Feb. 4-5, 2017) -- it is from here (another double knock-out event) that the teams competing at the Provincial Championships are selected. The registration fee covers all levels of competition. For those teams qualifying for the Provincials, accomodations are provided by the host committee.</p>

<p>The event is a school tournament. The competition is open to all male and female students enrolled full-time in the year of competition. They must be in regular attendance, be making satisfactory academic progress and meet all OFSAA eligibility requirements. You are encouraged to enter your high school team(s) -- there is no limit to the number of teams that may participate from a school. </p>

<p>The Ontario School Curling Championship events compliment the OFSAA Championships, allowing curlers further opportunity to compete, develop their skills, make new friends and represent their schools. </p>

<p>Good Curling and hope to see you at the Gores.</p>

<p>Carlos Gregorio<br>

Chair, Ontario School Curling Championship Committee</p>


<div class="lbm-column width-30 lbm-stack-sans p7LBM-3-style-2"><br /><br /><br />

<img src="images/VNC_6842.JPG" width="4000" height="6000" class="scalable" alt="" /></div>





<div id="p7MBXcnt2_2" class="p7mbx-content mbx-rounded">

<p><h1>COMPETITION RULES</h1></p>

<h3><font color="red">PLAYER/TEAM ELIGIBILITY</font></h3>


<li>This competition is open to all male or female students who are certified by their principal as being enrolled in a full-time program in the year of the competition. They must be in regular attendance, making satisfactory academic progress and meet all OFSAA eligibility requirements.</li>


<li>Subsequent to the above ruling, the student must be in full-time attendance at the time of Competition --<em>for example, a student may have been eligible to compete in the Zone playdowns yet, because the student is no longer in full-time attendance at the participating school when the Regional playdown is held, the student is no longer considered eligible to play. For semestered schools, the last day of Semester 1 (not including weekends) shall be used in determining eligibility for Regional playdowns.</em></li><br>

<li>The event does not accept Co-ed Entries -- competitions are only for Boys’ Teams or Girls’ Teams. This policy is consistent with OFSAA. </li><br>

<li>Each secondary school team shall consist of curlers from one (1) school only. Each school is entitled to enter and shall play in the zone area as designated by the Ontario School Curling Championship Committee (OSCC). The zone areas are similar to those established by the Ontario Curling Association -- contact the zone convenor if in doubt.</li><br>

<li>Schools may enter more than one team. The team must be accompanied throughout the competition by a member of the school staff or an adult designated by the principal of the school. The coach need not have the same level of certification as required in OCA competitions nor do players need to sign waivers.</li><br>



<h3><font color="red">COMPETITION FORMAT AND ADVANCEMENT</font></h3>


<li>Teams entering this competition shall meet in a zone playdown which, dependent upon the number of teams entering, shall be double knock-out with the "A" and "B" winners advancing.</li><br>

<li>The thirty-two (32) winners of the zone playdowns shall meet in four (4) Regional playdowns (first weekend in February) which shall be of a double knock-out format. Each region shall declare two (2) winners and the eight (8) winners shall then proceed to the Provincial finals where a two (2) pool round-robin event shall take place. </li><br>

<li>Upon conclusion of the round-robin, the top two teams in each pool then advance to the Championship Round</li><br />

<li>There are two (2) event winners with the SchoolGirl winner receiving the Gore Bowl and the Gore Mutual SchoolGirl banner with the second event winner receiving the Gore Crystal. For the SchoolBoys, the winner receives the Gore Trophy and Gore Mutual SchoolBoy banner while the second event winner receives the Gore Shield.</li><br>

<li>Teams must have at least 3 of the original players in order to advance to the next level of competition.</li><br>

<li>Teams may use alternates at the Zone and Regional playdowns provided they meet the player eligibility rules outlined above</li><br>

<li><font color="red">Teams may only take four team members to the Provincial finals. </font><u>No alternates</u> are allowed at the Provincial finals. <u>Teams must choose from a pool of curlers</u>, provided by the Host Club at the Provincial finals, if they need a substitute.</li><br>

<li><font color="red">Should the team qualify for the Provincials, the team must accept the billets provided. </font>The entire team will be billetted in the same home. If the team does not accept the billets, then they will forfeit their right to participate at Provincials, and a replacement team will be chosen to take their place. Billets have all had the necessary police checks done and billeting is a unique aspect of the event.





