
Westcoast Brace and Limb has numerous stories of triumphs that helps children and combat veterans live their lives to the fullest, thanks to giving them artificial limbs. Westcoast staffer Jason Redd just made some custom legs for his newest patient – Redd’s patient: a paralyzed bulldog named Spencer. Spencer’s owner, Tampa resident Linda Keinz, found the canine on her doorstep with his hind legs already completely paralyzed. Their veterinarian suspects that someone dropped or stomped on him as a puppy. Because the poor pup drags his paws and injures himself, he hasn’t even actually gone on a real walk.

“His whole life he just spend at my feet, looking up and crying, ‘Pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, take me here, take me there,’” Keinz explains.

In the video below, you can see the adorable dog get his brand new leg braces. It’s a heartbreaking story on how the Keinzes got Spencer, but he is definitely one lucky canine. You can see the 2-year-old bulldog take his first steps with his custom braces along with green Crocs – it’s a sight that will warm your heart!

Photo Source: YouTube

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