
Manchester based photographer Sven Eselgroth recently took a four month trip around Scandinavia, interviewing and photographing Nordic designers and fashion brands. One stop on his four month sartorial journey was Trondheim, a city in the north of Norway where he spent ten days driving through the Norwegian Fiords by motorbike to find and interview Jens Olav Dankersen, the founder of the denim brand Livid Jeans.

‘Scandinavian’ was the only hook we needed, but the added ‘one hundred per cent handmade denim brand’ factor was the line and sinker. Jens set out to become the leading custom jeans maker in Scandinavia, selling his Handmade Line online in 2010, later followed by his Retail Line.

Working from a tiny factory in Trondheim with handpicked seamstresses and 15 antique sewing machines, Livid Jeans oozes handmade personalised quality. ‘Edvard’, ‘Roald’ and ‘Jakob’ are all different styles of jeans available, and are also Jens’ personal friends. Their struggle to find well-fitting jeans for their different shapes and proportions inspired Jens to create varying styles.

“It’s just based on my buddies and what would fit them well. Some of my friends were having problems finding jeans that were a good fit.”

It’s obvious that Jens is passionate about his brand and providing a service for his customers that can’t be experienced anywhere else in Norway. He offers a bespoke service to his customers where they can be fitted for the perfect pair of jeans by the founder himself, alongside a lifetime guarantee with every pair of Livids which Jens will humbly repair himself for free should there be any damage. Jens’ dedication and passion doesn’t stop at his jeans, as unlike most designers, he repairs and maintains every one of his 15 antique machines himself.

“When I run into a problem, I just think about where I want to be in ten years, and that way I find the ability to relax and fix everything.”

Jens’ passion and ability sets Livid Jeans apart from any other denim brand and his dedication to creating a desirable handmade brand will no doubt see Livid Jeans expand into a worldwide brand over the coming years.




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