<h3><font color="red">RULES OF DEPORTMENT</font></h3>


<li>Coaches should be reminded that they are responsible for the on & off ice behaviour of their teams. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated at any time during competition. (e.g. – slamming brushes in anger, willful damage to facilities, offensive &/or disrespectful language, and perceived slow play)</li><br>

<li> In the event of inappropriate behaviour during competition, the umpire &/or coaches shall stop the game immediately & call a “Fair Play” Time-Out. On <strong> 1st offense</strong>, a warning shall be given by the umpire who shall then discuss the impact & possible consequences of inappropriate behaviour on the player & team. On <strong> 2nd offense</strong> the player will be sent to the bench for the remainder of the game, but is allowed to start the next game. On <strong>3rd offense</strong> the player is removed from the competition and may face further playing sanctions (for example, being no longer eligible to play in OCA competitions).</li><br>

<li>No electrical devices are allowed on ice – e.g. –cell phones, Ipods, Blackberries, etc. Tablets, however, may be used as a coaching tool during time-outs provided that sound is muted.</li><br>

<li>Team members should wear similar uniforms -- this is encouraged at the Provincial finals. <u>At no time</u> are competitors permitted to wear any kind of alcohol or tobacco advertising on their on-ice curling attire. </li><br>

<li>The consumption or use of alcoholic beverages, banned drugs and anabolic drugs by any player at any time during a competition is strictly prohibited. At the zone, regional and provincial levels, this rule shall extend from the entire first day to the entire final day of play. This rule shall be administered on a no tolerance basis. </li><br>

<li>In the event of violation of the above rule, the offender will be suspended immediately for the balance of the competition and, depending on the circumstances of the violation may face such further suspension or disciplinary action. The offender, shall have a right of appeal in accordance with procedures set forth under Disciplinary Measures as shown under Special Rules in the Canadian Curling Association Rules Handbook.</li><br>

<li>Smoking by a player or coach anywhere in the curling facility at any time is strictly prohibited. Penalty: The official-in-charge may suspend the player or coach from the game in which the violation took place, any future games and/or the competition. </li><br>

<li>Any occurrences such as #5 or #7 in this section shall be documented & forwarded to the OSCC Chair.</li>



<h3><font color="red">SUPPLEMENTAL RULES</font></h3>


<li>No coach, parent or other individual shall instruct, direct or interfere in any game at any time.</li><br>

<li>Although the event is posted on the OCA calendar, each Schoolboy/Schoolgirl Team must be entered by their School coach/representative. The event operates at arms length from the OCA.</li><br>

<li>Late entries will only be accepted, at the convener’s discretion, if there is room in their own zone.</li><br>

<li>Withdrawn Teams -- Teams that withdraw within 7 days of the competition will not receive a refund.</li><br>

<li>Adverse weather conditions will be dealt with if the situation arises, with the intention of acting in the best interests and safety of the majority.</li>



<h3><font color="red">AGREEMENT</font></h3>



<li>Participating students and their coach agree to abide by such additional rules as may be deemed necessary by the OSCC or by the host committee of the Provincial finals. The team is participating as a representative of their school.</li>




<li> By entering the competition, each player thereby agrees to act in accordance with and be bound by the rules and policies of the the OSCC, and where applicable, the Canadian Curling Association and, if the player wins the right to do so, to compete in successive levels of the competition except where prevented by unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances. </li>



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<div id="p7MBXtmb_3" class="mbx-thumbs"> <font face="Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif"><CENTER><P>REGISTER TODAY!!!</font></p></CENTER>


<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt3_1" class="p7mbx-trigger" data-mbx="3" data-mbx-slide="1"><img src="logos/DATES&LOCATIONS.jpg" width="300" height="205" alt="Zone Dates and Locations" /></a></li>

