Did you know that yoga can be used to promote weight loss? And the best part is that the practice not only helps you lose weight but also restores your body’s health in a very short time. Yoga Burn is a comprehensive online yoga course directed toward women only. Yoga Burn is an innovative and revolutionary program developed by certified yoga instructor and personal trainer Zoe Bray Cotton. Yoga Burn mainly focuses on yoga for losing weight and getting a flat belly. Yoga Burn is a DVD series that can take anyone from a total yoga novice to a yoga pro, provided that they stick with the program and give it their best efforts. If you are looking for a way to reconnect with your body and enjoy benefits in every aspect of your health, keep reading this Yoga Burn Review to find out how it works.
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The three phases of the program are Foundational Flow, Transitional Flow and Mastery Flow. Within each of those phases, there are three unique workouts. The only rule of the program is that you stick to the suggested schedule and do the videos in order. This is the best way to truly get the most out of the program. Phase one of the program is the foundational flow phase. This phase is designed for beginners and it gives you all of the necessary information and instruction that you need to build a foundational knowledge in yoga. During this stage, the program teaches you how to perform every pose safely so that you mitigate your risk of injury. Also, the different strategic poses and sequences give you exactly what you need to burn pesky fat throughout your body.
Transitional Flow is the second phase of the program and also consists of an introduction video and three new workouts. As the title of this phase suggests, the second three videos in the program focus on transitions. In this phase, Zoe teaches participants how to link the yoga moves she introduced them to in the Foundational Flow phase together to create a sequence using seamless transitions between each pose. Because participants are more familiar with the basic poses by the second phase of the course, Zoe uses the Transitional Flow phase to keep them focused on the present moment throughout each routine in order to eliminate stress and feel happier and more content during the workout and in their daily life.
Phase 3: The Mastery Flow. The final phase will be a combination of the first two phases and the advanced Yoga poses, which will boost your metabolism by trifold and give you a perfect physique. This concluding phase is where the magic happens. The user is taken through a fascinating and rejuvenating journey that is physical, mental and spiritual and at last the full extent of results can be fully appreciated. If followed with commitment and dedication, Yoga Burn can change a woman’s life and turn out to be the lucky break that she so desperately was searching for. Zoe Bray Cotton especially designed this unique program to genuinely help women in dire need. Yoga Burn is for women of any age, any ethnicity, any race, and any physical body type who is entangled in any kind of profession and needs a life-altering program to a healthier, optimistic lifestyle.
Yoga Burn is not only premised that women are performing their current yoga routine incorrectly, bit it goes a little further in explaining the three most common mistakes yoga practitioners make. After pointing out the mistakes, the program will give you everything that you need to bypass all those mistakes so that you can properly lose weight and tone your body for the best possible results. Yoga Burn program has been exceptionally planned for ladies and it depends on “Element Sequencing” – an extraordinary methodology that advances sound and normal weight reduction. It is also worth mentioning that 2 bonuses are offered as part of the Her Yoga Secrets System: Tranquility Flow – use this to de-stress or take a mental break. These exercises are relaxing and provide a way to release negative energy and build a more positive flow. Learn how yoga can relieve stress here. Tips & Tools – learn how to maximize each workout by doing them at the right times and using the right resources you have available at hand. Yoga Burn is well worth the investment for a one-time access fee of $37. It’s a progressive 12-week workout program that promises to make women feel content with how they look and feel with nine forty-five minute videos. If you follow through, it stays to its promises.
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