
We’ve noticed an increased interest in our plastic business card printing service so far in 2014. I already discussed several technical questions about our frosted plastic cards in this FAQ. Today I want to showcase the creative side of this product. The projects below come from our real clients, and we’re proud to be able to share these successful print pieces for your inspiration!

Square die cut white plastic card for dental marketing

This one’s my favorite of the bunch. For my money, the white plastic gives off the most professional vibe, plus the material makes the text easy to read. There are no issues with us not using white ink since the card itself is white. If your company logo or design elements use a lot of white, I highly recommend printing on this color. Otherwise your contact information may not be readable!

Anyway, this card is a custom job because you won’t find the square shape in our standard sizes. Most cards are 2″ x 3.5″ whereas this measures 2.25 inches all around. The round corners coupled with the bright white color remind me of a polished incisor.

Aside from the clean design, this card’s a winner because of the client’s industry. These two Drs, Ira Koeppel and Brandon Katz, practice Prosthodontics, a specialized field of cosmetic dentistry. Prosthodontic dentists work on complex reconstructions as well as the oral equivalent of plastic surgery. In other words, appearance is kind of a big deal for their practice. The plastic makes this card memorable as does the unique shape. Perfect combo. The thick, yet flexible 20 pt stock signifies trust, which would be an important message to communicate to new patients. Prosthodontic work tends to be much more expensive than a routine teeth cleaning, so patient perception should be a top priority. These cards look like a million bucks, and I’m sure patients would expect nothing less from an upscale practice.

Translucent (Frosted) card for pro photography

Photographer business cards are always interesting. Well, not always. I’ve seen my share of blah, boring cards from creative professionals. At the same time, I’ve seen tons of awesome photographer card examples, especially on Pinterest. From die cuts in the shape of a lens to mini card portfolio collections, the competition seems quite stiff. And the prices for these custom projects are probably as high as a new imaging equipment.

Photographer Leslie Paul Luke of Zhen Images opted for translucent plastic, an affordable solution that subtlety attracts attention. The elegant design creates enough contrast with dark, reddish brown text in a classic typeface. Text color is key to making this particular product work for you, and this design proves it’s possible to remain readable without resorting to basic black. The light earth tone balances out the red, but it’s used sparingly so as not to interfere with the card’s functionality. I probably would’ve aligned the logo with the contact info; the phone number feels a bit disconnected to me on a line of its own. I think the extra space works in the URL since the site’s a fairly short domain name.

Grade these business card designs!

What other industries would you suggest for a plastic business card campaign? How would you rate the design examples above? Tell us in the comments below!

p.s. To get your own snazzy set o’ plastic cards from our website, please click here!

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