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<ul id="p7MBXlist_3" class="p7mbx-list">

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt3_1" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Zone Dates and Locations</a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt3_2" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Participating Schools</a></li>

<li><a href="#p7MBXcnt3_3" class="mbx-cnt" title="" data-mbx-width="80%">Registration Form</a></li>


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<div id="p7MBXcnt3_1" class="p7mbx-content mbx-rounded">

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif"><h2>Zone Locations, Dates & Contact Information</h2><br />**If two names appear for a given zone, the first name is the contact for the Schoolboys whilst the second name is the contact for the Schoolgirls</font><br><br />

<table class="data-table">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">LOCATION</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">EVENT DATE</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">CLOSING DATE</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">CONVENOR</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">E-MAIL</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">PHONE #</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 1</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Winchester Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 3-5, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Bill Ferrier</td>

<td class="data-table" >gorezone1@gmail.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >613-264-6120</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 2</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Manotick Curling Centre</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 12-13, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 2, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Paul Raymond</td>

<td class="data-table" >paul.raymond@ocdsb.ca</td>

<td class="data-table" >613-291-5038</td>



<th scope="row">Zone 3</th>

<td class="data-table" >Manotick Curling Centre</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 12-13, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 2, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Paul Raymond</td>

<td class="data-table" >paul.raymond@ocdsb.ca</td>

<td class="data-table" >613-291-5038</td>



<th scope="row">Zone 4</th>

<td class="data-table" >Stirling Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 11-12, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 29, 2015</td>

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="data-table" >Margaret Williams</td>

<td class="data-table" >mparkes@ymail.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >613-572-3801</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 5</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Peterborough Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >January 3, 2016</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 18, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Enzo Tarantino</td>

<td class="data-table" >enzotarantino1@gmail.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >705-742-6214</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 6</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Unionville Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 2, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Jennifer Langford</td>

<td class="data-table" >jenandruss@rogers.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >905-434-6882</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 7</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Richmond Hill Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 11-12, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 27, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Steve Hawkshaw</td>

<td class="data-table" >steve.hawkshaw@sympatico.ca/td>

<td class="data-table" ></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 8</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >High Park Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 15-16, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 6, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Howard Stanfield</td>

<td class="data-table" >howardstanfield@rogers.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >416-234-8943</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 9</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Orangeville Curling Clubs</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 2-4, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Bob Dargavel</td>

<td class="data-table" >dargavel_5@sympatico.ca</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-941-9594</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 10</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Bradford Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 4-6, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Bonnie Glover</td>

<td class="data-table" >btglover@rogers.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >905-722-0180</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 11</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Allenford Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Jan. 7-8, 2016</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 19, 2016</td>

<td class="data-table" >Wayne Lee</td>

<td class="data-table" >caraway@bmts.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-376-4183</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 12</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Guelph Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 4-5, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dan Lawson</td>

<td class="data-table" >daniel.lawson@rogers.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-763-4342</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 13</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Welland Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 4-5, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Gwyn Jackson</td>

<td class="data-table" >wildeat.thefalls@sympatico.ca</td>

<td class="data-table" >905-351-7184</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 14</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Seaforth Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Jan. 9-10, 2016</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 19, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Rob Petteplace</td>

<td class="data-table" >wkrdp@rogers.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-657-3830</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 15</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Simcoe Curling Club</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 5-6, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 29, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Carlos Gregorio</td>

<td class="data-table" >susanandcarlos@sympatico.ca</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-421-1367</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Zone 16</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Curling Club of Kingsville</td>

<td class="data-table" >Dec. 5-6, 2015</td>

<td class="data-table" >Nov. 22, 2014</td>

<td class="data-table" >Tony Braithwaite</td>

<td class="data-table" >tony@kingsvillecurling.com</td>

<td class="data-table" >519-733-6797</td>





<div id="p7MBXcnt3_2" class="p7mbx-content mbx-rounded">

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif"><h2>2015-2016 ZONE ENTRIES</h2></font>

<p><em>Check back in mid-November as teams begin to register</em>

<table class="data-table">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 1</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 2</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 3</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 4</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 1 BOYS</span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Perth & District CI<br>

