It's hard to imagine all of these "unusual" events/occurrences that we have been observing are coincidental. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, and one attempts to be grounded and rational. But on the other hand, there are certain events we are following and it is hard to imagine that they are all just wild coincidences. Especially what seems to be happening in America these days.
Preparations For Something 'Big'?
[This article, as seen in Zero Hedge provides a nice concise summary of several 'unusual' things we have been watching]
What in the world are the elite up to? In recent days, we have learned that the New York Fed is moving a lot of operations to Chicago because of concerns about what a “natural disaster” could do, the federal government is buying 62 million rounds of ammunition commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles for “training” purposes, and NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne Mountain because it is “EMP-hardened”. In addition, government authorities have scheduled a whole host of unusual “training exercises” all over the nation. So are the elite doing all of this in order to prepare for something really BIG, or should we just chalk up all of this strange activity to rampant government paranoia?
First, let’s talk about what the New York Fed has been doing. What kind of natural disaster would be bad enough to completely shut down the operations of the New York Federal Reserve Bank? It would have to be something very unusual, and apparently the New York Fed is very concerned that such an event could happen. According to Reuters, the New York Fed has been transferring personnel to Chicago and building up its satellite office there just in case a “natural disaster” makes it impossible for normal operations to continue in New York…
The New York branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve, wary that a natural disaster or other eventuality could shut down its market operations as it approaches an interest rate hike, has added staff and bulked up its satellite office in Chicago.
Some market technicians have transferred from New York and others were hired at the office housed in the Chicago Fed, according to several people familiar with the build-out that began about two years ago, after Hurricane Sandy struck Manhattan.
Officials believe the Chicago staffers can now handle all of the market operations that are done daily out of the New York Fed, which is the U.S. central bank’s main conduit to Wall Street.
This seems very odd.
In all of U.S. history, there has never been a natural disaster in New York City that would have been bad enough to totally shut down the operations of the New York Fed for an extended period of time.
So why are they so concerned?
Well, I can think of one event that could cause such a disruption…
An east coast tsunami.
This is something that I wrote about in this article. But other than that, it is hard to imagine a natural disaster which could shut down the New York Fed for an extended period of time.
Another very odd thing that we learned about this week is an absolutely massive purchase by the government of ammunition that is commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles. The following comes from an article by Paul Joseph Watson…
The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M855 bullets.
A posting on this week reveals that the DHS is looking to contract with a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammunition per year for a period of five years – totaling 62.5 million bullets.
The solicitation explains that the purchase is intended, “to achieve price savings over the current .223 Rem duty ammunition.” The bullets will be used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide for “training” purposes.
Why in the world would U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide need such a massive amount of ammunition for “training” purposes?
That seems very odd.
Something else that seems very strange is the fact that NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne mountainafter all these years…
It shut down nearly ten years ago as the threat from Russia seemed to subside, but this week the Pentagon announced that Cheyenne Mountain will once again be home to the most advanced tracking and communications equipment in the United States military.
The shift to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command’s sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, military officers said.
The Pentagon last week announced a $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command.
Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that ‘because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened.’
So the U.S. military is concerned about an EMP attack all of a sudden?
Have they been reading The Economic Collapse Blog?
Spending 700 million dollars to move back inside a mountain just because it is “EMP-hardened” is a pretty big deal.
Do they know something that we don’t?
On top of everything else, we have been seeing lots of strange “training exercises” being scheduled all over the nation recently.
For example, the following is from a news story about one being held in Iowa…
This week you may notice extra emergency vehicles and public safety officers running around in tactical gear, Hazmat suits, and bomb suits. It’s a part of a statewide drill Des Moines is hosting Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction.
Brian O’Keefe with the Des Moines Fire Department said emergency officials in Iowa need to be prepared for anything.
“You know we’re number one seed producer with corn and soy, chicken embryo development, middle of the country heartland. So I’m sure all states access it. But we’re a target like any other large community,” said O’Keefe.
And here is an excerpt form a news story about an exercise known as “Northern Exposure” that is being held in Michigan…
The National Guard event is called Northern Exposure, which is taking place across Michigan during the month of June, he said. According to the Michigan National Guard website, Northern Exposure is “a major exercise in Michigan where the military provides defense support to civilian authorities.”
In addition, the U.S. military will be conducting some “unusual” training activity out in Arizona and California…
If you see some unusual helicopters overhead in the next couple of days, there’s nothing to worry about.
The I Marine Expeditionary Force G-7 will be conducting a Realistic Military Training this week, using the Prescott Municipal Airfield as a helicopter refueling point in order to facilitate a Long Range Raid at Camp Navajo, Arizona.
