
My Old Triple Stroller!

As the mom of 5 young kids, it was not so long ago that I was pushing a triple stroller loaded with an infant, baby and toddler! Walking along the sidewalk, I felt like I was pushing a stretch limo and the stroller was so heavy! When I downgraded to a double stroller, it felt light in comparison. However, pushing a single stroller was the ultimate freedom for me!

I recently had the chance to try out the Baby Jogger Vue stroller, which is a featherweight at 17 lbs.  As a self-proclaimed stroller expert, I can say it has many of the most coveted features like generous weather canopy, 5-point safety harness, and reversible stroller orientation.

baby jogger vue stroller

I found the Baby Jogger Vue umbrella stroller very easy to handle, with my child either facing forward or backwards–and it turned on a dime, manoevring very well.  An excellent feature of the stroller was its hard rubber tires, which made the Vue feel like a “real” stroller to me, instead of a lower end umbrella stroller.  The Vue was designed to accommodate children from 0 lbs (newborns) to older kids of up to 55 lbs, which is quite a generous range.

In terms of safety features, the Vue stroller boasts a 5-point seatbelt harness (mentioned earlier), a removable infant headroll, and easy-to-use and efficient brakes.  I would recommend a rollbar for the stroller, to “contain” the more exuberant babies and toddlers. There is a cup-holder built into the handle bar, which would be perfect for a cold drink, but unsafe with a hot cup of coffee.

The reversible feature is a gem, which allows parents to easily flip the stroller orientation in literally 2 seconds.  This is a must-have feature for babies that need to see mom’s or dad’s face for reassurance–or for the parent who wants to regularly check in on baby! Note:  An older child will not fit in the parent-facing orientation, but will ride quite comfortably in forward-facing mode.

The baby jogger vue is a PTPA award winner!

I would definitely recommend the baby jogger Vue umbrella stroller to new or expectant parents.  At 17 lbs it is both lightweight and sturdy for your child.  The best feature of the stroller is its “reversible” feature, allowing parents to switch babies and toddlers from either a forward-facing or rear-facing orientation with great ease.  This is wonderful if your child needs to see your face for reassurance.  The Vue’s oversized canopy is a must if you live in an extreme climate with rain, wind, sun, and/or snow.

Many strollers I’ve owned in the past provided insufficient protection against the elements, but this is where the baby jogger vue umbrella stroller shines.  I like that the Vue stroller comes ready to roll with a 5-point safety harness, and a removable infant headroll.  Of special interest, the Vue becomes a travel system with your infant car seat (car seat adapter and car seat sold separately).

In sum, I would definitely recommend the baby jogger vue umbrella stroller.  If you’re expecting, do order the car seat adapter to go with it and enjoy it from your baby’s first days!

The post Baby Jogger Vue Stroller: Perfect for Summer Adventures! appeared first on PTPA.

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