North Dundas District HS<br>

Gananoque SSM<br>

St. Mary Catholic School<br></div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Osgoode Township HS<br>

John McRae SS</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Fellows High School</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">East Northumberland SS<br>

Holy Cross Cathoic SS<br>

Frontenac Secondary School<br>

Napanee District SS<br></div></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 1 GIRLS</span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Perth & District CI<br>

St. John Catholic HS<br>

South Grenville District HS<br>

Vankleek Hill HS<br>

Glengarry District HS


<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Osgoode Township HS<br>

John McRae SS<br>

Sir Wilfred Laurier SS<br>

St. Patrick's HS<br>

Canterbury HS</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">All Saints Catholic HSM<br>

Fellows High School</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">St. Theresa Catholic SS<br>

East Northumberland SS<br>

Napanee District SS<br></div></td>






<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>



<table class="data-table2">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 5</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 6</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 7</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 8</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 2 BOYS</span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Haliburton Highlands SS -- Team A<br>

Haliburton Highlands SS -- Team B<br>

Fenelon Falls Secondary School<br>

St. Peter's Secondary School</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Dunbarton HS<br>

Port Perry High School</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Marc Garneau CI<br>

Huron Heights HS -- Team A<br>

Huron Heights HS -- Team B<br>

Brebeuf College<br>

Sacred Heart HS<br>

North Toronto HS<br>

Newmarket SS</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Bishop Allen Academy<br>

Humberside Collegiate Institute<br>

Our Lady of Mount Carmel<br>

Richview Collegiate Institute<br>

St. Martin's Catholic HS -- Team A<br>

St. Martin's Catholic HS -- Team B<br></div></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 2 GIRLS</span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Fenelon Falls Secondary School<br>

Haliburton Highlands SS<br>

I.E. Weldon Secondary School</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Ajax High School<br>

Dunbarton HS<br>

O'Neill Collegiate & VI<br>

Port Perry HS<br></div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts</div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center">Bishop Allen Academy<br>

Etobicoke Collegiate Institute<br>

Our Lady of Mount Carmel<br>

Richview Collegiate Institute -- Team A<br>

Richview Collegiate Institute -- Team B<br></div></td>






<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>



<table class="data-table3">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 9</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 10</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 11</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 12</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 3 BOYS</span></th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Westside SS<br>

Orangeville District SS<br>

Banting Memorial HS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Midland Secondary School<br>

Eastview Secondary School<br>

Parry Sound High School -- Team A<br>

Parry Sound High School -- Team B<br>

Twin Lakes Secondary School<br>

Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes SS<br>

Bradford District High School<br>

Elmvale District High School<br></div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center" >Chesley District Community School<br>

Saugeen District SS<br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Bishop Macdonell HS<br>

Centennial Collegiate VI -- Team A<br>

Centennial Collegiate VI -- Team B<br>

Guelph Collegiate VI<br>

St. Benedict Catholic SS<br>

Our Lady of Lourdes CSS -- Team A<br>

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic SS -- Team B<Br>

Sir John A. MacDonald SS<br>

Kitchener Collegiate <br>

Waterloo Collegiate<br>

St. James Catholic HS</div></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 3 GIRLS</th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Orangeville District SS -- Team A<br>

Orangeville District SS -- Team B<br>

Mayfield SS<br>

Banting Memorial HS<br>

Centre-Dufferin District HS<br>

Georgetown District HS<br>

David Suzuki SS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Patrick Fogarty Catholic SS<br>

Eastview Secondary School -- Team A<br>

Eastview Secondary School -- Team B<br>

Bear Creek Secondary School<br>

Parry Sound High School<br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Owen Sound Collegiate Inst. VS<br>

Saugeen District SS<br></div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic SS<br>

Guelph Collegiate VI<br>

St. Benedict Catholic SS<br>

Centennial Collegiate VI<br>

Bishop Macdonnell HS</div></td>





<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>



<table class="data-table4">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 13</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 14</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 15</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 16</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 4 BOYS</span></th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">A.N. Myer SS<br>

