
Everything in the world seems to be hanging by a thread - just on the brink. Instability is everywhere, whether it's imminent war or some kind of collapse financially - it is hard to find a stable spot on the planet. In the midst of all of this turmoil and confusion, the Tribulation looms.

Below is just a small sample of the news which makes this point:

Day of Rage Protests Are Scheduled for July 15th in These American Cities - Freedom Outpost

There’s a war in America right now.  Black vs. white. Citizen vs. police officer. Race grievances have become an industry, and business is booming.

The rage is boiling over across the nation. First, videos emerged that showed the graphic deaths of two black men at the hands of police, with what appears (at least on the videos) to be no reason.  Protests erupted over these deaths, and then they became violent as one man shot 11 police officers and 2 citizens at a rally in Dallas, Texas, killing 5. That sparked a war on law enforcement officers and anationwide spree of violence against cops. Some people are even more extreme, declaring open season on white people in general.

But it’s about to get even worse.

While I firmly believe that we are being distracted and manipulated so that we stop paying attention to the machinations and corruption of presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, the fact remains that being anywhere near these protests greatly increases the chance that you could become a victim of violence. When the mob mentality takes over, normally decent people can commit heinous acts.

Use this as a list of places NOT to be on Friday the 15th.  While the video by Anonymous does specify non-violence and denounces the actions taken against police officers that were not involved in these deaths, with the tagline “Day of Rage” I think it’s safe to expect emotions to be running very high on both sides of the line. No matter how great your empathy might be for those who have unjustly lost their lives, these protests are not safe places to be.

These are the locations and times for the protests:

N A T I O N W I D E     C A L L    T O    A C T I O N  ===   J U L Y   1 5   2 0 1 6


Phoenix: 5:00PM (EASTLAKE PARK, 1549 E Jefferson St , Phoenix, AZ 85034)

Tuscon: 5:00PM (CATALINA PARK, 900 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85705)

Little Rock: 6:00PM (OUTSIDE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr., Little Rock, AR 72201)

San Francisco: 4:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 355 Mcallister St, San Francisco, California 94102)

Oakland: 4:00PM (FRANK OGAWA PLAZA, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612)

Los Angeles: 4:00PM (LEIMERT PLAZA PARK, 4395 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008)

Denver: 5:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PARK, 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, Colorado 80204)

Washington DC: 7:00PM (OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500)

Atlanta: 7:00PM (OLD DECATUR COURTHOUSE, 101 E Court Sq, Decatur, GA 30030)


Orlando: 7:00PM (LAKE EOLA PARK, 195 N Rosalind Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801)

Miami: 7:00PM (GWEN CHERRY PARK, NW 71 St., Miami, Florida, 33147)

Chicago: 6:00PM (RICHARD J DALEY CENTER, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, Illinois 60602)

Des Moines: 6:00PM (IOWA STATE CAPITOL, 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50319)

New Orleans: 6:00PM (LAFAYETTE SQUARE, New Orleans, LA 70130)

Baltimore: 7:00PM (201 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202)

Boston: 7:00PM (MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 01233)

Detroit: 7:00PM (Campus Martius Park, Detroit, Michigan 48226)

Lansing: 7:00PM (STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Capitol Avenue at Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933)

Ann Arbor: 7:00PM (THE DIAG, Burns Park, Ann Arbor, MI 48109)

Minneapolis: 6:00PM (MINNEAPOLIS URBAN LEAGUE, 2100 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

St. Louis: 6:00PM (GATEWAY ARCH, St. Louis 63102)

Carson City: 4:00PM (NEVADA STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, 101 N Carson St, Carson City, Nevada 89701)

Manhattan, NY: 7:00PM (TIMES SQUARE, Manhattan, NY, 10036)

Newark: 7:00PM (NEWARK CITY HALL, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102)

Durham: 7:00PM (200 E. Main St. Durham, North Carolina)

Columbus: 7:00PM (GOODALE PARK, Columbus, Ohio 43215)

Cleveland: 7:00PM (CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 325 Superior Ave E, Cleveland, Ohio 44114)

Portland: 4:00PM (PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE, 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204)

Philadelphia: 7:00PM (LOVE PARK, 1599 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102)

Pittsburgh: 7:00PM (PITTSBURGH CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219)

Nashville: 6:00PM (801 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203 Estes Kefauver Federal Building)

Memphis: 6:00PM (Health Sciences Park Memphis, TN)

Austin: 6:00PM (TEXAS STATE CAPITOL, Outside South Gate-11th and Congress Ave.)

