
Light hearted fun, with some of my favorite photographer friends…

what are my 5 questions?

1) Who is your dream date?
2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
3) What color are your undies?
4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!

hehe, haha, hoho… bwwaahh!!!!



1) Who is your dream date?

Let’s be honest, everyone is thinking Kristoff am I right? No really it is my husband-we have 4 kids, you think we get time to date?! Well we obviously get some time lol

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?

I have twin toes, yes they are webbed (well only two) and no I can’t swim faster

3) What color are your undies?

Gold, of course

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?

Anyplace Survivor has filmed

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!

1) To be able to sing

2) To time travel back & forth from vacation

3) Is there a laundry genie?



1) Who is your dream date?
Hey girl, I am going to be totally cliche and say Ryan Gosling. That face, those lips!

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
My elbows are double jointed and people give me looks of horror when I accidentally bend them in a way that makes an arm look broken.

3) What color are your undies?
I think I am wearing my ‘Saturday’ pair with ponies on them

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
England/Ireland. I have an obsession with these countries. Mainly for the spotted dick.

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1- To get one of those really long back scratches on a stick.

2- a big pile of perfectly ripe, already cut mangos

3- To end all child abuse and neglect (had to put a serious one in)



1) Who is your dream date?
I’m weird, I never like the typical celebrities everyone drools over. I actually have a crush on Mike Wolf from American Pickers! Mike, if your reading this, drop me a line:)

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
See above?? Ha! Besides a somewhat unusual taste in men, it might be that music is my first love before photography. My dream is to one day is do commercial work for my favorite bands.

3) What color are your undies?
Black, of course. Always black!

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Well I’m going to Australia in 16 days so if I take that off the list? Probably Italy. I backpacked Europe in my early 20’s and would love to do that again.

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!

1. Slow time down–me, my husband, my kids, my parents, my dog, we are ALL growing up too fast.

2. Spend time with my late grandparents

3. Financial freedom:I want a housekeeper, an in-home studio, and my husband not to have to work so hard.


KERI MEYERS Photography

Who is your dream date?
This is a toughie! I’m 35 and well, I’d feel weird going out with a guy in his 20s, but I think Robert Pattinson is adorable.

What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I can click my ankle. It grosses my husband out.

What color are your undies?
red and white stripes

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?

Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. I wish I enjoyed working out as much as I enjoy eating.

2. I wish that when I post something on my business page, people actually saw it. Facebook…

3. I wish that my kids would stop growing up so fast!


Ana Brandt -TAoPaN & Ana Brandt Photography

1) Who is your dream date?
anything that involves my husband and wine – I am a simple girl- ok it would be nice to jet off to Italy for the wine – during the date that is.

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I was least likely to succeed when I was younger and a horrible teenager. I have crazy intuition – like if I think about you – you will call – that kind of crazy. Happens on a daily basis around the studio with our clients. Kind of unusual at times and oddly odd. Ok that’s more then one.

3) What color are your undies?
Usually Black or Nude.

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
The Greek Islands is on my bucket list

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. To have one of those indoor/outdoor houses that have a pool that extends to the ocean with my photography studio on the property

2. To never be cold -like ever – really

3. That money was no object



1) Who is your dream date?
My husband is my world, the whole package, the sweetest, cutest man ever BUT I do have some guilty pleasures I am a huge Charlie Hunnam fan (Jax from SOA) and Ian Somerhalder fan (Vampire Diaries). Makes me weak in the knees! Lol! Both of whom I also believe would have made the most amazing Christian Grey!!

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I have always been a creative person. Took every art class in high school over & over but I hated the photography class. My stupid pin hole camera didn’t work! Never had an interest until my second child. Picked up my first DSLR 6 years ago & ran as fast as I could with it to get where I am today.

3) What color are your undies?


4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Oh my gosh, I have barely been outside of Georgia! My first airplane trip was just a few years ago when I went to mentor with Kristen Mackey. Sad, I know! I would love to go to Ireland I think. Looks beautiful in the movies.

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. To look into Ian Somerhalders eyes

2. To touch Charlie Hunnams glorious abs

3. To keep doing this baby thing for as long as I possibly can!



1) Who is your dream date?
Brad Pitt circa Legends of the Fall

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I go to movies just for the popcorn.

3) What color are your undies?
Who wears undies?

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Next on my bucket list is Budapest for the architecture and it’s cheaper than most of the other European countries.

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. I wish I was in Budapest with Brad Pitt eating popcorn!