Westlane SS<br>

E.L. Crossely SS -- Team A<br>

E.L. Crossely SS -- Team B<br>

St. Paul Catholic SS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">South Huron Secondary School<br>

Sir Frederick Banting SS<br>

St. Anne's Catholic SS<br>

Central Huron Secondary School</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">North Park Collegiate -- Team A<br>

North Park Collegiate -- Team B<br>

Glendale HS<br>

Brantford Collegiate Institute<br>

East Elgin SS <br>

Paris District HS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">St. Patrick's SS<br>

General Amherst SS<br>

Vincent Massey SS<br></div></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 4 GIRLS</th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">A.N. Myer SS<br>

Waterdown District HS<Br>

ESC Jean Vanier<br>

Westmount SS<br>

E.L. Crossley SS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"></div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Glendale HS<br>

Assumption College<br>

Paris District HS</div></td>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center">Kingsville SS<br>

General Amherst SS<br>

Vincent Massey SS</div></td>






<div id="p7MBXcnt3_3" class="p7mbx-content mbx-rounded">

<p><CENTER><A HREF="Forms/REGISTRATION FORM.pdf"><img src="logos/Click-me-Smiley.jpg" width="275" height="300" /></A></CENTER></p>



<div id="p7MBXcnt2_4" class="p7mbx-content mbx-rounded">

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif"><h2>2015-2016 REGIONAL FINALISTS</h2></font>

<p><em>Zone Winners are updated throughout December and January. The teams listed below are from last season. Regional Playdowns for this year take place February 4-5, 2017</em>

<table class="data-table">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 1</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 2</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 3</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 4</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 1 BOYS<br><a href="http://www.pembroke.ovca.com/">Pembroke Curling Centre</a><br>

<a href="Forms/REGIONAL DRAW SCHEDULE20152016REGION 1FEB.pdf"><STRONG>DRAW SCHEDULE</STRONG></a></span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>Perth & District CI<br>(Perth)</strong><br>

Skip: Hayden Richmond<br>

Vice: Tyler Hawkins<br>

2nd: Jacob McFee<br>

Lead: Chris Walkden<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Dave Barr<br><br>

<strong>North Dundas District HS<br>(Chesterville)</strong><br>

Skip: Matthew Roach<br>

Vice: Dylan Barkley<br>

2nd: Joey Williams<br>

Lead: Brandon Scheepers<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: April Richmire<br> </div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>Osgoode Township HS<br>(Metcalfe)</strong><br>

Skip: John Armstrong<br>

Vice: Jeremy Taylor<br>

2nd: Liam Brooks<br>

Lead: Greyson Tait<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Billy Woods<br><br>

<strong>John McCrae SS<br>(Nepean)</strong> <br>

Skip: Jake Surrett<br>

Vice: Tyler Epp<br>

2nd: Jake Davidson<br>

Lead: Tim Tullock<br>

Alt: George Varvaresos<br>

Coach: Will Toms<br></div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>Fellows High School<br>(Pembroke)</strong><br>

Skip: Cole Lacroix-Lyon<br>

Vice: Harrison Sitland<br>

2nd: Matthew Ciphery <br>

Lead: Kurtis Kennedy <br>

Alt: Ben Brunatti <br>

Coach: Leanne Hall<br><br>

<strong>Frontenac Secondary School<br>(Kingston)</strong><br>

Skip: Kyle Walker<br>

Vice: Babak Sammifanni<br>

Second: Griffon Wiersema<br>

Lead: Connor Scott<br>


Coach: Linda Lott<br><br>


<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>Holy Cross Catholic SS<br>(Kingston)</strong><br>

Skip: Will Parkes<br>

Vice: Franklin Parkes<br>

2nd: Kyle Penney<br>

Lead: Jaime Sammon<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Wayne Williams<br><br>

<strong>Napanee District SS<br>(Napanee)</strong><br>

Skip: Caleb Posterski<br>

Vice: Joey Botting<br>

2nd: Gabe Charlebois<br>

Lead: Brandon Wagner<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Mark Dunham<br><br> </div></td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 1 GIRLS<br><a href="http://www.pembroke.ovca.com/">Pembroke Curling Centre</a><br>

