Ez Battery Reconditioning, written by Tom Ericson and Frank Thompson is a standalone PDF ebook course that teaches readers how to quickly, easily and safely recondition batteries so they work almost like new. Using simple tools such as a multi-meter you will be able to test your batteries, revive those that are underperforming, and nearly double the lifespan one gets out of the average car, golf cart or medical home battery. This method developed by Tom Ericson has helped keep thousands of cars and other devices running and kept their battery pollutants out of the landfill. To start, one must safely remove their battery from the device and disconnect all power to the battery. Gloves and eye protection are a must, as well as making sure the environment you are working in is secure and dry. To start with, the program will teach you about different battery features and types including laptop battery, car battery, long life battery and rechargeable battery. The program also teaches on how to maintain batteries and an insight on the lifespan of different batteries. It also provides a detailed report on how to recondition batteries in using cheap and simple tools. The instructions and details are followed by diagrams to give you a proper understanding of the concepts.
First you will be able to recondition batteries of any kind without harming the environment, you will learn how to recondition batteries with easy diagrams and charts, you will have a source of income by selling reconditioned batteries. You will learn to use the multimeter. With the device, you will learn to measure voltage, current flow and resistance. You will also learn how to detect a bad battery, you will be able to rebuilt car batteries using environment friendly car battery acid, you will be able to seek professional assistance from Tom Ericson and Frank Thompson. This e-book offers a few simple ways, so you can test your batteries to prepare for the renewal. This program includes types of batteries such as lead-acid (car battery), Li-Ion (laptop battery), Ni-Cd (rechargeable battery), Ni-MH (long life battery).
The course is made up of step-by-step guides that show you how to recondition each type of battery. And each guide is full of pictures and diagrams so you not only read exactly what to do …you see exactly what to do as well! It shows how to charge rechargeable batteries for the car battery, computer and phone battery, long battery life and other operations. There is a battery that can be sold for thousands of dollars like a forklift battery! Reconditioning and selling batteries is a huge revenue stream, and these markets are very big. You can get some ideas on where to get all old battery for free, repair it, and show the way to easily sell it for making huge profits.
With a price of just under 50$, Tom Ericson’s EZ Battery Reconditioning guide is a very cost-effective way to help you and your family save hundreds of dollars per year. It consists of very easy steps that everyone can understand and it doesn’t need any prior knowledge or technical expertise is required to understand the process. The program is something which actually gives you with all information so that you can do the reconditioning of your battery in such a way that you easily save good amount of money. It is the program which can easily be used over various types of batteries and so can be really worthy for the money that you are spending on it.
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