Salt Lake City: 5:00PM (SALT LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 4600 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123)

Seattle: 4:00PM (QUEEN ANNE BAPTIST CHURCH, 2011 1st Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109)

Milwaukee: 5:00PM (DINEEN PARK, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

I strongly feel it won’t end with people marching and chanting.

From yet another source, there are absolutely protests coming up.  And they’re going to be big.

Globalists are pitting blacks against whites in America to incite a bloody race war... here's how we can all win together by refusing to be manipulated into hatred and rage - NaturalNews.com

In refusing to participate in the escalation of violence, it's also crucial to understand where that violence is coming from. BLM is funded by George Soros and other globalists. Its purpose is to instigate widespread racial hatred while disrupting society from coast to coast. The end game of this agenda is to cause America to collapse into a civil war from which globalists can assert totalitarian control via martial law to "reestablish order."

The way this will be accomplished is by carrying out race-based executions that are highly visible and extremely bloody, evoking rage and vengeance by those who share the same race or skin color as the victims. Yet this race war will ultimately be waged against people of all colors. Some attacks will target whites. Others will target blacks. Still others may target Latinos. What they all have in common is that they are deliberately plannedand carried out to stir up hatred, rage and bloodshed. They are part of an actual conspiracy plot to pit the races of America against each other in the hope that society will collapse into such chaos that nationwide martial law is demanded. (And voila! Suddenly the November elections could be put on hold, too!)

We the People must not allow ourselves to be caught up in this emotional trap. We must recognize these actions for what they are: contrived false flag operations that are carried out for an insidious cultural engineering purpose: to get Americans screaming for martial law and nationwide gun confiscations. That is the end goal of all this, and the globalists don't care how many innocent people have to die to achieve their goal.

For you and me, our responsibility in all this is to call for peace, calm and solidarity among people of all colors and cultures to denounce the globalists, denounce the criminal occupiers of the White House and denounce those who would try to destroy our constitutional liberties in the name of "security."

If we stand firm in our awareness of how this is all contrived and manipulated to evoke a public outcry -- problem, reaction, solution -- then we have a real chance to resist the march toward tyranny that has now been planned for America.

YOU ARE BEING PLAYED. It is easy to go along with it and ride the wave of anger against those who commit mass murder on our streets. It takes far more mental discipline, however, to see the bigger picture and realize this is really a war being waged by the globalists against ALL people of America, regardless of their race or color.

The globalists win if they can convince whites that blacks are their enemy (and vice-versa). They lose if we wake up and realize it's actually the globalists who are our common enemy.

Operation Gladio: BLM Are Being Used as Globalist Pawns to Destabilize U.S. (Video) - The Last Great Stand

What those in Black Lives Matter who are wreaking havoc on streets across America fail to realize, is the narrative they are being fed doesn’t even come close to jiving with the truth as published on the Obama and Loretta Lynch Department of Injustice website. It’s all a lie, but the puppet masters pulling the strings know that once ginned up, the BLM crowd won’t bother to look into the facts.

The leadership within BLM believes they are being funded by George Soros because he “cares” about their cause, much like Obama claimed to "care" when he campaigned in both his presidential elections… how has that worked out? What the folks in BLM and other Soros funded groups fail to realize, it’s they are pawns being used for SOROS’ cause, and they will have no more to show for THEIR efforts that those who took part in Soros movements in Ukraine, the Arab Spring, the European 'Refugee Crisis,' Ferguson, Baltimore, or Occupy Wall Street have to show for what they honestly thought were THEIR movements too.

This post will cover the following to demonstrate that this is a well orchestrated plan:

1. A group called The Black Power Political Organization claimed responsibility for the ambush in Dallas, and put out a call for others to join them in sniper assassination attacks worldwide. Their claim was immediately taken down from Facebook, but cached below.

2. James Corbett compares the Dallas shooting to the 2014 Maidan sniper attack on protesters in Ukraine. Ukraine also had a Soros funded "police brutality movement." It didn't end well there for anyone either.

3. A video contradicts the previous story by claiming the Dallas shooting was a lone-wolf attack by Micah Xavier Johnson, a former soldier with the US Army.