<a href="Forms/REGIONAL DRAW SCHEDULE20152016REGION 1FEB.pdf"><STRONG>DRAW SCHEDULE</STRONG></a></span></th>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>St. John Catholic HS<br>(North Burgess)</strong><br>

Skip: Mikayla Gemmill<br>

Vice: Emma Jeffs<br>

2nd: Taylor Trollope<br>

Lead: Emma Kealy<br>

Alt: Kathleen Adrain<br>

Coach: Bev Gemmill<br><br>

<strong>Perth & District CI<br>(Perth)</strong><br>

Skip: Beth Misener<br>

Vice: Chelsea Ferrier<br>

2nd: Brooklyn Dobbie<br>

Lead: Lexi Jarvis<br>

Alt: Emma Lackey<br>

Coach: Bill Ferrier<br><br></div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>John McCrae SS<br>(Nepean)</strong><br>

Skip: Sarah Daviau<br>

Vice: Lindsay Dubue<br>

2nd: Thalia Hartwig<br>

Lead: Madison Prescott<br>

Alt: Samantha Emery<br>

Coach: Will Toms<br><br>

<strong>St. Patrick's High School<br>(Ottawa)</strong><br>

Skip: Emma Wallingford<br>

Vice: Hannah Wallingford<br>

2nd: Grace Wallingford<br>

Lead: Tamasha Aleandre-Nowaczek <br>

Alt: Alex DiCapua<br>

Coach: Ed MacPherson<br><br></div></td>

<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>All Saints Catholic HS<br>(Kanata)</strong><br>

Skip: Isabelle Allan<br>

Vice: MacKenzie Kadar <br>

2nd: Julia Rioflorido<br>

Lead: Eva Sabourin <br>

Alt: Aisha Osman <br>

Coach: Dwayne Scullion<br><br>

<strong>Fellows High School<br>(Pembroke)</strong><br>

Skip: Kayla Tyson <br>

Vice: Paige Knechtel<br>

2nd: Danielle Hall <br>

Lead: Jessica Kenny <br>


Coach: Leanne Hall<br>


<td class="data-table" ><div align="center"><strong>East Northumberland SS<br>(Brighton)</strong><br>

Skip: Kelsey Morewood<br>

Vice: Kelly-Lynn Gait<br>

2nd: Brittany Pennington<br>

Lead: Nicole Draper<br>

Alt: Morgan Typhair<br>

Coach: Bradley Bresee<br><br>

<strong>Napanee District SS<br>(Napanee)<br></strong>

Skip: Briana Tofflemire<br>

Vice: Natalie Scilley<br>

2nd: Hailey Duffy<br>

Lead: Nicole Beer<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Mark Dunham<br></div></td>






<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>



<table class="data-table2">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 5</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 6</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 7</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 8</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 2 BOYS<br><a href="http://www.leasidecurling.ca/leasidecurling/home/reportView.do?id=74&history=clear">Leaside Curling Club</a><br>

<a href="Forms/REGIONAL DRAW SCHEDULE20152016REGION 1FEB.pdf"><STRONG>DRAW SCHEDULE</STRONG></a></span></th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>St. Peter Catholic SS<br>(Peterborough)</strong><br>

Skip: Gordon McLaughlin<br>

Vice: Mattias Metcalfe<br>

2nd: Cole Cotter<br>

Lead: Frank Barry<br>

Alt: Ben Hickey<br>

Coach: Tim McLaughlin<br><br>

<strong>Haliburton Highlands SS<br>(Haliburton)<br></strong>

Skip: Chris Draper<br>

Vice: Dustin McCready<br>

2nd: Brian Wheeler<br>

Lead: Logan McCready<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Russ Duhaime <br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Bishop Allan Academy<br>(Toronto)</strong><br>

Skip: James Ty<br>

Vice: Jack McGrade <br>

2nd: Victor DeBartolo<br>

Lead: Michael Hills<br>

Coach: Junho Song<br><br>



<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Newmarket Secondary School<br>(Newmarket)</strong><br>

