

What is the PBP ?
The PBP is an organization of Plainsboro businesses. As a program of the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce, the PBP’s goals are to bring Plainsboro business owners together, advance the interestes of business in Plainsboro and promote Plainsboro as an extraordinary place in which to work, live and play. Since it’s founding, the PBP has sponsored many educational networking and speaker events as well as trade fairs and recognition awards, adding to the vibrancy of the Plainboro business community while leveraging the strenghts of the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce.


The Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce is committed to advancing the general welfare and prosperity of the Princeton Region, including the Plainsboro community. With their support and resources the PBP is best able to serve the interests of Plainsboro businesses.



With this in mind, we invite you to advertise in our new directory.


What is the PBP Directory?
The new directory will be a hyperlocal and complete listing of all businesses in Plainsboro. This will include all retail businesses, all tenants of commercial space, medical offices, and home based businesses. The purpose of the directory will be to raise awareness of services available in Plainsboro to other businesses and the employees of corporations in Plainsboro. This will be a compact, convenient collection of important information made available to employees and visitors to Plainsboro. We will be distributing these directly to employers, hotels, medical facilities and residential and corporate leasing managers. We expect an initial run of 5,000 pieces and that subsequent runs will be available should the need arise.

Will I be Listed?
The Directory will list all businesses who

1. Have a physical presence in Plainsboro Township

2. Are a home based business of a resident who holds at least 15% equity in that business.


Why Advertise?
This is a unique opportunity to increase awareness of your business or service to employees and visitors to our township. These are people who visit our town every day, but are unlikely to be aware of the many wonderful services and professionals located around their workplace. This is a highly focused publication going directly to people who will need your services and will keep the information at the ready. You will also be supporting ongoing activities of the Plainsboro Business Partnership, and those funds will be directed into other activities aimed at supporting the Plainsboro Business Community.



Highlights will Include:

An Introductory Letter from Mayor Peter Cantu

Detailed Township Map

Listing of Local Parks and Township Facilities

Listing of Township Administrative and Services Contact information

Listings of Retail Businesses

Listings of Corporate Tenants

Listings of Home Based Businesses and Services

Content will be posted Online at www.princetonchamber.org

List of Local Churches

Advertising Opportunities:

Two page spread 8" x 10.5"     $1,495
Back Cover 5.5"x 8.5"             $1,495
Inside Front Cover 5.5"x 8.5" $1,295
Inside Back Cover 5.5"x 8.5"     $995
Full Page 5 "x 8"                       $795
Half Page (wide) 4" x 5"           $450
Quarter Page 2.4 x 4"               $225
Eigth Page 2.5" 2.25"              $125
Bold Listing w /website URL     $50



Send advertisements to ed@documentdepot.net. We can accept files up to 15mb by email. Files should be sized as listed above. Jpeg and Tiff accepted at 300dpi minimum. .pdf also accepted. Native files (doc, pub, ai, eps, gif, indd, etc) need to include fonts and associated graphics. All files should be CMYK format. Accurate color reproduction is NOT guaranteed. PBP and Chamber are NOT responsible for errors in submitted artwork.

Questions should be directed to Ed Keenan at Document Depot at ed@documentdepot.net, or call (609) 520-0094.



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