
Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: ‘Vast Majority’ of US Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network'

FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo argued that the “vast majority” of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers, and mosques in the United States are a part of a broader “Jihadi network” intent on imposing Sharia Law in America.

Guandolo told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that the San Bernardino terrorist, the UC Merced stabber, the Chattanooga shooter, and the Boston Bombers can all be traced back to such Islamic Centers where “they were supported and trained.”

Guandolo said that the San Bernardino terrorists attended the Islamic Center of Riverside, which he said was a “a Muslim Brotherhood Center.” He noted that the Boston Bombers attended the Islamic Society of Boston, which he said was a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America that was founded by an al-Qaeda guy who used to advise former President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore and is now in prison.

He said there are over 2,200 Islamic Centers and mosques in America and the “vast majority of them are a part of this network — they’re hostile.”

He said “over 75%” of these centers, based on their property records, are a part of the “Muslim Brotherhood network” since they are “owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood here.”

He said “in 2006, I put together the first training program inside the government on the jihadi network in the United States… and was able to sneak a second one in in early 2007.”

Guandolo trained “quite a number of agents from a variety of agencies,” including the Department of Justice, before the government shut down the programs. He mentioned that the “most prominent Muslim Brotherhood Organizations like the Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Hamas organization called the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — complained to the White House about the training inside the government at the FBI.”

Guandolo said he “came to understand very deeply the massive jihadi network we have in the United States” and discovered that “the leaders of the Islamic organizations… were actually interfacing with government leaders and advising them with how to proceed in the war on terror, as it was called.”

He mentioned that in the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case in 2008, a 15-year FBI investigation that was revealed demonstrated “that the most prominent Islamic organizations in America and North America are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the jihadi network here.” Guandolo said that “internal documents entered into evidence say that the purpose of this network is to wage civilization jihad… until the entire world, and specifically the United States, is under Sharia law and the Islamic State is established here.”

“Look at our policy for domestic terrorism… and you can track it back to these organizations,” he said, adding that “they write policy” and say “look, this is offensive to Muslims and this is how you need to do it, and we have done it.”

For instance, he said the Muslim Brotherhood’s own bylaws in English explicitly state that “they must fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah.”

More troubling, according to Guandolo, is that many authorities in the federal government are oblivious to the Jihadi network.

He said during one of his training sessions, someone who had been in the FBI and counterterrorism for over 14 years and was so angry that he “had never heard of the information you are putting out here.” When he asked others in audience from the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies to “raise your hand if you knew this… zero hands went up.”

Guandolo said that even senior government officials have “no idea this is going on inside the United States because the people advising us are the leaders of the organizations—that per evidence in counterterrorism trials—have been identified organizations that are Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda” who are “necessarily hostile to our system, our war fighting, our way of life. That’s the problem.”

Who Are the Real Terrorists?

I am one of those "pro-lifers" recently slandered by the corrupt, anti-freedom, anti-life, mud-stream media. I and a number of other pro-life "terrorists" have been holding vigil outside our local, government-funded Planned Murderhood abortuary five days per week for some time now.

These people are gentle, peaceful families led by fathers and mothers who make the journey to the murder mill to plead with the mothers who are "choosing" to take the life of their precious pre-born children.

Let it be known that we value all life…born and pre-born…red, brown, yellow, black, or white—real pro-lifers don't kill people. Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, and the effeminate males and masculine females at MSNBC, and, dare I say it…certain leg-crossers at Fox News, have engaged in slander by insinuating that "those people" like us are terrorists.

I predicted this very response last Friday just after the news broke about the "Planned Parenthood" shooter. Watch this brief 1 minute video. But before I get to my point, let me address the media's blatant propaganda.

The "Planned Parenthood Shooter" shot no one at Planned Parenthood. If, in fact, that had been his intention, he could have wiped out a whole bunch of people. He shot primarily police officers. Although I would never promote or condone violence, the truth is Planned Parenthood killed more people that day than this deranged scumbag did.

Planned Parenthood killed babies on Thursday. They killed them on Friday. They killed them on Saturday. And I am sure they were back at it again first thing Monday morning. Planned Parenthood MURDERS pre-born babies…that is what they do. Everything else they say about providing "women's health care" is all smoke and mirrors.

Gerber Foods famously advertised "Babies are our business, our only business." Planned Parenthood should plagiarize their motto…'Baby murder is our business, our only business.' Planned Parenthood does not care about women; they care about money.

Because of our small, faithful group of "pro-life terrorists" outside the killing center in Columbus over the past month, we can document that 28 mothers were directed to Crisis Pregnancy Centers, where they were encouraged to keep their child. We can confirm at least 8 "saves"--mothers who changed their minds and decided to parent the baby, as well as one mother connected to a Christian adoption agency where her unborn child will bless two parents longing to have a child they can love.

During this time, no one was shot, threatened, assaulted, or arrested. Although I could have missed it, I don't believe I have seen reports by alleged homosexuals Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow documenting the lifesaving efforts of these loving Christians. Fox News still hasn't called, either.

The real terrorists are hiding inside the windowless abortuary curiously referred to as a "health clinic." Where I come from, killing a person and destroying a woman's life is not considered "health care."

Pardon my "hateful rhetoric," which may "incite" deranged people to do "violence" to those "workers" inside, but they are "accessories" to the killing of innocent babies. But the truth must be told: the real terrorists are not wearing battle fatigues, they're wearing medical smocks.

You wanna talk terror? OK, let's talk terror.

My wife and I have recently been blessed with two new grandbabies. They are so fragile. Every time a loud noise or a bright light surprises them, they begin to wail. This is a natural reaction to what they fear might be happening to them.

Well, pre-born babies react too. Watch this.

Can you imagine the terror in the heart of a cuddly little unborn baby as the warmth and security of mommy's womb is suddenly penetrated by the cold steel of medical forceps or the sucking sound of a mini vacuum cleaner? Can you imagine the degree of terror this little human must experience as he/she tries frantically to swim away from the invading suction tube? Has this truth become "hateful rhetoric?"

Have you ever watched a newborn snuggle against the breast of his mother as mommy shields him from the sights and sounds of the new scary world he has just entered? Can we even conceive of the untold terror that the innocent pre-born child in the womb must endure in the final moments before his or her body is dismembered?

That is true terrorism, folks. Only God himself can deal with anyone who performs such heinous acts to one of His precious little image bearers. They would throw you in jail if you did such a thing to a dog. But I get it...not all doctors are terrorists.

I am sick and tired of it. I am sick of abortion. I am sick of babies being robbed of life. I am sick of 'mothers' willfully and without guilt hiring a hit-man in a lab coat to kill their child. I am sick of gentle, compassionate Christians who valiantly plead for the pre-born being labeled as terrorists. I am sick of the apathetic 'Christians' who sit on their butts as God's little image-bearers are systematically ripped out of the womb. I am sick of "pro-life" politicians and "pro-life" pastors who won't do a damn thing to end this atrocity. I am disgusted by the abortionist-in-chief in the White House.

Planned Parenthood kills 900 innocent people a day and has for 42 years, but somehow they are the victims of hate and violence. Killing an unborn baby is both hateful and violent.

The real terrorists are hard to identify because they don't wear black uniforms like ISIS. They do their dirty work in nice white medical smocks and three-piece suits bought with the tax dollars of pro-life Christians under the guise of "healthcare."

Murder is defined as "the pre-planned killing of an innocent human being." Planned Parenthood is ISIS in the womb. Murder is their business…their only business. Connect the dots…terrorism in the womb leads to terrorism in the world.

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