
Dreams are as common an occurrence as sleeping, and while, for the most part, people don’t remember their dreams completely if at all, dream analysis has always been a topic of discussion for both the layman and those who have devoted their time to its study. At times, however, some dream elements can haunt a person in the form of recurring dreams. Many have shown great interest in discovering dream meaning, especially in the case of recurring dreams. It is believed that these dreams hold a deeper message, the deciphering of which, can lead to a great discovery about one’s self or current situation.

Now, dream interpretation has gone online. Universal Psychic Guild brings the benefits of dream interpretation to a wider audience through its online services. Discover what your dreams mean and decipher the mysteries of your sleeping state in the comfort of your own home. Through the website’s email dream interpretation, you can uncover your dream’s hidden messages and find out why your dreams are filled with certain recurring events or situations.

For just $14.95 USD, you get a dream interpretation done by one of Universal Psychic Guild’s Dream Analysis Experts. You have the option to choose from this pool of experts, after which, you will receive your dream interpretation via email. The website offers a variety of dream readings available that cater to people with different needs.

Brief Dream Interpretation

The brief dream interpretation is ideal for those who simply want an overview of their dream meaning. It presents an interpretation of a dream’s overall meaning, with a few tips on how you can use the dream to improve your current situation. This is the option for those who want an interpretation of a short dream.

Full Dream Interpretation

The full dream interpretation is ideal for those who want to delve deeper into their dreams. Aside from an analysis of a dream’s overall meaning, it presents explanations of significant symbols, overarching themes, and hidden messages. With more in depth tips and suggestions, this is the option for those who want an interpretation of a longer dream.

Universal Psychic Guild’s Dream Experts

Currently, Universal Psychic Guild employs the services of four gifted psychics for their email dream interpretation service.

Psychic Elaine

Elaine is part of a highly sought-after elite group of clairvoyants in Australia who perform thousands of readings each month. Featuring more than 25 years of experience, she is a trusted name in the industry — respected for her diligence and accuracy.

Psychic Rita

Also a life coach, Rita can provide insight regarding current issues and counsel you on the challenges you face today. She specialises in dreams about relationships and is also a trained consultant with Sleep Talk for Children.

Psychic Anne

Anne has completed two years training with the Australasian Institute of Psychosynthesis Studies and a two years’ mythology series with the C.G. Jung Society of Sydney. She is also a talented writer who has written articles for the Astrological Monthly Review and contributed regular astrology articles for the website of well known Sydney-based health practitioner Juliet Martine.

Psychic Matthew

Utilising his natural clairvoyant gift rooted in his Spanish, Prussian and Celtic heritage, Matthew is also a fourth-generation spiritualist. Aside from dream interpretation, he also does psychic readings and counselling.

For a deeper understanding of recurring dreams, try Universal Psychic Guild’s Email Dream Interpretation. You can choose either a brief or full interpretation, depending on your needs. If you’re a first-timer, you can opt for their Free Dream Interpretation or check out their comprehensive Dream Dictionary for an explanation on the most common dream elements.

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