2. Cure for Cancer

3. Dominating the newborn photography world! (LOL…totally kidding.)


Pebbles and Polka Dots Photography, with Mary Maloney

1) Who is your dream date?
Dave Matthews, hells ya

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I listen to music 75% of the day, and just started drinking coffee a month ago for the first time in my life. Ehhhhh, I’m 36

3) What color are your undies?
Ehhhh the ones I’m wearing now? Black…..but, my underwear drawer looks lije it belongs to rainbow brite

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Australia!!! Heading there next month!!

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. Peace for my family and friends

2. Health for all the people that I know who are fighting something

3. Love for us all



1) Who is your dream date?
Hands DOWN, Justin Timberlake. Once you get to know me, you’ll realize my unfathomable love & attraction towards this man. It’s been true love since I witnessed him on Disney Channel with *NSYNC at the ripe age of 8! The rest is history as they say

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
Double. Jointed. Elbows. GROSS!

3) What color are your undies?
Maroon! My favorite color of course.

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Just ONE place….that is hard to choose! I’ve had an ever growing list of places kick into gear lately BUT if I had to just choose one, I would say Italy!

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. The allowance to travel anywhere I want!

2. Thick & Luscious locks of hair… I mean who wouldn’t want that?!

3. To find my one true love (I am such a hopeless romantic!)



1) Who is your dream date?
Justin Timberlake – I want him to sing to me while we dance and then he would pull me close, grab my face and…..oh….sorry I got carried away.

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I hate being barefoot and wear socks all summer (and no I don’t wear socks with sandals!!!) I don’t like the feeling of dirty feet. I know. Weird. I also still sleep with a blankie and rub my fingers on it.

3) What color are your undies?
What undies? Ok ok, I’m kidding. They are leopard print. My good friend teased me recently because she says my undies are NOT cute but I’m sorry, I can’t live with a string in my butt.

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Tahiti. My Great-Grandma traveled all over the world and she said that was her absolute favorite. I’ve wanted to go ever since. The only thing holding me back is that I probably can’t wear socks at the beach??

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!

1. Find a cure for cancer.

2. To have one more baby girl (without fertility treatments) so Harper could have a sister.

3. World Peace (all of this terrorism etc is so depressing)

…..I also wouldn’t mind being a rockstar and winning the lottery but who would take that over a cure for cancer? I need more wishes



1) Who is your dream date?

Tatum Channing… he’s perfect!

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
Total OCD, picky picky picky!

3) What color are your undies?
ummm well . . .i do’nt wear any

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Switzerland – I was there last year and would happily relocate there if possible! I’m a Swiss citizen as well as a Canadian!

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. I could live somewhere warmer
2. My cat could talk
3. world peace



1) Who is your dream date?
George Clooney

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I forget everything I don’t write on. Some day I forgot that my husbands car was in front of the garage and I drove backwards with my car out, lol

3) What color are your undies?

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Australia for sure

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. a new camera

2. a long vacation on a lonely island

3. time with my family



1) Who is your dream date?

Hmmmmmm well seeing as I have a 11 day old newborn my dream date right now is the back of my eyelids for 12 hours straight!!! lol

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you? I totally talk to myself.. I am talking full blown conversations, and sometimes I talk out loud and my 7 year old likes to call me out on it!!

3) What color are your undies?
Purple grannie panties.. (remember brand new baby)

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Scotland!!! Its where my family is from and I have always dreamed of taking my family their someday to see where I come from..

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!

1. An edit fairy that edited all night for me..

2. A way to slow down time so my babies would stop growing so fast.

3. If someone could give me my brain back I would be super happy with that!! Haha


Lastly… enjoy some giggles from yours truly,

1) Who is your dream date?
Robert Redford… circa 1966 of course! Im a sucker for old movie stars, and that man was DREAMY!  Otherwise, I’ll have to fight Shannon Leigh for Charlie Hunnam (oh that lovely, delicious, man!).

2) What is a strange, and unusual fact about you?
I wear tank tops all year long, in Chicago!!!… even when it’s -7f, I will be adorning a tank top (at least under my sweater!).  I’m also an insomniac… that’s fun (not really).

3) What color are your undies?
Black with white & pink polka dots!

Yep, living on the edge!

4) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where?
Hmmmmmm…. I’d love to do a cruise of the Mediterranean islands!

Maybe a personal tour with George Clooney in Italy?!

5) Genie gives you 3 wishes… go!
1. See above #4
2. A day long “chit chat” with psychic Kim Russo!!!
3. Of course… a cure for cancer, cuz she’s a real bitch, and I hate her…
but if given a 4) I would easily say the ability to magically snap my kids out of tantrums and save the universe from their horrific screaming of “Mom, you just don’t understand!”… hehe

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