
Yes a framework is known a basis, where developers are able to put their codes in a contented manner. Before the era of Frameworks commenced, every coder had his own way to assemble the codes and way to arrange their technical arsenals. These coding diversities of developer resulted in concerns like documentation errors, complex programming techniques and the lastly one big question that stays unanswered is “who is to cleanse the mess when he leaves”.

With so many PHP frameworks today, the web masters habitually finish up in danger when it means to prefer the best of the rest. In this article, we will try to ascertain you consider PHP Framework the best platform for your respective businesses.

So, let us start to know what a framework is. Here, PHP framework is an established set of PHP classes and functions that developers stand by, while a website is being developed. The benefit of a framework is what a platform offers you a flexible template on which a programmer has to put codes only. To know about the popular platform, you need to follow the below-mentioned platforms based on PHP.

Cake PHP

Cake PHP is the best bet when it means to write PHP 4 codes. Since its introduction to the web development world, Cake PHP has gained a formidable reputation of being one of the most proficient frameworks.

Also this is not only an efficient framework with evenly appealing functionalities but also with numerous support avenues, such as message boards, IRC, forums etc. With in-built tools for analyzing XML-RPC and easy web services integration with feed parsing, Cake PHP is to never let you down if used appropriately.

Zend Framework

Recognized as a very convenient platform that comes with object-oriented components, Zend Framework helps PHP Developers in building intricate applications with absolute ease. It is owing to the Model-View-controller design present in Zend the codes are more reusable.


CodeIgniter is a brilliant PHP MVC framework with grand documentations features. It is because of its smooth functioning and fairly easy features. CodeIgniter is easy to work with for even an amateur developer. Developers who begin their career with CodeIgniter will not only learn fast but will be proficient to expand the quality websites.

For those who are looking on to build up a medium web application, CodeIgniter is all answer to them. If you are new to web development then CodeIgniter is your safest way to website development.


Known as a web application framework, Symfony follows the model-view-controller (MVC) system. Aimed to speed up the creation & maintenance of web applications and to replace repetitive coding tasks, Symfony gives developers full control over the configuration, as from the directory structure to the foreign libraries.

In addition, this PHP-based framework is a free framework under the MIT license, and has made development easy with the help of library that comprises of many PHP code classes.


By this tutorial, the frameworks as mentioned above are some of the topmost players of the game. Also we mean to get you finalize easily the perfect framework for your project by using these frameworks.

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