I am currently working on a ecommerce system that is slightly different in structure to a typical ecommerce system in that you have multiple stores, accessing the same database from different URLs.
So for example i might have:
the above are essentially the same store, they point to the same database, in the main will share the same products (this may seem weird but these are the requirements of the client). The only difference is, based on the URL the users, baskets, orders etc are split so that they do not cross each other. I.e. the orders/baskets/users of site1 are not visible to site2 so a pretty standard single database multitenant model.
The above is implemented, i am just slightly stuck on how to implement the checkout process. The requirement is to have a shared checkout, so instead of:
you would have (for clarity this will link to the same database as the above sites)
You could tie this in to the way it is handled at Shopify, multiple stores one checkout process.
The checkout process in the main is not difficult, i can use the storeId and basketId to identify what i need to identify in terms of create an order from a basket and assigning to a store if the user is a guest. The issue i am facing is what to do when an existing user wants to checkout and login so that the order is associated to their account and some basic information (Email Address, Billing Address) is pre-populated for them.
The checkout process (https://checkout.somesite.com/storeid/basketid) does not concern itself with logins or account management of any sort, its just there to facilitate checkout so users, if they are at the beginning of the checkout process and wish to login will be redirected back to the corresponding sites login page. From there i am thinking about this process, but just wanted to share it to see if there is something glaringly wrong with it:
User Logs in with correct credentials
Some object (may be the Cart or an intermediary CartOrder object) is updated to contain the id of the user, a unique session key (possibly a GUID) and a timestamp to state the expiry of the checkout session
User is redirected back to the checkout site with the session id appended in the querystring (i can't use cookies as the sites are on different domains)
Option: At this point i may create a local session to hold onto the value for the remainder of the checkout process making sure it is still valid along the way (a new login would also expire the session key)
Now there is a slight concern in that placing the session id in the query string it could be picked up by some malicious person, used and some information (name, address) could be visible. On the flip side to that, the checkout will be all SSL, the sessions are short lived and not really able to spoof accounts (or do anything on behalf of the account it represents) so i am not sure if it is being over thought in this process?