This Certification Exercise (CERTEX) is directed to be conducted from April 8-21, 2015 at various training locations throughout California and Arizona. The training at Prescott will take place on April 15, 16.
All of this is in addition to the exercise that people have really been buzzing about. It is called “Jade Helm”, and in this particular “unconventional warfare exercise”, the states of Texas and Utah will be designated as “hostile territory”…
“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” according to an unclassified military document announcing the training drill, which runs from July 15 through September 15.
Multiple branches of the US military, including Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, will participate in the 8-week long exercise, which may result in “increased aircraft in the area at night.”
Troops will be tasked with honing advanced skills in “large areas of undeveloped land with low population densities,” and will work alongside “civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues.”
The exercise, in which some participants will be “wearing civilian clothes and driving civilian vehicles,” lists Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory.
Should we be alarmed by these exercises?
Some people sure think so.
Another thing that has people scratching their heads are the weird closures of Wal-Mart stores all over the nation for supposed “plumbing problems”…
Not just one, but five Walmart stores across the U.S. are closing their doors due to plumbing problems that, in some cases, will take four to six months to repair.
Those closing include locations in Livingston and Midland, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and near Los Angeles.
For the Brandon Walmart, I talked to Hillsborough County and Walmart to get answers about why these plumbing repairs will take so long and whether the issues are connected, but local customers are already skeptical.
“Why is it just plumbing problems? It’s gonna take them six months to fix up the store?” asked customer John Mambrl.
Yes, is it really going to take them six months to fix the toilets?
Either someone at Wal-Mart is extremely incompetent, or there is something fishy going on here.
In the end, perhaps there is nothing to any of this.
Perhaps all of these examples are just unrelated coincidences.
But then again, perhaps not.
Mystery Surrounds Wal-Mart's Bizarre Cover Story Of Closing Five Stores For Six Months Due To 'Plumbing Problems'
Wal-Mart has suddenly announced it is shuttering five stores from Florida to California for a six-month period due to what the company claims are “plumbing problems.” Nobody except the ultra-gullible really believes the Wal-Mart cover story, however.
“The retail chain announced Monday that five stores are shutting down – one in Brandon, two in Texas, one in Oklahoma and one in California – due to clogging and drainage problems,” reports News Channel 8 in Florida.
The sudden closures were only announced five hours before they took place, thrusting thousands of employees out of work with little or no notice.
“Wal-Mart announced the temporary closure of the Midland Drive store at 2 p.m.” reports the Midland Reporter-Telegram. “Monday, five hours before the designated closure time. No signs have been posted at the store’s entrances, as of 2 p.m. Wal-Mart also closed stores in Brandon, Florida, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Livingston on Monday for plumbing repairs, according to news sources in each of those respective cities.”
What’s really raising eyebrows across the web is the mathematical improbability that five large Wal-Mart stores would all experience catastrophic plumbing problems at exactly the same day, all requiring exactly the same duration of closures: six months. The very idea that a plumbing problem could be so catastrophic that it would require shuttering an entire store for six months ranks right up there with some of the most ridiculously implausible cover-up explanations we’ve heard over the years such as “steel-reinforced concrete buildings suddenly collapse in perfect demolition style when they suffer from a few small office fires.”
The cover story is so lacking in credibility that every informed person across the internet is laughing like crazy at the sheer stupidity of it. One news organization, Channel 8 in Brandon, Florida, looked into the claimed plumbing repairs and found it was a fictional cover story. “…8 On Your Side has found no paperwork and no work done on the plumbing,” reports “According to Hillsborough County, Walmart didn’t notify the county’s permit department either. No one there has heard a peep from Walmart about any major repairs.”
The news outlet goes on to report:
On Tuesday, 8 On Your Side stopped by the Walmart, and found no plumber in sight at the Brandon Supercenter, just hundreds of confused and concerned customers.
Here’s a list of the cities where Wal-Mart stores are confirmed closed for six months:
Brandon, Florida (outside Tampa) (See news story)
Midland, Texas (See news story)
Livingston, Texas (See news story)
Tulsa, Oklahoma (See news story)
Pico Rivera, California (outside LA)
Reason #1) Wal-Mart apparently wants us to believe that it is impossible to repair plumbing problems without shutting down your business for six months. This idea is totally insane: plumbers repair catastrophic problems all day, every day, while businesses remain open everywhere.
