
Hi Frances,

I may be able to help you part of the way.

Try a test page with the following responsive table, which you will notice requires vertical headings & also horizontal headings at the top, so a rethink of how your data displays in responsive mode will probably be required.

Table HTML:

<table class="data-table">


<th class="transparent" scope="col"></th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">1 King Size Bed</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">1 Queen Size Bed</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">1 King & 1 Sofa Bed</th>

<th class="thead" scope="col">1 King & 1 Sofa Bed</th>





<th scope="row"><span class="i">Max Persons</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >2</td>

<td class="data-table" >2</td>

<td class="data-table" >4</td>

<td class="data-table" >4</td>



<th scope="row">Physical Rooms</th>

<td class="data-table" >1</td>

<td class="data-table" >1</td>

<td class="data-table" >1</td>

<td class="data-table" >1</td>



<th scope="row">Room View</th>

<td class="data-table" >Palo Alto & Courtyard View</td>

<td class="data-table" >Palo Alto View</td>

<td class="data-table" >Courtyard View</td>

<td class="data-table" >Courtyard View</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Down Duvet Pillows</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="no" >N</td>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Hypo-allrgenic Bedding Option</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="no" >N</td>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="no" >N</td>



<th scope="row"><span class="i">Work Desk / Office Supplies</span></th>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="data-table" >N</td>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>

<td class="data-table" >Y</td>




Create a separate Table css Style Sheet and link it.

/* Table css */

div.data-table-wrapper {

margin: none;

width: auto;


table.data-table {

font-size: 12px;

padding: 20px;

color: #000;

line-height: normal;

border: 1px solid #CCC;

width: 100%;


/*Data Table CSS3 Properties*/

table.data-table {

background-color: rgba(240,240,240,.6);

-moz-border-radius: 6px;

-webkit-border-radius: 6px;

border-radius: 6px;


table.data-table th {

background-color: rgba(102,153,153,.7);

font-weight: normal;

padding: 5px;

border: 1px dotted #CCC;

text-align: left;


table.data-table td {

border: 1px solid #999;

text-align: center;

padding: 2px;

background-color: rgba(204,204,204,.5);

color: #000;



background-color: rgba(102,153,153,.2);


table.data-table .transparent {

border: 0;

font-size: 16px;

text-align: left;



font-size: 1.em !important;

font-weight: bold !important;


table.data-table .no {

background-color: #C05A5A;

color: #000;

border-color: #C05A5A;


/*1 Column for Narrow Browser Windows and Smartphones in both orientations*/

@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 400px) {

th, td, tr {

display: block;

text-align: left;

width: auto;


thead tr {

position: absolute;

top: -9999px;

left: -9999px;


td:before {

display: block;

font-weight: bold;


td:nth-of-type(1):before {

content: "1 King Size Bed";


td:nth-of-type(2):before {

content: "1 Queen Size Bed";


td:nth-of-type(3):before {

content: "1 King & 1 Sofa Bed";


td:nth-of-type(4):before {

content: "1 King & 1 Sofa Bed";




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