
About the collaboration with RAYMOND WEIL

1.1             How did the relationship with RAYMOND WEIL start and what does this partnership represent?

I received a call from my agent that the CEO, Elie Bernheim, follows our “Vikings” series and is a fan of the show. They asked if I would be interested in becoming the new Brand Ambassador. I am very excited about this partnership. RAYMOND WEIL shares a similar passion in celebrating the arts, strength and beauty in women.

1.2       What’s ultimately most important to you in a watch? Are you more interested in the look and design, or the functions and mechanism, or both?

I feel that both the functionality and the esthetics are important.

The RAYMOND WEIL watches are simple and elegant timepieces, which reflect style and individual personality. You can wear it every day as well as take it into the evening. I am an active woman, constantly traveling and on the go. I need a watch which accessorizes and can be worn with many different outfits. RAYMOND WEIL is that brand – beautiful watches for the active, modern woman.

About the watchmaking

2.1       What was your first watch?

When I was 9 years old my father surprised me with a beautiful necklace – a locket – which was actually an open-faced watch when you unlocked it. It was the moment I realized how intricate and complex watchmaking can be and how it can also be a lovely piece of significant jewelry.

About time

3.1       What does time mean to you?

When I think about time.. I think about moments. The moments I have with family and close friends is what I cherish the most. When I look down at my watch I am reminded how precious time is and also how exciting it can be. You never know what the future will bring.

3.2       The right person in the right place at the right time makes all difference. How timing is important for an acting career? Do you remember a special moment that really changed your life?

I do feel “timing” is key; but I’m also a firm believer in hard work to achieve a goal. “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” is a quote that I keep in mind. In acting and in life you can meet the right person, in the right place and at the right time, but it is essential that you are prepared to embrace that moment.

3.3       For what activity can you always spare 10 minutes?

I can always spare time to connect with family and close friends.

3.4       For what activity do you never seem to have the time?

I never have the time to clear my emails or check off all the things on my to-do list.

About you

4.1       You already have a rich career. Can you share with us the special moment where you knew you wanted to be an actress?

I love the art of storytelling. During my high school and university years, I trained actors in martial arts on various movie sets. I was mesmerized with the set designs, the costumes, and all the different aspects that go into telling a story and evolving a character. That inspired me to move to NYC and get the proper training and acting experience.

4.2       What is the biggest challenge of being an actress today? The biggest reward?

The one thing that keeps me excited about acting is the fact that it’s so challenging. To find the essence and nuances of a character and to convincingly portray that role to the audience is what keeps me on my toes. Striving to achieve that is rewarding.

4.3       The high point of your career?

I feel that I’m still on a journey to the high point, but definitely playing the shield maiden Lagertha on “Vikings” is a significant point in my career. I am inspired to portray such a strong, formidable character who still embraces her femininity as a woman.

4.4       If you weren’t a talented actress, in what field could you have succeeded?

I love building and creating new ventures. I started my first martial arts school at 16 and developed three schools by 21 years of age. Entrepreneurship and creating your own path excites me.

4.5       When not working on a movie, do you have any hobby? I love traveling, exploring new territories and cultures. We live in a world that is rich and rewarding. Traveling opens up your eyes as well as your heart.

4.6       What is your motto?

“Take me where I need to go. Show me who I need to see. Tell me what I need to do. And, don’t let me get in the way.”

4.7       You are currently filming the fourth season of Vikings. How is it going?

I’m having fun on set exploring new ways to show different sides of my character. After four years playing the same role, it’s always a challenge to try to discover new aspects of the character that haven’t been exposed yet. I welcome the challenge.

4.8 Your future projects?

I am presently looking at a various new scripts, as well as a digital project that look exciting. Stay tuned!

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