
Well I never thought that I would be here, on this forum and on probation. To make a LOOONG story short here's the 411 of it all, I was investigated last year for embezzlement. I was the PTA president of my childs school. They did not have a treasurer nor did we really have a board to work with. I ran the whole thing. I was over worked overwhelmed and untrained to do any of the positions and thrown into the whole ordeal.

They tried stating that I stole $19k from the PTA saying I purchased alcohol, food, clothing, itunes gift cards ect with PTA funds. While I did purchase food, clothing, itunes gift cards and things of the like it was from requests from staff at the school. The alcohol was on my own account not the PTAs. Well low and behold they couldnt peg the whole $19k on me as I had reciepts and documents proving otherwise, the only thing I couldnt account for was $2700 in verbal agreements between myself and various staff members of the school. So they charged me with felony conversion and I had to pay $2700 in restitution and was given deferred prosecution.

Deferred prosecution in NC comes with 2 years supervised probation, 100 hours of community service, fees, restitution ect.

I do not work as I physically cannot do so. I am on disability, had major spine surgery this past April (yes 2015 was NOT my year!).

As of 2/18/2016 I am officially on probation. While this to me doesnt seem fair because I have NO record ever, never done an illegal substance, nothing in my life, its much better than doing time behind bars, I did lose my job as a substitute teacher (one of the only jobs that I know of that allow me to work when I am physically feeling up to it) because of this mess.

I havent met with my PO yet, however I have quite a few issues. I have three teenagers in the home, my husband (ex husband-separated but not really lol) is a truck driver and is on the road A LOT,Plus I have a second home in SC (45 min away from my residence). We usually in the summer spend a lot of time at carowinds. Now most people say ok so its an amusement park you can deal without it, it sits on the border of NC/SC so technically we cant go. I find this to be a little dumb. I also cannot tend to my second home in SC. My usual life consists of no more than being 45 min from my home as i care for both houses. Ive never been a "flight risk" as I dont have the funds to be LOL.

1-Would there be any way to get the PO to allow me on a regular basis to go to my second house to cut grass, tend to the horses (my brother in law right now is helping but I cant continue to ask him to do that for two years), and just plain out get out of charlotte for a day or two? I mean those are the only places I really frequent. Travel beyond my 45 min drive my body doesnt allow.

2-I do go to a pain clinic and am on prescription narcotics as well as medication for Bi-polar which includes benzos. I have never done anything illegal in my life, not even so much as a puff of marijuana. I do however have an occasional drink with my friends. Never excessive but a glass of wine or two with a meal. It doesnt say anything about alcohol but it does say I could be tested. Does that mean that I cannot partake at all in alcohol?

3-I am scared to death of messing up and getting locked up. I literally am fearing for the next two years. It means I cannot go on the school trips with my kids anymore, volunteer at their schools anymore, basically do my normal parenting. I feel so lost.

4-It also says for me to do community service, Ummmmm, where? It says I can choose a non-profit but I dont even know how to start this process or where to go what to do ect.

Thanks for reading my long rant and thousand questions.

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