
Meanwhile, Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden

It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.

Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholdm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.

During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.

Rinkeby is the region in which the '60 Minutes' crew were attacked in 2016.

The problems Sweden faces integrating large numbers of Muslim immigrants is a subject on which Nordstjernan columnist Ulf Nilson has written many times. His warnings of increasing radicalization among Sweden’s Muslims – warnings he started to broadcast a decade ago – now seem eerily prophetic in light of an Associated Press investigation that found Stockholm to be a breeding ground for jihadists among Swedish Somalis.

According to the AP report, which first ran Jan. 24, an al-Qaida-linked group is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in Rinkeby. A suburb of Stockholm, Rinkeby has earned the nickname of “Little Mogadishu” because of the number of Somalis living there. Rinkeby is also the center of the recruiting efforts of al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Qaida.

Rinkeby is a known problem area in Stockholm. It was here NRK journalist Anders Magnus was attacked with stones last spring, and here the police never go in the evenings without reinforcements from other patrols according to Dabladet. A freelancer the newspaper spoke to, described the situation as serious.

"I've been in some turmoil, but this is something extra. It looks like a war zone here", he was quoted as saying.

Freelance Photographer Janne Åkesson has also been at the site Monday night and early Tuesday. "They threw stones at police and police fired warning shots. I got out when it was at its worst" he said to Dagbladet. He added that there were many youths with hoods and hats on.

"It was very chaotic. I have seen much in Rinkeby: they burn cars all the time - unfortunately this was beyond the ordinary."

Police patrol on the site must have felt so constricted that they were forced to fire warning shots in connection with the stoning. The police will then have withdrawn from the location.

Photos of the site, one can see how many cars are on fire, and emergency services are on site to extinguish them.

Video: Leftists Heed “Allahu Akbar” Call to Prayer During Anti-Trump March

Leftists who attended the ‘I am a Muslim too’ anti-Trump rally in New York City yesterday heeded an Arabic call to prayer as “Allahu Akbar” was blasted through loudspeakers.

The clip shows left-wing protesters in hushed reverence as they listen to the call to prayer in Times Square while some hold up images of artist Shepard Fairey’s design of a woman in an American flag hijab.

“Allahu Akbar” means “God is great” or “Allah is greater” in Arabic, but it’s better known to westerners as a slogan routinely shouted by jihadists as they massacre innocent people during terrorist attacks.

The event included a speech by Linda Sansour, a Muslim activist and Hamas sympathizer who advocates for Sharia law – a brutal Islamist doctrine that completely disenfranchises women.

The video is similar in nature to scenes caught on camera during another anti-Trump protest in Berlin when self-proclaimed “feminists” paid homage to the most anti-woman belief system on the planet by shouting “Allahu Akbar” through a bullhorn as onlookers smiled and applauded.

While liberals bash Trump for his sexist comments made 12 years ago, they’re apparently completely comfortable in embracing a religious doctrine that treats women little better than farmyard animals in some Islamic countries.

This is yet another chilling example of how the left and political Islam – Islamism – are forging a closer alliance.

ISIS now writes in its own manifesto about plans to recruit far-left activists in the west because the two groups broadly share the same goal – the downfall of western civilization.

Anti-Trump Antifa rioters also displayed ISIS flags and beheading videos during this last month’s unrest at the inauguration in Washington DC in an effort to intimidate Trump supporters.

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Rips Security Council's 'Breathtaking' Anti-Israel Bias

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued a scathing criticism of the UN Security Council over their “anti-Israel” bias on Thursday after emerging from her first regular monthly meeting at the international body.

The former South Carolina governor noted that while it is the UN Security Council’s mission to discuss ways to maintain international peace and security, their meeting on the Middle East failed to address some of the region’s most pressing issues — namely, Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, the money and weapons the Iran regime is supplying to its terrorist entities throughout Latin America and the Middle East, ways to defeat the Islamic State, and how to hold Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen.

“Instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East,” Haley said. She added that while she is “new” to the United Nations, she is well-seasoned in her understanding of the UN Security Council’s generations-long bias against Israel. “I’m here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore,” she said. “I’m here to underscore the ironclad support of the United States for Israel.”

She called out the “breathtaking” double standards inherent in the Security Council.

“Incredibly, the UN Department of Political Affairs has an entire department devoted to Palestinian affairs,” she said. “Imagine that. There is not a division devoted to illegal missile launches from North Korea. There is no division devoted to the world’s number one state sponsor of terror, Iran.”

She also pointed out the rise of anti-Semitism in the world, which has seen an uptick over the last few years, and reiterated the Trump administration’s commitment to seeing to a peaceful solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict “that is negotiated directly between the two parties.”

