Alicia Rodabaugh of Crossfit King of Island Park is simmering and waiting to go full blaze. Take a look at what she means by reading her story below!
Like most CrossFitters, my previous form of exercise included years of running and cardio gym classes. I found CrossFit two years ago and I was instantly hooked! It not only changed my body, but it changed my life. I changed the way I ate, I began to see beauty in strength and I pushed myself to limits and places I never had before. I spent hours working on and reading about Olympic weightlifting technique. I also put in extra time before and after class to work on my deficiencies. Whatever it took to get better, I was willing to do. Goals had been made, competitions had been completed, I could only improve from there and then…I got pregnant.
My head filled with questions – How do I willingly try to not PR or give a WOD my all? How do I stay motivated while watching others PR around me? How do I stay focused when the outcome is not a six pack or improving, but rather the opposite? How do I not get depressed about weight gain and not reaching the goals I set for this year? How am I supposed to “enjoy this time” when my passion has been taken away from me?
I scoured the internet for answers on CrossFit pregnant do’s and don’ts, what I found was amazing – blogs and articles about CrossFit athletes coming back as mothers, stronger, fitter and faster than before. Mothers stating that they had found a new mental and emotional strength they never knew existed before childbirth! Heather Bergeron, Annie Sakamoto, Valerie Voboril and Elizabeth Akwinwale became my new heroes!
I decided that maybe I had to slow down, but it didn’t mean I had to stop. After discussing CrossFit with my doctor, she agreed that I should continue my training. The next question I had for her was about protein shakes. I loved the feeling of working my body to its max and rewarding, replenishing and refueling it with Progenex. I brought in a bag of Progenex and as my doctor read the ingredients, she assured me that it was a great source of protein and safe to continue to take throughout the pregnancy. Phew! I couldn’t bear to give up one more thing!
I am now 36 weeks pregnant and still continue to eat extremely clean, work out 5-6 days a week, and always follow it with a Progenex shake. Were there days I wanted to stay home and sleep? Yes! Were there times I wanted to eat pizza and bagels? Yes! Did modifying WODs anger me to the point of tears? Yes! Did I wonder if it was all a waste of time? Yes! But I came back, day after day, put in the work and gave it my all. As a result, I have only gained 18 pounds, feel amazing and have had no pregnancy ailments like nausea, heartburn, backaches, swelling or sleeplessness. I also know that the work I’ve put in the last 8 months has prepared me for the ultimate WOD (child birth) and will make my comeback quicker and easier.
When I get frustrated watching others around me throw around a ton of weight, get their first muscle up and compete at competitions, I focus on how much better I’m going to be after this. Not only does pregnancy make you both mentally and emotionally stronger, but the fire that was lit in me two years ago, was not shut off, but rather simmering and waiting to go full blaze. My numbers on the whiteboard don’t reflect that now, but they will. I promise. I now believe that pregnancy shouldn’t hold women back, but push us forward. Pregnancy should not force us to give up our passions, but fight harder for them. Our only limitations are those we place on ourselves.
You can follow CrossFit of King of Island Park @crossfitkip on Instagram
Photo credit by @supercleary on Instagram
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