
Expertly curated colors carefully selected for perfectly graduated tones. Take nails beyond the pale and graduate from the monochrome to incremental colors, one for each nail. Creme/Frost and Glitter finishes. Vegan-friendly, long-wearing and chip-resistant.

Toluene-, formaldehyde-, camphor- and DBP-free.

0.12 oz. each.



Price $22.00

Available Nordstroms and Sephora


Opaque polish you only need 2 coats and that is plenty

Ombre look is done for you

Cute little bottles that you can travel with

Colors come in different finishes from cream to subtle sparkle


I only found this set at Nordstroms.com. Sephora has other shades available

If you are looking for value then this isn’t for you. Each bottle will run you about $4.40. It isn’t bad if you love the colors but to some this might be too pricy

Took a while to dry for me. I recommend a fast drying top coat.


I am on my third day and I haven’t seen any chips. The polish dries smooth and very opaque. It has a great high quality polish feel to it and definitely not streaky. I love how it takes the guessing out of the Ombre style but I do wish that the middle colors were a bit more noticeable in this collection. At certain angles my ring, middle and pointer finger colors looked really close.

4 Stars out of 5

I took a star off because it took too long to dry.

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