The strategy calls for using police brutality as an excuse to federalize American police departments that will be overseen by the United Nations ("police brutality" was the same excuse used by the Soros funded group in Ukraine to destabilize that nation, and usher in a police state not sensitive to ANYONE's rights). To make this happen, Obama and George Soros are promoting violent groups, such as Black Lives Matter, with the goal of bringing a race war to the nation. It is a similar strategy used by Soros when he funded uprisings in Ukraine and the Middle East that destabilized existing governments and replaced them with puppet, totalitarian regimes. – Infowars.com

James Corbett compares the Dallas shooting to the 2014 Maidan sniper attack on protesters in Ukraine.

Later, it came to light that the snipers were from an anti-Russian group linked to NATO. Meanwhile, the media hyped the story that the snipers were Ukrainian nationalists. Based on this and other similar plots, the ambush in Dallas looks very much like a false-flag attack to destabilize America through a racial civil war. It is identical to NATO’s Gladio-B model to create chaos and blow things up and then blame the action on political enemies. Corbett Report 2016 Jul 8 (Story)

This video contradicts the previous story by claiming the Dallas shooting was a lone-wolf attack by Micah Xavier Johnson, a former soldier with the US Army.

[Changing stories to make the final version conform to the theory of a precision attack by a lone nut, rather than an organized group, has become the hallmark of such horror shows in the US. We believe this is because a lone-nut theory can be used to sell the idea of gun control as a prevention against future shootings. Organized groups are not as useful for that purpose, and they invite further investigation into who else may have assisted these groups.] – ABC News 2016 Jul 8 (Story)

War on the Streets of America: Protesters Attack Police Officers in Major Cities All over the Nation | The Daily Sheeple

For so long, I have been specifically warning that this kind of civil unrest was coming, but I truly wish that it would have turned out that I was wrong.  As a nation, we need to learn to love one another no matter what we look like or where we are from, but instead a cycle of violence has begun that is going to be very hard to break.

At times like this, we desperately need strong leaders to step forward and calm everyone down.  Unfortunately, the great leaders of the past are long gone, and they have been replaced by politicians that are trying to figure out how they can best use this unrest for their own political advantage.

Instead of hating one another, we need to start loving one another.  Without love, our nation is going to die.

I wish that everyone in the country could be made to understand this, but unfortunately most Americans have chosen a different path, and now we will suffer the consequences.

French Intel Chief: Another Terror Attack Could Lead to Civil War | The Daily Sheeple

There’s no denying that Europe has drastically changed over the past few years. Between the economic degradation caused by the EU, and the countless terrorist attacks and sexual assaults that have been caused by migrant populations, the people of Europe are increasingly turning to populism and right-wing politics. And in France, the head of the Directorate General of Internal Security, Patrick Calvar, believes that these trends could lead to a civil war.

Following the Paris terror attacks, Calvar spoke to the Parliamentary Select Committee in December of 2015, and told them that “We are on the brink of civil war.”

The transcripts of the conversation, which were released for the first time this week, do not paint a pretty picture for the future of France or Europe. He explained how growing right-wing political movements will inevitably clash with the Muslim population of France. “All of Europe is in danger of rising extremism so we are, domestically, trying to put in place the resources to watch far right groups who are waiting for confrontation.”

He also told them that the next terrorist attack could trigger a conflict between these groups. “If another attack or two occur, it will happen. It is therefore down to us to anticipate and confound all those groups who would, at some point, spark clashes between communities.”

It’s obvious that Calvar is very much in support of the globalist status quo, as he seems to view conservatism and populism as just as much of a threat as Islamic terrorism (even though they haven’t hurt or killed nearly as many people). Nonetheless, he is right about the potential for a civil war in France. Multiculturalism in Europe has not created peace and prosperity as predicted by the Left. It has only fueled resentment and hatred, and has torn down the pillars of Western culture.

The people of France and of Europe, are faced with a growing foreign population that not only refuses to share their values, but hates them as well. They’re aggressively transforming France into a country that the native population no longer recognizes, or feels welcome in. A clash between these populations is inevitable, and the Right is the most likely candidate to lead that fight. That’s because nationalist and populist movements are the only outlet for people who want to protect their country.

And he’s right about what will spark this conflict. Another major terrorist attack could certainly do the trick. If the government was capable of stopping these attacks, as well as the ridiculous number of sexual assaults committed by migrants, then perhaps the French would feel safe sharing their country with Muslims. They may have acquiesced to multiculturalism and globalism. But the government clearly can’t protect their population anymore

So yes, France is just one or two more terror attacks away before the country falls into a civil war. That country, like many Western countries, is sitting on a powder keg that was built by decades of failed multicultural policies. If the populists and nationalist movements of the West fail to save their nations at the ballot box, there will be blood in the streets, and Western civilization will be thoroughly decimated when it’s all said and done.