Commercial plumbing companies conduct heroic repairs at hotels, casinos, factories and large retail establishments without interfering with those business operations. This loony idea that five Wal-Mart stores have suddenly — and simultaneously — experienced catastrophic plumbing problems requiring stores to close can only be believed by the most incredibly gullible people alive today.
Reason #2) If you were going to have a commercial plumbing repair team tackle real problems across your retail stores, you’d schedule their closures sequentially (one after the other) so that the same team of professional plumbers could tackle them one at a time. You wouldn’t close all five stores simultaneously and suddenly, without notice.
Reason #3) Any plumbing problem so catastrophic that it needed the stores to be closed would require municipal permits to address. Yet no permits exist. “According to Hillsborough County, Walmart didn’t notify the county’s permit department either. No one there has heard a peep from Walmart about any major repairs.” – Channel 8 News.
Reason #4) The closure of just one Wal-Mart store would cause revenue losses of hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. Across five stores, we’re talking millions of dollars each day, multiplied over six months. In addition, the entire existing inventory of food at those Wal-Mart stores is a total loss because it will largely expire over the next six months (Wal-Mart says it’s donating all the food on store shelves to local food banks). Does anyone seriously believe that Wal-Mart is going to sacrifice possibly $100+ million in revenues and inventory losses just to fix some plumbing problems?
Reason #5) The geographic dispersion of the Wal-Mart centers being closed raises a lot of questions about the emptied stores possibly being used as “staging areas” for some other purpose that isn’t being communicated to the public. “Astute story commenters were quick to point out that any plumbing problem can be fixed in much less time than 6 months, even in such large supercenters, and to have several of these 6-month closings all at once in states tied to Jade Helm 15 and martial law exercises (Florida, Texas, California and Oklahoma) reeks of something much deeper than ‘plumbing issues,’” reported All News Pipeline. “One reader tells us that one of these Wal-Mart stores had just recently been remodeled and didn’t have any plumbing problems while the note below is from a source who recently called her local Wal-Mart and discovered they may NEVER reopen!”
Is this really the world’s worst coincidence of catastrophic plumbing failures? Or is there something more to this story?
The Department Of Homeland Security Is Set To Purchase Upwards Of 62 Million Rounds Of Ammunition As Jade Helm Fears Continue To Rise
A recent posting to details Homeland Security’s search for a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammo per year for up to five years. At the completion of the contract, DHS plans to have purchased over 62 million rounds.
The solicitation by DHS comes at a time of increased fears over a potential martial law scenario, with numerous Walmart shopping centers closing and Jade Helm 2015 on the horizon.
The purchase order claims that the bullets will go to U.S. Customs and Border Protection for training purposes, the same excuse given by DHS for their past ammo purchases which in the past three years total over 2 billion rounds. As noted by Paul Joseph Watson, that is enough, “ammo to kill around 30% of the world’s population.”
In February 2013, I reported that a purchase order by DHS showed that they planned to purchase another 21.6 million rounds after already purchasing over 1.5 billion.
The Department of Homeland Security has posted a solicitation for another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition, bringing the total amount of ammo recently purchased by the DHS to over 1.6 billion rounds.
That’s right, just as elements of the federal government, in conjunction with the corporate controlled media, move to limit or fully restrict private firearm ownership in America, homeland security is gearing up like never before.
The solicitation for the ammunition, supposedly to be used for training purposes, includes 100 quantities of 100,000 rounds of 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets, 100 quantities of 100,000 rounds of pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed hollow point bullets, and 40 quantities of 40,000 rounds of pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets.
This order brings the total amount of ammunition purchased by homeland security and to be used within the United States to a staggering total that should send shivers down the spines of all free thinking Americans.
We are clearly seeing a large-scale buildup that will allow certain parts of the government to take on the American people. This is happening at the same time as the lead up to Jade Helm 2015 intensifies.
“Gun control for the people and more weapons and ammunition for homeland security is an absolute recipe for a full-scale American police state.”
Read more coverage of Jade Helm 2015 here
'Scary': Big Spring Residents Report Tanks, Helicopters Arriving Before Jade Helm
Residents of Big Spring, Texas are reporting the “scary” sight of helicopters and tanks arriving in advance of Jade Helm, a military exercise that has prompted concerns amongst some that U.S. troops are preparing for civil unrest in America.
Jade Helm, a “realistic” military training exercise involving nine states, which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division and is set to take place from July 15-Sepember 15, stoked controversy after Texas and Utah were labeled “hostile” territory in documents related to the exercise.
Locals in Big Spring told NewsWest 9 that military activity had already been seen in the area.