Skip: Evan Chisamore-Johnston<br>

Vice: Ethan Chisamore-Johnston<br>

2nd: Eric Walter<br>

Lead: Alex Ledsham<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: John MacDonald<br><br><strong>Sacred Heart Catholic HS<br>(Newmarket)</strong><br>

Skip: Michael Morra<br>

Vice: Matthew Morra<br>

2nd: Andrew Morra<br>

Lead: Sebastian Coort<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Daniel Quattroriocchi<br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Richview Collegiate Institute<br>(Toronto)</strong><br>

Skip: Matt Garner <br>

Vice: Brandon Holowczak<br>

2nd: Russell Stouffer<br>

Lead: Sean Wylie<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Deb Haden-Reeves<br><br>

<strong>Humberside Collegiate Institute<br>(Toronto)<br></strong>

Skip: Eric Fenech<br>

Vice: John McCutcheon<br>

2nd: Cole Giglotti<br>

Lead: Kerry Matthews<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Joanne Loewen<br>




<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 2 GIRLS<br><a href="http://www.leasidecurling.ca/leasidecurling/home/reportView.do?id=74&history=clear">Leaside Curling Club</a><br>

<a href="Forms/REGIONAL DRAW SCHEDULE20152016REGION 1FEB.pdf"><STRONG>DRAW SCHEDULE</STRONG></a></span></th>

<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Fenelon Falls SS<br>(Fenelon Falls)</strong><br>

Skip: Jessica Humphries<br>

Vice: Taylor R Barton <br>

2nd: Emma Seed-Binnie<br>

Lead: Dakota Dubeau<br>


Coach: Cara Anderson<br><br>

<strong>Haliburton Highlands SS<br>(Haliburton)<br></strong>

Skip: Alyssa Denyer<br>

Vice: Tori Hawley<br>

2nd: Alanna Casper<br>

Lead: Emily Parrish<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Russ Duhaime<br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Ajax High School<br>(Ajax)</strong><br>

Skip: Hannah Don<br>

Vice: Jacqueline Cowan<br>

2nd: Cassandra Cowan<br>

Lead: Tricia Skelton<br>

Alt: Helena Newberry<br>

Coach: Melissa Smith<br><br>

<strong>O'Neill Collegiate & VI<br>(Oshawa)</strong><br>

Skip: Kenna Bartlett<br>

Vice: Allison Riley<br>

2nd: Meagan Atfield<br>

Lead: Rebecca Carey<br>

Alt: Yvonne Christie<br>

Coach: Stephen Park<br><br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Cardinal Carter Academy<br>(Willowdale)</strong><br>

Skip: Christine Kim<br>

Vice: Cecilia DeLos Rios<br>

2nd: Aurora Carnavalle<br>

Lead: Aloha Narajos<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Vince Rizzo/Sylvia Kim<br><br>

<strong>Orangeville District Secondary School<br>(Orangeville)</strong><br>

Skip: Sarah Madden<br>

Vice: Jillian Strutt<br>

2nd: Emily Thompson<br>

Lead: Amanda Dawney<br>

Alt: Hailey Joseph<br>

Coach: Rene Beukeboom / Lisa Unger<br><br>


<td class="data-table2"><div align="center"><strong>Bishop Allen Academy<br>(Toronto)</strong><br>

Skip: Michaela Robert<br>

Vice: Kaylie Lau<br>

2nd: Victoria Doubanovich<br>

Lead: Stephanie Chin<br>

Alt: Laura Carter<br>

Coach: Junho Song<br><br>

<strong>Richview Collegiate Institute<br>(Toronto)</strong><br>

Skip: Frannie Shen<br>

Vice: Stacey Huras<br>

2nd: Laura Robertson<br>

Lead: Jacqueline McLean<br>

Alt: <br>

Coach: Debbie Haden-Reeves<br>






<th scope="row"><span class="i"></span></th>



<table class="data-table3">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 9</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 10</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 11</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">ZONE 12</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Region 3 BOYS<br><a href="http://www.chesleycurlingclub.com/">Chesley Curling Club</a><br

Show more