We’re excited to announce Intelligent Investor as a new strategic partner!
Intelligent Investor provides independent research on ASX-listed stocks, model portfolios, educational articles, special reports, podcasts and a service where clients can get advice directly from analysts. They’ve been at it since 1998. In a conflict-ridden industry focused on selling bank-manufactured products, truly independent research is vital for all investors. Even more so for DIYs and SMSFs.
We’re thrilled about this integration. One, it links Sharesight to a company providing a high-quality product. Two, it’s exactly the kind of linkage that we constantly evangelise on this blog. Sharesight doesn’t have plans to write investment research and Intelligent Investor was reluctant to build a portfolio tool. By focussing on our respective core competencies, building a link, and letting the client choose which applications to use, everybody wins.
Here’s how it works:
Intelligent Investor clients now have the option to create a free Sharesight account with just a couple of clicks. When they arrive on Sharesight, we’ve built a customised version:
In addition to mirroring their look and feel, we’ve also integrated their research. H = hold, B = buy, S = sell:
Hovering over your holdings will reveal your current weighting AND Intelligent Investor’s recommended portfolio weighting:
More integration awaits on the holding-specific pages. In addition to a link to the full research report from Intelligent Investor, we’ve pulled in a news feed of their research, analysts notes, special, reports, etc.:
The unbundled (but linked) ecosystem of investing apps is now a reality, spanning the entire spectrum of requirements. With Sharesight’s portfolio manager, you can link brokerage, accounting, financial advice, and investment research into a best-of-breed solution. You control how it works. You control which services you want to pay for.
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