
ABOUT AUTHOR: Laura Frantz is an award-winning author who is passionate about all things historical, particularly the 18th-century, and writes her manuscripts in longhand first. Her stories often incorporate Scottish themes that reflect her family heritage. She is a direct descendant of George Hume, Wedderburn Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland, who was exiled to the American colonies for his role in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715, settled in Virginia, and is credited with teaching George Washington surveying in the years 1748-1750. Her family resides in Kentucky and Virginia.

According to Publishers Weekly, "Frantz has done her historical homework." With her signature attention to historical detail and emotional depth, she is represented by Janet Kobobel Grant, Literary Agent & Founder, Books & Such Literary Agency of Santa Rosa, California.

Readers can find her at www.laurafrantz.net

What was your favorite scene in The Mistress of Tall Acres? Which was the most fun to write? Which was the hardest to write? Why?

Laura: My favorite scene was when Seamus proposes to Sophie and rocks her world. That was the most fun to write. The hardest scene was when Sophie leaves Tall Acre and Lily Cate as both mistress and mother.

Nora: Your favorite scene was so much fun to imagine and read. You brought both of these characters to life in a believable way my heart rejoiced and I was teary eyed!

What made you put George Washington into this story? I liked the fact that he actually had some dialogue. Fun! What was an interesting fact you learned about George Washington what you didn’t know before your research into this time period?

Laura: I’m starting to include more historical figures in my books like Washington and
Daniel Boone. As for George, I learned he had a terrible temper which he usually managed to rein in. It was something he struggled with his entire life which somehow makes him more human. How he managed a rag-tag army and controlled himself is amazing!

Nora: I liked that you brought George Washington into the story. It was a fun surprise.

I LOVED your characters. They were believable. I cared about them deeply. My heart went out to Seamus and his situation with his wife not being able to have more children. He leaves his wife soon after the birth of their daughter and heads back to the battle field. I was pretty surprised at what he had to go through when he got back. Did that happen often to men at war?

Laura: Love this question, Nora. Americans today have little inkling just what men like Seamus and his fellow Patriots reaped from their fight for liberty. Many lost their lives, their homes, their fortunes, their families. Families were often split due to siding with the British while others went rogue and declared themselves independent. To fight for American rights back then meant you were a traitor and the penalty was death.

Nora: It's a heart breaker!

I adored Seamus’s daughter Lily Cate. I could see how Sophie lost her heart to this young one. Their first meeting was to have a tea party. Did you have tea parties growing up? With your children? What do/did you love about them?

Laura: I do love tea parties! When I was a young girl my grandmother used to do as Sophie’s mother did by hosting a tea party and going barefoot to declare the start of spring and fall. Lily Cate was probably my favorite character in the book though I loved them all. Since I only have boys and no daughters, she really came to life for me.

Nora: Beautiful dishes Laura. Thanks for sharing! Lily Cate was one of my favorites too!

In growing up, what were three important values you learned that stuck with you and shaped your life?

Laura: Work hard. Be kind. Stay close to Christ.

Nora: Good values for sure!

What three things are you most thankful for in life?

Laura: My Lord and Savior foremost. My husband, sons, and family. My log cabin in Kentucky.

Nora: I best the view is beautiful from your house!

What keeps you sane in the middle of craziness? Hope in the middle of stress and life’s storms?

Laura: As I grow older, the only thing I can rely on amidst life’s many changes is the Lord who is always the same, always near, always loving, always walking with me through every season of life. I tend to be a bit melancholy at times as I feel things very deeply. Guess I have an artistic temperament. I can honestly say the Lord is my rock, my refuge and stronghold. Nothing and no-one else compares.

Nora: Amen! Amen!

Out of all the sounds in the world which are your favorite?

Laura: The wind. There’s always usually a breeze or wind on my cabin porch, rustling the leaves of the many trees around us. I think of how the Holy Spirit is described as coming in the wind. It’s a beautiful, mysterious sound. You can’t see it, you can only feel and hear it. Chimes in the wind is another beautiful sound.

Nora: THANKS for sharing this pictures. It's lovely. I can see why you love it!

You are shipwrecked on an uninhabited tropical island with a group of Christians – all friends and relatives of yours. You all have to work as a team to survive. Many roles have to be filled. Which role would you think you’d play?

Laura: Encourager. People tell me I’m able to give a kind word or help someone when they need it. I never realize I am doing this. But I hope it’s true!

Nora: I'm sure it is! You must be a natural! Grin!

A friend of yours has a time machine and they will let you use it for a while. Where would you go and what would you do?

Laura: I would LOVE to return to the 18th-century and witness or be a part of the American Revolution when our country gained independence. It was a passionate, tumultuous time and so many of my favorite historical figures lived then like Daniel Boone and George and Martha Washington, George Rogers Clark and the brave women of the frontier.

Nora: That would be an interesting time for sure!

What three things would you rather not live without (besides your family)?

Laura: Coffee. Chocolate. Chicken and Dumplings.

Nora: Oh, Yeah! It's been a while since I've enjoyed Chicken and Dumplings. Yummy! Grin!

What is a special quality, talent and/or event you have experienced that would surprise people? Please explain.

Laura: I attended school in a British manor house/castle in college, something that fueled my imagination like nothing else. The experience was truly God given and delightful! I keep thinking one day I’ll write a book about it!

Nora: This is a beautiful desk. I can see how your schooling in a British mannor house/castle fueled your imagination. I loved this story, the characters and the inner and outer struggles they dealt with. Some if it was heart wrenching! This was a powerful, memorable and fun story! I couldn't put it down!


So thankful for our time together at your wonderful site! Always a pleasure and privilege to talk books! Thank you for taking time for me ~ and happy reading!


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Nora :o)

Nora St.Laurent
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Interview Sponsored by: Revell Publishers

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