“I saw a train carrying all sorts of military equipment heading into Big Spring,” said one resident, adding, “There were also about 14 helicopters flying over the [Big Spring McMahon-Wrinkle] Airport last night and a tank getting driven through that open field [near the airport]. It’s scary seeing that and not knowing what in the world is going on.”
Officials refused to acknowledge whether or not any troops had already arrived in the area or how many are scheduled to arrive and when residents can expect to see them.
Other similar exercises around the country have been highlighted, with some connecting the drills to Jade Helm.
Disturbing video out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida last month showed military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training. A National Guard drill based around dealing with civil unrest after a dirty bomb attack in Richmond, California also featured role players acting as angry Americans yelling ‘right-wing’ rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Jade Helm operations planner Thomas Meade revealed that participants in Jade Helm, both troops and locals, would be wearing arm bands that identify them as being part of the exercise. During the drill, soldiers will operate”undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Residents will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.
Big Spring resident Jacob Martin complained that city officials had done a “poor job” of keeping locals informed about the drill, but welcomed the presence of the military, believing that it would boost the economy.
In a related story, Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis (USA-Ret.), a senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council, denied that the exercise was anything out of the ordinary.
“They certainly don’t conduct combat operations against any element inside [the country] unless there is martial law declared,” said Maginnis.
One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes
Since I began writing analysis for the liberty movement more than eight years ago, I have always said that we will know when the endgame of the globalists is upon us when the criminals come out into the light of day and admit to their crimes. At that moment, it will be because they no longer fear either the repercussions or their plans being obstructed.
As I plan to show in this installment of my series on the hidden fiscal collapse of America, the endgame has indeed arrived. At the very least, the international elites seem to think success is within their grasp, for they now openly expose their own criminality. But they do so in a way that attempts to divert blame or to rationalize their actions as being for the “greater good.”
As McFadden exposed, the Fed is merely a tentacle, one of many slithering at the behest of a larger vampire squid. The Bank for International Settlements appears to be the eye of the leviathan. I have been happy to see that the BIS is gaining more and more attention from the alternative media as a primary threat to the stability of the world. Zero Hedge published a very interesting article on the BIS banking cabal recently, excerpted from a book by Adam LeBor and titled “Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World.”
Of course, this is not the first exposé on the BIS. Even Harper’s published a surprisingly honest (though only half the story) piece on the bank, titled “Ruling The World Of Money,” back in 1983. In it, the magazine claims that “…the unabashed purpose of its (BIS) elite monthly meetings is to coordinate and, if possible, to control all monetary activities in the industrialized world.”
The great lie today is that China and Russia are anti-New World Order. Yet as I discussed in my last article, China (and Russia) have consistently called for a global conversion into the SDR basket system, and they want this system to be run by the IMF. The IMF, in turn, has consistently called for the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency and has openly embraced institutions like the new Asian regional bank, the AIIB, which is dominated by China, despite the fact that many people wrongly believe that the AIIB is somehow “competition” to the IMF or World Bank.
More on the history of China and its partnership with the New World Order can be found in James Corbett’s excellent video analysis here.
The fake economic war between East and West provides cover and rationale for the true goal of the internationalists: the destruction of the dollar as the world reserve currency and the ascendency of the SDR global monetary system. The endgame of the bankers is, of course, global government. It has been the longtime dream of the Fabian socialists permeating the central banking universe. A global currency system and centralized economic management are first-step psychological weapons against the public. If the world operates on a singular currency mechanism and a singular economic authority, why not have a singular governmental system as well?
Fabians hate sovereign separations between nations (as much as they hate individual liberties), and they seek to ultimately destroy all boundaries for the sake of a singular global fiscal-political edifice.
The false East/West paradigm is the perfect distraction. What better way to destroy the dollar and conjure a new world reserve than to pit one block of nations you dominate against the other block of nations you dominate and blame the resulting economic catastrophe on the “barbarism of sovereign nationalism,” which you also plan to erase in due course?
The elites are preparing for this event, and they are not content only to trigger it then sit back and watch it happen. They also hope to construct a new image for themselves as the prophets who tried to warn the world — the financial “sages” who would be our rescuers.
The criminals are coming into the light, and they are wearing the masks of saviors.
All signs and evidence point to what the IMF calls the “great global economic reset.” The plans for this reset do not include U.S. prosperity or a thriving dollar.
Also see:
Blinded By Laser-Armed Cops
Israel Deploying Revolutionary Anti-Tunnel System On Gaza
U.S. Military Instructors Deployed To Ukraine To Train Local Forces
NATO Activity Near Russian Borders Increased By 80%
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