The West Is Provoking A World War: 'Russia Is Being Pushed To Its Limits'

Editor’s Note: Tensions in Europe are heating up between Russia and Western nations. In an indicator of what’s to come, it was reported today that Russian President Vladimir Putin has sacked every single commander in his Baltic fleet – about 50 total. In what has been called a “Stalin-like” purge, Putin terminated the appointments of his commanders because they reportedly refused Putin’s orders to engage Western military assets in the Baltic. If true, this suggests that Putin is preparing to take the ‘cold’ confrontation ‘hot’ in coming weeks and months as new commanders take over. The following analysis from Jeremiah Johnson highlights just how serious of a situation has been created between Russia and the United States. Are we now seeing the pieces being positioned for the next Great War?

Many things have happened this past week, especially toward the end of the week, the new “norm” for events to “happen” just prior to the weekend.  In this manner the events escape most of the public’s view.  Case in point to start out with the NATO summit in Warsaw, Poland, and Obama committed 1,000 more American troops to a 4,000 troop increase in Poland and the Baltic States.

It was also announced that air and sea patrols will be increased in the region.  The deputy national security advisor in D.C., Ben Rhodes stated that “continued aggression by Russia would provoke a response by NATO and a greater alliance presence in Eastern Europe.”  Already the Western Press is escalating its actions of “demonizing” Russia, likening it to an aggressive colonizing power.  This came from Associated Press, and the skew can clearly be seen:

Russia often depicts NATO as an aggressor whose members are moving troops and military hardware further into former Soviet territory, which it regards as its sphere of influence.

Are NATO and the West not that way?  Take note of the last part of that sentence: “…into former Soviet territory, which it regards as its sphere of influence.”

Regards?  It is its sphere of influence, and the West is encroaching upon it day by day.  On Friday, July 8 NATO just took over a missile base in Romania built by the U.S. as a “defense against a rogue nuclear state.”  As pointed out previously, the missile defenses can be converted to missile staging platforms for attack in just a few hours.  All of this is happening right in Russia’s back door, “former Soviet territory, which it regards as its sphere of influence.”  The missile base cost the U.S. $800 million and was activated in May.

Russia’s response has been to reinforce its western and southern flanks with more than three divisions of forces, spread apart through the various branches of combat arms, with a heavy emphasis on armor and infantry.  Air assets as well as ground troops have been deployed to these border areas, the staging area being Kaliningrad, Russia’s westernmost (and one of its most important) military bases.

Another site has already had the ground broken on its construction in Poland, to be completed in 2018.  Where are the rogue states and rogue threats that are the stated reason for the deployments?  And if that is the case, why are all of the deployments not being made in the Middle East, or in closer proximity to Iran and Hezbollah?

Because the stated reason is a lie, and the West is deliberately attempting to push Russia to her limits and provoke a war.

Apparently Vladimir Putin has taken a leave of absence, as noted in an article on All News Pipeline.  There is much theory and conjecture that it could be for reasons of planning if he suspects actual military confrontation with NATO and the U.S.  It has also been reported that chocolate-king-turned-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko is moving a large amount of tanks into Eastern Ukraine and the Donetsk region to prepare for an offensive with the separatists and/or Russia.

All of which doesn’t sit well with Russia at all, as is proven by this statement to a group of foreign journalists by Putin during the St. Petersburg economic conference of June 17 prior to his disappearance:

“We know year by year what’s going to happen, and they know that we know. It’s only you that they tell tall tales to, and you buy it, and spread it to the citizens of your countries. You people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? While they pretend that nothing is going on. I don’t know how to get through to you anymore.”

It is evident by this statement that the media is not giving the true picture of the situation.  They portray all of the actions as “emergency measures” to offset the aggressions of Russia when the exact opposite is true.  Russia is tough, let nobody kid themselves.  They “manned up” when their naval base at Sevastopol was threatened by the U.S. engineered coup in Ukraine, and then they annexed Crimea to ensure the base’s continued flying of the Russian flag.  They won’t sit still forever, and when they’re pushed to their limits they will act.  This is all in line with the IMF-NATO-US goals of beginning a war that has no true basis for initiation, and provoking it at every available opportunity.

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