ISIS Explains Why Islamists Hate Us, and It Has Everything to Do with Religion

ISIS recently released a new issue (no.15) of Dabiq, their professionally produced magazine article. It is about 82 pages and is entitled, “Break the Cross.”[1] This magazine issue, as well as all of ISIS’s Dabiq issues, can be found here on Clarion Project’s website. The issue covers everything from a response to “pagan” Christianity and atheism to a rebuttal of politically correct narratives about (what Westerners would call) Islamism. The last of these topics is what makes the fifteenth issue of Dabiq a very important piece; it busts open the politically correct narratives that are so rampant about Islamists and their motivations.

Many politically correct journalists, politicians, analysts, and people from all walks of life and from all sides of the political spectrum– although mostly on the left–have been incessantly stating that Islamist groups like ISIS are not primarily motivated by religious ideology, but are merely using the veneer of Islam in order to perpetuate ulterior political motives.

While Pope Benedict XVI’s words on the incompatibility of democracy and Islam are praised, Pope Francis’ statement that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence” is called out as being deceptive.[2]

The above rebuke of Pope Francis is relatively mild compared to the rebuke of similar politically correct positions in this issue’s article called “Why We Hate You and Why we Fight You.” The article’s introduction contains the following sharp rebuke of the naiveté of the “Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd”:

The article goes on to list six reasons why they hate the West and why they fight Westerners. They six reasons are as follows:

“We hate you first and foremost, because you are disbelievers, you reject the oneness of Allah.”

“We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted.”

“In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.”

“We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion.”

“We hate you for your crimes against Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bombs, kill, and maim our people around the world.”

Sixth “We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out.”

After going into some detail on each of the above six points, the article concludes by stating the following:

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.

There you have it—straight from the horse’s mouth. Those advancing the politically correct narrative that ISIS has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, and that ISIS members are not really motivated by religion but by socio-economic reasons, etc., need to get a reality check. Islamists are unquestionably drawing from early Islamic source texts—there can be no doubt here. Their acts are not “senseless” acts of violence, but cold and calculated steps based on an evil Islamofascistic ideology. Islamists wish to subjugate the entire world under sharia—a legal system that is antithetical to Western values and egalitarian principles of liberal democracy. Military campaigns against Islamists is insufficient. It is necessary to fight against their ideology of Islamism—it is the greatest threat of our time.

Major pagan god of Bible honored by world government

It was unveiled in London. It was displayed in New York, just steps away from Ground Zero. And now, the harbinger of the pagan god Baal has been used to welcome participants to a summit dedicated to “world government.”

The World Government Summit recently held a meeting in Dubai, bringing together some of the most important leaders in government and business to discuss international problems.

Past attendees of the summits have included former President Barack Obama and former U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

But this year,  it featured a reconstruction of the Arch of Palmyra, the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the ancient Temple of Baal in the Syrian outpost of the empire.

Baal worship featured rites of child sacrifice and sexual immorality.

Yet Rabbi Pinchas Winston identified another troubling connection in Breaking Israel News. He argues the erection of monuments to Baal, specifically one of Roman origin now being built in an Arab nation at a summit dedicated to world government, signifies an alliance against Israel.

Rabbi Winston claims it is a sign of Arabs “continuing the mission of Edom to conquer the world.”

Pastor Bill Cloud of Shoreshim Ministries, author of “Esau Rising,”accepts this analysis.

“As far as a collaboration between certain Western powers and the Islamic world with the intent of isolating and destroying Israel, I wholeheartedly agree with the rabbi’s take on this,” he told WND. “This is another manifestation of an ages old alliance between these two antichrist spirits. In ‘Esau Rising,’ I made the argument that the spirit of Esau is alive and well, still plotting Israel’s demise. Those deemed as Esau or Edom – the name given to his descendants – don’t necessarily have to be physical descendants. Edom is defined as those who take up his cause and who behave as he would.”

Cloud said there is a great deal of precedent when it comes to an alliance between “Rome” and the enemies of Israel.

Some pastors said the implications of the Baal imagery even goes beyond opposition to Israel. The ancient Canaanite deity is a symbol for man’s rebellion against God.

“This is quite an incredible story as Baal represents the god man creates in his own image when he rebels against the true God who created man in His image,” said Mark Biltz. “Man refuses to be under God’s authority so he builds a god in his own image, a god he can have authority over.”

Pastor Carl Gallups, author of “When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time,” agreed the arch is a symbol of rebellion against God, and its presence at a meeting dedicated to “world government” is ominous.

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